Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Whoever is living from the Living One will not see death

"Whoever is living from the Living One will not see death”

--Jesus, Saying 111, The Gospel According To Thomas


1. The Living One is the Living Father. We make this God Connection by being unified with Jesus. Usually, I see myself as being connected to God while being one with Jesus.

2. The first step is to completely destroy your body, mind and everything attached to you. Thus, you will place yourself in a meat grinder or a blender. After your body has been completely annihilated you are left with a single point: Your individual spark of divinity which is pure awareness or consciousness.

3. In your body, this “spark of divinity” is located in your core self or your center. Usually, it is located under the rib cage. As an Immortal, this is where your awareness or consciousness is focused since this is the ‘real’ you. Note that there is complete silence as there are no internal dialogues since your awareness is not in the brain. Please note that your first objective in becoming an Immortal is to destroy the Ego, which is located in the left hemisphere of the brain. Please see my last week’s post: "Whoever Is Near Me Is Near the Fire": The Fire of Self-Purification In Order To Be One With God for additional insights. 

 4. Once there is just a single point, the next step is to unite with Jesus:

“Yeshua-Michael: Please take activate my vocal cords so that they vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, Yeshua-Michael.”


a. Yeshua is Jesus’ birth name and is what his followers call him by.

b. Michael is the spiritual form of Yeshua.

c. Because the Immortal speaks powerful truths, he will want to speak with the authority of an Immortal.

5. The next step is to raise your consciousness to the Resurrection Frequency, the level at which Jesus existed after he was Resurrected from the dead. I use a meditation practice called The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice (this is a link to a post on this blog). To activate this frequency one will:

a) Activate the tailbone for the true will for Physical Immortality. In Yogic terms, this is the root chakra or the first chakra.

b) Connect the tailbone to the top of the head, the crown chakra, by breathing in the earth’s Immortal current and then bring this current to the spine and then to the top of the head. See Activations For Constructing the Immortal Will (a post on this blog) for additional insights.  

c) Activate the Transpersonal point which is about 6 inches above your head. See: Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self  (a post on this blog) for additional insights.  

d) Once you have activated your Transpersonal Point, then imagine a white light connecting your to God.

e) The next step is to create a circle or field of awareness around your body. See: The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science , a link to a site and study figure 1.  

f) The next step is to jump to the second level about 1 foot above your Transpersonal Self. Then construct a second circle. Note: You have constructed concentric circles.

g) Keep jumping to higher levels and frequencies. I believe the 23rd level is the Physical Immortal Frequency of the Resurrection Frequency. Note: This is the frequency Jesus created when he was Resurrected from the dead. In essence, Jesus constructed the template which all followers activate so that they can be united with him at the Physical Immortal Frequency.

6. Once you have activated the Resurrection Frequency, then bring this level of consciousness to your center in your body. At this point you will activate your Transpersonal Self and be able to be aware of the field of awareness which is surrounding your body. In your meditation practice, the goal is to be centered in the body and allow it to vibrate at higher frequencies. In my practice, my body will tend to spontaneously start vibrating at higher frequencies early in the morning—between 3 A.M. and 8 A.M. Seekers are encouraged to play with various time periods. Note that around noon is usually the lowest point in which my body will vibrate.

7.  As your field of awareness is centered in the body and it starts to vibrate, you are Living from the Living one.

8. I would conjecture that small amounts of marijuana with moderate levels of THC (around 20 mg) and meditating in a darken room is helpful in helping the body to vibrate at higher frequencies. Again, I would encourage seekers to see what works for them.

 9. As you unite your Spirit with Jesus, then you will be shown hidden things: “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself will become he and what is hidden will be revealed to him” –Jesus, Saying 108, The Gospel According To Thomas.   In this union with Jesus you will be given God’s Wisdom, Unconditional Love, Strength and His Immortal energies.


Other Notes:

1. The root-crown connection, the base of the spine connected to the  top of the head, is a fundamental practice when we start to meditate as it activates the kundalini, which is God’s energy connected to the Immortal current of the earth, and God’s light from above. Sometimes this connection is called the “main vertical power current” and is the flow of energy which pulsates up and down the spine. Note that this is what is being referred to in point 5, a) above.

