Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Readers--I will be working on a project next week. Next post due: November 13, 2018.

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life. In this upcoming week I will be working on a project and thus the next post will be due November 13, 2018. God willing, I will continue the series on the core teachings of Jesus in The Gospel According To Thomas.

The Core Teachings of Jesus Leading To Eternal Life: Physical Immortality , Part II

Core Teaching # 4: Making the God Connection

 “A vine has been planted without the Father and, as it is not established, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed”

--Jesus, saying 40, The Gospel According To Thomas


Meditation: See your Spark of Divinity, your Soul, connected to the Living Father. Imagine the Light which is connected to God coming down and activating your crown chakra and then going through the center of your body, and then down to the earth. Invocation: “Father: Please let me be one with you. Please grant me your Wisdom, your Powerful Love, and your Immortal Strength. Thanks, God!”

The only way to be a Physical Immortal is to be sourced directly from the Living Father. Thus, each day the seeker will want to start his day with the Holy Vow:

“Father: I give you everything: My life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me your Immortal Strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!”

Please see a previous post on this blog, Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow , for additional insights.

One of the key transformations which will occur as the Father’s Light flows through you is dissolving various energies which represent darkness. In saying 22 of Thomas Jesus commands us to eliminate the female self since the female energy represents evil. See a previous post,Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas ,  for additional insights. When the female energy is activated in a male, he will be a homosexual and thus double-minded; in many cases, the female energy was activated during childhood as a result of abuse from a female such as his mother. In any case, one will ask God to dissolve the female self: “Father: Please allow your Light to dissolve the female self so that I can be one with you. Thanks, God!” The acid test for a homosexual: Is there any same-sexual attraction? Once the female energy is dissolved there will not be any.

The Father’s Light will also dissolve other dark energies such as the Ego, Superego, self-hate, abuse, implants, demons, and other evil energies. It was through this process I was able to dissolve my Ego: What Happened When I Lost My Ego: A First-Person Account (a post on this blog).

Note that if the seeker is not sourced by the Living Father, then he will be controlled by the Matrix. The Matrix is a 5th dimensional structure which is used by aliens to control human beings in order to eat their life force. There is no free will for 99.99+% of human beings as these evil beings control the actions of humans. The only way out is to enter the light: “‘If they say to you, where did you come from’, say to them we came from the Light, the place where the Light came into being by itself’” (Jesus, saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas). Please see core teaching # 6 below for additional insights.


Core Teaching # 5:  Construct an Immortal Body

“ When you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image…then you will enter the Kingdom of God” –Jesus, saying 22, The Gospel According To Thomas.

Since the core teaching of Jesus is the Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet earth the seeker of Immortality will need to construct an Immortal Body. This quest is one of the key focus points on the Thomas Immortality Project.  Essentially, what we do is to activate the white light life force which is located in the belly region and begins just below the navel. One practice is to use an object such as a ball-point pen and activate the navel itself. This is the source of the body’s life energy called Qi or Chi in Oriental systems. Once your life force is activated, then the body will start to vibrate at a supercharged frequency. Practices such as using marijuana, consciously connected breathing, spinal column activation at the base of the spine and moving to the crown of the head, are all recommended.

An excellent text which will get one started is: Supercharging Quantum-Touch: Advanced Techniques: Alain Herriott ...

Core Teaching # 6: Activate energy centers or chakras above the head.

“We came from the Light, the place the Light came into being by itself” –Jesus, saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas.

These transpersonal chakras or energy centers will allow one’s consciousness to be at a higher level and thus allow for the body to vibrate at a supercharged frequency. For the seeker just starting out, this will be a challenging step as staying in the Ego-controlled brain is easy; far more challenging is to enter the Light! A first step might be to take a mindfulness training course which will allow one to watch his thoughts; once it is seen that you are not creating your thoughts, but they arise from outside the brain, then you are on the way to Enlightenment. An interesting text which may be helpful for the seeker is: Quantum-Touch 2.0 - The New Human: Discovering and Becoming ...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Core Teachings of Jesus Leading To Eternal Life: Physical Immortality , Part I

“Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself will become he and what is hidden will be revealed to him.”

---Jesus, saying 108, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: In this essay I review some core teachings of Jesus which will lead to eternal life: Physical Immortality as revealed in The Gospel According To Thomas.


Core Teaching #1: Inside your core being must be the true will to be Immortal.

“If you bring what you have within you into being, then what you have will save you. If you do not have it, then that which you do not have will kill you.”

