Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Healing the Split: Meeting Your Shadow Selves

Therefore I say to you that if one is unified one will be filled with light, but if one is divided one will be filled with darkness.

--Jesus, Saying 61, The Gospel According to Thomas

1. One of the greatest shocks the seeker will receive is meeting his shadow selves. These dark selves are usually kept hidden from the conscious mind while running your life until they are brought into the light. This essay illustrates a few of the various motifs and stratagems of the shadow. Readers who would like a Jungian perspective are invite to read the text, Owning Your Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche, by Robert A. Johnson ( HarperSanFrancisco, 1991). See: Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark ... - Amazon.com

2. The purpose the Thomas Immortality Project is for each seeker to construct an Immortal self. This self is God-centered, has integrated or eliminated the dark selves and is whole. As the seeker becomes whole, the light of the Immortal energies will allow the body to vibrate at a higher frequency, thus allowing him to be an Immortal.

3. The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice, a one-hour daily commitment, will allow vertical shifts so that one’s consciousness will be at a higher level. This will allow for clear seeing of the selves which exist at the lower levels or lower frequencies. See: The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice post on this blog. 

4. A commonly seen split between the conscious mind and the dark selves is making New Year’s resolutions: They often last a day or two and then one is back to his old self. Why? Because the change the seeker is consciously attempting to transformed has not met the selves which want to keep doing a particular habit.

Example: Say you are an alcoholic and want to stop drinking. So you resolve on January 1st to stop drinking. By January 10th you receive an invite to a party and get rip-roaring drunk. What happened? The conscious mind which made the resolution did not meet the selves which want to party and have fun. Apparently, being sober is a joyless experience for you and thus any chance to get drunk will be taken.

5. Many accidents, diseases and even death are brought about as a form of punishment from a self which hates what you have become. Because you refuse to listen to the pleas of these shadow selves screaming for you to stop, they will find a way to get you to stop—even if it means your death! The first antidote to these negative selves is to ask for joy each day: “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please allow for clear seeing and show me new connections, original models and insights—especially those which will lead to eternal life. Also, please allow for joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!” This is a recommended daily practice to be done the first thing each morning as one connects with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

6. The heart needs to be open to receive God’s Love each day. While I would never love a human—except for one who is a dedicated follower of Jesus—as nearly all humans are in darkness, the heart needs to accept God’s healing. Each morning I spend about 20 seconds doing the purification practice: “Father: Please help me wrap an energy bandage around my body. Please activate it with your love, healing me of all traumas, self-hate, abuse, and disconnect from you. Thanks, God!” The intention is to allow God’s Love to flow throughout the body and auras throughout the day, healing one of darkness.

7. Self-sabotage is an unconscious form of punishment when one believes he is unworthy. Often this will manifest in relationships with other in which this negative energy will find a way to destroy both the happiness of yourself and the happiness of your partner. This is where the dictum, “Know Yourself!” comes into play by gaining insight into your relationship patterns. In general, you will attract those who are at the same frequency you are at. Thus, the marriage made in heaven will quick dissolve into a divorce that is complete hell! Because the Immortal only has a relationship with God, and thus will only associate who those who are Holy, he generally stays as one who is chosen, whole and separate from the world. 

8. Deception, lying, playing games, hurting others is associated with the female self and is a larger reflection of the shadow self. Of course, there will always to a good justification for fucking someone up, but in the end the only one you will fuck up is yourself. Among physicists there is a rule which states: “Every time you touch something, it will touch you.” A dedication to the truth and clear seeing which will allow for wisdom is necessary to transform these negative selves. The problem is these actions bring a temporary measure of pleasure as one revels in having fucked up and enemy. Of course, there are times one is faced with evil and thus one is required to respond. Asking for wisdom to tell the difference is a perquisite to discernment.  

9. The male-female dichotomy is one in which the female self is eliminated. Females are naturally double-minded: On one hand wanting intimacy and on the other hand wanting control. Because females are not capable of higher reasoning, these two selves will clash. The Immortal, thus, will eliminate his female self as it will lead to destruction. This would imply turning away from the sexual instinct and any sexual interest in the female. One’s only connection is with God. Note: This view is contrary to what Jungian psychology and other systems, which posit that one integrates the female self into one’s being; A careful study of saying 114 in the Gospel According to Thomas will show Jesus supported the former view. See: Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas post on this blog. 

