Monday, November 21, 2016

"Yes, Mommy, Please Fuck Me Up Some More!"

Readers may see the full perversity of human beings on display by reading the sex columnist Dan Savage. His weekly column appears in the SF Weekly, a San Francisco Bay Area newspaper. See: Wikipedia.

Dear Sex Adviser:

I am a 13-year old boy. Two weeks ago I stoled candy from my 6-year old sister. My mom was mad and she spanked my bare bottom in front of my sister. Then I had to wear panties and a dress in front of the house. The neighborhood boys all saw me and jeered at me, saying “You—stupid bitch—you probably want to suck some dick—don’t you?”
After that day, I started beating off (editor’s note: masturbating) 3-4 times a day. All I think about is being spanked in front of my sister. Yesterday I went in my sister’s room and stoled a pair of panties. When mom caught me she said, “Looks like you need to be fucked up some more!” And I said, “Yes, Mommy, please fuck me up some more!”

1) First, I apologize to readers for the graphic nature of this case study. However, the Thomas Immortality Project takes Jesus’ injunction to “Heal the Sick!” (the Gospel of Thomas, Saying 14) seriously. The healing in this case is that of a wounded soul.

2) Readers who would like a more conventional model are invited to read Sigmund Freud’s essay, “A Child is being beaten: A Contribution to the Study of the origins of Sexual Perversions” (1919). See: A child is being beaten - SlideShare.

3)  First, I will give the reader an overview of what happened from a multidimensional perspective: The actions of the players are at the ego level and thus they are under Satan’s dominion. Satan will allow some life force to enter human beings since otherwise everyone would be dead. I would estimate that the life-death % to be 10%- 90%. This ratio implies that the intensity of emotional reactions is 90% of the time to be negative outputs such as fear, traumas, and outrage. Fortunately, 10% of the time some life responses such as love, compassion, and humor are allowed.

4) Depending on the rules of the program, a certain percentage of individuals (say 1%) will be programmed to have part of their life force sucked out of them. When this basic core of self-esteem has been torn, the demons know the victim will suffer intensely for the rest of his life. 

5) So the demons will control the thoughts of the actors: The 13-year old young man will be made to steal candy, then the demons will feed the outrage emotion to his mother, and his mother will be scripted to.... I am sure you get the picture: All the actions of the players are being controlled by an outside entity. The players are puppets and there is no free will.

6) The purpose of the above script is to provide dark energies a life force which they can feed off. So these dark forces will activate a fetish (a “sexual perversion” as Freud called them) which will torment the victim for the rest of his life.

7) There are three solutions to healing the abuse in this case:

a. Non-dual: The clear seeing that the events which happened are scripted and were just part of a play. Since fewer than 1% of adults have reached this insight, it is unlikely a 13-year old young man would be ready for this solution.

b. Allowing God’s Love to heal—This will  require a master healer of the order of Barbara Brennan who gives excellent photographs of psychic traumas in her book, Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing through the Human Energy Field (Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human ... - Amazon).

c. Time Regression—This would be my solution as we would shift the 13-year’s consciousness to say, age 12-years of age. The trauma would then be healed over time.

8) Readers who activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency—this is done by intention before reading his words aloud—can assist in world-wide healing. Because the Immortal Frequency includes psychic healing, the more people who read Jesus’ words at this frequency, the more people will be healed (All minds are connected).

9) It should be clear to readers that conventional solutions such as psychotherapy or joining a religion will be useless in the case of extreme abuse. More conventional models:  desensitization: re-experiencing the abuse in a clinic setting; Cognitive-Behavioral: challenge the thought of worthlessness; or “Trust in Jesus!” These are all useless.

10) From a psychoanalytic view, we have a case of a male’s aggressive energy turned against itself. The 13-year old has a spiritually-engineered gadget that is called “sadomasochism.” This is activated as a protective mechanism. Without this device, the young man would have to be locked up in an insane asylum for the rest of his life, repeating the screams “Yes, Mommy, please fuck me up some more!”


11) A note on the “compulsion to repeat” which usual occurs in traumas. It appears in this case that protective mechanism is saying, “Yes, I did deserve to be spanked—after all I stole candy. Mommy is really loving me by spanking me.” So the brain has turned abuse into love! Only by believing “Mommy loves me” and then masturbating to this abuse can he survive another day….

12) While God’s love is unconditional and can heal even the deepest of traumas, the only way out of the mess human beings are in is to return to the light! This means a shift from the Ego brain to Truth Consciousness (this is located above the head a few inches). At the level of Truth Consciousness, it will become increasing clear to the initiate that human beings are being used by dark energies. This act of clear seeing or clarity will over time heal the wounded soul. 


Q: Where have you come from?

A: We came the light, from the place where light came into being by itself. 

Q: Who are you?

A: We are the children of the living Father.

(Gospel of Thomas, saying 50.)

May each reader return to the light—the place where light came into being by itself!

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