Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Readers: My next post is due March 12, 2019.

Dear Readers:
Thank you for your interest in eternal life. My new posting schedule for this year will, as a practice, be every Tuesday, except on the first Tuesday of each month. This is so I can pay various bills and organized things for the month. I will, however, continue to note when I will miss a given Tuesday. It is a joy to be able to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God—which is both outside you and inside you (see saying 3, The Gospel According To Thomas).

Russia update:

Just a brief note: President Putin last Wednesday continued the tit-for-tat diplomacy in which he announced at the end of a speech to the Russian people that Russia would respond if the USA had nuclear missiles on NATO countries such as Poland. This shifts the response to the Trump administration to which it can respond by ignoring the threat and responding with some kind of threat of its own. At this point, it appears as though the Russian game strategists are looking at a first-strike nuclear attack against the USA; also, Donald Trump may be considering a first strike against Russia. In my view, we are entering a very dangerous period in which there is a 5 % chance a nuclear war could occur within the next 12 months.

The problem here is an unknown: If Trump has been compromised because the Russians have information showing he has committed treason by having Russian operatives help him win the 2016 election, then he might take actions which will either invite a nuclear attack or will fail to respond should the Russians attack, say a NATO country. As outlined above, the Russians already have sufficient grounds to attack the USA should they deem it in their national interest. Thus, I encourage my readers to have Donald J. Trump arrested for treason and removed from office before such a nuclear confrontation takes place.

 See: 1) Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason! ---Posted on August 28, 2018. The Russian game strategists are looking at a first-strike nuclear attack on the USA.

For background info see:


Immortal Youthing Meditation Practice, Part II

Overview: In the first part of this series I showed how the seeker can shift from a subject-object or dual awareness to being animating, vibrating energy. In this essay I shift backwards and discuss how to center one’s awareness and then shift ahead by making the God connection. Please see the first essay in this series, The Immortal Youthing Meditation Practice, Part I .

