Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Forgeries In the New Testament

In this essay, I use the text, Forgery and Counter Forgery: The Use of Literary Deceit In Early Christian Polemics (Oxford University Press, 2013), by Bart D. Ehrman. See: Forgery and Counterforgery: The Use of Literary Deceit ... - Amazon.com. Note that this scholarly text represents the consensus view of New Testament scholarship.

1. The New Testament is a collection of 27 books written or approve by the Roman Catholics. By forgery I mean: a) To falsely use someone’s name as the source of a document, b) To put words on the lips of Jesus which he did not say. The New Testament is filled with hundreds of forgeries; this short essay will give the reader a taste of a few of them. These examples are representative of the whole.

2. A common forgery is what scholars call redactions. This is when an author inserts phrases which were not part of the original manuscript or when they invent sayings. A typical example of this kind of forgery is to compare saying 8 in the Gospel of Thomas with a parallel passage in Matthew.  In saying 8 we have the parable of the wise fisherman who keeps the one big catch and throws all the smaller fish back to the sea. Jesus concludes the parable by saying: “He threw all the little fish back into the sea and with no difficulty choose the larger fish. Whoever has ears to hear should hear!” In contrast, in Matthew we read: “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net which was thrown in the sea and gathered fish of every kind; when it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into the vessels but threw away the bad. So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth” (Matthew 13: 47-50).  Scholars are in agreement that the Roman Catholics added the conclusion to this parable, “men will weep and gnash their teeth” as Jesus, being a Jew, knew nothing about an afterlife.

3. In Thomas, the parable of the fisherman is given as part of his wisdom teachings while the Roman Catholics use the parable to claim the bad fish would be punished in the afterlife. The Jewish understanding of the afterlife is one of nonexistence: “Remember that thou hast made me out of clay; and thou will turn me into dust again” (Job 10: 9). While some sects of Judaism believe in the resurrection of the dead, this only applies to Jews; non-Jews or gentiles have the worth of dogs and thus when they die that’s the end of them as they will be turned into dust.

4. A similar kind of forgery to redaction is when whole passages are invented. Here I will give two examples:

a) Mark 16: 9-20. This 12 verses were added to the end of the book of Mark as the earliest manuscripts do not have these verses. See: Bart Ehrman - Mark 16:9-20 is fake - YouTube

b) John 7:53-8:11. This narrative which ends with Jesus saying “He who has not sinned cast the first stone” is an invention as it is not in the earliest manuscripts. See: James White: The woman caught in adultery story in John 7:53-8:11 is ...

5. Some forgeries are placed in the passage to make a theological point. An example of this is I John 5: 7, 8  which concludes: “These are three witnesses, the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree.” This forgery was apparently inserted by later scribes  as a proof text for the trinity. See: Was 1 John 5:7 Added To The Bible - Comma Johanneum - Trinity truth.

6. Complete forgeries are when entire books are written under a false name. This happened to many of the letters which are attributed to Paul. Three books which are obvious forgeries are the “Pastoral Letters” : I Timothy, II Timothy, and Titus. Scholars are of the consensus view that these three books are forgeries since they contain rules for the churches which assume an advanced structure which did not exist until at least a century after Paul’s death.  See: Pastoral epistles - Wikipedia.

 7. Most of the rest of the books of the New Testament are suspected of being forgeries as the writing style is that of highly educated Greek scholars while the claimed authors in most cases were either illiterate or semi-literate. For example, few scholars believe that Peter, a semi-literate fisherman who spoke Aramaic, wrote I Peter and II Peter. Note that these two books are written at a high level of sophistication with the use of various rhetorical devices which only a scholar would be able to produce.  See:  First Epistle of Peter - Wikipedia and Authorship of the Petrine epistles - Wikipedia

8. Conclusion: The New Testament is a collection of 27 books which were approved or written by the Roman Catholics for reading in the churches. Nearly all these books either contain forgeries or are complete forgeries themselves. The follower of Jesus has only one text which contain the original words of Jesus in Aramaic: The Gospel of Thomas. The best scholarly text to support this claim is Stephen Patterson’s text, The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels are Rewriting the Story of Christian Origins. See:  The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels Are ... - Amazon.com


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Some Notes On Becoming an Immortal

1. The first step in becoming an Immortal is a quiet brain. This means the various parts of your brain are silent. This step is essential since the goal is to allow God to source you moment by moment at the Immortal Youthing Frequency. If there is unnecessary brain activity in the form of mental chatter, then the Ego is in control. When the Ego is in control of the brain, the Immortal energy will not be allowed to flow throughout the body. So the first step: Kill the Ego!