--Jesus, saying 70, The Gospel According To Thomas

Here Jesus tells us that to be saved, then the will or motivation must already preexist. The true will for Immortality is a gift from God. Jesus chooses the elect, one out of a thousand, two out of ten thousand (saying 23, The Gospel According To Thomas). If you are interested in eternal life, Physical Immortality, then consider yourself one of the elect; now keep seeking until you find (saying 92, The Gospel According To Thomas).

Core Teaching # 2: Discover your real identity: A Spark of Divinity.

“When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the Sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves , then you exist in poverty and you are poverty.”

--Jesus, saying 3, The Gospel According To Thomas

The shift from the Ego brain to one’s center is the breakthrough Jesus was hoping his followers would make. In one’s center or core self is what you are: God Stuff. One’s core is connected to the heart and usually is where self-hate, and low self-esteem exists. Below these toxic feelings is your True Self. Opening to God’s Powerful Love is the only way to access this opening as one needs to purify his core from traumas. Once you have found your True Self, then you are ready for the next step: Being One with Jesus.

Core Teaching # 3: Develop Christ Consciousness by drinking From Jesus’ mouth.
The first step to developing Christ Consciousness is to open your heart and allow God’s Powerful Love to flow. Without love I am insane. Without love the Ego will lead me to eternal death. Be clear: Christ Consciousness means an interdimensional being exists in your core. In other words, in the upper chest region, between the heart and the throat, is where this interdimensional being exists. Once I was able to connect with Yeshua, then I felt a higher form of love. In this space I feel at peace and alert without any need to achieve anything. Because Jesus came into being after I lost my Ego, I do not know if this is a cause-and-effect relationship: Is it necessary to first shift one’s consciousness from the brain to the heart before Jesus can enter? Or by drinking from Jesus’ mouth will the heart start opening to God’s Unconditional Love? Note that the best way to drink from Jesus’ mouth is a morning devotion of 15-20 minutes in which the seeker meditates on Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas. To the best of my knowledge, Thomas is the only source of authentic sayings of Jesus as the Roman Catholics have committed forgery with the 27 books which became the New Testament.

 See: Forgeries In the New Testament , a post on this blog. Also, for additional insights  about Christ Consciousness see: What Is Cosmic Consciousness vs. Christ Consciousness? - Big ...

Russia update: The United States has threaten military action against Russia. This past Saturday Trump announced that the United States was pulling out of an arms treaty with Russia. See: Trump says the US will pull out of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces ... and the US ambassador to Nato announced plans for a pre-emptive strike against Russia:

The US ambassador to Nato has warned Russia that if it does not halt the development of a new cruise missile in violation of a treaty between the countries, the US will “take out” the missile.

Kay Bailey Hutchison was speaking to reporters about a longstanding issue of contention, a Russian ground-launched cruise missile which Washington says breaks the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

Russia's response: Russian state news agencies on Saturday cited a foreign ministry source as saying Washington’s move to pull out of the treaty is motivated by a dream of a single global superpower.“The main motive is a dream of a unipolar world. Will it come true? No,” a foreign ministry source told Ria Novosti state news agency.

Here we are at an inflection point in which according to my analysis this past August 28, 2018 I predicted that Russian game theorists will be considering a first-strike nuclear attack against the United States. By threatening a first-strike attack against Russia, the Trump administration is playing into the hands of Russian strategy which appears to be one in which they believe they can survive a nuclear war while the United States will quickly fall apart. In this scenario, there will be at least 50 million American killed. Please see my previous posts: a) Readers I wiil be celebrating Labor Day next week. Next post due September 11, 2018. Happy Labor Day! and b) Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas

Note to Readers:
This post is one of the all-time popular on the Thomas Immortality Project. It was originally posted on January 4, 2017. I am re-posting it because I want to assure any reader who may be female that there is still hope for you. In Thomas there are two cases in which females showed interest in following Jesus:
1. Salome in saying 61 has a visit to her home by Jesus. During their visit Salome declares herself a follower of Jesus.
2. Mary, who is probably either Mary Magdalene or Mary, the mother of Jesus, was to be guided by Jesus and become a Living Spirit, saying 114, The Gospel According To Thomas.
Thus, if there is any female reader who like to become a Living Spirit I invite her to contact me as “every female who becomes male may enter the Kingdom of God.”

Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us for females are not worthy of life.”

