Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Next Post Is Due Novermber 12, 2019

Dear Readers:

As is my custom this year, I am writing two essay per month so that I have time to read various texts and consider various activations. God willing, the next post will be on November 12, 2019.

Below I am re-posting an essay written on August 28, 2018. In my view, the post is as timely as ever as Donald Trump has badly misplayed his hand in Syria by allowing the Russians to take the role to the kingmaker. The only question in my mind is: When Trump order the United States troops to stand down was it an intentional act or treason or merely stupidity on his part?

Also, note that there are scheduled impeachment hearing due by the House of Representatives in the next few months concerning Trump’s apparent act of treason concerning using the leader of a foreign country (Ukraine) to obtain information on a presidential rival (Joe Biden). This is misuse of his office by a possible quid pro quo involving nearly $400 million in foreign aid to Ukraine in return for information about the actions of Biden’s son. While I believe the United States Senate is unlikely to convict since it is controlled by Trump's party, the Republicans, the hearings may lead to the losing the election this in November 2020. 

But do we have that much time left as the Russians game strategy might be to launch a first-strike nuclear attack against the United States? 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Readers I wiil be celebrating Labor Day next week. Next post due September 11, 2018. Happy Labor Day!

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life. Because next week is Labor Day weekend there will be no post. God willing, I will post a new essay September 11, 2018. As noted below, I believe the international situation is close to a point that the Russian game theorists may conclude that it is to their benefit to launch a first-strike nuclear attack on the United States. No doubt the Russians will be looking at the fact that the United States is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on new war technology. This includes an advanced space program which may be able to hit any incoming missiles to the United States. While this “star-wars” technology was floated during the Reagan administration, I believe Israel has shown that there are enough advances in this technology that it may be a realistic possibility. Hence, the Russians might want to strike with a nuclear attack while they still can.  By having Trump removed from office the American people can signal to the Russians that our intentions are peaceful. Please do what you can to support peace. Thank you.

Meditation Practice: Becoming an Immortal, Part 4

“If one is unified, he will be filled with Light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness.”
--Jesus, saying 61, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: In this essay, I discuss various activations the seeker might employ during his daily meditation practice. Please use what you find useful and leave the rest behind. 

I. Activations before one starts the meditation practice.  

1.     The True Will for Physical Immortality—This is the first activation I perform as it is a gift from God:
“Father: Please give me the True Will for Physical Immortality. Thanks, God!”

In this activation I invite the seeker to go deep into his core self. By posing some question such as:

* Do I really want eternal life as an Immortal, right here, right now on planet earth?
·        Do I wish to be united with God as an Immortal?
·        Am I open to the possibility to Physical Immortality?

Note that the term “True Will” is a misnomer in the sense that one needs to be centered in his core in order to activate it. However, since one’s core is connected to one’s will this activation will still work. Readers might like to see part II in this series  Being the Animating Energy: Becoming an Immortal, Part II to gain insight into how to center oneself in his core.

While over half of the books attributed to Paul are considered by scholars to be forgeries, there are still some insights to be gained from these texts. Thus, I will paraphrase Ephesians 2: 8” Physical Immortality comes about by grace through faith, it is a gift from God.” In this context, the antecedent, “it” refers to “faith”; ergo, “faith” is the gift from God. Note that Jesus chooses the elect: “I will choose you, one out of a thousand, two out of ten thousand, and these shall stand united” (saying 23 in Thomas). So if you are one of the chosen, then you will at least be open to being an Immortal. Clearly, the vast majority of people in the world are dead and thus there is no hope for them. Note: If you have some interest in eternal life, then there is a good chance you are one of the elect!

2.     Centering oneself—As this activation implies, the seeker will want to spend 2-3 minutes be unified as Jesus commanded in saying 61 cited at the beginning of this essay. And, yes, the location of one’s center is in the center of the chest region. You might place your focus in your center and then image a white pearl or a ball of awareness. The goal is to be one. Note that in a later essay, I will write about purification of one’s core; this is necessary since as human beings we tend to collect traumas, evil energies, sub-personalities and the like. The reader might like to combine the practice of “centering oneself” with the purification practice.

3.     Activating the Still point—The reader might want to review part I in this series:Becoming an Immortal: Centering In the Still Point, Part I. In this activation, the seeker shifts his awareness from the verbal part of the brain to the right side where there is a more of a sense of wholeness. The goal is for internal dialogues to cease and for there to be silence.

4.     Centering in the Core Self—Readers might like to review part 2 in this series: Being the Animating Energy: Becoming an Immortal, Part II In my view, this is probably one of the most challenging activations as the seeker will need to first locate his core. The benefits include being connected to the earth’s electromagnetic energies, activating one’s animating function, allowing the soles of the feet to start vibrating, and at times a supercharged frequency. This activation may, in fact, be at the Physical Immortal Frequency! Of course, I used the qualifier, “may,” since it is unclear that this is the case; however, it feels like a high vibrational level which is near the Immortal frequency.

