Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Celebrating 1 Year of the Thomas Immortality Project!

As of February 22, 2017 it will have been 1 year since Jesus’ message has been revived: The Kingdom of God is at Hand! I am grateful for the nearly 30,000 page views of my posts over the past year and also am overwhelmed that Jesus words have gone “throughout the countryside” (Saying 14) via distance lands such as Germany, France, Russian and even a few readers from China. In celebration of God’s wonderful works, I shall give an overview of 30 commentaries which I have written on sayings in Thomas. Also, in due course I will give a resource page which will provide links to the key essays. My goal for the next year is to continue to blog 1 post per week. At some point the various essays may go into a book format. Thanks to each reader who has made this blog a success!

Students are invited to study the previous commentaries:



Also, see:


24) The followers said to Jesus, “We know that you are going to leave us. Who will be our leader?” Jesus said to them, “No matter where you are go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being”

---Saying 12



Historically, this is the most important saying in the Gospel of Thomas as it:

  1. Dates the Kernel of Thomas to before 62 A.D. since this is when James the Just—the brother of Jesus died.
  2. This saying was included as Thomas came to Syrian communities (probably around 100 A.D.) since the authority of this gospel comes from James, the brother of Jesus.
  3. In a sense, James is the real author of the Gospel of Thomas since he was one of the first eyewitnesses to the Risen Jesus (see I. Cor. 15). Apparently, Jesus other brother, Judas (who was nicknamed “Judas the Twin” to avoid confusion with another Judas), complied these saying from speeches which Jesus gave which were post-Easter. Also, note that James started the first followers of Jesus in Jerusalem and all of Jesus original followers were Jews who kept the Sabbath.


25) “If your do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the Father”

--Saying 27


This saying demands followers of Jesus keep God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week, which God blessed and made sacred (see Genesis 2:1-3). This saying is consistent with the above saying, Saying 12 in that the original followers of Jesus obeyed Jesus and honored God’s Holy Day. The commandment is to keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath. I would understand this to mean to detach from the worldly affairs such as working a job. Also, I believe it would be consistent with Jesus’ commandment to unplug screens such as television sets, apple phones, computers, and the like. The focus is on fasting from the world and stay focused on God. Note that I would not take this to an extreme so that if a genuine emergency arose (such as going to the hospital), this would be okay. The key is to set aside Saturday as a day of rest. If you attend services on Sunday and do not honor the Sabbath you are not worthy of God!

26) “Fortunate are those who have heard the word of the Father and have truly kept it”


--Saying 79


Here Jesus is clear: Salvation comes from doing the will of the Father. God does not need you to believe in him. Instead God calls for praise. And one praises God through obedience to his word. Indeed, to worship God it must be in “Spirit and Truth.” Also, Jesus does not need you to believe in him; instead, what is necessary is “to bear the cross as I do” and follow me! (Saying 55).



27) His followers said, “Show us the place where you are, for we must seek it.” He said to them, “Whoever has ears should hear. There is a light within a person of light, and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine, it is dark”

--Saying 24


The place of consciousness of Jesus is in the light. This is an energy center or chakra located just above the head. Here one can see that the Ego is being used by dark forces to control human beings. When there is light, it will shine around the world and as an insight is experienced by a large enough people, it would become embedded into the world’s consciousness. This is what is happening to the Thomas Immortality Project: The light is shining on Jesus’ original message—The Kingdom of God is at hand! But each follower must do his part to share the good news (Saying 33).



28) “Whoever is near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom”


--Saying 82.


Jesus’s very presence is enough to set the world on fire. His words are life! This is why every follower of Jesus will want to daily study his words: Through the act of saying the words aloud, one is near God’s Kingdom. In time, as there is a commitment to the Jesus Way (and no other), there will arise a spiritual union with Jesus as one becomes Jesus’ twin (see Saying 108).  Also, see Constructing the Immortal Will by Being Near the Fire.

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