Saturday, November 26, 2016

Notes for the Gospel of Thomas Student

1. Two excellent resources:

a. The Gospel of Thomas by Richard Valantasis (Routledge, 1997). See: The Gospel of Thomas (New Testament Readings): Richard ....

This text is written by a true scholar in Early Christian Literture. The introductory chapters include the 20 sayings of Thomas which were originally written in Greek (chapter 2). The commentary on each saying is insightful and thoughtful: Professor Valantasis treats this text as a playground of ideas to be shared. This is a must resource for any serious Thomas student.

b. The Fifth Gospel: A Verse-By-Verse New Age Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas  by Robert Winterhalter (Harper and Row, 1988). This is a workbook with affirmations. Each saying is given a new age tint with an emphasis on the “I AM” or the Divine Christ inside of me. Those readers who need uplift and strength are encouraged to obtain this slender volume of 120 pages: The Fifth Gospel: A Verse-By-Verse New Age ... -



2. Giving a Holy Vow to God is the first step to Immortality: “Dear Living Father: I surrender my all to you. My heart. My soul. My life. Please raise me up with Son, Jesus, and let me be a physical immortality.” This vow is between you and God and is said aloud each morning. Perhaps you can write out a Holy Vow. Be sure to give thanks to God!


3. The True Will for Physical Immortality needs to be cultivated. How much you want to be an Immortal will determine the amount of output of energy to achieve this outcome. The True Will is foundational to constructing the Immortal Will. The Immortal Will is a spiritually-engineered structure which goes from above the head through the front of the body to the earth. This is why a daily morning practice of studying Thomas is recommended: Each day renew your Holy Vows, invite the Holy Spirit of Truth into your heart, meditate on Jesus’s words and praise God. This can all be done in less than 20 minutes each morning.


4. The Immortal allows the energy from the Dynamic Ground to flow to the top of the head instead of perverting this energy through masturbation. The Dynamic Ground is the primal energy of what makes you go. In males, this energy is usually directed to the balls and will be sexually released through ejaculation. This common response is deadly! Immortal do not masturbate as this primal energy is used to construct the Immortal Will.



5. The “Ego-Alien” Hypothesis claims the Ego is being used to feed off human life. This hypothesis is strongly supported by the Thomas Immortality Project as through direct experience we have seen evil. Those of a rational mindset will consider this view crazy. Yet where do your thought come from? Any careful observer will see that there are dozens of voices using the brain and subvocalizing while talking to each other. This is why beginning meditation students learn to focus on their breath until the thoughts go away. Don’t you think it’s funny you have all these subpersonalities talking to each other all day long? These voices are what the alien energies use to subtly control you to make certain moves. Until you have been given a glimpse of this, it will appear as though we have entered an alternative universe with a different set of rules—which in fact we have!


  1. You are the only other person that I know of that understands Jesus' teaching of physical immortality, that there is no death. This is the true gospel of Jesus and as we share these ideas and truth about Jesus they will grow in strength and more people will be set free.

  2. Dear Reader:

    Thank you for your reply. If people really accepted the possibility of Physical Immortality, then people would be transformed. First, they would realize there are natural laws which will ensure Immortality; doing right by others is doing right by yourself; truth is more important than friends; the present moment is perfect.

    Thank you for sharing your insights and feel free to write again.


    Harry Petersen
