Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Core Teachings of Jesus Leading To Eternal Life: Physical Immortality , Part I

“Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself will become he and what is hidden will be revealed to him.”

---Jesus, saying 108, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: In this essay I review some core teachings of Jesus which will lead to eternal life: Physical Immortality as revealed in The Gospel According To Thomas.


Core Teaching #1: Inside your core being must be the true will to be Immortal.

“If you bring what you have within you into being, then what you have will save you. If you do not have it, then that which you do not have will kill you.”

--Jesus, saying 70, The Gospel According To Thomas

Here Jesus tells us that to be saved, then the will or motivation must already preexist. The true will for Immortality is a gift from God. Jesus chooses the elect, one out of a thousand, two out of ten thousand (saying 23, The Gospel According To Thomas). If you are interested in eternal life, Physical Immortality, then consider yourself one of the elect; now keep seeking until you find (saying 92, The Gospel According To Thomas).

Core Teaching # 2: Discover your real identity: A Spark of Divinity.

“When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the Sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves , then you exist in poverty and you are poverty.”

--Jesus, saying 3, The Gospel According To Thomas

The shift from the Ego brain to one’s center is the breakthrough Jesus was hoping his followers would make. In one’s center or core self is what you are: God Stuff. One’s core is connected to the heart and usually is where self-hate, and low self-esteem exists. Below these toxic feelings is your True Self. Opening to God’s Powerful Love is the only way to access this opening as one needs to purify his core from traumas. Once you have found your True Self, then you are ready for the next step: Being One with Jesus.

Core Teaching # 3: Develop Christ Consciousness by drinking From Jesus’ mouth.
The first step to developing Christ Consciousness is to open your heart and allow God’s Powerful Love to flow. Without love I am insane. Without love the Ego will lead me to eternal death. Be clear: Christ Consciousness means an interdimensional being exists in your core. In other words, in the upper chest region, between the heart and the throat, is where this interdimensional being exists. Once I was able to connect with Yeshua, then I felt a higher form of love. In this space I feel at peace and alert without any need to achieve anything. Because Jesus came into being after I lost my Ego, I do not know if this is a cause-and-effect relationship: Is it necessary to first shift one’s consciousness from the brain to the heart before Jesus can enter? Or by drinking from Jesus’ mouth will the heart start opening to God’s Unconditional Love? Note that the best way to drink from Jesus’ mouth is a morning devotion of 15-20 minutes in which the seeker meditates on Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas. To the best of my knowledge, Thomas is the only source of authentic sayings of Jesus as the Roman Catholics have committed forgery with the 27 books which became the New Testament.

 See: Forgeries In the New Testament , a post on this blog. Also, for additional insights  about Christ Consciousness see: What Is Cosmic Consciousness vs. Christ Consciousness? - Big ...

Russia update: The United States has threaten military action against Russia. This past Saturday Trump announced that the United States was pulling out of an arms treaty with Russia. See: Trump says the US will pull out of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces ... and the US ambassador to Nato announced plans for a pre-emptive strike against Russia:

The US ambassador to Nato has warned Russia that if it does not halt the development of a new cruise missile in violation of a treaty between the countries, the US will “take out” the missile.

Kay Bailey Hutchison was speaking to reporters about a longstanding issue of contention, a Russian ground-launched cruise missile which Washington says breaks the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

Russia's response: Russian state news agencies on Saturday cited a foreign ministry source as saying Washington’s move to pull out of the treaty is motivated by a dream of a single global superpower.“The main motive is a dream of a unipolar world. Will it come true? No,” a foreign ministry source told Ria Novosti state news agency.

Here we are at an inflection point in which according to my analysis this past August 28, 2018 I predicted that Russian game theorists will be considering a first-strike nuclear attack against the United States. By threatening a first-strike attack against Russia, the Trump administration is playing into the hands of Russian strategy which appears to be one in which they believe they can survive a nuclear war while the United States will quickly fall apart. In this scenario, there will be at least 50 million American killed. Please see my previous posts: a) Readers I wiil be celebrating Labor Day next week. Next post due September 11, 2018. Happy Labor Day! and b) Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason!

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