Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Core Teachings of Jesus Leading To Eternal Life: Physical Immortality , Part II

Core Teaching # 4: Making the God Connection

 “A vine has been planted without the Father and, as it is not established, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed”

--Jesus, saying 40, The Gospel According To Thomas


Meditation: See your Spark of Divinity, your Soul, connected to the Living Father. Imagine the Light which is connected to God coming down and activating your crown chakra and then going through the center of your body, and then down to the earth. Invocation: “Father: Please let me be one with you. Please grant me your Wisdom, your Powerful Love, and your Immortal Strength. Thanks, God!”

The only way to be a Physical Immortal is to be sourced directly from the Living Father. Thus, each day the seeker will want to start his day with the Holy Vow:

“Father: I give you everything: My life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me your Immortal Strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!”

Please see a previous post on this blog, Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow , for additional insights.

One of the key transformations which will occur as the Father’s Light flows through you is dissolving various energies which represent darkness. In saying 22 of Thomas Jesus commands us to eliminate the female self since the female energy represents evil. See a previous post,Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas ,  for additional insights. When the female energy is activated in a male, he will be a homosexual and thus double-minded; in many cases, the female energy was activated during childhood as a result of abuse from a female such as his mother. In any case, one will ask God to dissolve the female self: “Father: Please allow your Light to dissolve the female self so that I can be one with you. Thanks, God!” The acid test for a homosexual: Is there any same-sexual attraction? Once the female energy is dissolved there will not be any.

The Father’s Light will also dissolve other dark energies such as the Ego, Superego, self-hate, abuse, implants, demons, and other evil energies. It was through this process I was able to dissolve my Ego: What Happened When I Lost My Ego: A First-Person Account (a post on this blog).

Note that if the seeker is not sourced by the Living Father, then he will be controlled by the Matrix. The Matrix is a 5th dimensional structure which is used by aliens to control human beings in order to eat their life force. There is no free will for 99.99+% of human beings as these evil beings control the actions of humans. The only way out is to enter the light: “‘If they say to you, where did you come from’, say to them we came from the Light, the place where the Light came into being by itself’” (Jesus, saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas). Please see core teaching # 6 below for additional insights.


Core Teaching # 5:  Construct an Immortal Body

“ When you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image…then you will enter the Kingdom of God” –Jesus, saying 22, The Gospel According To Thomas.

Since the core teaching of Jesus is the Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet earth the seeker of Immortality will need to construct an Immortal Body. This quest is one of the key focus points on the Thomas Immortality Project.  Essentially, what we do is to activate the white light life force which is located in the belly region and begins just below the navel. One practice is to use an object such as a ball-point pen and activate the navel itself. This is the source of the body’s life energy called Qi or Chi in Oriental systems. Once your life force is activated, then the body will start to vibrate at a supercharged frequency. Practices such as using marijuana, consciously connected breathing, spinal column activation at the base of the spine and moving to the crown of the head, are all recommended.

An excellent text which will get one started is: Supercharging Quantum-Touch: Advanced Techniques: Alain Herriott ...

Core Teaching # 6: Activate energy centers or chakras above the head.

“We came from the Light, the place the Light came into being by itself” –Jesus, saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas.

These transpersonal chakras or energy centers will allow one’s consciousness to be at a higher level and thus allow for the body to vibrate at a supercharged frequency. For the seeker just starting out, this will be a challenging step as staying in the Ego-controlled brain is easy; far more challenging is to enter the Light! A first step might be to take a mindfulness training course which will allow one to watch his thoughts; once it is seen that you are not creating your thoughts, but they arise from outside the brain, then you are on the way to Enlightenment. An interesting text which may be helpful for the seeker is: Quantum-Touch 2.0 - The New Human: Discovering and Becoming ...

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