Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Enlightenment: Surrendering to God’s Love by the Transpersonal Self

1. Enlightenment is the surrender to God’s powerful Love by activating the Transpersonal Self which is located about 6 inches about the head. I see a white light which is connected to God and this white light is also connected to the top of my head, activating the Crown Chakra. The natural resting place of this white light is the heart as the heart will resonant with God’s Love and then redistribute this energy throughout the body. In this space there is an openness to God’s Wisdom and an invitation for God to guide my life. See: The Transpersonal Chakras: Causal, Soul Star, Stella Gateway and ...

2. When one is centered in the Transpersonal Self there is a sense of boundlessness as one’s awareness has detached from the Ego brain. Thus, there is no verbal overlay as the awareness is outside the brain. Side note: This is why it is unlikely there is conscious existence of life after death: Without a brain there is no way to have conscious awareness.


3. Allowing God’s unconditional Love to flow into your heart and then allowing this Love to be distributed throughout one’s being is being unified as one with God.


4. Note there is no connection to other people as one’s only connection with with God. I have no love for humans as they are controlled by Satan or the Matrix. As far as this world is concern: The vast majority of humans appear to be insane with multiple sub-personalities, traumas, and separation from God as the mass media appears to control them. Thus, while I come in peace when I am forced to deal with a human, I have no hope for the vast majority of them. See: The Radical Message of Jesus: Disconnect From the World and Reconnect With God and God Alone , a post on this blog.


5. The surrendering to God mean there is more of an allowing or being. To the extent possible, I stay away from mind stuff such as recalling memories, internal dialogues, and stories. I feel at ease just allowing God to run the show.


6. Note that one needs to be one who is Enlightened in order to be an Immortal. While the Enlightened one is connected to God’s Love, the Physical Immortal is connected to God’s Immortal energies by being united with Jesus. Thus, a prerequisite to being an Immortal is to be Enlightened as in both cases, the Transpersonal Self has been activated.


7. In the body one’s awareness will naturally center around the solar plexus which is in the belly region and located just below the rib cage. We are activating one’s center or core self as this is connected to Self or to God. Upon finding your center, you can then allow the body to vibrate at a high frequency. Note that it took me over 1 year of practice in order for my body to vibrate; thus, it might take you a while—just keep seeking. See: Book Review: Practicing The Power Of Now , post on this blog and please study the practices outlined in point 10.  Also, see: The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science.


8. To activate the Transpersonal Self one might trying using marijuana. The danger in using THC, a powerful psychoactive substance in cannabis, is one will first enter the emotional body and be trapped there. Note that humans have several bodies: Physical, blueprint, emotional, mental, and spiritual. In general, the emotional body is associated with desire and thus with females. Probably, when one is trapped in this consciousness one will have some sexual outlet which will only re-inforce the demons who are also trapped at this level.The goal is to transcend the emotional body and enter the space above your head and then be connected to God. As long as you stay connected to God’s powerful Love everything will be okay.


10. One meditation practice which I recommend is to first activate the Transpersonal Self just above the brain. Note in some systems this is called the 8th chakra, or transpersonal point, or star self. Then draw a circle surrounding your aura and body. Then activate a second point in space about a foot above the first; draw a second circle which will create concentric circles. Continue seeing various jumps and then construct a concentric circle. The first seven circles with correspond to the various energy bodies; the goal is to find the level which is the Resurrection Frequency so that one is united with Jesus at this level. See: The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice , a post on this blog.


Summary: Enlightenment is the surrender to God’s Love by activating the Transpersonal Self, located just above the brain. God’s Love is allowed to connect with the heart as one creates a heart-to-heart connection. As God’s Love is allowed to flow throughout the body, one is healed of traumas, darkness, demonic influences, and evil. While I always come in peace when I am forced to deal with a human, I have no interest in their affairs as humans appear to be insane. Being Enlightened is a perquisite for being a Physical Immortal as both require a direct connection with the Living One.

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