1. If it were possible to dissolve the mind and allow one to be what he is he would be animating, vibrating energy. During our meditation practice we want to make the shift from awareness being trapped in the mind to the core of one’s being so that the Spirit of Truth may lead the seeker to eternal life.
2. A quick review of the first essay: In part one I discussed how to activate the still point as it is referred to in Zen: Focus your attention on your chest region and then in a straight-line manner move your awareness to the belly region and then to the navel (belly button). Let your awareness remain in your navel for a minute. Then draw a circle surround your body. Then draw a second circle about an inch above the first, thereby constructing concentric circles. Then shift your awareness to just below your navel. Proof! Your awareness just activated the still point and thus it is no longer controlled by the mind. There is silence. This point is called the still point in Zen.
3. Once the seeker can detach his awareness from the mind to an energy center above his brain—a transpersonal chakra—he will be able to allow his body to vibrate at a supercharged frequency. Note that in some Zen schools one’s awareness is centered in the still point or the hara while in this activation one makes the still point-transpersonal chakra link. I conjecture that this link is close to the Immortal Youthing frequency which will allow the body to rejuventate and thus shift the DNA’s aging code
4. The first circle above guided imagery represents the first transpersonal chakra about 6 inches above the head and is linked to one’s center in the body. At this point there is still a mind-body connection, albeit somewhat shifted. To center one’s awareness in his center is an act of willpower. All thoughts must be redirected to the center. On some mornings it will take me 2-3 minutes in order to center my awareness. An insightful reader might see that the previous sentence implies that in order to center one’s awareness his transpersonal chakra has to be activated. In other words, one could not redirect his thoughts to his center until one’s consciousness is above the head. In a way, this is experiential proof that these transpersonal chakras exist. The goal is to be one-pointed. Note there is a sort of missing element in this centering as traumas, for instance, are trapped pieces of one’s consciousness lodged in the mind/body and will need to return to one’s being in order to be whole. I take this issue up at the end of this essay. 
5. Readers who are just starting out may benefit from the study of Eckhart Tolle’s text: Practicing The Power of Now. In this slim volume of 144 pages Mr. Tolle shows the seeker how to shift his consciousness from the mind to the belly region. It may take the seeker a year of mediation practice until internal dialogues have ceased and there is silence. Once one can watch his thoughts, then he is starting to be Enlightened. Some may benefit from more formal training some as a mindfulness course which is popular in Buddhism as practiced in the West. If one’s awareness stays trapped in the mind, then there is a controller on the left hemisphere of the brain which will use the Ego and Super Ego in order to use your life energy and thus cause disease, decay, and death. I would estimate that 99.99% of humans shift to the Ego-Super Ego brain about when they are 3-years old (when they become self-consciousness) and thus their awareness remains trapped here for their entire lives. Note that the controller is connected to a kind of group consciousness and thus there is no free will as the mind’s activations are done via a 5th-diminsional structure called the matrix or as Larry Dossey calls it “One Mind.”
6. Please note that if one wants to be an Immortal, then he will need to be Enlightened. And to make spiritual progress one will need to disconnect from humans and various electronic devices such as televisions, the internet, Apple phones, and the like. In my view, it would not be possible to be able to spend the concentrated time needed in order for the brain to be rewired if one is using these devices. Note that I use a public computer once a week for about 2-3 hours in order to post these essays and thus do not have any of these devices at home. 
7. After the seeker has centered his awareness in his center or core, the next activation is making the God connection or cosmic consciousness. Thus, one will shift his awareness from his center to the crown of his head (at the top of the head). Imagine a light pole connected to the heavens above. Then activate the God connection: “Father: Please let me be one with you. Thanks, God!” This is a daily practice as the God connection is at the 100th frequency above the head thus will take time to activate. Note that females are at the 3th frequency (the emotional body) while males are at the 4th frequency (the mental body). As one makes the God connection there will be silence and usually bright lights. Please note that I continue to work each day in increasing this connection since this is something which may take years to fully activate. 
8. Thomas students might like to Google the term “cosmic consciousness” to gain some insights into how to make the God connection. 
9. As noted in part 4 above, in order to center one’s awareness in his core trapped pieces of consciousness which are usually traumas will need to be transmuted. It is unclear to me if females are capable of ever making this transformation as their consciousness are so connected to their body and thus when a female is hurt she is fucked for life. [Side notes: This is one of the many reasons females in traditional cultures form subgroups which will keep them from various confrontations. Thus, females are protected from various traumas. However, in modern societies in which economic activities are valued above having children who are loved and supported, with both a mother and a  father, females are usually have many traumas which last their entire life. Also, this is why in a God-centered culture one would have separate schools for boys and girls.] 
10. A highly recommend morning practice is to construct an energy bandage or light bandage around the body and then ask for God’s love to heal one of all that separates him to being whole:
“Father: Please help me wrap an energy bandage or light bandage around my body. Please active this bandage with your powerful and unconditional love. “ Stop here for a couple of minutes in order to receive God’s love. “Please heal me of self-hate, traumas, abuse, demons, darkness, the male self, the female self, sub-personalities, implants, spiritual blindness and darkness. Let me be Holy as you are Holy! Thanks, God!” 
This is a daily practice which I have found quite useful and spend about 3-4 minutes each day activating. The reader is invited to reword the above activation in order to allow God's love to heal him of any disconnections from God. 

Summary: In this essay I outline how the seeker can shift his life force or awareness from the mind to his center or core being. This will probably take the seeker a year of daily mediation practice in order for there to be relative silence in the brain. A daily morning practice in which the seeker invites God’s love to heal him of traumas is also needed as traumas are trapped pieces of consciousness lodged in the body-mind system. Also, I discussed a second activation, making the God connection or cosmic consciousness. This is done by shifting one’s awareness to the crown of the head and then constructing a light pole to the heavens to the 100th frequency. Note that Jesus is the light or the connection to God. Activating the God connection is done on a daily basis during one’s meditation practice as one shifts into a God-centered life.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Celebrating the Third Year of the Thomas Immortality Project

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your support over the past three years as the Thomas Immortality Project will be three years old as of February 22, 2019! The original message of Jesus—eternal life, Physical Immortality, is available right here, right now on planet earth as there is no life after death—is being heard around the world.

Listen to Jesus’ original sayings as recorded in The Gospel According To Thomas:

1.“If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the Kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside you and outside you.”