II.                 The Meditation Practice—Here I will discuss the core practice and then later add additional insights the seeker might experiment with. 

1.     Activate the soles of the feet with the earth’s chakra—The earth’s chakra or energy center which connects with human beings is located about 1 foot into the ground. One imagines there is a grounding or connection with the earth. This step will be necessary as our goal is to be Physical Immortals and thus we want to be grounded to the earth. Note that by centering in one’s core, the feet will usually start to vibrate since the core is connected to the earth’s energies. 

2.     Bring the earth’s energies from the soles of the feet to the tailbone, up the spine, and then to the crown point—This step is usually connected to breathing an in-breath as one moves the energy from the feet to the top of the head. The insightful reader will immediately see that we are making an earth-heaven connection. 

3.     Activate the Transpersonal charka about 6 inches about the crown point—This is a fundamental activation and it serves as a gatekeeper to keep those who only have a passing interest in being an Immortal from further progress. In the last essay, I mention three ways to activate a Transpersonal Chakra. Please see:Opening the Crown Point: Becoming an Immortal, Part 3 Be clear: The seeker might need to use marijuana as an aid as cannabis allows one to be at the 5th dimension merely by inhaling a few puffs. Note: I have discontinued using marijuana as it is no longer needed; thus, once you can activate a Transpersonal chakra using marijuana, you might wish to stop its usage. 

4.     Let Go and Let God!—Once the Crown chakra has been activated, your awareness will be disconnected from the body-brain system. The body will, however, vibrate at a supercharged frequency! While I can sense loud pitch sounds in my ears and my body vibrating at a supercharged frequency, I am do not feel them. After a while I will hear the sound of God: Silence.

4 A) Some side notes: As noted above, when the transpersonal chakra or energy center above the brain is activated there is silence. There are many spiritual seekers, however, who enter the astral plane which is part of the higher imaginative part of the mind (located in the 5th dimension, but still connected to the body-brain system). In this space, one might astral travel, believe one is communicating with ascended masters, or being channeled by higher spiritual beings. One writer even wrote a series of books claiming he was in direct communication with God!

4 B) In my view, the astral plane is a thought-responsive level and thus the energies will usually project an image with which the individual is comfortable. Thus, a Roman Catholic, say, will meet Mother Mary, while a Buddhist might meet the Buddha. These energies are just that: energies. The form they take depends upon your background and the purpose is to engage one and thus steal one life’s energy. These energies will nearly always combine Truth with error. The seeker will be in no position to discern which is which. As far as astral travel is concerned, I do not believe these individuals have actually left their body-brain system. Many times, however, they can encounter dark energies which are of demonic nature and thus can effect change on the physical plane. This is what black magicians and witches do.

4 C) Conclusion: I would strongly recommend those who wish to stay connected with God to avoid the astral plane. If you encounter any beings while in meditation, I would recommend you send them on their way and thus not engage them. The Holy Spirit of Truth will guide you to the Truth which you will need for your spiritual development and will usually work by having you receive insights from patterns in one’s life. Except for the Spirit of Truth which is connected to one’s core and will, I would not trust any other spiritual communication. 

III.     Other Insights about the meditation practice—In this section I offer some suggestions one might try in his meditation practice in order to raise his frequency to the Physical Immortal level. 

·         When both the earth’s chakra of the crown chakra are activated, then there will be a supercharged frequency nearing or at the Physical Immortal level at various times. There will be silence while one senses the supercharged frequencies. Often, I will just activate the crown point without activating the crown chakra in order to feel the supercharged frequency. At times, it can be almost too much to bear as the body is vibrating at a high vibrational level. At these times, I believe the body is at the Physical Immortal frequency as it will be impossible to do anything but feel the high intensity.  

·         The seeker will want to challenge himself to stay at this supercharged frequency for at least one hour. This is where transformation in the body and brain will often start to take place. For example, if the seeker still has sexual urges, then after a few weeks of this supercharged frequency they will usually go away. This level will also work with purifying one of dark energies included traumas and evil such as demons. 

·         The seeker might like to image a light pole connected to God and to his crown point and the Bindu point (located on the top of the head where one might part his hair). The goal is to make the “God Connection.” Note that Jesus is the Light: “ I am the Light that is above them all” (saying 77 in Thomas). Thus, one connects to God through Jesus. As the seeker makes the “God Connection” or is connected to the “Source,” there will start to be many new insights which will be obvious to you but will nonetheless be quite profound. 

·           As the seeker starts to make the “God Connection,” he may be open to allowing “Christ Consciousness.” This is Jesus in spiritual form and is located in the upper chest region above the heart, but below the throat. I will take up this connection in later essay. 

·          Finally, I would suggest that the seeker vary the times of day when he meditates. Often, I find times in the morning such as 2 A.M. or around 6 A.M. to be times in which the body will vibrate at the highest supercharged frequencies.