Monday, February 27, 2017

Resurrecting With Jesus—Now!

His disciples said to him: “When will the resurrection of the dead take place, and when will the new world come?”
He said to them: “That resurrection which you are awaiting has already come, but you do not recognize it.”

---Jesus, Saying 51, Gospel of Thomas 

1.   Imagine you are in the river with Jesus. Jesus asks, “Who are you?” You reply: “I am the child of the Living Father. I have dedicated my heart, my mind, my very being to God.”

Jesus then asks: “Have you turned your will over to the Father?” You reply: “Yes, I have constructed my Immortal will and turned my will over to God.”

Jesus asks, “What is the proof of the Father in you?” You reply, “ It is God’s movement in me and my rest on God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week.”

Jesus commends you by saying: “Well done, my Son. Are you ready to be resurrected with me—right here, right now?” You reply: “Yes, Jesus.” 

Jesus then fully immerses you in the water, saying: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit.” Upon being raised out of the water you are now resurrected with Jesus to new life! You exclaim, “Thank you Jesus for resurrecting me!” Then you embrace Jesus as his brother. Jesus commands you to spread the Good News: “The Kingdom of God is at hand!” As you depart, there is an overflowing of love as you are now an Immortal as you are  Jesus’ Twin. 

2.    Constructing the Immortal Will:
a)     Imagine a candle light in the middle of your forehead. See the light shining brightly as you activate the clear seeing which allows for wisdom.
b)    Imagine a candle light in your heart region. See it shining brightly as you activate the love for the truth.
c)     Imagine a candle light just below the navel region. See the light shining brightly as you activate your vitality center.

After activating the wisdom center, the love center and the vitality center, you imagine a circuit which flows from the base of your spine to the top of your head (where you part your hair when you comb). At this point see the circuit moving just above your head, allowing for light consciousness to shine.
Finally, construct the Immortal Will: This is a pole-like structure which starts about 3 feet above the head, goes through the front torso of the body, and down to the earth. As you activate your Immortal Will, the three energy centers will also be activated. Now go back to practice 1 above and be resurrected with Jesus.

3.    Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of reviewing Robert Peng’s DVD, The Master Key. See: The Master Key Video Series - Sounds True.  The practices which Peng demonstrates in his 5-hour course are isomorphic to the practices recommended on the Thomas Immortality Project. An example is the constructing of the Immortal Will which I gave in part 2 above. In the Chinese system, the Immortal Will= Central Meridian. With neat graphics, this course shows the actual pole-like structure and how it goes from above the head through the body to the earth. The only difference is in the Chinese system the structure goes all the way to the heavens while in my system it is above 3 feet above the head. If the Chinese would add to their practice resurrecting with Jesus, I believe they could become Physical Immortals as they already have many of the fundamentals in place. If the reader is serious about being a physical Immortal, I strongly recommend that you acquire Robert Peng’s Course! 

Note: I obtained this 4-set DVD course via the San Francisco Library, free of charge.

4. If the reader would like historic proof that Jesus resurrected from the dead in a literal, bodily form, then I believe one of the best resources is William Lane Craig’s text, Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus.See:  Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the .... Three key arguments: 
a)     There are “at least nine lines of historical evidence which support the historicity of Jesus’ burial in a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea” (see pages 256-260).
b)    The empty tomb and Jesus’ postmortem appearances show that Jesus rose from the dead.
c)     The fact that those who saw the risen Jesus shared their eyewitness testimony with others adds additional weight to support the reality of Jesus’ bodily resurrection. 

Overall, I find Craig’s points spot on and would encourage those who doubt the reality of Jesus’ resurrection to study this text. Please note that this is a no-nonsense text which sticks with the historical facts and avoids the word games of “liberal” theologians, none of whom accept the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. Note: If you do not accept the resurrection of Jesus as an historical fact, then you are not a follower of Jesus and are not worthy of eternal life! 

5.    The Resurrection of Jesus represents a new law of nature: Human beings can be brought back to life after they have been physically dead. Readers might like to study the insights of Robert John Russell who coined the term, FINLON, which stands for “the first instantiation of a new law of nature.” Please see: Robert John Russell - The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. 