2. One of the purposes of meditation is to quiet the brain. My practice is for an hour a day. But I encourage any seeker to start with 10-minutes breath awareness practice: For 10 minutes be attentive to your breath. Each time a thought arises, redirect the focus to your breath. Whatever you do, for 10 minutes concentrate on the rhythm of the in-breath and out-breath. Most people will find this practice quiet challenging. The goal is to silence the brain for 10 minutes. 

3. When thoughts arise—which they still arise from time to time in my case—they usually are on some past event. My immediate response: “I wish to close the door on the past so that God’s Love can flow.” Only by being present each moment can God’s unconditional love flow throughout the body.

4. The single-minded devotion to being an Immortal is foundational. While an Immortal can have a relationship with a female, I believe that as an initiate (one who is a seeker of eternal life) it’s better to stay away from them as they can be a distraction from the quest of Immortality. The parable of the wise fisherman comes to mind: The fisherman nets a slew of fish and among them is one large fish. So the wise fisherman throws all the smaller fish back into the sea so that he can treasure his big catch. Here we see the big catch is worth more than all the small stuff put together. Seekers are invited to study Saying 8 for additional insights. 

5.Strengthening the Immortal Will is done via practices such as morning devotions, affirmations, and new challenges. All the practices should be in alignment with the goal of being an Immortal. The French have a term for the level of obsession one needs to have, idée fixe, in order to be an Immortal. If being an  Immortal is just a nice idea, then I’m afraid it won’t happen for you. 

6. Being an Immortal is a moment-by-moment affair. There is no future in which you will be an Immortal; instead it will happen moment by moment. Recently, I have been reflecting on some of the ideas of Eckhard Tolle’s text, Practice the Power of Now (See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com). Tolle does a great job in elucidating the two tracks the brain can be on : a) The silent present with clear seeing or b) The Ego brain with its constant upsets. Please note that while these two tracks are mutually exclusive, one will usually alternate between them. The moment you are aware of mental chatter, at the moment you are on the Enlightened track.

7. Question: Who am I?
     Answer: I am the son of the Living Father. 

The discovery that you are being sourced by Consciousness at the quantum level means you could not exist outside of God’s Love. Being the son of the Living Father means one is unified with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency. While one can have a God connection without Jesus, this connection will not be at the Resurrection Frequency and thus you will not be an Immortal. The seeker might like to try an affirmation such as: “Jesus, Let me be resurrected with you at the Immortal Frequency, right here, right now. Thanks, Jesus.”

8. To keep the brain in top shape, I recommend doing challenging puzzles on a regular basis. The key is to be in error about a solution and then try another idea. Chess puzzles are great because they reveal an insight into the limits of the human brain: Even top grandmasters only think 4-5 moves ahead (or 8-10 half moves). The trick is to consider all possible options and out of them finding the ones which forces your opponent to make a move (or otherwise limits the opponent’s options). Here we find out that in thinking accuracy is key; the depth of the search is usually just 3-4 moves. So while any schoolboy can be taught how to think ahead 4 moves, few can do so with accuracy and this is the difference between the beginner and the master. So a few puzzles a day will be helpful in concentrating the brain and teaching flexibility and creativity.

9. The seeker will need to access where he is and what he needs to work on. Here are some areas which might need attention: 

* Purification—This is the process by which one is in right standing with God. This means all traumas of the past are heals. One might activate a light energy bandage around the trauma and ask for God’s Love to heal the trauma. 

* Unholy Relationships—If you are in a relationship with a human being, it is likely that it is unholy. You will need to leave this relationship as soon as possible.

* Low Self-Esteem—This is a hidden dis-ease which afflicts a lot of people. Try to identify with it by allowing your awareness to unite with the negative energy. This quiet focus with allow for transformation.

10. The seeker will need to activate the Transpersonal Self outside the brain. This will allow for intuitive right-brain thinking. Also, the Ego will be seen as an artificial construct lodged in the left hemisphere of the brain. In time, you can deactivate the ego at will. At this point, you are Enlightened! So what am I? I am awareness. But whose awareness? You think your awareness is your own; this is the error. In fact, the awareness itself is God! Combined with awareness is will or intention. For 99.99% of human beings, they will be unaware of their brain’s activity as they think that’s what they are. Please note that the ego is controlled by Satan and other non-human entities whose purpose is to take your awareness or life force and use God’s energy for its own self-destructive ends.

