Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Readers: Activate the Immortal Words of Jesus and Transform the World!

The foundation of the Thomas Immortality Project is activating the words of Jesus to the Immortal Frequency.

The words of Jesus as recorded in the original layer of the Gospel of Thomas were spoken by the Resurrected Jesus (see Prologue—introduction of Thomas and written before saying 1); these were spoken at the Immortal Frequency. The original layer of Jesus’ words as recorded by his brother Judas Thomas (see Prologue) can be deduced by correlating the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas (which was written in Coptic Egyptian) with the Greek papyri (these were found in 1897 and 1904 by Grenfell and Hunt) to the Gospel of Q (a saying book used by Matthew and Luke). These are three independent sources of Jesus’ words. Please note as the New Testament scholar Bart Erhman has shown the New Testament is a fraudulent document written or approved by the Roman Catholics (see: The Bart Ehrman Blog); while the New Testament does contain many of the original sayings of Jesus, it is filled with dozens of forgeries such as Mark 16: 9-20 and John 7: 53-8:11 and thus the New Testament cannot be used as a legitimate source of sayings of Jesus.  In practice, I accept the words in Thomas as Jesus’ Immortal words as New Testament scholar Stephen Patterson has shown in The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels Are Rewriting the Story of Christian Origins at least 53 of the sayings in Thomas are the authentic sayings of Jesus.

The following are some suggestions to activate Jesus' words:


1. Invite the Holy Spirit of Truth to be activated in your heart.

This step is foundational as it is with the Spirit of Truth that one’s words vibrate at a higher frequency. A perceptive reader will immediately see that individuals who are not in right standing with God cannot be Immortals since they cannot activate the Spirit of Truth


2. Meditate on Jesus’ words being activated at the Immortal Frequency.


The initiate can focus for 10 minutes or so on the words of Jesus vibrating at the Immortal Frequency. As noted above, Jesus’ words already are at the Immortal Frequency; they merely need to be activated by the seeker (sayings 1, 2, 108). Through daily practice the Immortal-to-be builds faith that through the speaking of Jesus words, he will be transformed into an Immortal. 


3. Find a statement or saying of Jesus which moves you or stirs your interest.

Example: A powerful exchange between Jesus’ followers and Jesus occurs in saying 18:

The followers said to Jesus “Tell us how our end will be.”

Jesus said, “Have you discovered the beginning, then, so that you are seeking the end? For where the beginning is, the end will be. Fortunate is one who stands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death.”


4. Before speaking Jesus’ words aloud, ask for his words to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency.


This can be a simple prayer such as: “God please activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency. Thank you.”


Note to advanced students: Those who know about chakras can activate the throat chakra or the 5th energy center in the body. The initiate is constructing an Immortal Will which is a pole-like structure which extends from above the head through the front torso of the body and down through the earth. Males who practice sexual restraint are suitable candidates for constructing the Immortal Will. 


5. Speak the words of Jesus aloud.

Readers are invited to obtain hard copies of the following translations of the Gospel of Thomas:





6. Reflect upon the words of Jesus and ask the Spirit of Truth to show you what it means for you.


This can be done throughout the day. This is why morning practice is highly recommended.

Example: In saying 18 cited above what does Jesus mean by “For where the beginning is, the end will be?” There is no single right answer here! Each seeker may receive insights which will be a blessing to him. In fact, each time the seeker reads a saying anew, he might receive new insights. This is how the Holy Spirit of Truth works!

To me, one important insight in saying 18 is a theme which runs throughout Thomas: By returning to Adam—the first Immortal (see saying 85) – we can return to the beginning. This was before you became self-conscious and usually occurs about 3-years of age in child development. At this point, your brain constructed an artificial construct, the Ego, which would allow one to interact in the ‘real world.’ By becoming a child again (see sayings 4, 22, and 37), one shifts one’s consciousness from the Ego brain to Truth Consciousness. Truth Consciousness is located above the head and is activated as part of the Immortal Will. Activation of Truth Consciousness occurs through a dedication to the truth—this is the light consciousness. 


7. Give thanks to God.


Gratitude to God for being alive is the greatest praise one can give to God! Give gratitude, praise, and thanksgiving to God for all His wonderful blessings. Give thanks to God for the possibility of transforming into a physical Immortal. This should be done for a few minutes after saying Jesus’ words aloud.



Summary: Each reader of this blog has the glorious opportunity to help shift the consciousness of the world from self-destruction  to eternal life. By your practice, you will be creating a resonance which will affect others (since your brain is connected to all other brains), lifting the world’s consciousness to the Immortal Frequency.

The practice which is outlined above will take about 20 minutes each morning. Meditate on Jesus’ words throughout the day. Put into practice the “Golden Rule” (see saying 6). Be clear that Jesus is not some weak-willed Obama-like wimp. Jesus came to set the world on fire! (see sayings 10, 16.) Knowing when to be aggressive or passive is a matter of wisdom; the goal is progress until there is perfection. There is not a simple formula which will tell you how to respond in any given situation. This is why activating the Spirit of Truth is of paramount importance. Note that you always have to right to say nothing.

I wish to thank each reader of this blog as through your kind attention there can be the beginning to the end: The transformation of this world into the Kingdom of God where paradise has been restored!



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