Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Checklists For Immortals: Purification, Part III

In this essay I discuss the ongoing process of purification or being unified as one with God. The goal is to be Holy even as God is Holy, thereby allowing his Light to flow throughout your being. Please see part, I: Checklist For Immortals, Part I: Morning Devotion , part II Checklists For Immortals: 15-Second Activations, Part II.

 Practice 1) Energy bandage filled with God's Love:

"Father: Please help me wrap this energy bandage around my aura. Please fill it with your unconditional Love, healing me of self-hate, traumas, abuse and darkness. Thanks, God!"

 This practice takes about 20 seconds to do each day. I say it aloud and actually wrap the light bandage around my aura by making physical movements. The reader is encouraged to substitute the healing for physical healing or other concerns.

 Practice 2) Spend 10-15 minutes a day being bathed in God's Love.

This is the opening of the heart or what is called the "Heart Chakra" in Yoga. The goal is to feel God's Love filling your heart and being with His powerful Love. If you cannot feel anything, then just spend a few minutes trying to focus on the heart region and see if you can allow God's Love to flow.

 Practice 3) The Holiness Prayer:

"Father: Have mercy upon me. Please forgive me for all wrongs I have done to you, to others and to myself. Please remove all evil, traumas, and demonic influences. Let me be Holy as you are Holy! Thanks, God!"

This prayer is part of the Morning Devotion (see part I, above) and is said aloud each day. Its power comes from a daily practice and then having Faith that God will allow for you to be Holy by purifying your being.

Practice 4) White-Light Protection:

 "Holy Spirit of Truth: Please work with my guardians angles to form White-Light Protection. Please create a white light which will surround my being, protecting me against accidents, psychic attacks and physical attacks. Thanks for keeping my safe and protected, Holy Spirit of Truth!"

This practice takes about 20 seconds and I do it every day before I walk outside. Warning: While Jesus informed us to have a relationship with angels (see saying 88, The Gospel According To Thomas) I would not have any communication with any spiritual beings or entities other than the Father-Son-Holy Spirit. The problem is many of these beings are angels of darkness posing as angels of light; there is no way you know what you are dealing with. Thus, I would only communicate with God.

 Practice 5) Feel it to heal it!

This practice comes from Eckhart Tolle's text, Practicing the Power of Now, chapter 6, "Dissolving the Pain-Body," pages 73-85. See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com. Essentially, this practice encourages one to enter a high level of consciousness or awareness and then to direct one's Presence to the trauma. The goal is to merge one's awareness with this demon-like being, thereby transmuting it. While a classically-trained psychotherapist would be able to support one in this practice, because almost none of them have a God-centered practice, I would not recommend a follower of Jesus to deal with these individuals.

Side note: These demons are entities with a low level of consciousness and thus are easily dissolve. In my view, "their bark is greater then their bite." While the natural tendency is to avoid dealing with the pain which recall of traumatic events brings, these creatures will remain lodged in your being until they have been transmuted.

Practice 6) Activating the Central Column of the Spine

I do this practice during my daily meditation practice and I do it for about 10 minutes. The goals to the purify the body by opening all the chakras. See:The Anatomy of the Seven Chakras and Spinal Energy Centers and ..... Essentially, one activates the base of the spine and then breathes in as the energy rises from the base to the crown of the head; then upon exhaling one directs the life current from the head back to the base of the spine. This practice will cleanse the body of psychic debris and help activate the physical connection with the Earth and one's body.

Practice 7) Union with Yeshua:

"Yeshua: Let me be united with you as a Physical Immortal by activating the Resurrection Frequency. Thanks, Yeshua!"

This final practice asks us to activate the Transpersonal Self--which is located above the head--and then to activate higher frequencies. By being Yeshua's Twin, one will start to be Holy as God is Holy!  See: The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice , a post on this blog.

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