11. Becoming an Immortal is easy. This moment I can be aware of my breath. This moment I can allow God’s Love to flow through my body. This moment I can be open to the possibility of something new happening. May each moment be one of infinite blessings!




Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Brainstorming Some Ideas for the Thomas Immortality Blog

1. Enlightenment—The dissolution of the Ego can be brought about by eliminating the story telling function of the brain. This construct is separate from the Ego but is usually in constant communication with it. The Ego cannot operate without this function. Thus, the “story function” will constantly offer interpretations of life events and rehash them. It disconnects one from God. All the time one is reviewing events from the past, say, one is feeding the Ego. Note that the Super Ego, a punishing part of the brain, gets its energy from the Ego. Here’s how the model works:
a. God sources life energy for each person.

b. Satan and his demons steal the life energy from humans via the Ego/Super Ego.

c. The Ego is constantly engaged in psychic energy exchanges based upon its interpretation of various events or based on stories.

d. The Super Ego will constantly judge others in a negative manner. Satan uses this negativity to steal energy from the person.

2. Once the story telling function is shut off there is silence. The Ego has nothing to talk to. Usually, when one has a feeling, the story telling function will offer a “reason” for it. This “reason” is an invention and in fact the reason you feel a certain way is because: a) You were wired at birth with certain traits that are unique to you, b) A program controlled by Satan will use the Ego to cause certain feelings to arise. Note that the events which occur are also sourced by Satan. So if Satan wants a 100 million people in complete outrage, it will see to it that Donald Trump is elected President of the USA. The allows for a feeding frenzy for Satan’s demons and various non-human entities. 

3. Jesus’ name in Aramaic is “Yeshua,” meaning "savior" or "deliverer" See: Yeshua - Wikipedia. This presents a problem: Do we use the English name or Jesus’ name as he referred to himself? Usually, I would opt to use the original name or in this case “Yeshua.” However, since the name Jesus is so embedded in our culture, I use this name since otherwise most people would be confused about whom I was referring .

4. Donald J. Trump is turning out to be the disaster everyone thought: A psychopath who will ignore all prior agreements or social norms to achieve his immediate objective. My concern: Russian strategists need to know that the United States will respond to any nuclear attack—whether it was started with Russia or not—with an immediate nuclear response. There can be no other response. Do I believe Trump will do this? No. There is a strong possibility that if Trump saw a political advantage in starting a war, then  he would behave in a provocative manner in order to prod other nation states to attack the USA or a country which is part of NATO. Then he very well might turn around and do nothing when the USA is attacked. From a game theory view, to do nothing when attacked will invite further attacks. Thus, I strongly encourage the American people demand that Trump be charged with treason for his collusion with Putin before Trump has a chance to start a war. There appears to be sufficient evidence to bring this charge. Please see my previous post, Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason! posted on November 14, 2016.

5. The advanced Thomas student will want several translations of the Gospel of Thomas. Included in these resources should be the original 1959 translation by A. Guillaumunt, et al. See: The Gospel According to Thomas by A Guillaumont Puech Quispel Till ....This text is a word-for-word translation which is literal as possible. 

Example: In Saying 3 we have the phrase,"You will know yourselves and you will know you are the sons of the Living Father” (emphasis mine). Nearly all modern-day translations use the term child or children to read “You are the children of the living Father” or “You are a child or the Living Father” (See Marvin Meyer’s translation as a case in point). Do the terms “sons” and “children” connote the same meaning? No. The term “son” implies a relationship which is a kind of partnership, albeit, the “father” is in a superior position. In contrast, the term “children” implies a complete dependency upon the parent. Thus, these two translations are not saying the same thing. Because each word in a phrase is important in decoding its meaning, we need to be careful, even if it is to the extent of being pedantic, in our study of the words of Jesus.  

6. “I have no regrets about yesterday and no anxiety about the future because I do the best I can today” –Paraphrase of Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower. This is excellent advice. While the present involves a life situation based up past events, the present can only be different in the future by acting with wisdom today. If we are mired in the past events, then we are on an endless loop which will cause stress and upset. What I try to do: To the best of my ability, I act honorably today. This includes being open to compassion and wisdom. Thus, there is always a tension between acting in a manner which is in one’s short-term advantage vs. acting in a manner which is in one’s long-term advantage. In Saying 6, Jesus tells us “not to lie” as all things which are hidden will eventually be known. See my previous post,  Jesus Says: “Do Not Lie…For There Is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed” for additional insights.