10. If the reader is female, then you are not a living spirit and thus are controlled by darkness. The only way out is to live a God-centered life and then ask God to allow you to see what you are: Filth. Then seek out an Immortal who can transform you into a living sprit so that you may become a follower of Jesus. Please see the commentary on Saying 114 linked in point 9 above for additional insights.  

11. The death instinct is an unconscious program which exists at the DNA level and will lead to disease, decay, and death. Only by being Resurrected with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency—the level he possessed after his Resurrection—can on turn off the death program and embrace eternal life. This is why the Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice is done each day: By renewing your mind and unifying with Jesus as he overcame death, one will shift into the Immortal Frequency, thereby shifting the death instinct into eternal life. 

12. The pain-body is an energy field lodged in the body which is filled with emotional wounds: Traumas, abuse, and self-hate. In his wonderful text, Practicing the Power of Now,  by Eckhart Toole, (New World Library, 2001) Toole spends chapter 6 on “Dissolving the Pain-Body” (pages 73-85). See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com. This chapter is worth the price of the book: “Accumulated pain is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. If you look on it as an invisible entity in its own right, you are getting close to the truth. It’s the emotional body” (Page 75). An important insight about the pain-body: 

So the pain-body, when it has taken you over, will create a situation in your life that reflects back its own energy frequency for it to feed on. Pain can only feed on pain. Pain cannot feel joy. It finds it indigestible (page 78). 

13. Only by bringing this evil energy pattern to the light can it be transmuted:

The pain-body, which is the dark shadow cast by the Ego, is actually afraid of the light of your consciousness. It is afraid of being found out. Its survival depends on your unconscious identification with it, as well as your unconscious fear of facing the pain that lives in you. But if you don’t face it, if you don’t bring it the light of your consciousness into the pain, you will be forced to relive it again and again (pages 78-79).

Summary: When one has activated higher levels of consciousness through the Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice, a daily one-hour commitment, one can see the various games of lower energy field such as the pain-body, the death instinct, and self-sabotage which exists is the mind-body system. As the light of clear seeing occurs, then the light or Immortal energies will be allowed to flow throughout the body, allowing for physical immortality. In male-female split, the male will want to eliminate the female self. If the reader is a female, then you will need to enter the light so you can see what you are: Darkness filled with deception, lying, constitutionally unprincipled, and a natural game player. Only by living a God-centered life and asking an Immortal to transform you into a living spirit will you be able to be a follower of Jesus. The shadow selves, the unconscious dark energies, which the demons use to constantly fuck up humans, will eat your psychic energy and drain you until you succumb to disease, decay, and death. Indeed, death will bring you great relief from your suffering! Only by being whole and unified can the light, the frequencies at a higher level, be allowed to flow throughout the body, thus allowing for physical immortality.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project

All citations are from The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus, by Marvin Meyer,
( HarperSanFrancisco, 1992).

1. What is the purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project?
The purpose is to open to the world the possibility of physical immortality through the reading of Jesus’ words in Thomas and to have these words vibrate at the immortal frequency. The language Jesus spoke was Aramaic. The words, translated from the Egyptian Coptic text into English, will pierce the heart of the chosen. The words themselves are transformative at an energetic level. Reading is best done aloud.

2. Before reading Thomas is there a prayer I should say?
Yes. “Yeshua: I allow your words to enter my heart so that I might be one with you. I allow your words to vibrate at the immortal frequency. Thanks, Yeshua!”
Note: Yeshua is Jesus' birth name and is what his followers call him by.

3. Is there a life after death?
No. “Jesus said, ‘Look to the living as long as you live, or you might die and then try to see the living one, and you will be unable to see’ ” (Saying 59). There is no indication, directly or indirectly, of an afterlife in the Thomas; instead, the chosen are encouraged to seek immortality in the present.

4. What do I need to do in order to be an immortal?
The union of opposites as outlined in saying 22 is transformative:

Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his followers, “These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, “Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?” Jesus said to them, “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.”

