Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire
that Set the World Ablaze in 1945” —February 22, 2016. This is the
post which restores Jesus original message: Physical Immortality is possible by
being resurrected with Jesus. It is with great gratitude that God would use me
to lead the world out of darkness and into the light.
2. The Unified Field Theory: What Einstein Missed —April 4, 2017. This post connects dark matter/energy—which is where everything is coming from—with the light which comes into being by itself. This light is Jesus.
3. Executive Summary: Evidence That The Gospel According To
Thomas is an Authentic Sayings Book --January 29, 2019. This post is
a summary of four previous essays which shows Thomas are authentic
sayings of Jesus.
4. A Message Of Christmas Hope For John C. and My Readers:
Merry Christmas, Everyone! --December 18, 2018. This post shows the
seeker how to activate the Immortal sayings of Jesus in Thomas at the
Immortal frequency.
5. Forgeries In the New Testament —May 30, 2017.
Once the New Testament (N.T.) student comes across the scholarship of Bart
Erhman he will know that the N.T. is filled for forgeries. So much for the
screams of the Christian: “The New Testament is the Word of God!” Reply: “No,
Sir, the New Testament is bunch of
bullshit invented by the early church fathers after Jesus failed to returned by
70 A.D.” See: The
Bart Ehrman Blog .
6. Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of
Thomas” ---This post reviews why The Gospel According To Thomas
is the greatest text ever written: It contains the sayings of Jesus after his
7 . Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project --January
23, 2018. This post uses a question-and-answer format in order to give the
interested reader a quick overview of the Thomas Immortality Project.
8. The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the
Immortal Will, Part II-- Posted on February 27, 2018. In this essay
I use a fine-tuning argument to prove the existence of God, explain what the
Hayflick Limit is, and show how activating the Bindu Chakra will shift the
DNA’s aging code.
9. Two-Year Celebration of the Thomas Immortality Project:
Some of My Favorite Posts --Posted on February 13, 2018. This post
includes 19 of my favorite posts with some overlap with posts noted on today's
10. Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114
in the Gospel of Thomas ---Posted on October 16, 2018. Females are
an evil energy at their core and thus in an Immortal society they will be
So close