2. The secret to being an Immortal is to purify one’s core and then to be centered in this core. Then ask for God’s spirit to enter your core at the Immortal Frequency. The goal is to give up conscious control to God, thus allowing for His Wisdom, Love, Strength, and Immortal energies to be fully activated.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Whoever Is Near Me Is Near the Fire": The Fire of Self-Purification In Order To Be One With God

"Whoever is near me is near the Fire and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom”---Jesus, Saying 82, The Gospel According To Thomas


Overview: Human beings have 5 bodies: Physical, blueprint, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The goal of going through the fire of self-purification is to destroy the emotional and mental bodies. In general, the emotional body is associated with females while the mental body is associated with males. In both cases, they block God’s Spirit to flow as it wishes throughout your body and thus have to be destroyed in order to construct an Immortal body. In this higher frequency one will have peace, joy, and contentment as one is centered in his Core Self while God’s Spirit is free to flow as it wishes.

1. We will start the self-purification by fire by constructing the Immortal Will. Please see the post from two weeks ago: Checklist For Immortals: Constructing and Activating the Immortal Will, Part IV

2. As God’s Light, which is Jesus (see saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas), enters the top of the head through the crown chakra we see a ball of fire. The sphere-like energy represents the high frequency of Jesus. The first stop is in the left hemisphere of the brain. Here we destroy the Ego.

3. "Father: Please allow this ball of fire to destroy my Ego and the story-telling function of my left brain. Thanks, God!” The Ego is where the life energy of human beings is sucked up and eaten by evil creatures. The fire will also destroy the story-telling function of the left brain which invents stories in order to create drama, conflict, fear, anxiety and so forth. As the Ego is burned up by the fire hear it scream! Your connection to Satan is being dissolved as your connection to the Matrix or “One Mind” is broken.

4. Our next stop is the vocal cords. This is a favorite resting place for demons. These evil energies use your voice to constantly lie. Be clear that lying includes deception of any kind, misleading others about your intentions, omission of facts in order to deceive, changing the subject in order to deceive, taking things out of context, and so forth. However, note that you always have the right to be silent and refuse to answer a question. Also, a question which invades your right to privacy can be answered truthfully as “No” even when the literal answer is “Yes” since by saying “No” in this case you are telling a higher truth: “No, you do not have the right to even ask such a question!”

5. “Father: Please allow this ball of fire to destroy the demons who use my vocal cords to lie. Thanks, God!” 

6. The next stop is in the heart region. Here is where your parents took control of your will by creating a fear of punishment. They used a structure called the superego which will constantly cause guilt, self-hate, shame, the recalling of traumatic events and other negative thoughts. So the superego needs to be burned up!

7. “Father: Please allow this ball of fire to destroy my superego. Thanks, God!” To activate the superego one can recall an event which causes one to feel guilt or shame. Then burn this energy up: Hear the screams of the demons as they are destroyed!

8. Our next stop will be the testicles in which fetishes or demons with low-level of consciousness are lodged. These demons will create stories (real or in fantasy) in which you are publicly shamed and then activate the superego which will in turn activate the heart region, thereby allowing love to flow in your heart. Interesting: The demons have managed to transform abuse into love! When this occurs, there will be an erection and then the victim will masturbate and then ejaculate to the fantasy. These fetishes have to be burned up by the fire!

9. “Father: Please allow this ball of fire to burn up the fetishes in my testicles. Thanks, God!” Please note that when you activate a fetish, then the demons will be activated and thus will take you over at critical points in your life and fuck you up! This is the real danger of these fetishes: When you masturbate to them give them your life energy and thus you give them permission to fuck you up in real life. Thus, you must destroy them before they destroy you.

10. When you are ready, then walk through a large fire that is burning brightly. As you walk through this fire allow it to burn up all darkness, demons, traumas, self-hating energies, implants (including those in your eyes and vocal cords), guilt, shame and so forth. Hear the loud screams of these evil energies as they are destroyed by the fire!

