Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Readers: I will be on vacation until July 16, 2019: Happy Independence Day!

Dear Readers:

I will be taking a short vacation until July 16, 2019. God willing, there will be a new post on this day. Please celebrate your independence this July 4th!

A short note: Centering oneself by being united with Jesus is something I do every morning. In awareness form, this is located in the upper chest, just above the heart. In animating energy form, it is uniting with Jesus at the Resurrection or Physical Immortality frequency. When in public, the goal is to come in peace while staying safe and centered.

Ten of My All-Time Favorite Posts on the Thomas Immortality Project

1. Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945” —February 22, 2016. This is the post which restores Jesus original message: Physical Immortality is possible by being resurrected with Jesus. It is with great gratitude that God would use me to lead the world out of darkness and into the light.

2.  The Unified Field Theory: What Einstein Missed —April 4, 2017. This post connects dark matter/energy—which is where everything is coming from—with the light which comes into being by itself. This light is Jesus. 

3. Executive Summary: Evidence That The Gospel According To Thomas is an Authentic Sayings Book --January 29, 2019. This post is a summary of four previous essays which shows Thomas are authentic sayings of Jesus.

4. A Message Of Christmas Hope For John C. and My Readers: Merry Christmas, Everyone! --December 18, 2018. This post shows the seeker how to activate the Immortal sayings of Jesus in Thomas at the Immortal frequency.

5.  Forgeries In the New Testament —May 30, 2017. Once the New Testament (N.T.) student comes across the scholarship of Bart Erhman he will know that the N.T. is filled for forgeries. So much for the screams of the Christian: “The New Testament is the Word of God!” Reply: “No, Sir, the New Testament is bunch of bullshit invented by the early church fathers after Jesus failed to returned by 70 A.D.” See: The Bart Ehrman Blog .

6.   Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” ---This post reviews why The Gospel According To Thomas is the greatest text ever written: It contains the sayings of Jesus after his Resurrection.

. Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project --January 23, 2018. This post uses a question-and-answer format in order to give the interested reader a quick overview of the Thomas Immortality Project.

8.  The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II-- Posted on February 27, 2018. In this essay I use a fine-tuning argument to prove the existence of God, explain what the Hayflick Limit is, and show how activating the Bindu Chakra will shift the DNA’s aging code.

9. Two-Year Celebration of the Thomas Immortality Project: Some of My Favorite Posts --Posted on February 13, 2018. This post includes 19 of my favorite posts with some overlap with posts noted on today's post.

10. Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas ---Posted on October 16, 2018. Females are an evil energy at their core and thus in an Immortal society they will be eliminated.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Do I Want To Live Forever?

“If you bring forth that within yourselves, that which you have will save you. If you do not have that within yourselves, that which you do not have within you will kill you.”

--Jesus, saying 70, The Gospel According To Thomas

 At the core of being an Immortal is a deep will to live forever. This Immortal Will provides the strength which directs the action of an Immortal. If you do not have a deep will to live forever, then you will die.

 1)    Do I want to live forever?
The true will for Physical Immortality took me over 2 years in order to begin to activate. Every thought, every deed, every moment is dedicated to being an Immortal and thus the constant question: “Do I want to live forever?”
2)    Do I want to live forever?
In many cases, the first series of actions the Immortal-to-be will need to perform includes those which involve renouncing the world (sayings 80, 110). This might mean obtaining an RV or a truck-and-camper in which to live and be a passerby (saying 42). Once the seeker has a place to live, then the next step is to obtain a monthly income. The goal is to retire by 30 years of age. A stable income of $2,000 per month is plenty to take care of basic needs such as food, water, clothing and maintaining the RV. A great book which the reader might find helpful is: Your Money Or Your Life.


3)    Do I want to live forever?

One important part in renouncing the world is to break all ties to family members. Jesus commands us to hate our family and to take up the cross and follow him: “Whoever does not hate his father and his mother will not be able to be a disciple to me and whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and does not take up his cross is not worthy of me” (saying 55). Disconnecting from one’s family is important as the single connection the Immortal has is the “God Connection.” Please note that Christians, none of whom to my knowledge have any use for God, since they refuse to obey him : “The disciples said to him: ‘Thy brothers and mother are standing outside. He said to them: ‘Those who do the will of my Father, they are my brothers and my mother; these are the those shall enter the Kingdom of my Father’” (saying 99). Thus, Christians who talk about “family values” are in direct opposition to God.