7. When dealing with the world, I stay focused on what is happening before me. To the extent possible, I avoid judgments and just try to see. This stance follows Jesus’ advice in Saying 5: “See what is in front of your face and the hidden will be revealed.” 

8. In Saying 91, Jesus advises us to “test this moment.” I understand this testing to be an openness to the present moment and actively questioning one’s assumption or the assumptions of others. Often the assumptions are hidden or embedded in the language. From a cosmic perspective, this moment offers a glorious opportunity to commune and be sourced with God’s unconditional love as it vibrates at the Immortal Frequency. It is all there is.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How To Be An Immortal

The following essay gives some pointers on being an Immortal. By “Immortal” I mean living in physical form on planet Earth forever. Please note that each person will have to find his own way to being an Immortal. Because each person brings his own strengths, and weaknesses, he will have to start where he is. Should the seeker like any support in his quest for eternal life, then feel free to email me at safeway7354@gmail.com.  As the public at large verifies that Immortality is possible, there will be a revival of the Jesus Movement.

1. True Will For Immortality—This first step begins with the opening to the possibility of being transformed into an Immortal. This step will eliminate the vast majority of people as they will usually fall into the following groups: Those who do not care about eternal life and thus will die at their appointed time and that will be the end of them; those who are “wise” and know that Immortality is not possible; those who have accepted Satan’s lies that there is some nebulous life after death. This first step requires an opening and then you can see what happens.

a. The goal in being an Immortal is to unite the Spirit with the physical body. At this point in mankind’s development, science can offer nothing to shift the aging code and thus anything science says about this subject is a waste of time. Sure, eat your vegetables and avoid smoking tobacco and the like; but these practices won’t transforming your physical body or stop it from aging. Seekers are invited to study Saying 29 for additional insights.

b. After accepting the possibility of Immortality, a next step might be to take concrete actions which aligns with your goal. The Thomas Immortality Project blog offers many suggestions and you can start anywhere. A nice place to start may be to start each morning with the Holy Vow: “Father, I give you everything—my life, my heart, my soul, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This is said aloud the first thing every morning and is your direct connection to God.  Note that Jesus said, “Fortunate is the person who has worked hard and found life” (Saying 58). 

2. The Immortal Will—This step is foundational as it requires a single-minded devotion to being an Immortal. If you have other goals such as taking care of your family, making money, or solving the world’s problems, then you have diverted your attention from “taking up the cross and following Jesus” (See Saying 55). 

a. The process of being an Immortal is as follows:
i. First one is in right standing before God. This is part of the purification process and one will give and accept forgiveness for the past and be committed to being Holy today.
 ii. The crown at the top of the head is activated (the “Bindu Chakra”).

iii.  The light, which is Jesus, is activated at the “Immortal Youthing” frequency.

iv.  One invites God to source you at this frequency moment by moment.

v. The Earth Chakra is activated at the Physical Immortal frequency so that you stay grounded to the Earth. 

b. Note that Jesus said, “I am the light that is over all things. I am all: From me all has come forth, and to be all has reached” (Saying 77). Thus, I recommend a morning devotion of 20-minutes which will include a few minutes of study of Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas. These are words of Jesus spoken in Aramaic and have been untouched by the Roman Catholics. Please note that the New Testament scholar Bart Erhman has shown this is NT is a filled with 100’s of forgeries and thus cannot be used as a source of Jesus’ words. Two examples of such forgeries are Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11. See The Bart Ehrman Blog

c. A daily meditation practice of intending for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Youthing frequency will be necessary. My preference is to use marijuana and lay down and focus on the body while keeping thoughts at bay. Note that God created plants, herbs, and vegetation for mankind’s benefit (See Genesis 1: 11-12, 29). In any case, concentrated meditation as a daily practice will be necessary. I do this for 1 hour per day and combine it with taking a nap or going to sleep. The seeker is invited to find a practice that works for him and then keep at it. 

3.  Constructing the Immortal Will—This is a spiritual-engineered construct which is created by intention. It is a pole-like structure which goes above the head through the front of the body and connects with the Earth.  The Chinese use a similar construct called the “Central Meridian” while other systems call it the “Column.”  Also, in the Jewish Kabbalah there is a spiritual construct called the “mer-ka-ba” which the seeker might like to investigate. See: Merkaba - Meaning and How to Use...