11. “Father: Please allow me to walk through this fire of purification which will destroy all evil, darkness, subpersonalities, implants, traumas, and demons. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy! Thanks, God!” As you leave the fire, you will be ready to enter the Kingdom and thus unite with Jesus as there is an outpouring of relief, joy, and oneness. Then your Core Self or Center will be purified as you are whole again. 

Summary: By going through the fire of self-purification one will remove darkness so that God’s Light can shine.  As you exit the fire, you will be ready to unite with Jesus. In this union there will be a joyous embrace of each moment as you have become whole and are one with God. 

Addendum: To be clear: The ego is an artificial construct located in the left hemisphere of the brain with no will of its own. However, the ego is under the delusion that it is in control. It will be provided with strokes which are both positive and negative: The positive stokes tell you how great you are while the negative strokes will attack your self-worth. The brain is connected to what Dr. Larry Dossey calls the “One Mind” or what I call the Matrix and refer to it as the “Ego-Alien Hypothesis.” See: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater - Amazon.com.  At this level, there is no free will as all thoughts, feelings, and actions are controlled by the Matrix.  Thus, as long as one has an ego and superego one is under the dominion of Satan. Ergo, these structures have to be burned by the fire of self-purification.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How To Be An Immortal

Update on May 15, 2018: In last week's post, Checklist For Immortals: Constructing and Activating the Immortal Will, Part IV, we discussed how to activate the Immortal Will. Since this is the key to being a Physical Immortal, I am reposting this May 9, 2017 again as it clearly outlines what it takes in order to be an Immortal.
The following essay gives some pointers on being an Immortal. By “Immortal” I mean living in physical form on planet Earth forever. Please note that each person will have to find his own way to being an Immortal. Because each person brings his own strengths, and weaknesses, he will have to start where he is. Should the seeker like any support in his quest for eternal life, then feel free to email me at safeway7354@gmail.com.  As the public at large verifies that Immortality is possible, there will be a revival of the Jesus Movement.

1. True Will For Immortality—This first step begins with the opening to the possibility of being transformed into an Immortal. This step will eliminate the vast majority of people as they will usually fall into the following groups: Those who do not care about eternal life and thus will die at their appointed time and that will be the end of them; those who are “wise” and know that Immortality is not possible; those who have accepted Satan’s lies that there is some nebulous life after death. This first step requires an opening and then you can see what happens.

a. The goal in being an Immortal is to unite the Spirit with the physical body. At this point in mankind’s development, science can offer nothing to shift the aging code and thus anything science says about this subject is a waste of time. Sure, eat your vegetables and avoid smoking tobacco and the like; but these practices won’t transforming your physical body or stop it from aging. Seekers are invited to study Saying 29 for additional insights.

b. After accepting the possibility of Immortality, a next step might be to take concrete actions which aligns with your goal. The Thomas Immortality Project blog offers many suggestions and you can start anywhere. A nice place to start may be to start each morning with the Holy Vow: “Father, I give you everything—my life, my heart, my soul, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This is said aloud the first thing every morning and is your direct connection to God.  Note that Jesus said, “Fortunate is the person who has worked hard and found life” (Saying 58). 

2. The Immortal Will—This step is foundational as it requires a single-minded devotion to being an Immortal. If you have other goals such as taking care of your family, making money, or solving the world’s problems, then you have diverted your attention from “taking up the cross and following Jesus” (See Saying 55). 

a. The process of being an Immortal is as follows:
i. First one is in right standing before God. This is part of the purification process and one will give and accept forgiveness for the past and be committed to being Holy today.
 ii. The crown at the top of the head is activated (the “Bindu Chakra”).

iii.  The light, which is Jesus, is activated at the “Immortal Youthing” frequency.

iv.  One invites God to source you at this frequency moment by moment.

v. The Earth Chakra is activated at the Physical Immortal frequency so that you stay grounded to the Earth. 

b. Note that Jesus said, “I am the light that is over all things. I am all: From me all has come forth, and to be all has reached” (Saying 77). Thus, I recommend a morning devotion of 20-minutes which will include a few minutes of study of Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas. These are words of Jesus spoken in Aramaic and have been untouched by the Roman Catholics. Please note that the New Testament scholar Bart Erhman has shown this is NT is a filled with 100’s of forgeries and thus cannot be used as a source of Jesus’ words. Two examples of such forgeries are Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11. See The Bart Ehrman Blog

c. A daily meditation practice of intending for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Youthing frequency will be necessary. My preference is to use marijuana and lay down and focus on the body while keeping thoughts at bay. Note that God created plants, herbs, and vegetation for mankind’s benefit (See Genesis 1: 11-12, 29). In any case, concentrated meditation as a daily practice will be necessary. I do this for 1 hour per day and combine it with taking a nap or going to sleep. The seeker is invited to find a practice that works for him and then keep at it. 