Also, worthy of note is John Polkinghorn, a Cambridge Physicist, The Faith of a Physicist and also his text, Science and Christian Belief. See: John C. Polkinghorne: Books, Biography, Blog ...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Celebrating 1 Year of the Thomas Immortality Project!

As of February 22, 2017 it will have been 1 year since Jesus’ message has been revived: The Kingdom of God is at Hand! I am grateful for the nearly 30,000 page views of my posts over the past year and also am overwhelmed that Jesus words have gone “throughout the countryside” (Saying 14) via distance lands such as Germany, France, Russian and even a few readers from China. In celebration of God’s wonderful works, I shall give an overview of 30 commentaries which I have written on sayings in Thomas. Also, in due course I will give a resource page which will provide links to the key essays. My goal for the next year is to continue to blog 1 post per week. At some point the various essays may go into a book format. Thanks to each reader who has made this blog a success!

Students are invited to study the previous commentaries:



Also, see:


24) The followers said to Jesus, “We know that you are going to leave us. Who will be our leader?” Jesus said to them, “No matter where you are go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being”

---Saying 12



Historically, this is the most important saying in the Gospel of Thomas as it:

  1. Dates the Kernel of Thomas to before 62 A.D. since this is when James the Just—the brother of Jesus died.
  2. This saying was included as Thomas came to Syrian communities (probably around 100 A.D.) since the authority of this gospel comes from James, the brother of Jesus.
  3. In a sense, James is the real author of the Gospel of Thomas since he was one of the first eyewitnesses to the Risen Jesus (see I. Cor. 15). Apparently, Jesus other brother, Judas (who was nicknamed “Judas the Twin” to avoid confusion with another Judas), complied these saying from speeches which Jesus gave which were post-Easter. Also, note that James started the first followers of Jesus in Jerusalem and all of Jesus original followers were Jews who kept the Sabbath.


25) “If your do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the Father”

--Saying 27


This saying demands followers of Jesus keep God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week, which God blessed and made sacred (see Genesis 2:1-3). This saying is consistent with the above saying, Saying 12 in that the original followers of Jesus obeyed Jesus and honored God’s Holy Day. The commandment is to keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath. I would understand this to mean to detach from the worldly affairs such as working a job. Also, I believe it would be consistent with Jesus’ commandment to unplug screens such as television sets, apple phones, computers, and the like. The focus is on fasting from the world and stay focused on God. Note that I would not take this to an extreme so that if a genuine emergency arose (such as going to the hospital), this would be okay. The key is to set aside Saturday as a day of rest. If you attend services on Sunday and do not honor the Sabbath you are not worthy of God!

26) “Fortunate are those who have heard the word of the Father and have truly kept it”


--Saying 79


Here Jesus is clear: Salvation comes from doing the will of the Father. God does not need you to believe in him. Instead God calls for praise. And one praises God through obedience to his word. Indeed, to worship God it must be in “Spirit and Truth.” Also, Jesus does not need you to believe in him; instead, what is necessary is “to bear the cross as I do” and follow me! (Saying 55).



27) His followers said, “Show us the place where you are, for we must seek it.” He said to them, “Whoever has ears should hear. There is a light within a person of light, and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine, it is dark”

--Saying 24


The place of consciousness of Jesus is in the light. This is an energy center or chakra located just above the head. Here one can see that the Ego is being used by dark forces to control human beings. When there is light, it will shine around the world and as an insight is experienced by a large enough people, it would become embedded into the world’s consciousness. This is what is happening to the Thomas Immortality Project: The light is shining on Jesus’ original message—The Kingdom of God is at hand! But each follower must do his part to share the good news (Saying 33).



28) “Whoever is near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom”


--Saying 82.