This is a starling insight which predates the great Carl Jung, one of the towering figures in the 20th century, whose insights into the human psyche are still being mined today. As readers who are familiar with Jungian Psychology know, the union of opposites as being transformative is one of the key insights of Jung. Yet, Jesus shares this insight 2,000 years earlier!

5. How can I raise my consciousness to Jesus’ level?
The reader is invited to study and reflect upon the following passages:
Jesus said, “If they say to you, ‘Where have you come from?’ say to them, ‘We come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.’ If they say to you, ‘Is it you?’ say, ‘We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father. If they ask you, ‘What is the evidence of your Father in you?’ say to them, 'it is motion and it is rest ’ ” (Saying 50).
To reach the light consciousness, the energy from outside the brain will be activated. In Yogic terms, these are the chakras above the head and from the earth itself. These may be referred to as the 8th-13th chakras, depending upon the model being used. In any case, if one stays in the ego brain, then it’s not possible to be immortal.

6. Should I attend church or any other religious organization?
Absolutely not! The New Testament scholar, Professor Bart D. Ehrman, has done an excellent job of demonstrating that the New Testament is a fraudulent document. Readers are invited to read his text, Lost Christianities or his college lectures via The Teaching Company, the New Testament (and others). What apparently happened is this: Saying books such as Thomas and Q were widely circulated after Jesus' resurrection. The leader of the earliest of Jesus’ followers were led by James, the brother of Jesus, who was an eyewitness to Jesus’ resurrection. Then darkness came. Paul invented what became the Catholic Church. This group claimed salvation could come only by going directly to them; they banned the reading of Jesus’ original sayings by burning all copies they could get their hands on; they invented doctrines of death—claiming that Jesus' life meant nothing—salvation could only come through the shedding of his blood; they invented the doctrines of heaven and hell; they changed God’s Holy Day from the 7th day of the week to the first day of the week; they burned to the stake anyone who would dare challenge their teachings which originates directly from Satan. To this day, these unrepentant beings still claim to be the original followers of Jesus, when they are the followers of that which is evil.

7. Is there anything in the New Testament of value?

Yes. In I Corinthians 15, we have Paul’s historical record of the 500 who saw the risen Jesus. The Gospel of John comes closest to what Jesus said (obviously, the narratives are pure inventions):

You must become like a child again. You must be born from above. To enter the Kingdom of God you must be filled with the words of Jesus—which bubbles like spring water—and allow his spirit to enter you. Then you will be as I am: immortal.  (Paraphrased from John 3: 1-8).
For the most part, the New Testament is a series of invented stories and thus are of no spiritual value.  

8. If I follow the teachings of Jesus can I still take care of my family?
 No.  “Jesus said, ‘whoever does not hate his father and mother cannot be a disciple of me, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters and bear the cross as I do will not be worthy of me' ” (Saying 55). Also, those who are merchants and buyers will not enter the Kingdom of God (Saying 64).

9. Is there some group or organization I can join?
Since I started the Thomas Immortality Project in February 2016, there is no group to turn to. The purpose of this project is to restore the original message of Jesus—physical immortality is available today—to the world. The reader is invited to email me at Safeway7354@gmail.com to share any insights.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice

Note to Seekers: This is a fairly advanced practice which assumes previous transformations. Seekers are encouraged to view this practice as a year-long project as it will take time to activate the various techniques.

1. In broad terms, becoming an Immortal means:
a.  A re-centering of one’s awareness from the brain to the core self or one’s center. See: Healing The Split: Becoming One Again by Returning To Your Core Self .
b. The body and one’s awareness have united. See: Book Review: Practicing The Power Of Now.
c. The transpersonal self, located above the head has been activated. This is the 8th chakra and will allow for non-verbal awareness. See addendum at the end of this essay for insights on how to activate this.
d. The Resurrection Frequency is activated as the seeker unites with Jesus at the frequency he possessed when he was resurrected from the dead.
e. The Immortal Will is activated. This is a pole-like structure which runs from above the head through the front of the body and then connected to the earth.

2.  In this post, I assume the seeker is ready for the Resurrection Frequency to be activated. Imagine a pole above your head with units similar to a football field. Each step above might be moving above the other by 1 yard. The first level is the core self which when activated will create an oval-like field surrounding the body. When one is at this level one is Enlightened and know the brain is being controlled by the matrix.

