Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Becoming An Immortal: Summary of Parts 1-5

Below are links to the first five parts of a ten-part series on becoming an Immortal


Overview: The essence of becoming an Immortal is for one’s Spark of Divinity to be one with Jesus’ Spark of Divinity at the Resurrection frequency. One’s Spark of Divinity is connected to one’s core self and is located in the belly region under the sternum (which is connected to the rib cage). The core self is connected to one’s animating self which is what the Spark of Divinity animates into order for life to exist. In human beings, the animating self is located in the belly region in which there is a white life force at one’s inner core. Thus, one needs both an animating part and a life force against which it animates for life to exist.

In what is termed “ordinary consciousness,” one’s Spark of Divinity is usually controlled by the brain and various parts such as the ego and superego are constantly activated. The controller to the brain is connected to a larger matrix so that the actions of human beings are determined by this 5th dimensional structure. In spiritual terms, the Matrix is the device Satan uses to extract the life force of human being so that evil energies can feed off their life force.

To leave the Matrix and to activate the Immortal consciousness the seeker will need to enter the Light: A Transpersonal Point located about 3.5 feet above the head. If the seeker can activate the crown chakra (located about 6 inches about the head) or the back of the head chakra (the causal chakra) then he will be connected to his Transpersonal Point. Please see a previous post for additional insights: The Matrix: An Alternative Model To Reincarnation

Connecting one’s core self to the earth’s chakra (about a foot into the earth) which is connected to the soles of the feet will immediately allow for a high frequency. I have conjectured that this comes close to an Immortal Youthing or rejuvenating frequency, but I am not certain. In any case, a meditation practice into which one’s awareness is centered in one’s core self will allow the soles of the feet to vibrate at a high frequency. If one spends an hour of two in which the mind’s eyes is connected to the vibrating frequency in the soles of the feet, then there will be a natural shift to a Transpersonal Point above the head. I call this the earth-heaven connection.

In the first essay, I suggest the seeker to quiet his mind by activating the still point (located just below the navel). The activation is one of the first taught in Zen and is called the Hara.  When activated one’s consciousness will shift to the right hemisphere of the brain, thus turning off the chattering brain. Also, once one can activate the still point there is a natural connection in the body-mind system to the 6th chakra or what is sometimes called the third eye. This follows since each energy center (Hara and 6th chakra) have the same polarity: In the oriental systems we have the Yin-Yang structure and since both the Hara and the energy center above the eye brows are storage centers they are of a negative polarity.

Also, when one is centered in the still point there is a natural connection to the Transpersonal Point (located about 3.5 feet above the head). Once one can make the Hara-Transpersonal connection, then a field of awareness can be made about 3.5 feet circling the body and is connected to one’s core animating being. This will allow for a supercharged frequency which is at the Physical Immortal frequency.

Please note: The seeker has already made the “Jesus connection” so that his Spark of Divinity is at the Resurrection Frequency and thus by entering the Light Consciousness (this is the Transpersonal circle of awareness about 3.5 feet above the head) one will be Resurrected with Jesus at the Immortal frequency.
In a later essay in this series (due in 2020, God willing), I will discuss being in the “Christ Consciousness,” which is making a personal connection with Jesus. Thus, Jesus is invited into one’s upper heart (located above the heart and below the throat) in which there can exist a unity between the seeker’s consciousness and Jesus’ consciousness. This connection is reinforced by saying Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas during one’s morning devotion. This will also activate the throat chakra at the Physical Immortal frequency.

At a feeling tone the seeker will allow for joy. This outcome is usually preceded by opening one’s heart chakra to God’s Unconditional Love and his Holiness to flow throughout his being. These purification practices (see essay 5 above) will open one to bliss consciousness or uncaused joy.

In 2020, God willing, I will offer readers 5 additional essays on becoming an Immortal. These will include practices an Immortal would have (such as living by the Golden Rule and thus treating one’s fellow human beings with respect), rewriting one’s life script (the goal is to shift the DNA code to an Immortal one), making the Jesus connection by developing “Christ Consciousness,” devotional practices one might use and creating Holy Vows. I encourage seekers to find their own way to eternal life and thus if you find a better way, then by all means use it! My motto is: “Please accept what you find useful and leave the rest behind.”

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