Jesus said, “Look, I shall guide her to make her male, so that she too may becoming a Living Spirit similar to you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of God.” ---Saying 114, The Gospel of Thomas

 First, I will summarize some key points made about this passage by Uwe-Karsten Plisch in the Gospel of Thomas: Original Text With Commentary (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2008) on pages 243-247:   F


 * The dialogue is Post-Easter (Page 244).

 This is a fundamental point that the truth seeker will need: The Gospel of Thomas was written by Jesus’ brother, Judas Thomas, by recording the living Jesus’ words (see prologue and saying 1). In other words, saying 114 was a dialogue which was was recorded after Jesus’ Resurrection. 

Note that Saying 114 is the last saying in the Gospel of Thomas and it connects to the first saying in several ways. One clear example is the use of the term “living,” which is recorded in the prologue and in Saying 114; Living Spirit (114) and Living Jesus (Pages 244-245).

The concept of “living being” is encountered in Genesis 2:7: “God formed man of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (emphasis mine). Later we are told the female was formed: “and the rib which God has taken from the man he made into a woman” (Genesis 2:22). 

* The unity of male and female occurs by the female being turned into a male (Pages 246-247).


The point here is the unity of opposites in male-female example is achieved by eliminating the female. This would follow since as Peter noted “females are not worthy of life.” So when there is only male energy there will be one self. Thus, as in Saying 22, “When you make the male and female into a single one,” all is left is the male spirit.



1. Is it possible to become an Immortal while interacting with females?

 No. Females are not a living spirit as Jesus stated. Instead females have a demonic energy about them which represents darkness. While the traditional solution to dealing with females is to spank their bare bottom  with a paddle once a week whether they need it or not, an Immortal has no time for this nonsense. Thus, if a male wishes to enter the light he will need to rid himself of darkness—females.


2. Can a female become Immortal?

 Yes. In Saying 114, Mary who probably is either Mary Magdalene or the mother of Jesus, will be guided by Jesus and turned into a male. So a female by herself cannot become an Immortal; however, if she submits her will to an Immortal she may become a Living Spirit.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project

All citations are from The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus, by Marvin Meyer,
( HarperSanFrancisco, 1992).

1. What is the purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project?
The purpose is to open to the world the possibility of physical immortality through the reading of Jesus’ words in Thomas and to have these words vibrate at the immortal frequency. The language Jesus spoke was Aramaic. The words, translated from the Egyptian Coptic text into English, will pierce the heart of the chosen. The words themselves are transformative at an energetic level. Reading is best done aloud.

2. Before reading Thomas is there a prayer I should say?
Yes. “Yeshua: I allow your words to enter my heart so that I might be one with you. I allow your words to vibrate at the immortal frequency. Thanks, Yeshua!”
Note: Yeshua is Jesus' birth name and is what his followers call him by.

3. Is there a life after death?
No. “Jesus said, ‘Look to the living as long as you live, or you might die and then try to see the living one, and you will be unable to see’ ” (Saying 59). There is no indication, directly or indirectly, of an afterlife in the Thomas; instead, the chosen are encouraged to seek immortality in the present.

4. What do I need to do in order to be an immortal?
The union of opposites as outlined in saying 22 is transformative:

Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his followers, “These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, “Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?” Jesus said to them, “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.”

This is a starling insight which predates the great Carl Jung, one of the towering figures in the 20th century, whose insights into the human psyche are still being mined today. As readers who are familiar with Jungian Psychology know, the union of opposites as being transformative is one of the key insights of Jung. Yet, Jesus shares this insight 2,000 years earlier!

5. How can I raise my consciousness to Jesus’ level?
The reader is invited to study and reflect upon the following passages:
Jesus said, “If they say to you, ‘Where have you come from?’ say to them, ‘We come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.’ If they say to you, ‘Is it you?’ say, ‘We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father. If they ask you, ‘What is the evidence of your Father in you?’ say to them, 'it is motion and it is rest ’ ” (Saying 50).
To reach the light consciousness, the energy from outside the brain will be activated. In Yogic terms, these are the chakras above the head and from the earth itself. These may be referred to as the 8th-13th chakras, depending upon the model being used. In any case, if one stays in the ego brain, then it’s not possible to be immortal.