Jesus’s very presence is enough to set the world on fire. His words are life! This is why every follower of Jesus will want to daily study his words: Through the act of saying the words aloud, one is near God’s Kingdom. In time, as there is a commitment to the Jesus Way (and no other), there will arise a spiritual union with Jesus as one becomes Jesus’ twin (see Saying 108).  Also, see Constructing the Immortal Will by Being Near the Fire.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Death Instinct and the Ego-Alien Hypothesis

I wish to thank a group which has shown interest in the Ego-Alien Hypothesis by facilitating over 25,000 hits to my blogs in the past several months. While my central focus is on serving God as a Physical Immortal, it must be acknowledged that unless one confronts the death instinct, one will succumb to death.

1. Why do people commit suicide? Why do people punish themselves? Why does the compulsive gambler continue even after he loses time and time again? There appears to be a negative life force within human beings which compels them to fuck themselves up. Where did this come from? Sigmund Freud’s answer: The death instinct. See: Death drive - Wikipedia.

2. While Freud’s answer shows there is a spiritual construct called the “death instinct,” it does not explain where it came from. If one accepts that reality is part of a dualism in which opposites are in conflict with each other, then where there is life, there is anti-life; where there is good there is evil; where there is God there is Satan.
Note: At a higher level of reality, there is just God or Consciousness which is playing the part of both opposites as there is only Oneness. 

3. It is the conjecture of the Alien-Ego Hypothesis that Satan uses the death instinct in order to suck the life energy from humans. The goal is to keep human beings disconnected from their source: God. There are literally 1000’s of ploys and tricks Satan and his demons will use. Just a few examples: Compulsive sexual interactions, modern media—which includes television, internet, and other screens such as the apple phone. 

4. The practices recommended on the Thomas Immortality Project are designed to reconnect the initiate with the Light. The Holy Vow which is of paramount importance is done each morning upon waking up: “Father, I give you everything—my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks God.” By saying this Holy Vow aloud each morning, one puts the Ego in its place; one acknowledges one’s complete dependency upon God. In my experience God will honor those who start the day with this vow. See: Thomas Immortality Project: Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow.

5. The death instinct is closely connected to the sexual instinct. The life force or the Dynamic Ground comes from the base of the spine to the top of the head and down in front of the body to the base of the spine. This creates a complete orbit or circuit. A life force which is freely circulating is one which is open to the Immortal Frequency. Some call this frequency “Immortal youthing” to emphasis that the body’s DNA is shifting as one is connected with the Source. See: Microcosmic orbit - Wikipedia.

6. The practice of sexual restraint allows the life force to rise to the top of the head. If the life force is diverted to the genital region and then discharged via ejaculation, then one cannot be an Immortal. In Yoga, sexual restraint is called, Brahmacharya and is recognized as being a prerequisite for any spiritual development. See: Brahmacharya - Advaita Yoga Ashrama

7. Note: Females have a very weak life force and must depend upon the psychic energy they obtain by connecting with others to maintain vitality. Those females who are Holy will honor a Holy male and they will strengthen each other; in the vast majority of the case, sadly, females are psychic vampires who derive most of their energy from playing games with males. These games nearly always means fucking males up (after they have weakened males, they discard their victim and then seek a new one).

8. When it comes to direct experience of evil, I am sad to say that I have an advantage over many of my readers: Through interacting with Jonathan Vernick, I have had the horrible experience of being in the presence of evil. On June 15, 2016, during a public meeting Jonathan Vernick forced me to lie (I made corrections in a post on June 17, 2016). He was strangling me as my vocal cords tightened! How am I so sure about this? Because he had done a similar action on or about February 15, 2016: He took over my voice and made me say something that I knew was false. I realize that those of a rational mindset will immediately say that I am delusional. And if I had not had these two personal experiences, I would have agreed with the skeptics. Please note that I have prayfully asked the Spirit of Truth for any corrections and the result is I am quite certain my account is accurate. 

