Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Matrix: An Alternative Model To Reincarnation

“Whoever has known the world has found a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of him the world is not worthy.”

Jesus, saying 56, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: Reincarnation is a model which posits a) Human beings have a soul which is eternal, and b) This soul is recycled in various life forms after one’s physical death. This model is accepted by world religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It is also the nearly universal belief of all those who hold various spiritual beliefs which might be dubbed the “New Age.” The claim of the supporters of this model is that reincarnation is part of an “evolutionary process” which apparently will allow for higher insights to be received. In this essay, I offer an alternative model to this dominate paradigm.

1. In this essay I make use of some of the insights shared by W. Brugh Joy’s text, Avalanche: Heretical Reflections on the Dark and the Light, (Ballantine Books, New York, 1990). I will cite a passage of this text called “Past Lives/Present Patterns,” pages 158-164 in which Dr. Joy offers an alternative model to reincarnation. See:

2. In Dr. Joy’s previous text, Joy’s Way, written in 1978, he asserts that reincarnation is an established fact and is known to all seekers who advance far enough. Thus, I enjoyed reading both texts and am glad to see that he acted as all Truth seekers will: When confronted with new evidence or new insights one will shift one’s position to one which more fully encompasses the Truth.  As an alternative to reincarnation, he employs a kind of matrix in which all human beings are connected via group consciousness similar to what appears to happen in the animal kingdom in which bees, for instance, do what they do as a matter of instinct or programming. Note that many researchers would say animals do not have free will since they lack self-consciousness or the awareness of being able to make a choice. 
3. A key insight of Dr. Joy is found on page 159:
I suddenly became aware of the pattern level of reality. I saw the eternal dance of but a limited number of themes and plots, combining and recombining, dancing us generation after generation…Instead of seeing karma as personal and individual, I suddenly saw it as collective, impersonal, and immortal.
Here Dr. Joy sees that there are universal archetypes similar to what Carl Jung conjectured and that these archetypes are recycled and replayed in every generation of human beings. As the French say, plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose, or "the more things change, the more they stay the same. " Playwrights such William Shakespeare have used the insights of universal themes which are recycled to write some great plays. As the Bard wrote:
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women are merely players.

As You Like It, Act II

4. What is the point of the play? According to the Matrix hypothesis, the purpose of the play is for a higher-ordered controller, located in the 5th dimension, to eat human being’s life force or Chi. Note that human being’s life force is of a high vibrational level and is, in fact, sourced by God. Anytime someone interacts with another there is a kind of psychic energy exchange between the two parties. Even interacting with material objects such a stone will cause some energy exchange, albeit, of at a subtle level. Thus, the reason those beings who are of darkness want to interact with human beings is to steal their life force.

5. One question which may arise about the Matrix: Why would God allow human beings to be controlled this way? Response: I have no idea. My best guess is since God is both nothing and everything in order to create a physical existence there needs to be polar opposites such as light vs. dark, good vs. evil, males vs. females and so forth. Thus, the program has specific rules by which Consciousness will interact. While there really are demons and evil forces, they are allowed to exist as a counter to angels and God-sourced forces. At a higher level, it must follow that God is playing the role of all the actors as free will is an illusion.  

6. How am I so certain that the Matrix exists? Because I have directly experienced telepathy and precognition on many occasions. The best model which I have found which explains psychic phenomenon is given by Larry Dossey in his text, One Mind. See: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater - Amazon.com

In the “One Mind” hypothesis, telepathy is seen as mind-to-mind communication as all human beings are connected to a Matrix. Also, precognition is explained as seeing that events already have occurred and are just being experienced by human beings at a point in time. This “time” is the Eternal Now in which one is always at this space while events pass by.

7. A key insight: The existence of the “One Mind,” which is shown to exist via evidence showing that psychic phenomenon exists, refutes the reincarnation model.  Note that reincarnation assumes there is free will while the one mind model asserts there is no free will. Note that the One Mind hypothesis has research supporting it; please see Dean Radin’s books including Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a ... - Amazon.com

In contrast, reincarnation has almost no evidence other than claims of believers that they have lived past lives.

8. While reincarnation asserts that the souls of human beings are recycled, the matrix asserts that patterns of energy are recycled. Thus, all societies will have its heroes vs. scapegoats; its saints vs. sinners; the rich vs. poor and so on. I wish to take a moment to challenge the claim that human beings have a soul by countering that humans beings are a soul. When I use the term, “soul,” I am referring to the breath of life which God gave the first man, Adam, and thus Adam being a Living Spirit (see Genesis 2:7). There is nothing in the book of Genesis to indicate that Adam went anywhere after he died except to return to dust (Genesis 3: 19). Since all the original followers of Jesus were Jews, they all understood that physical death is the end except for the possibility of some future resurrection of the dead. Thus, I am confident Jesus did not teach life after death since his followers, such as his brother James, knew nothing about life after. Please note that James led the original followers in Jerusalem from circa 30 A.D. to 62 A.D.  

9. How can human beings leave the Matrix? First, the seeker needs to gain the insight that he is in a Matrix. The present essay attempts to give the reader who is dedicated to the Truth some grounds for accepting that the Matrix exists. Second, the seeker will need to activate a Transpersonal Chakra above his head in order to leave the control of the brain. Please note that the brain is controlled by a program which determines one’s actions based upon one’s archetypes which apparently were implanted at birth. Once a Transpersonal chakra or point of energy outside the brain is activated then one automatically makes the “God Connection.” Please see a previous post, Resurrecting With Jesus By Centering One’s Awareness In the Transpersonal Point , for additional insights.  

Conclusion: The goal of the Physical Immortal is to be connected with God, moment-by-moment. This is only possible by leaving the Matrix. One can leave the Matrix by activating a Transpersonal energy center above the brain. As long as one’s consciousness is located in the brain, then it will be controlled by Matrix. Note that the Ego and Super Ego are two artificial constructs in the mind which are used to control human beings. Thus, as Jesus says in saying 56 cited at the beginning of this essay, the world is dead or is a corpse. Thus, those who wish to be alive will want to enter the Light by being one with the Living Father.

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