4. Connect Your Immortal Will With the Father—This is a permanent connection which will moment by moment active the Immortal Youthing frequency. This connection is done through uniting with Jesus as his Twin. 

a. The Ego must be deactivated in order to be sourced by the light. The Ego is an artificial construct which exists in the left hemisphere of the brain and is under the dominion of Satan. According to the “Ego-Alien” Hypothesis, Satan sucks up the life energy of each person via the Ego. There is a nice balance in which Satan and his demons will allow the individual to get strokes by other people while the Super Ego will constantly punish the person for alleged misdeeds. Please note that nearly all human beings are controlled by their Ego and thus free will is an illusion. Please see the post, “Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective” for additional insights. See: Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective

b. The Immortal Will is activated as the Wisdom center, the heart is opened to God’s unconditional Love, and the belly button area is activated. Note that this last activation is called the “Hara” in Zen and is the source of the body’s Chi or Qi. The goal is to let go and let God by allowing the life energy to flow freely. 

5. I wish to thank each reader who has taken time to read this post. By your kind attention, you are assisting in a world-wide transformation which will grow like a mustard seed: Although it is the smallest of seeds, it will grow into large plants given the right soil. You have the opportunity to transform the world as you spread the Good News: Eternal Life is available right here, right now as you set the world on fire! 

Quick Book Reviews:

1. The Gospel According To Thomas: Coptic Text Established And Translated by A. Guillaumont, H.-Ch Puech, G. Quispel, W. Till, and Yassah ‘Abd Al Mashih (Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1959). This text is of historic importance as it is the first English translation of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas. Note that The Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945 as part of the Nag Hammadi Library, along with 48 other texts. It took scholars 14 years to go through these documents and they discovered that the Copic Gospel of Thomas was in fact the same Greek Gospel found by the British explorers Hunt and Grenfell in 1896 and 1904. I recommend this translation as it is a word-for-word translation and the authors attempt to keep the phrasing as literal as possible. Nearly all the later translations have intentionally corrupted the language for their own purposes. An example is Marvin Meyer’s text which uses gender neutral language by avoiding the term “man” (see saying 8 as an example in which he uses the term “humankind”). As a Jew who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, I am afraid Jesus was not as politically correct as Mr. Meyer and the rest of the present-day scholars are. See: Guillaumont, First Edition - AbeBooks.

2. The Other Gospel: Accounts of Jesus outside the New Testament by Bart Ehrman and Zlaiko Plese (Oxford University Press, 2014). This is a reference book of 39 sources which claim to include the words of Jesus. Nearly all of them are fraudulent and most date hundreds of years after 30 A.D. (when Jesus was resurrected). For the most part these accounts are just part of various traditions as the Jesus Movement ended by 70 A.D. (with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem) and these accounts are pure inventions. However, the Thomas student will benefit from this text as in academic circles there are always references to various “Gospels” such as the “Gospel of Judas” and the “Gospel of the Hebrews”. The reader can finish this text in just 3-4 hours as Ehrman gives a 2-3 page summary of the source and then provides an English translation. I just scanned the various sources as they are of no value in knowing what Jesus taught. See: The Other Gospels: Accounts of Jesus from Outside the ... - Amazon.com

3. Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This is a workbook with dozens of suggestions of how the seeker can rid himself of the Ego and be sourced by God. The seeker might read a page or two and then reflect upon Tolle’s suggestions. This is a nice introduction into spirituality for those who are so inclined. See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

12 Affirmations and Activations for the Thomas Immortality Project

This essay outlines the affirmations and activations mentioned on the Thomas Immortality Project. They are models which the seeker of eternal life might find helpful. Seekers are encouraged to create their own wordings and their own activations as obtaining Immorality will be unique for each individual.  I have organized them in one post so that you might be able to activate them as the Spirit moves. As a note of distinction, affirmations are intentions spoken aloud while activations are spiritual constructs which one creates by intention. As always, everything is done in accordance to the will of God. 
1. Holy Vow“Father, I give you everything—My life, my heart, my soul, my very being. Please give me your strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!”
This is said the first thing upon waking up each morning. It is your direct connection to God. It acknowledges your dependence upon God and puts the Ego in its place.

2. Activating Jesus’ Words—“Yeshua, your words are life! Please activate them at the Immortal Frequency, allowing me to be resurrected with you as a Physical Immortal. Thanks, Yeshua!.” 

This activation is said aloud before reading Jesus’ words in The Gospel of Thomas. To be an Immortal, one needs to be sourced by the Light which connects you to the Living Father. This Light is Jesus (see Saying 77). Also, note that Jesus' birth name is Yeshua and is what his followers call him by.