---Saying 3

2. “His followers said to him, ‘When will the Kingdom come?’ ‘It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘Look, there it is.’ Rather, the Father’s Kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it.”

---Saying 113.

3. “His followers said to him, ‘When will the resurrection of the dead take place, and when will the new world come?’ He said to them, ‘What you look for already has come, but you do not see it.”

---Saying 51.

 Once the seeker of eternal life—Physical Immortality—understands Jesus’ original message the next step is to construct an Immortal body. In saying 22 of Thomas Jesus offers some insights into how this might be done:

“Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his followers, ‘These nursing babies are like those who enter the Kingdom.’ They said to him, ‘Then shall we enter the Kingdom as babies?’ Jesus said to them, ‘When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.’”

In the last part of saying 22 cite above Jesus tells us to construct a new physical body by making: “eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image.” Once the seeker understands the need to construct an Immortal body in order to enter the Kingdom of God, the question might arise, “How?”

Constructing a Physical Immortal body is the goal of the seeker of Physical Immortality. Jesus offers many hints in Thomas about how to do this. Note that Jesus encourages the seeker to keep seeking until he finds:

“Whoever discovers the interpretation of these words will not taste death. Let he who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. When one finds, one will be troubled. When one is troubled one will marvel and will rule over the All.”

--Sayings 1 and 2 in The Gospel According To Thomas

The key focus in the posts on this blog is how to use saying 22 as cited above as a guidepost in constructing an Immortal body. The reader is encouraged to find his own path as my ideas are meant as suggestions. While my emphasis is on developing Wisdom, Christ Consciousness, and Immortal Strength while purifying the body, others may want to place a greater emphasis on allowing God’s powerful and unconditional Love to flow throughout his being. To assist the seeker in his quest I offer ten of my all-time favorite posts:
1. Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945” —February 22, 2016. This is the post which restores Jesus original message: Physical Immortality is possible by being resurrected with Jesus. It is with great gratitude that God would use me to lead the world out of darkness and into the light.

2.  The Unified Field Theory: What Einstein Missed —April 4, 2017. This post connects dark matter/energy—which is where everything is coming from—with the light which comes into being by itself. This light is Jesus. 

3. Executive Summary: Evidence That The Gospel According To Thomas is an Authentic Sayings Book --January 29, 2019. This post is a summary of four previous essays which shows Thomas are authentic sayings of Jesus.

4. A Message Of Christmas Hope For John C. and My Readers: Merry Christmas, Everyone! --December 18, 2018. This post shows the seeker how to activate the Immortal sayings of Jesus in Thomas at the Immortal frequency.

5.  Forgeries In the New Testament —May 30, 2017. Once the New Testament (N.T.) student comes across the scholarship of Bart Erhman he will know that the N.T. is filled for forgeries. So much for the screams of the Christian: “The New Testament is the Word of God!” Reply: “No, Sir, the New Testament is bunch of bullshit invented by the early church fathers after Jesus failed to returned by 70 A.D.” See: The Bart Ehrman Blog .

6.   Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” ---This post reviews why The Gospel According To Thomas is the greatest text ever written: It contains the sayings of Jesus after his Resurrection.

7. Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project --January 23, 2018. This post uses a question-and-answer format in order to give the interested reader a quick overview of the Thomas Immortality Project.

8.  The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II-- Posted on February 27, 2018. In this essay I use a fine-tuning argument to prove the existence of God, explain what the Hayflick Limit is, and show how activating the Bindu Chakra will shift the DNA’s aging code.

9. Two-Year Celebration of the Thomas Immortality Project: Some of My Favorite Posts --Posted on February 13, 2018. This post includes 19 of my favorite posts with some overlap with posts noted on today's post.

10. Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas ---Posted on October 16, 2018. Females are an evil energy at their core and thus in an Immortal society they will be eliminated.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Immortal Youthing Meditation Practice, Part I

In the days when you ate what was dead, you made it alive. When you are in the Light what will you do? On the day you were one, you became two. When you have become two, what will you do?"

Jesus, saying 11, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: The meditation practice outlined in this and subsequent essays may be the Holy Grail: A specific, repeatable practice which will shift the DNA’s aging code into a youthing program. 

