Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Death Instinct and the Ego-Alien Hypothesis

I wish to thank a group which has shown interest in the Ego-Alien Hypothesis by facilitating over 25,000 hits to my blogs in the past several months. While my central focus is on serving God as a Physical Immortal, it must be acknowledged that unless one confronts the death instinct, one will succumb to death.

1. Why do people commit suicide? Why do people punish themselves? Why does the compulsive gambler continue even after he loses time and time again? There appears to be a negative life force within human beings which compels them to fuck themselves up. Where did this come from? Sigmund Freud’s answer: The death instinct. See: Death drive - Wikipedia.

2. While Freud’s answer shows there is a spiritual construct called the “death instinct,” it does not explain where it came from. If one accepts that reality is part of a dualism in which opposites are in conflict with each other, then where there is life, there is anti-life; where there is good there is evil; where there is God there is Satan.
Note: At a higher level of reality, there is just God or Consciousness which is playing the part of both opposites as there is only Oneness. 

3. It is the conjecture of the Alien-Ego Hypothesis that Satan uses the death instinct in order to suck the life energy from humans. The goal is to keep human beings disconnected from their source: God. There are literally 1000’s of ploys and tricks Satan and his demons will use. Just a few examples: Compulsive sexual interactions, modern media—which includes television, internet, and other screens such as the apple phone. 

4. The practices recommended on the Thomas Immortality Project are designed to reconnect the initiate with the Light. The Holy Vow which is of paramount importance is done each morning upon waking up: “Father, I give you everything—my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks God.” By saying this Holy Vow aloud each morning, one puts the Ego in its place; one acknowledges one’s complete dependency upon God. In my experience God will honor those who start the day with this vow. See: Thomas Immortality Project: Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow.

5. The death instinct is closely connected to the sexual instinct. The life force or the Dynamic Ground comes from the base of the spine to the top of the head and down in front of the body to the base of the spine. This creates a complete orbit or circuit. A life force which is freely circulating is one which is open to the Immortal Frequency. Some call this frequency “Immortal youthing” to emphasis that the body’s DNA is shifting as one is connected with the Source. See: Microcosmic orbit - Wikipedia.

6. The practice of sexual restraint allows the life force to rise to the top of the head. If the life force is diverted to the genital region and then discharged via ejaculation, then one cannot be an Immortal. In Yoga, sexual restraint is called, Brahmacharya and is recognized as being a prerequisite for any spiritual development. See: Brahmacharya - Advaita Yoga Ashrama

7. Note: Females have a very weak life force and must depend upon the psychic energy they obtain by connecting with others to maintain vitality. Those females who are Holy will honor a Holy male and they will strengthen each other; in the vast majority of the case, sadly, females are psychic vampires who derive most of their energy from playing games with males. These games nearly always means fucking males up (after they have weakened males, they discard their victim and then seek a new one).

8. When it comes to direct experience of evil, I am sad to say that I have an advantage over many of my readers: Through interacting with Jonathan Vernick, I have had the horrible experience of being in the presence of evil. On June 15, 2016, during a public meeting Jonathan Vernick forced me to lie (I made corrections in a post on June 17, 2016). He was strangling me as my vocal cords tightened! How am I so sure about this? Because he had done a similar action on or about February 15, 2016: He took over my voice and made me say something that I knew was false. I realize that those of a rational mindset will immediately say that I am delusional. And if I had not had these two personal experiences, I would have agreed with the skeptics. Please note that I have prayfully asked the Spirit of Truth for any corrections and the result is I am quite certain my account is accurate. 

9. The reality of demonic possession forces one to acknowledge that there are psychic beings which can control human beings. This calls into the question of free will. I believe that if one goes down the path of darkness=deceit then one opens oneself to all sorts of evil entities. The only way out is to be dedicated to light=truth. This goes to the third daily practice which the Thomas Immortality Project recommends: Each morning activate the Spirit of Truth into one’s heart and ask God’s Holy Spirit to guide you into the light. Note that I make many mistakes and errors each day; the hope is to cheerfully acknowledge them and move on. 

10. My own insight into the nature of reality has led me to conclude that human beings who do not daily activate their life force via the recommended practices, are by default controlled by the death instinct. Moreover, I conjecture that there is some kind of computer-like simulation which controls the actions of those who are darkness. Readers might like to study Nick Bostrom’s interesting argument: Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? - The Simulation Argument

11. A fourth practice recommended by the Thomas Immortality Project is to honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week. Note that God blessed and made this day sacred at the beginning of creation (See Genesis 2:1-3). Also, James, the brother of Jesus, one of the first to see the resurrected Jesus (see I Cor. 15) started the original Jesus movement in Jerusalem in which the original followers of Jesus kept the Sabbath; if Jesus had wanted God’s Holy day to be changed from Saturday to Sunday, he would have instructed his brother to do so after his Resurrection. Note that Jesus stated: “If you do not keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath, then you will not see the Father” (Saying 27, Gospel of Thomas). One who dishonors God by working on Saturday or otherwise engaged in the affairs of the world is not worthy of God. 

12. A fifth practice recommended by the Thomas Immortality Project is to enter the light. In Saying 24 of the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus’ disciples said: “Show us the place where you are, because it is necessary for use to seek it.” In reply, Jesus said, “Light exists inside a person of light and he shines on the whole world. If he does not shine, there is darkness.” The place or state of consciousness of Jesus is in the light. This spiritual light is activated by shifting one’s consciousness from the ego brain to outside the brain. The chakra is an energy center located just above the brain. Usually, one activates other chakras such as the Tan Tien (the navel), the Bindu Chakra and the third eye in order to activate the light consciousness. See: Tantien, Center of Chi energy in Our Body - White Magic Way and The Hara: Center of balance - Alchemy Realm.

13. To enter the light, and see through the ego brain, the fifth practice recommends using marijuana and then meditating for 1 hour while laying down. The goal is to keep one’s attention on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency while keeping thoughts from arising. This one-pointed attention will allow one to strengthen the Immortal Will. Note that the 6th recommended practice of the Thomas Immortality Project is to read Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency; this is activated before reading Jesus’ words aloud. 

14. While I acknowledge the reality of evil and demonic energies, I am not afraid of these forces as I stick with God. Each reader is invited to follow Jesus and you will not taste death (Saying 1, Gospel of Thomas).

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