9. The reality of demonic possession forces one to acknowledge that there are psychic beings which can control human beings. This calls into the question of free will. I believe that if one goes down the path of darkness=deceit then one opens oneself to all sorts of evil entities. The only way out is to be dedicated to light=truth. This goes to the third daily practice which the Thomas Immortality Project recommends: Each morning activate the Spirit of Truth into one’s heart and ask God’s Holy Spirit to guide you into the light. Note that I make many mistakes and errors each day; the hope is to cheerfully acknowledge them and move on. 

10. My own insight into the nature of reality has led me to conclude that human beings who do not daily activate their life force via the recommended practices, are by default controlled by the death instinct. Moreover, I conjecture that there is some kind of computer-like simulation which controls the actions of those who are darkness. Readers might like to study Nick Bostrom’s interesting argument: Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? - The Simulation Argument

11. A fourth practice recommended by the Thomas Immortality Project is to honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week. Note that God blessed and made this day sacred at the beginning of creation (See Genesis 2:1-3). Also, James, the brother of Jesus, one of the first to see the resurrected Jesus (see I Cor. 15) started the original Jesus movement in Jerusalem in which the original followers of Jesus kept the Sabbath; if Jesus had wanted God’s Holy day to be changed from Saturday to Sunday, he would have instructed his brother to do so after his Resurrection. Note that Jesus stated: “If you do not keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath, then you will not see the Father” (Saying 27, Gospel of Thomas). One who dishonors God by working on Saturday or otherwise engaged in the affairs of the world is not worthy of God. 

12. A fifth practice recommended by the Thomas Immortality Project is to enter the light. In Saying 24 of the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus’ disciples said: “Show us the place where you are, because it is necessary for use to seek it.” In reply, Jesus said, “Light exists inside a person of light and he shines on the whole world. If he does not shine, there is darkness.” The place or state of consciousness of Jesus is in the light. This spiritual light is activated by shifting one’s consciousness from the ego brain to outside the brain. The chakra is an energy center located just above the brain. Usually, one activates other chakras such as the Tan Tien (the navel), the Bindu Chakra and the third eye in order to activate the light consciousness. See: Tantien, Center of Chi energy in Our Body - White Magic Way and The Hara: Center of balance - Alchemy Realm.

13. To enter the light, and see through the ego brain, the fifth practice recommends using marijuana and then meditating for 1 hour while laying down. The goal is to keep one’s attention on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency while keeping thoughts from arising. This one-pointed attention will allow one to strengthen the Immortal Will. Note that the 6th recommended practice of the Thomas Immortality Project is to read Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency; this is activated before reading Jesus’ words aloud. 

14. While I acknowledge the reality of evil and demonic energies, I am not afraid of these forces as I stick with God. Each reader is invited to follow Jesus and you will not taste death (Saying 1, Gospel of Thomas).

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Who Is the Real Jesus?

1.  In her insightful text, The Original Gospel of Thomas in Translation D. (T &T Clark, 2006), Coptic scholar, April D. DeConick has done a service for serious followers of Jesus: She has identified the kernel of Jesus’ sayings. These are the spoken words of Jesus in Aramaic around 30 A.D. See: Original Gospel of Thomas in Translation — April D. DeConick. Students are encouraged to study her chart on page 10 in which she identifies: 

a) The Kernel Gospel, 30-50, C.E. 

b) Accretions, 50-60 C.E., Relocation and leadership crisis. 

c) Death of eyewitnesses…Continued Eschatological Crisis, 80-120 C.E. 

2. The Kernel Gospel of Thomas is given on pages 25-31. Students will note from previous posts that we identified the Gospel of Q, a saying book used by Matthew and Luke. See: Book Reviews for Gospel of Thomas Students. The Kernel Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Q overlap with the majority of saying being matched up. In the appendix on pages 299-316, DeCornick identifies 70 sayings which match the kernel in Thomas with the Roman Catholic texts, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. When we combine these two independent sources with the findings of Stephen J. Patterson’s work, The Lost Way in which he identifies 53 sayings in Thomas which are authentic, I strongly believe we can construct the original teachings of Jesus! Below are a few key observations.