1.    First, I will need to give the reader a few activations. In this first essay, I will focus on activating the “still point.”  This is activation is what Zen masters will teach pre-Enlightened disciples. Since it is not well known outside Zen, but essential for higher-order activations, I spend this first essay on it.
2. Imagine your attention is focused on your chest. Then in a straight-line manner move your attention to your belly region. Then move your awareness to inside the navel (belly botton). STOP!
3.   What happened here ? The brain was aware of your attention in the chest, belly, and navel. In other words, your brain was aware and controlling your movement (so you think). This split awareness is called “subject-object” consciousness or dual awareness. Thus, one has divided one’s consciousness into two: One that is aware of what is happening and one that experiences the action. This split awareness is the cause of all of man’s suffering. Only by being centered will one be able to allow one’s life force to be concentrated to such a degree that the body will vibrate at a high-frequency.
4.      How to be one again? Zen masters discovered a “still point” which works magic. Return to your previous guided imagery in part 2 above: Let your focus be on the belly button for a minute. Then see a circle surrounding the body and connected to the navel. Finally, jump up about 1 inch above the first circle and create a second circle surrounding the body; then re-focus back to the body focusing one’s awareness just below navel. At some point you might activate the still point. Before you activate the still point your brain will be controlling any action of which it is aware (so it thinks) and thus will be linked with a second aware of consciousness, the subject-object consciousness. Then activate the still point: poof! One’s awareness is free from the brain’s control and there is…silence….
5.     Once the seeker has activated the still point located just below the navel the brain’s connection to one’s awareness has ceased. You are free! Once the still point has been activated there will be a shift from experiencing the body as an object of awareness to one of animating energy. 
6.    Where will the awareness go as one is free from the brain’s control? Usually, it will go above the head several feet. In order to allow some loosening of the ego brain and its tight control over one’s awareness, one might like to experiment with cannabis. I use pre-rolls of sativa with 30 mg of THC; two or three puffs are all that is needed. In time, one will not need to use cannabis. A second point is the 6th chakra or third eye which is located between the eyebrows is usually activated along with the still point. In some systems, this is called the 2nd chakra-6th chakra link. 
7.   Note that as one can turn off the brain’s connection to one’s awareness all internal dialogues have ceased as on a verbal level there is silence. Well, how does anything get done if your brain is not controlling it? The same way it always was happening: There is a controller which is activating your actions so that as your connection to an energy grid or matrix is activated it will activate actions based upon your frequency. In other words, free will is just a trick of the mind so that you can be controlled. The shift to the still point allows for Transpersonal chakras above the head to be activated including the Transpersonal point which will allow one to be free from the matrix. See a previous post: Resurrecting With Jesus By Centering One’s Awareness In the Transpersonal Point 
8.   A quick aside: Once you are experienced at activating the still point all you will need to do is say or intend: silence. Then VoilĂ  ! the mind’s activities have ceased. Please note this has no affect upon the brain since it will continue all its functions independent of your awareness—like it always did. So our new motto from Zen: Turning the still point on is the new off!

9.    The seeker of Physical Immortality may want to bask in the animating energy for 20 minutes or so. Also, advanced students may activate the Transpersonal Point as noted above. Usually, within a few minutes of being the animating energy the feet will start to vibrate. This will be somewhat painful but the tingling and the prickly feeling in the feet are the healing energy of God being absorb in the feet. It is possible that marijuana is the healing force that God is using. In any case, after 20 minutes or so of this meditation practice the body will be vibrating at a high frequency. Conjecture: This high-frequency vibration is nearing the Immortal Youthing frequency which will allow the body to rejuvenate and reverse the aging program of the DNA.

Summary: In this first part of the “Immortal Youthing Mediatation Practice” I have shown how to activate the still point. This point, located just below the navel, will allow for a bit of magic to occur: When it is activated there is silence. In this space of silence, the body will start to vibrate as there is a shift of being aware of things happening to being the body’s animating energy. The feet will usually start vibrating within a few minutes as God’s healing energies are allowed to flow. It is possible that this frequency is at the Immortal Youthing or rejuvenating frequency which will allow for the DNA’s aging code to be reversed.