3.  Constructing the Immortal Will—This is a spiritual-engineered construct which is created by intention. It is a pole-like structure which goes above the head through the front of the body and connects with the Earth.  The Chinese use a similar construct called the “Central Meridian” while other systems call it the “Column.”  Also, in the Jewish Kabbalah there is a spiritual construct called the “mer-ka-ba” which the seeker might like to investigate. See: Merkaba - Meaning and How to Use...

4. Connect Your Immortal Will With the Father—This is a permanent connection which will moment by moment active the Immortal Youthing frequency. This connection is done through uniting with Jesus as his Twin. 

a. The Ego must be deactivated in order to be sourced by the light. The Ego is an artificial construct which exists in the left hemisphere of the brain and is under the dominion of Satan. According to the “Ego-Alien” Hypothesis, Satan sucks up the life energy of each person via the Ego. There is a nice balance in which Satan and his demons will allow the individual to get strokes by other people while the Super Ego will constantly punish the person for alleged misdeeds. Please note that nearly all human beings are controlled by their Ego and thus free will is an illusion. Please see the post, “Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective” for additional insights. See: Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective

b. The Immortal Will is activated as the Wisdom center, the heart is opened to God’s unconditional Love, and the belly button area is activated. Note that this last activation is called the “Hara” in Zen and is the source of the body’s Chi or Qi. The goal is to let go and let God by allowing the life energy to flow freely. 

5. I wish to thank each reader who has taken time to read this post. By your kind attention, you are assisting in a world-wide transformation which will grow like a mustard seed: Although it is the smallest of seeds, it will grow into large plants given the right soil. You have the opportunity to transform the world as you spread the Good News: Eternal Life is available right here, right now as you set the world on fire! 

Quick Book Reviews:

1. The Gospel According To Thomas: Coptic Text Established And Translated by A. Guillaumont, H.-Ch Puech, G. Quispel, W. Till, and Yassah ‘Abd Al Mashih (Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1959). This text is of historic importance as it is the first English translation of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas. Note that The Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945 as part of the Nag Hammadi Library, along with 48 other texts. It took scholars 14 years to go through these documents and they discovered that the Copic Gospel of Thomas was in fact the same Greek Gospel found by the British explorers Hunt and Grenfell in 1896 and 1904. I recommend this translation as it is a word-for-word translation and the authors attempt to keep the phrasing as literal as possible. Nearly all the later translations have intentionally corrupted the language for their own purposes. An example is Marvin Meyer’s text which uses gender neutral language by avoiding the term “man” (see saying 8 as an example in which he uses the term “humankind”). As a Jew who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, I am afraid Jesus was not as politically correct as Mr. Meyer and the rest of the present-day scholars are. See: Guillaumont, First Edition - AbeBooks.

2. The Other Gospel: Accounts of Jesus outside the New Testament by Bart Ehrman and Zlaiko Plese (Oxford University Press, 2014). This is a reference book of 39 sources which claim to include the words of Jesus. Nearly all of them are fraudulent and most date hundreds of years after 30 A.D. (when Jesus was resurrected). For the most part these accounts are just part of various traditions as the Jesus Movement ended by 70 A.D. (with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem) and these accounts are pure inventions. However, the Thomas student will benefit from this text as in academic circles there are always references to various “Gospels” such as the “Gospel of Judas” and the “Gospel of the Hebrews”. The reader can finish this text in just 3-4 hours as Ehrman gives a 2-3 page summary of the source and then provides an English translation. I just scanned the various sources as they are of no value in knowing what Jesus taught. See: The Other Gospels: Accounts of Jesus from Outside the ... - Amazon.com

3. Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This is a workbook with dozens of suggestions of how the seeker can rid himself of the Ego and be sourced by God. The seeker might read a page or two and then reflect upon Tolle’s suggestions. This is a nice introduction into spirituality for those who are so inclined. See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com.

