disciples said to him: “When will the resurrection of the dead take place, and
when will the new world come?”
He said to
them: “That resurrection which you are awaiting has already come, but you do
not recognize it.”
Saying 51, Gospel of Thomas
you are in the river with Jesus. Jesus asks, “Who are you?” You reply: “I am
the child of the Living Father. I have dedicated my heart, my mind, my very
being to God.”
Jesus then asks: “Have you turned your will over to the Father?” You reply: “Yes, I have constructed my Immortal will and turned my will over to God.”
Jesus asks, “What is the proof of the Father in you?” You reply, “ It is
God’s movement in me and my rest on God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of
the week.”
Jesus commends you by saying: “Well done, my Son. Are you ready to be
resurrected with me—right here, right now?” You reply: “Yes, Jesus.”
Jesus then fully immerses you in the water, saying: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit.” Upon being raised out of the water you are now resurrected with Jesus to new life! You exclaim, “Thank you Jesus for resurrecting me!” Then you embrace Jesus as his brother. Jesus commands you to spread the Good News: “The Kingdom of God is at hand!” As you depart, there is an overflowing of love as you are now an Immortal as you are Jesus’ Twin.
Jesus then fully immerses you in the water, saying: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit.” Upon being raised out of the water you are now resurrected with Jesus to new life! You exclaim, “Thank you Jesus for resurrecting me!” Then you embrace Jesus as his brother. Jesus commands you to spread the Good News: “The Kingdom of God is at hand!” As you depart, there is an overflowing of love as you are now an Immortal as you are Jesus’ Twin.
the Immortal Will:
a candle light in the middle of your forehead. See the light shining brightly as
you activate the clear seeing which allows for wisdom.
a candle light in your heart region. See it shining brightly as you activate
the love for the truth.
a candle light just below the navel region. See the light shining brightly as
you activate your vitality center.
After activating the wisdom center, the love center and the vitality center, you imagine a circuit which flows from the base of your spine to the top of your head (where you part your hair when you comb). At this point see the circuit moving just above your head, allowing for light consciousness to shine.
construct the Immortal Will: This is a pole-like structure which starts about 3
feet above the head, goes through the front torso of the body, and down to the
earth. As you activate your Immortal Will, the three energy centers will also
be activated. Now go back to practice 1 above and be resurrected with Jesus.
the weekend, I had the pleasure of reviewing Robert Peng’s DVD, The Master Key.
See: The Master Key
Video Series - Sounds True. The practices which
Peng demonstrates in his 5-hour course are isomorphic to the practices
recommended on the Thomas Immortality
Project. An example is the constructing of the Immortal Will which I gave
in part 2 above. In the Chinese system, the Immortal Will= Central Meridian. With
neat graphics, this course shows the actual pole-like structure and how it goes
from above the head through the body to the earth. The only difference is in
the Chinese system the structure goes all the way to the heavens while in my
system it is above 3 feet above the head. If the Chinese would add to their
practice resurrecting with Jesus, I believe they could become Physical
Immortals as they already have many of the fundamentals in place. If the reader is serious about being a
physical Immortal, I strongly recommend that you acquire Robert Peng’s Course!
Note: I obtained this 4-set DVD course via the San Francisco Library, free of charge.
4. If the reader would like historic proof that Jesus resurrected from the dead in a literal, bodily form, then I believe one of the best resources is William Lane Craig’s text, Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus.See: Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the .... Three key arguments:
Note: I obtained this 4-set DVD course via the San Francisco Library, free of charge.
4. If the reader would like historic proof that Jesus resurrected from the dead in a literal, bodily form, then I believe one of the best resources is William Lane Craig’s text, Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus.See: Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the .... Three key arguments:
are “at least nine lines of historical evidence which support the historicity
of Jesus’ burial in a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea” (see pages 256-260).
empty tomb and Jesus’ postmortem appearances show that Jesus rose from the
fact that those who saw the risen Jesus shared their eyewitness testimony with
others adds additional weight to support the reality of Jesus’ bodily
Overall, I find Craig’s points spot on and would encourage those who doubt the reality of Jesus’ resurrection to study this text. Please note that this is a no-nonsense text which sticks with the historical facts and avoids the word games of “liberal” theologians, none of whom accept the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. Note: If you do not accept the resurrection of Jesus as an historical fact, then you are not a follower of Jesus and are not worthy of eternal life!
Overall, I find Craig’s points spot on and would encourage those who doubt the reality of Jesus’ resurrection to study this text. Please note that this is a no-nonsense text which sticks with the historical facts and avoids the word games of “liberal” theologians, none of whom accept the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. Note: If you do not accept the resurrection of Jesus as an historical fact, then you are not a follower of Jesus and are not worthy of eternal life!
Resurrection of Jesus represents a new law of nature: Human beings can be
brought back to life after they have been physically dead. Readers might like
to study the insights of Robert John Russell who coined the term, FINLON, which
stands for “the first instantiation of a new law of nature.” Please see: Robert John Russell - The Center for
Theology and the Natural Sciences.
Also, worthy
of note is John Polkinghorn, a Cambridge Physicist, The Faith of a Physicist and also his text, Science and Christian Belief. See: Amazon.com: John C.
Polkinghorne: Books, Biography, Blog ...