3. The first key insight which DeCornick has—and has been missed by nearly every New Testament student to ever live: Jesus was a practicing Jew! (With the exception of DeCornick and myself.) This is a reasonable assertion since his brother, James, was one of the first to speak to the Resurrected Jesus (see Paul’s account of the 500 brethren who saw the Risen Jesus in I Cor. 15) and started the original Jesus movement in Jerusalem and the original followers of Jesus kept the Sabbath. If Jesus had wanted God’s Holy Day to be changed from the 7th day (see Genesis 2:1-3) to Sunday, he would have informed his brother about this after his Resurrection. 

4. If the follower of Jesus takes his words seriously, and we know that he was a practicing Jew many deductions can be made such as:

 a. Jesus did not believe in the doctrines of an afterlife such as heaven or hell. These doctrines were imported in the New Testament by the Roman Catholics since Jesus did not teach this since Jews have no such belief.

b. Jesus had no knowledge of the Greek doctrine of atonement which Paul imported into his writings. According to Jesus, the only way to salvation is through doing the will of the Father (Saying 58). Paul came up with this crazy idea that it is not necessary to follow Jesus to be a follower of Jesus; all one needs to do is believe!  Indeed, with the exception of a few scattered groups such as the 7th Day Adventists, nearly all Christians have rejected God by dishonoring His Holy Day which God “blessed” and “hallowed” (Genesis 2:1-3). Instead, they honor the Roman Catholics and defy God by meeting on Sunday. 

c. Jesus taught a literal Kingdom of God is at hand. All followers need to do is start demanding people of the world to honor God by following the “Golden Rule." Sadly, his original followers were never able to move beyond Jerusalem and by 70 A.D. (the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem) the Jesus movement ceased to exist.

5. What students need to fully grasp: The original followers of Jesus incorrectly believed that after his resurrection, Jesus would shortly restore God’s Kingdom on earth. When this restoration did not occur by 100 A.D., the original oral sayings of Jesus were rewritten (or as scholars say, “redacted”) with 100s of Jesus sayings now claiming that God’s Kingdom was a spiritual one.

6. The Thomas Immortality Project boldly announces that Jesus words remain truth: The Kingdom of God is at hand! By being a seeker, one can be Immortal like Jesus. To date, not one single person in the world has responded to Jesus’ message: Physical Immortality is available today. Thus, I write this blog, not in the hopes of there being a convert to the Jesus Way, but as a commandment to “go forth into the lands…and heal the sick!” (Saying 14).

Other Notes:

a. Concentrating on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency for 1 hour per day is essential to shifting one’s consciousness to an Immortal one. The progressive rule is to start out at 10 minutes, say, and then focus one’s attention on the body for 20 minutes, then a week later as the brain starts to become one-pointed and thoughts stop, an hour of concentrated meditation is possible. I often combine exercise, marijuana, and laying down to go to sleep at night as a useful practice.

b. The King James Version (KJV), dating from 1611, is a lyrical transliteration of the Latin version of the New Testament (the Latin Vulgate) into English. It includes many of the original sayings of Jesus as noted in the above points (see points 1-4). Because of its 400+ years of vibrational use, I strongly recommend the readers to use the Roman Catholic texts, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as a means to activate the words of Jesus to Immortal Frequency! Just as long as you know that these texts narrative accounts are pure inventions, then you can say a prayer before reading Jesus words aloud: “Jesus, please activate your words at the Immortal Frequency so that I can serve God as a Physical Immortal in 2017. Thanks, Jesus.”  See: Readers: Activate the Immortal Words of Jesus and Transform the World!

 c. As a science note, I reference the recent short post by orthopedic surgeon, entitled “Self-inflicted Pain: The Salamander Solution” (see: Self-inflicted pain: The salamander solution - by dr-kevin-r-stone - The ... ). Dr. Stone makes an insightful observation:

Our bodies once knew how to regenerate tissues. We did it in utero then shut off the genes that drive organ growth.

Salamanders, on the other hand, never shut off those genes. They can regrow their lost tails throughout life. One approach to solving the human repair problem may lie in the removal of the gene inhibitors that prevent our own limb regeneration.