The Wild, Wacky, World of Non-Dual Reality

Update on May 15, 2018: Since readers have expressed some interest in understanding the nature of reality as it regards “non-duality” and how this intersects with the Alien-Ego Hypothesis, I repost a discussion of this which was originally posted on November 10, 2016 on this blog. Please note that when Enlightenment occurs, there is a clear seeing that people are responding from some script and human beings are puppets without free will. The only way out of this trap is to enter the Light: Activate the Light Consciousness just above your head. This Transpersonal Self or in some systems the 8th/9th chakras, or Soul Star Self will allow for clear seeing. Once you do see, you will be stunned!

I dedicate the following essay to Alan Watts, a San Francisco Zen teacher from the 1950s. Please see his playful book, The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (see: Alan Watts - Wikipedia). While I attempt some wit, the reader will be left stunned if he ever sees what is pointed to.

1. In this essay, I shall give a concise description of reality as it relates to human beings. This means that support of the claims will be minimal; however, I invite you to obtain a copy of Mr. Watts text mentioned above for further insights. Also, readers are always welcomed to email me at safeway7354@gmail.com should they have questions.

2. Human beings live in a multidimensional reality. The first level of interest is the preordained one: All events are predestined to occur in the precise way they have happened before the foundation of the world.  At this absolute level, there is no free will.

3. On the second level, thoughts, urges, and feelings are fed into one’s brain or one’s body by dark energies. So say the goal is for 100 million Americans to feel outrage on Nov. 9. Then the programmer will see to it that Donald J. Trump is elected President of the USA. Common sense would tell everyone they are outraged at the election of Trump; in fact, the reality is the election was preordained and then the reaction of outrage because human beings believed the simulation was real.  

4. On the third level, the Ego brain, which is the default mode of human beings, is connected to an evil energy source which can only exist when human beings are suffering. So the feelings of outrage are connect to Satan or evil energies; Satan and his demons feed upon these strong emotions.

5. There is about a 90-10 percent ratio between evil and good. So there are still 10% of people in the world who are still decent. And so acts of kindness and love do occur from time to time. When a man of 70-years old is asked to review his life he will no doubt find a few fleeting moments of happiness; 99.9% of the time he would have felt that everything was fucked up!

6. How to get out of this diabolic plot? We use Einstein’s dictum: “No problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness which created the problem.” This means somehow the human consciousness has to shift from the ego brain into Truth Consciousness. 

7. The first step in shifting into the light is to see what’s happening: illumination=transformation. This shift can occur to those whose scripts preordained them to do so. Should the reader ever gets a glimpse of reality—he is being used by demonic energies—he will be stunned!

8. Jesus came into the world to offer an illumination of what is happening. The Resurrection of Jesus is both a physical and spiritual transformation. The physical transformation is physical immortality; the spiritual transformation is a shift into Truth Consciousness.

9. In practical terms, the reader needs to be dedicated to the truth. What one believes is true is not relevant; one must want the truth more than life itself!

10. It needs to be noted that God usually uses the law of cause-and-effect in order to create human being’s reality. Of course, some events are of a paranormal nature and thus do not fall into the Newtonian paradigm. 

11. The Gospel of Thomas is the best vehicle to transform into the light. Readers are invited to obtain the following resources: 


Readers are encouraged to obtain a hard copy of these texts—not just read them online. The goal is to meditate on the words of Jesus and take your time. Meditating on one saying of Jesus per day is an excellent practice. Note that the words of Jesus vibrate at the Immortal Frequency and thus obtaining these texts is the first step to obtaining Physical Immortality.  

12. Questions of why the world we live in is structured in a certain way are left in the domain of God’s Sovereignty; I would never question why God has structured the reality the way He has done. As a follower of Jesus, I am commanded to share the Good News: “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the Living Father” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 3).


