“The angels
and prophets will come to you and give you what is yours.”
--Jesus, saying 88, The Gospel According To Thomas
Overview: In
this essay, the sixth of a series on “Becoming An Immortal,” attention is given
to calling on Higher Powers for help. Please note Jesus said in saying 88 cited
above says the angels will give you what is yours; however, as is always the
case one must ask first. Please be clear: God
and God alone is to be worshipped! By calling upon the angels for help the seeker
is activating a particular aspect of God which he is invoking. I encourage
seekers to find the Higher Powers which are useful for you and also I invite
you to change the wording of any invocation to what best suits your needs.To read the previous 5 posts, please see: Becoming An Immortal: Summary of Parts 1-5
Note to Readers: My next post is due February 4, 2020.
Note to Readers: My next post is due February 4, 2020.
Holy Vow: “Father: I give you everything.
Please give me your Immortal strength to do your will this day. Please allow me
to be one with you at the Physical Immortal frequency this day and please allow
for bliss consciousness and uncaused joy. Thanks, God!”
The Holy Vow is said the first thing upon waking up each day as it sets
your intention for that day. It is said aloud and generally if I take a nap during the
day I will repeat the Holy Vow upon
waking up.
The first
vow is to give God everything—your heart, your soul, your mind, your very
being. In return you ask for His Immortal strength to do his will.
In the second sentence the seeker requests to be one with God at the Physical Immortal frequency that day. In practice I imagine a light pole connected going into the heavens and connected to God. Then I imagine the light pole being activated at the Physical Immortal frequency. Finally, I see the light pole activating my crown chakra and crown point at the top of my head.
In last half
of the second sentence I ask for God’s joy and bliss to activated in my being
that day. In yogic terms, bliss consciousness is associated with the activation
of a spiritual energy from the tailbone to the crown chakra. Thus, part of my mediation practice is
intending for this energy to rise up from the earth to the tailbone and then to
the top of the head.
If the dear
reader is a seeker of eternal life and if the only thing he can do in a given
day is to say the Holy Vow aloud,
then he is making a great step! Thus, I
highly recommend all seekers of Physical Immortality to construct their own Holy Vow and say it aloud at the
beginning of each new day.
Also, readers might like to combine the Holy Vow with the "Immortal Prayer." Please see: The Immortal Prayer.
Also, readers might like to combine the Holy Vow with the "Immortal Prayer." Please see: The Immortal Prayer.
Michael: I call upon thee and thy legion of angels. Please give me your
protection, your Immortal strength and please help construct a physical body
that is Immortal, eternal and rejuvenating. Also, please use me to introduce
the Kingdom of God on planet earth. Thanks, Archangel Michael and your legion
of angels!”
In Daniel
12:1 Michael is call the Prince of angels and is in charge of human beings. This must mean that Michael is, in fact, Yeshusa!
This can be seen if one sees that Yeshua was the physical form of God
incarnate on planet earth while Michael is the spiritual form. This is somewhat
similar to Christians who often use the term Jesus Christ where Jesus is the
English term for Yeshua and Christ is a title of Jesus in spiritual form. Thus,
when one invokes Archangel Michael he is also invoking the spiritual power of
I find the
invocation of Michael to be of a high frequency. This is because he is the
highest spiritual form in the universe. Thus, I encourage seekers of Physical
Immortality to invoke Michael and his legion of angels each day.
3)“Holy Spirit of Truth: Please
be in my core self this day. Please guide my life to eternal life—Physical
Immortality. Please allow for clear seeing, clarity, discernment,
discrimination, Honor and Truth. Also,
please help me to make corrections when I am in error. Please work with my
guardian angels for white-light protection this day and please allow for Joy.
Thanks Holy Spirit of Truth and
guardian angels!”
The Holy Spirit of Truth is invited into my
core self each morning. Without Truth everything else is subject to error. A
key is to acknowledge that I am often wrong and thus the best I can do is to
keep being wrong until I arrive closer to the Truth.
During the
day I am open to receive insights and corrections. Often these will come when I
am walking outside or I am reading an article is The Financial Times (this is an international newspaper which I
read on weekends to obtain a recap of the week’s events). Thus, the seeker
might like to follow Jesus’ injunction: “See what is in front of your sight and
the hidden will be seen” (saying 5, The
Gospel According To Thomas).
My greatest joy is when I realize that I am in
error and thus have the chance to correct my thinking. In this way and only in
this way may one arrive near to the Truth.
Also, I
invoke the white-light protection of my guardian angels as it is only with
their protection that I am alive. Finally, I ask for joy in that new day.
“Angel of Physical Immortality: I call
upon thee and ask for you and your Spirit to be in my soul this day. Please be
one with my Spark of Divinity at the Physical Immortal frequency. Please activate larynx or voice box and my
core self so that they vibrate at the Physical Immortal frequency. Thanks,
Angel of Physical Immortality!”
In this
invocation I ask for the Angel of
Physical Immortality and its spirit to come into my soul or my Spark of
Divinity. Please note the one’s soul is located in the upper chest region,
above the heart and below the throat. Note that the Angel of Physical Immortality is Yeshua in spiritual form when he
resurrected from the dead. Thus, when I
invoke the Angel of Physical Immortality
I am asking to be Resurrected with Yeshua as a Physical Immortal.
Note that
one of the key purposes of this invocation is to raise one’s vibration so that
demons, dark energies, and sub-personalities are dissolved. Also, those humans
who are controlled by the Matrix (which is nearly all humans) will enter a
space of power and love and thus be transformed by being near you.
Side note: I
follow Jesus’ command in saying 42 and I am “a passerby,” and thus avoid all
unnecessary interactions with human beings as the vast majority of them are
dead (see saying 56). This also includes using the internet only once a week
for about 2 hours (on Tuesday); since I do not own a computer or an apple phone
these devices do not distract me from being connected with God.
Calling upon
the Angel of Physical Immortality is
a great way to start a meditation session. A key is to make a connection
between this Spirit and one’s Spark of Divinity. This way everything turns into
Gold—Physical Immortality! In particular, I like to make a connection between
my larynx and the Physical Immortal frequency so that as I speak my voice
vibrates at the Immortal frequency. The same applies to activating my core self
so that it vibrates at the Physical Immortality frequency. In time, you will no
doubt start to feel a ramping up of the body’s frequency during you daily
mediation sessions.
“Angel of Rejuvenation and your Spirit: I
call upon thee this day, allowing for Immortal Youthing in the body and a
renewing of the mind with rejuvenating energies. Thanks, Angel of Rejuvenation!”
Here I
invite the Angel of Rejuvenation and
its Spirit to enter my being. Every day is a new day and is a chance to praise
God for His many blessings! Praising God and rejuvenating go hand in hand as
they are both part of a heart opening. I enjoy calling up the Angel of
Rejuvenation and its Spirit as a walking meditation and will use the time I
spend walking as one in which I get to praise God for His many blessings.
As a
concrete suggestion on the renewing of the mind I spend about 30 minutes each
day doing challenging puzzles. In my case, I work on fairly advanced chess
puzzles and find that the brain stays sharp by attempting to solve them. As a
bonus, I get to see where I am wrong in my proposed solutions and thus can see
various errors in my thinking.