Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Do I Want To Live Forever?

“If you bring forth that within yourselves, that which you have will save you. If you do not have that within yourselves, that which you do not have within you will kill you.”

--Jesus, saying 70, The Gospel According To Thomas

 At the core of being an Immortal is a deep will to live forever. This Immortal Will provides the strength which directs the action of an Immortal. If you do not have a deep will to live forever, then you will die.

 1)    Do I want to live forever?
The true will for Physical Immortality took me over 2 years in order to begin to activate. Every thought, every deed, every moment is dedicated to being an Immortal and thus the constant question: “Do I want to live forever?”
2)    Do I want to live forever?
In many cases, the first series of actions the Immortal-to-be will need to perform includes those which involve renouncing the world (sayings 80, 110). This might mean obtaining an RV or a truck-and-camper in which to live and be a passerby (saying 42). Once the seeker has a place to live, then the next step is to obtain a monthly income. The goal is to retire by 30 years of age. A stable income of $2,000 per month is plenty to take care of basic needs such as food, water, clothing and maintaining the RV. A great book which the reader might find helpful is: Your Money Or Your Life.


3)    Do I want to live forever?

One important part in renouncing the world is to break all ties to family members. Jesus commands us to hate our family and to take up the cross and follow him: “Whoever does not hate his father and his mother will not be able to be a disciple to me and whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and does not take up his cross is not worthy of me” (saying 55). Disconnecting from one’s family is important as the single connection the Immortal has is the “God Connection.” Please note that Christians, none of whom to my knowledge have any use for God, since they refuse to obey him : “The disciples said to him: ‘Thy brothers and mother are standing outside. He said to them: ‘Those who do the will of my Father, they are my brothers and my mother; these are the those shall enter the Kingdom of my Father’” (saying 99). Thus, Christians who talk about “family values” are in direct opposition to God.

 4)    Do I want to live forever?
I found that once I gave up watching television and disconnecting from the Internet my life became one of peace. In general, the mass media is one of deception and distraction. Nearly everything which is reported is taken out of context or is making assumptions which are not true. Once there is groupthink then anyone who violates the politically correct line will punished. Thus, if someone want to find the Truth, then he will search in other places than the mass media or social networks. Please note that I do read the weekend edition of The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, and will often look at the Sunday New York Times. In my view, I have a greater insight into current events than the average viewer of mass media. This is accomplished in about 6 hours per week.

 5)    Do I want to live forever?
Rewriting one’s life script to an Immortal script is the key step in transforming into an Immortal. If you expect to die, then no doubt you will. The aging process can be transmuted as various activations are done on a daily basis. Thus, the interested reader is invited to read last week’s post Activations To Activate the Physical Immortal Frequency.

 6)    Do I want to live forever?
Most of one’s time will be spent in spiritual practices such as meditation, studying the Resurrected sayings of Jesus in Thomas, activating Jesus’ words to the Immortal frequency by saying them aloud, and studying various texts which may give insight into the spiritual process and how to make the God Connection. Of course, one will spent some time in doing physical exercise such as walking and as a matter of good cheer, one might imbibe a bottle of red wine.

 7)    Do I want to live forever?
The process of being an Immortal is an ongoing process which is renewed every day. Every morning one wakes up is a glorious opportunity to be connected to the Living Father. As one purifies oneself of negative energies, then there will be room for joy and bliss consciousness. In general, there are three key activations one does each morning:

a)     Asking for God’s Wisdom—This is opening one’s being to God and asking for clear seeing, clarity, discernment, truth, honor, and mercy.

b)    Love for God—This involves developing Christ Consciousness in which there is an openness to receive God’s Love.

c)     Immortal energy—This includes activating to Hara (about 1.5 inches below the navel) in order to concentrate one’s energy at the Immortal frequency.

If the dear reader has the will to live forever, then I invite him to cultivate the true will for Physical Immortality. The suggestions I have given in this essay are just meant as pointers as you may have other insights and ideas. This is great! Note that Jesus says: “Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds” (saying 2). The question: “Do I wish to live forever?” can be the focus by one which one lives his life. Keep seeking until you find!

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