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Checklist For Immortals: Constructing and Activating the Immortal Will, Part IV

“Father: Right here, right now I ask to be connected to you through the light which is Yeshua. May this light originate from you to the crown of my head, activating the center of my brain with your Wisdom and Immortal energies, and then activate my heart region with your Love, and my belly region with your Immortal energy and Strength. Then please allow your light to go through my body and connect to the earth. May your Immortal energies from above and the earth’s Immortal energies from below pulsate up and down as I am a Physical Immortal. Thanks, God!”

Please see:
for the previous checklists.  

1. The final activation, constructing and activating the Immortal Will is the summum bonum or the “highest good from which all others are subsumed,” is a 5th-dimensional engineered construct which when fully activated subsumes all the other practices and recommendations on the Thomas Immortal Project

2. In the first part we imagine a white light tube connected to God from the crown of the head. The light is Jesus (see Saying 77, The Gospel According to Thomas) and it has been activated at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Note that this is what previous recommended practices have accomplished: Your awareness or Soul is connected to Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency, thus allowing for you to be a Physical Immortal. See: The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice , a post on this blog.

3. As the Immortal energies flow from the Living Father it will activated the crown of the head. This is the opening of the crown chakra, the 7th chakra in the 7th-chakra model. It is through the opening of the crown chakra that the Immortal energies of God’s Light are allow to flow throughout your being.

4. This white light tube or cylinder-like structure will penetrate the top of the head and go to the center of the brain. 

5. At this point, imagine a ball or sphere of bright light in the center of your brain while it is radiating Immortal energies. Allow this ball of light to remain in the center of your brain for a few minutes. This activation will allow you to start to shift the DNA code as it activates the alter major chakra (at the base of the skull), the Bindu Chakra, and the pineal gland. Note: It is not necessary to know exactly what God’s Light is activating; all you need to do is to see the sphere and be connected to it.

6. Allow the white light sphere to flow through the neck activating the neck chakras which will allow for the kundalini energies to rise from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Keep the ball here for a couple of minutes.

7. Now allow the white light tube to be constructed so that it goes through the center of the body. Your next stop is in the heart region. Here you will allow for the bright light of the ball to shine brightly as it activated both your upper heart chakra (a transpersonal chakra located between the heart and the throat ) and the 4th chakra or the heart chakra.  Here we allow God’s Love to bathe one in His Loving energies for a few minutes.

8. Next we allow the Immortal Current which the ball represents to flow down to the belly region. Here we activate the solar plexus, the navel, and the tin tien (a region just below the navel and a few inches inside the body). As you spend a few minutes allowing for the ball to rest in the belly region, feel the Immortal current strengthening your will. 

9. Now construct the Immortal Will or white light tube and connect it with the earth. Allow the ball of light to connect a foot or so inside the earth, activating the earth’s chakra. This connection completes the Father-Body-Earth connection at the Physical Immortal Frequency.

10. The meditation practice will consist of having constructed the Immortal Will and then allowing the sphere or ball of light which is the Immortal Current to pulse up and down: From God to the head, then to the heart, then to the belly, and then to the earth. As we breathe in we allow the earth’s Immortal Current to flow upward thus activating the kundalini energies and then as we breathe out we allow the energies from above to descend from God to the earth.

11. Final Note: Once the Immortal Will has been fully activated you will be a Physical Immortal. Also, note that once the Immortal Will has been constructed and fully activated it will act independently of you so you don’t have to do anything except to visualize or see the white light tube as the Immortal energies flow of their own accord. The practice is quite easy and I integrate it into my 1-hour meditation practice as well as activating it as part of the morning checklist for Immortals. Note: It may take a year of meditation practice to both construct and activate the Immortal Will. Just see what you can do each day--even 10 minutes per day is great!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self

Jesus said, “If they say to you, ‘Where did you come from?’ say to them, ‘We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself’”

--Jesus, Saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas


1. The light consciousness is a shift from one’s awareness being centered in the brain to the Transpersonal Self which is located about 6 inches above the head. This transformation is necessary since otherwise one’s awareness will be used by the Ego brain in order to suck one’s life force by creating stories, drama, conflicts, fear, anxiety and so forth. Please note that the minds of humans are all connected to what Dr. Larry Dossey calls the “One Mind.” See: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater - Amazon.com.