 4)    Do I want to live forever?
I found that once I gave up watching television and disconnecting from the Internet my life became one of peace. In general, the mass media is one of deception and distraction. Nearly everything which is reported is taken out of context or is making assumptions which are not true. Once there is groupthink then anyone who violates the politically correct line will punished. Thus, if someone want to find the Truth, then he will search in other places than the mass media or social networks. Please note that I do read the weekend edition of The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, and will often look at the Sunday New York Times. In my view, I have a greater insight into current events than the average viewer of mass media. This is accomplished in about 6 hours per week.

 5)    Do I want to live forever?
Rewriting one’s life script to an Immortal script is the key step in transforming into an Immortal. If you expect to die, then no doubt you will. The aging process can be transmuted as various activations are done on a daily basis. Thus, the interested reader is invited to read last week’s post Activations To Activate the Physical Immortal Frequency.

 6)    Do I want to live forever?
Most of one’s time will be spent in spiritual practices such as meditation, studying the Resurrected sayings of Jesus in Thomas, activating Jesus’ words to the Immortal frequency by saying them aloud, and studying various texts which may give insight into the spiritual process and how to make the God Connection. Of course, one will spent some time in doing physical exercise such as walking and as a matter of good cheer, one might imbibe a bottle of red wine.

 7)    Do I want to live forever?
The process of being an Immortal is an ongoing process which is renewed every day. Every morning one wakes up is a glorious opportunity to be connected to the Living Father. As one purifies oneself of negative energies, then there will be room for joy and bliss consciousness. In general, there are three key activations one does each morning:

a)     Asking for God’s Wisdom—This is opening one’s being to God and asking for clear seeing, clarity, discernment, truth, honor, and mercy.

b)    Love for God—This involves developing Christ Consciousness in which there is an openness to receive God’s Love.

c)     Immortal energy—This includes activating to Hara (about 1.5 inches below the navel) in order to concentrate one’s energy at the Immortal frequency.

If the dear reader has the will to live forever, then I invite him to cultivate the true will for Physical Immortality. The suggestions I have given in this essay are just meant as pointers as you may have other insights and ideas. This is great! Note that Jesus says: “Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds” (saying 2). The question: “Do I wish to live forever?” can be the focus by one which one lives his life. Keep seeking until you find!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Activations To Activate the Physical Immortal Frequency

Activation #1: Activate an energy center or chakra behind your head.

This first activation is essential as otherwise there is no way your consciousness can be one with God. And only by being connected to God each moment is Physical Immortality possible. You will know when you have activated a transpersonal chakra as the body will vibrate at a high frequency and your consciousness is one of being animating energy instead of being at the subject-object consciousness (which is where 99.99%+ of humans reside). Please see an addendum at the end of this essay to read a more detailed description of how to activate this Transpersonal chakra.

Activation #2: Being animating energy.

This activation is a natural result of the first activation. The relationship between the two appears to be biconditional:

  1. If you activate a Transpersonal chakra above the head, then the body will vibrate at a high frequency and a shift to being animating energy will occur.
  2. If your body is vibrating at a high frequency and a shift to being animating energy has occurred, then you have activated a Transpersonal chakra above your head.

As a meditation practice, just being animating energy is quite healing as one is being what one is: Animating energy. This meditation practice also appears to shift and transform structures as well as aids in the dissolution of parasites which have lodged in one’s system such as traumas or the female self. Please note that the goal of this practice is to follow Jesus’ commandment in saying 22 of Thomas so that the female self is eliminated. In my case, it was quite a shock when my female self or ‘bitch self’ was dissolved! It was like I was mentally ill all my life but never knew it; when I was just male energy I felt like I was one again.

Activation # 3: My core is connected with Jesus at the Physical Immortal Frequency.

One’s core is locate just beneath the sternum and is below the solar plexus chakra. Below the core is a sea of life force energy called Chi. By connecting my animating being with my Chi, life is able to exist. When one life force is raised to the Immortal energy by connecting with the earth’s chakra (see Activation 5 below) and one’s animating being is one with Jesus at the Immortal frequency, then the body is vibrating at the Physical Immortal frequency. Thus, when one’s Spirit is united with Jesus’ Spirit at the Immortal Frequency, the seeker is halfway to activating the Physical Immortal frequency. During meditation when one is the animating energy and when one’s consciousness is in the body it will exist in the belly region as this is where one’s life force exist.  Also, your core self will be guided by the Holy Spirit of Truth as you connect with this Spirit each morning.