6. Should I attend church or any other religious organization?
Absolutely not! The New Testament scholar, Professor Bart D. Ehrman, has done an excellent job of demonstrating that the New Testament is a fraudulent document. Readers are invited to read his text, Lost Christianities or his college lectures via The Teaching Company, the New Testament (and others). What apparently happened is this: Saying books such as Thomas and Q were widely circulated after Jesus' resurrection. The leader of the earliest of Jesus’ followers were led by James, the brother of Jesus, who was an eyewitness to Jesus’ resurrection. Then darkness came. Paul invented what became the Catholic Church. This group claimed salvation could come only by going directly to them; they banned the reading of Jesus’ original sayings by burning all copies they could get their hands on; they invented doctrines of death—claiming that Jesus' life meant nothing—salvation could only come through the shedding of his blood; they invented the doctrines of heaven and hell; they changed God’s Holy Day from the 7th day of the week to the first day of the week; they burned to the stake anyone who would dare challenge their teachings which originates directly from Satan. To this day, these unrepentant beings still claim to be the original followers of Jesus, when they are the followers of that which is evil.

7. Is there anything in the New Testament of value?

Yes. In I Corinthians 15, we have Paul’s historical record of the 500 who saw the risen Jesus. The Gospel of John comes closest to what Jesus said (obviously, the narratives are pure inventions):

You must become like a child again. You must be born from above. To enter the Kingdom of God you must be filled with the words of Jesus—which bubbles like spring water—and allow his spirit to enter you. Then you will be as I am: immortal.  (Paraphrased from John 3: 1-8).
For the most part, the New Testament is a series of invented stories and thus are of no spiritual value.  

8. If I follow the teachings of Jesus can I still take care of my family?
 No.  “Jesus said, ‘whoever does not hate his father and mother cannot be a disciple of me, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters and bear the cross as I do will not be worthy of me' ” (Saying 55). Also, those who are merchants and buyers will not enter the Kingdom of God (Saying 64).

9. Is there some group or organization I can join?
Since I started the Thomas Immortality Project in February 2016, there is no group to turn to. The purpose of this project is to restore the original message of Jesus—physical immortality is available today—to the world. The reader is invited to email me at Safeway7354@gmail.com to share any insights.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Returning to Paradise By Being One With God

“I am he who comes into being from him who is always the same. Some of the things of my Father have been given to me.”

--Jesus, saying 61, The Gospel According To Thomas


Overview: Oneness with God. This is a shift in consciousness so that your Spark of Divinity merges with its source: God. In this space there is not two. There is one. This essay focuses on man returning to his source as Paradise is restored.

1. The first step in being One with God is to find out that you are God. That is, your Spark of Divinity, your Soul, your Core Self is “God Stuff.” This is Jesus’ message throughout Thomas: Know what you are—the reflection of God—and be one with the Source.

2.  As a practice, I recommend imaging your consciousness merging with a Powerful Light above your head and reaching into the heavens above. In the center of the Light is nothingness. Potential energy. Form without form. The Still Point. It is this point—the placeless place—where your consciousness resides when you are One with God.  In this space “you” disappear and all there is is Oneness.

3. From the Still Point see a Light Pole connected to the crown of your head. This Light Pole goes through the center of your body and is connected to the earth. In this space no thoughts can arise. In time the Ego and Superego will dissolve. Without an Ego one can see that thoughts are being fed into the brain by some controlling device on the left hemisphere of the brain. This structure is connected to a larger on called the Matrix. Note the Ego-Alien Hypothesis: There is a 5th dimensional structure, called the Matrix, which controls the actions of human beings for the purpose of eating their life force. 

4. In the moment-to-moment being there are no thoughts which arise. In my being there is silence. Whatever actions which arise are done spontaneously. While I spend time each day asking for God’s Wisdom and planning for the day, this is just an acknowledgement that living in physical form requires some attention to the play. When Paradise is restored all will be directly sourced by God and thus it will be unnecessary to pray as one will have become God. 

5. “Adam came from great power and great wealth, but he was not worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have tasted death” –Jesus, saying 85, The Gospel According To Thomas. Here Jesus tells us that had Adam been worthy, had is stayed One with God, he would not have died. So Adam, the first man, was formed as a Physical Immortal on planet earth and when you return to Paradise you, too, will be a Physical Immortal. 

6. “For there are five trees in Paradise that do not change during summer and winter, and their leaves do no fall. Whoever comes to know them will not taste death” –Jesus, saying 19, The Gospel According To Thomas. Here Jesus tells us that to return to Paradise one will receive the Keys of Knowledge and thus not taste death. Note that Paradise is the Kingdom of God which exists on planet earth, right here, right now: “His followers said to him: ‘ The Kingdom—on what day will it come? “It will not come by watching and waiting for it. They will not say ‘Look here!’ or ‘Look there!’ Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out on the earth and people do not see it” –Jesus, saying 112, The Gospel According To Thomas.