Also, note that what Dr. Dossey calls the “One Mind” I call the Matrix and refer to it as the “Ego-Alien Hypothesis.”  For more information about the Transpersonal Self see: Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras - Psychic Library. Please note in some systems the Transpersonal Self is called the 8th chakra, or transpersonal point or Soul Star chakra.


2.Please note that all systems devised by mankind such as psychotherapy, religions, meditation, and so forth are a waste of time since they leave one’s awareness stuck in the brain. Only by allowing one’s awareness to leave the brain can one enter the light. Seekers may be assisted by using marijuana, a herb given to mankind by God so that he can enter the light. See:  Marijuana Meditation Practice For Eternal Life , a post on this blog.


3. The first step in shifting one’s consciousness is through careful observations: The brain is thinking thoughts and I am aware of it. This is the key insight which can unravel everything: The brain is thinking thoughts independently of me. This must mean:


a) What I am is independent of my thought.


b) What I am is awareness of the thought.


c) What I am is awareness.



4. Question: If I am awareness, then what is the source of my actions?


Answer: Either your actions are controlled by the Matrix or you have entered the Light and thus are controlled by God. 


5. The purpose the Thomas Immortality Project is to expose to the world that they are controlled by darkness and thus have no free will. The only way out is to enter the light—the place where the light is self-generated. Clearly, as Jesus noted in Saying 50 above, the place where the light came into being by itself is the place of God.


6. It is through Jesus one enters the light: "I am the Light that is that is above all things. I am All: From me all has come forth, and to me all has reached. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me there" --Jesus, Saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas. Two Observations:

a) The light consciousness will allow one to be connected to Jesus since he is the Light. 

b) The Goal is to be connected to God by being connected to Jesus--the light which came into being by itself.


7. Prayer: " Father: Please take over my life. Please allow me to be connected to your Light by being united with Jesus at the Immortal Youthing Frequency. Thanks, God!"


8. As the seeker shifts his awareness to outside the brain he will want to be Holy as God is Holy. Thus, many of the recommendations on the Thomas Immortality Project  include purification practices: Healing of traumas, eliminating demonic influences by throwing away all screens such as computers, televisions, and Apple phones. Please see:  The Radical Message of Jesus: Disconnect From the World and Reconnect With God and God Alone , a post on this blog.


Summary: The God Connection can be activated by shifting your awareness from the brain to the Transpersonal Self located outside the brain. Once you know this is the objective, then reaching it is fairly easy; the difficult part is realizing a) What the goal is--to enter the Light by activating the Transpersonal Self and b) Using marijuana to transform one's ordinary consciousness--the brain which is controlled by the Ego which in turn in controlled by the One Mind or Matrix. By opening the crown chakra, located at the top of the head one will be able to allow God's Light to enter one's being, thus allowing for His unconditional Love, Wisdom, Strength, and Immortal energies. In this space one will enter the light--the place where the light came into being by itself!



Other Notes:

1. Serious Thomas students will want to obtain the scholar’s commentary: The Gospel of Thomas: Introduction and Commentary by Simon Gathercole (Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2014). See: The Gospel of Thomas - Brill. With 723 pages of scholarship this text gives multiple interpretations of each saying in Thomas as well as a thorough examination of the Greek and Coptic versions. Note: I obtained this text free of charged via Link+, an interlibrary loan program by the San Francisco Public Library.


2. Clarification: In Enlightenment awareness itself falls away in the sense that "I am aware of the door over there." Instead, one just sees the door over there. This is quite subtle as Enlightenment is more akin to being in free fall without any conscious control or being aware of something--things just happen.

Side note: Most of the writers of books about Enlightenment such as Eckhart Tolle have reached a Pre-Enlightened level but have not become Enlightened since as there is a subtle duality of being aware. 


3. The point of activating the Transpersonal Self is for one's awareness to leave the brain so that it can be centered in one's Core located in the body. The Spirit of God is then invited to entered one's life. At this point, a shift in the aging code via the DNA can be occur as the Immortal Will is constructed and thus one constructs an Immortal Body. See: Spiritual Transformations to Construct an Immortal Body , a post on this blog.