Activation # 4: Activate the vocal cords and voice at the Physical Immortal frequency while saying Jesus’ sayings in Thomas aloud.

This activation is part of one’s morning devotion. A model affirmation:

“Yeshua: Your sayings are Life! May my vocal cords and voice vibrate at the Physical Immortal frequency as I say your sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas aloud, allowing me to be Resurrected with you as a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua!”

When saying Jesus sayings aloud one wants to use an authoritative voice and image that Jesus is using your voice while speaking. Any of the 114 saying in Thomas are great, but I will give you a few of my favorites:

  1. “He who drinks from my mouth will become like me and I myself shall become he. And I shall reveal the hidden things to him” –saying 108
  2. “Whoever is near me is near the fire and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom”—saying 82.
  3. “When you know yourselves, then you will be known. And you will know you are the Sons of the Living Father. If you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and are poverty” –saying 3.
  4. “Be passerby” –saying 42.

Activation # 5:  Activating an Immortal current in the spinal column.

This activation requires the earth’s chakra to be activated. It is located about 1 foot into the earth and below the soles of one’s feet. When activated the soles of one’s feet will vibrate. Then one moves the earth’s electro-magnetic energy from the feet to the base of the spine and then up the spinal column to the top of the head and perhaps to the third eye (located between the eyebrows). Activating this current is part of my present investigations and it appears to be located around the should blades and the current is activated in the neck chakra before moving to the Bindu Chakra. See:  Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About

Note that this current may be connected to the pineal gland into order to allow for a rejuvenated body. Again, note that to be a Physical Immortal one needs to activate both the earth’s Immortal energies and heaven’s Immortal energies. As a practice, I move the earth’s energy from the earth to the base of the spine and breathe in to the base of the spine and breath out the crown of the head. This is making the 1st-7th chakras link.

Activation # 6: Activating the Physical Immortal Frequency.

The Physical Immortal Frequency appears to exist just above the Bindu chakra while the crown chakra is open and receiving God’s Light energy. During meditation I can feel the Immortal current move from the should blades to the neck and then outside the head. At this frequency, the body will vibrate at a high frequency. The Physical Immortal Frequency is associated with making the God connection. I do this by imaging a light pole connected to the heavens above and then just above my head (this may be either the Crown chakra or the Bindu chakra). In this frequency there will be no verbal connection and thus there are no words one could speak about this frequency. I will often shift from my core (which is associated with my personal will and is guide by the Holy Spirit of Truth) to the transpersonal chakra and back. Also, I recommend activating one’s Hara (located about 1.5 inches below the navel) during one’s meditation practice in order to shift off the mind’s endless chatter.

Activation # 7: Connect the Physical Immortal Frequency with various parts of one’s body.

In saying 22 of Thomas Jesus commands us to “make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and an image in place of an image.” In other words, Jesus is commanding us to construct a new body which is Immortal! This is why saying 22 in Thomas is considered by Thomas students to be the key which unlocks the secret sayings of Jesus. This is part of my present-day investigations and I will report in due course how things are happening. Note that when Jesus says “image” this is understood to mean face as one’s face is the image one presents to the world. I encourage readers to try different approaches here, but just knowing that Jesus commanded us to construct a new body is sufficient to try to follow his commandment.

Conclusion: I believe the seven activations in this essay are becoming close to if not actually activating the Physical Immortal Frequency. I encourage each seeker to find his own path. Of course, I happen to believe the seeker of Physical Immortality will find some useful pointers here. Please take what you find useful and leave the rest behind.

Addendum: Activating a Transpersonal chakra behind one’s head. Usually, the process is something like this:

  1. Develop mindfulness by being aware of your thoughts as they arise. In Zen, students connect with their breath and say “one.” This process can take a few weeks or several years depending upon where the seeker starts.
  2. Disconnect from one’s thoughts by allowing the watcher or the observer of the thoughts to emerge. The watcher is a part of one’s awareness or consciousness which can observe that which is separate itself.
  3. As one can observe one’s thoughts, the next step is to image a space behind the head and little to the left. This Transpersonal chakra is called the Causal Chakra and is your true self in spiritual form.

Note that seekers are invited to experiment with using cannabis. While I often take two to three weeks without any marijuana use, I find pre-rolls with THC content of 20 mg to be helpful. Side note to seekers: In order to deactivate my ‘bitch self’ (a female-like structure which derives sexual pleasure from pain) I took 1000 mg of THC in concentrated form. Note: I do not recommend that the novice user ingest any more than 100 mg during any given session.