7. I believe that a seeker of Immortality has proof that in Thomas that when Jesus speaks of “not tasting death” he means Physical Immortality if he links saying 85, saying 19, and saying 112 together. The seeker will need, however, to be convinced that the Gospel According To Thomas records both the pre-Resurrected sayings of Jesus (which scholars acknowledge since about 60 of the sayings have parallels to Q, a sayings book which Matthew and Luke used when they wrote the gospels overseen by the early church Fathers who became the Roman Catholics; See:             

) and the esurrected sayings of Jesus. Also, see:  Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas”, a post on this blog for additional insights.

 8. The best support that Thomas is an authentic sayings books is found is saying 12: “The disciples said to Jesus: ‘We know that you will depart from us. Who will rule over us?’ Jesus said to them: ‘No matter where you come from, you should go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.” Here is a Coptic translation of the original Greek text (we know that Thomas was originally written in Greek because the British explorers Hunt and Grenfell found papyri in 1896 and 1903 which turned out to be the sayings from Thomas) which scholars date with a terminus ante quem  of 140 A.D.  See: Oxyrhynchus Papyri - Wikipedia. This means that long after James, the brother of Jesus died (he died in 69 A.D.) this sayings was preserved. Also, every saying in the Greek text matches up with the sayings of the Coptic text. This gives the seeker confidence that as Thomas was transported from Israel (probably from Jerusalem since this is where the first followers of Jesus were located as they were led by this brother James as noted in saying 12 above) was copied faithfully. Otherwise, why include saying 12 in the Coptic text when James was long since dead unless the copyist was just copying from the original Greek text?

9. The mind will naturally want to create a subject-object consciousness. The “I” will be aware of other objects such as thoughts, feelings, memories, and so forth. This is a state-bound consciousness associated with the 3rd and 4th frequencies. Thus, when one’s consciousness is connected to the mind there will always to two. Please see last week’s post, State-Bound Consciousness: The Key Insight Into the Play, for additional insights. To be clear: Am I saying thought should not arise, you should not have feelings, you should not re-enact stories from the past? Yes! Feelings arise because you have an emotional body. But in Oneness with God the emotional body dissolves. 
10. The way to enter the space where thoughts do not arise is to find your True Self. The True Self is located in the center of your chest region. It is the same place where one feels shame, and low self-worth. Below all these toxic feelings is your Core Self, your Spark of Divinity! Once located, the body will start vibrating at a higher frequency. As one shifts his awareness to his Core he will want to invite God’s Powerful and Unconditional Love to heal him of these toxic emotions. Then one centers his attention in a one-pointed view so that one is no longer aware of his Core, he is the Core
11. To be One with God I: 
a. Shift ones’ consciousness to his Core Self. The body will start to vibrate as you find this point.
b. When you have found what you really are—God Stuff—you will want to return to its Source: God.
12. I do this by imaging a Light Pole connected to God which then descends to the crown of my head through the body and then about a foot into the earth. Activating the Light Pole will only take a few seconds as I see my consciousness directly connected to God. There is complete silence. In fact, I am not aware of anything. I invite seekers who wish to be Physical Immortals to spend a few minutes each day trying to make the God Connection. In some cases, a couple of puffs from a marijuana cigarette may be helpful in allowing for non-ordinary consciousness. 
13. A great question to ask: "What would God do?” Seeking God’s Wisdom is a concrete way of being One with God. Note that God’s Wisdom evaluates things differently from how a normal human being might value things. The key insight is given in saying 8 of the Gospel According To Thomas when Jesus gives a parable: “The wise fisherman discovered a fine large fish. He threw all the little fish back into the sea and with no difficulty chose the large fish.” The large fish is God. Everything else—all the small fish—is of no importance.

Summary: Oneness with God. Returning to Paradise. Shifting one’s consciousness to higher frequencies above the brain. Activating one’s Core Self—his Spark of Divinity—and returning to its source. Experiencing Jesus as animating energy. Allowing God to take over so that the ‘allowing’ disappears and all is left is God. There are many ways to express the “God Connection.” In being One with God one might imaging a Light Pole connected to God and then to the crown of the head, through the body, and then down through the earth. Once the Light Pole has been activated one will be like the wise fisherman who chose the large fine fish and threw all the small fish back into the sea.