3. Immortal Prayer— “Father, Thank you for the gift of life! Thank you for every breath I take. Moment by moment source me at the Immortal Frequency, allowing me to be a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, God!”
This prayer is part of the morning devotion which includes prayers, the study of Jesus’ words, and devotion to God. Note that Immortality occurs each moment as it arises. One might want to spend a few minutes offering praise to God for life!

4. Spirit of Truth—“I invite the Spirit of Truth to be activated in my heart, allowing for compassion and forgiveness while honoring wisdom and truth. Thanks, Holy Spirit!” 

Here we activate the Spirit of Truth during one’s morning devotion. This is a gentle Spirit which will prompt you with insights and things to do which are in alignment with your Highest Purpose.  It’s a great idea to listen to this and do whatever God would have you do.

5. Holiness Prayer— “Father, have mercy upon me. Forgive me for all wrongs I have done to you, to others and myself. Please remove and protect me from all evil, traumas, and demonic influences. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy! Thanks, God!”
This prayer is part of the purification process. The goal is to be in right standing before God. It is said each day during one’s morning devotion. 

6. Activating the Immortal Will—“Right here, right now, I activate my Immortal Will. I activate my wisdom center, my heart, and my vitality center. After these have been activated I construct a pole-like structure which goes from above my head to beneath the earth. I turn my will over to God so that I can serve him as an Immortal. Thanks, God!” 

The spiritual construction of the Immortal Will is replacing one’s Ego for God. Note that nearly all human beings are controlled by the Ego which is controlled by Satan. The Ego’s purpose is to keep you disconnected from God. The three centers, the wisdom center (located in the middle of the forehead or “third eye”), the love center (associated with the heart chakra), and the vitality center (associated with the belly button or navel region) are activated here.

7. Resurrecting With Jesus—  

“Jesus asks you, ‘Who are you?”  

“I am the child of the Living Father.”

“Have you turned your will over to the Father?”

“Yes, Jesus, I have constructed my Immortal Will and turned it over to God.”

“What is the proof of God in you?"

“It is God’s Spirit moving in me and my rest on God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week.”

“Very well, my son. I now baptize you in the Name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Arise up and be resurrected with me as an Immortal!”

“Thanks, Jesus!”
This unification with Jesus is the start of a new life! Note that the baptism will be in water in which you will be fully immersed. This ritual is a public declaration that you are a follower of Jesus. 

8. Activating the Light Consciousness—“Right here, right now, I ask for my life force to rise from the base of my spine to the top of my head and then just outside my head. This is my Higher Self which connects me with God and allows me to deactivate the Ego brain.” 

On an earthly plane, the seeker’s consciousness will be what in  Zen is called the Hara or in the Chinese system the Tan Tien chakra. This is associated with the belly button and is the source of Chi or one’s life force. Note that those in the Ego brain have their consciousness in the forefront of their brain and thus will be controlled by Satan. When one is centered in the Hara, thoughts cease since one is connected to the Immortal energies of the earth.  By entering the light, one can be sourced by God. See: The Hara: Center of balance - Alchemy Realm.

9. Activating the Earth Chakra—“Right here, right now, I activate the earth chakra at the Immortal Frequency. May each step I take be filled with these higher frequency as I stay grounded to the earth. Thanks, God!”
This activation keeps you grounded to the earth. You are meant to live on this planet in physical form forever. Any idea that there is life after death is part of Satan’s lies. Thus, one is sourced by both heaven and earth at the Immortal Frequency. 

10. Light Bandage for Healing—“Right here, right now, I construct a light bandage which is filled with God’s unconditional love. It will heal any trauma, and any source of pain. I ask this bandage to continue to be activated throughout the day, allowing healing to take place as God wills. Thanks, God!”
This activation can be used for any specific need for healing. This can be physical, spiritual or psychological. It can be used as part of the purification process. Note that it is God’s Love which does the healing. 

11.  Guidance Prayer—“Father, please help me in solving the following problem or situation: ---------------------. Please intervene to resolve this problem as you will. Thanks, God!” 
This prayer or request is asking for God’s help in any of life’s situations. Note that resolving any problem one works in cooperation with God as “God helps those who help themselves.” Have faith that as a Child of the Living Father everything will work out for the Highest Good.

12. Original and creative insights each day—“Right here, right now I ask that I be open to at least one new insight today. Thanks, God!”
This is the last of our activations and it is part of the morning devotion. Only by seeking can one find. Each day offers many opportunities to see what is in front on your face ( Saying 5). The insights may be very basic such as seeing how you have repeated the same pattern over and over or seeing through the games of other people.