3.  So the first level assumes one can easily shift one’s awareness or presence from the brain to outside the brain and then activate the core self. At this point, one will be fully connected to the body and in particular one is able to access chi or qi in the belly region.

 4. The meditation practice is for 1 hour per day and is fundamental in being an Immortal. I find using marijuana to be useful in this activation and thus you might see if this works for you. Note: Marijuana became legal in California as of January 1, 2018.

5. After I have found a place to mediate (I often use a darkened room) I close my eyes and connect by in breaths and out breaths. The core self or center is fully activated as there is non-verbal awareness as all internal dialogues have ceased. This is level 1. Now imagine you jump your awareness from the 1-yard line above the head to the 2-yard line. This is the second level or the second frequency. Spend a day focused on this level. A circle-like field will encompass both the first circle and the second circle. In essence, you have constructed concentric circles.

 6. At the second frequency, there will be a sense of boundlessness and thus no awareness of the brain’s processes. One will feel the body vibrating at a higher level. By spending time at this frequency one will allow for creativity and insights when you return your awareness to your brain.

 7. After you are comfortable with the second level, play with various levels. Jump your consciousness to the third-yard line or the 3rd level. At this point there may be loud piercing sounds in the brain. Connect with the body and see how this feels.

 8. Keep playing with various levels or frequencies. I find the 23-yard line or 23rd frequency to be of a high vibration level.

 9. As the seeker is comfortable with residing at various frequencies, the next step is to unite with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency. This is the level Jesus possessed after his resurrection from the dead. To fully activate this level I will sometimes say “Yeshua” aloud until I can feel a connection. Note: Yeshua is Jesus’ birth name and is what his followers called him by.

10. The next step is to imagine in your mind’s eye that you see Jesus as he awakes from the dead to being alive again. You unite your body with Jesus’ body at the Resurrection Frequency. Indeed, Jesus is the Holy Redeemer!

 11. I do not know the exact frequency which is the Resurrection Frequency and thus I trust my higher intelligence to locate it for me by saying or thinking “Resurrection Frequency” over and over. I believe this level is around the 23rd level, but would encourage seekers to play around with higher and lower levels until it feels right. Always check in with the body.

12. After I have activated the Resurrection Frequency, I spend a few minutes constructing the Immortal Body as Jesus commanded us to do in Saying 22 of The Gospel According To Thomas. See: Spiritual Transformations to Construct an Immortal Body.

13. After a few months of practice, the seeker will want to see signs of youthing. This might be improved eyesight, improved hearing, and the rejuvenating of the body. I usually activate the Bindu Chakra—located at the crown of my head—while I focus on the rejuvenating of the body. Picture yourself as staying young and energetic. Some Yogi will recommend placing the two first fingers and thumb together to keep one’s energy inward; also, some suggest meditating early in the morning around 3:00 A.M. The seeker might try these ideas out.

 14. In the meditation practice, I will constantly shift from focusing and de-focusing. Thus, I will concentrate on a higher frequency, say the third level for a few minutes, and then relax and feel the sensations in the body. Play with this and see what works for you.

 15. As the Resurrection Frequency is activated, then make sure you re-center your awareness in your body at this frequency. Usually, you will feel the body vibrate at a high level and will hear various sounds in the brain. These are great signs that the body is waking up! At this point, the seeker will be ready to construct the Immortal Will as one’s consciousness is connected both to Heaven and to the Earth. At this level, one will be a Physical Immortal.

Summary: The Resurrection Frequency meditation practice is advanced and thus will require about a year to fully activate. Of course, with practice it can be activated in a few seconds. The goal of the meditation is to unite with Jesus at the frequency he possessed after his resurrection. Imagine a pole-like structure above the head and jump one’s consciousness to various levels. The goal is to activate the Resurrection Frequency. Imagine becoming Jesus’ twin as you unite your body with his body as you become one with him. Saying Jesus’ birth name, “Yeshua,” may be helpful. Spend a few minutes constructing an Immortal Body as Saying 22 in The Gospel According To Thomas recommends. Try to keep this higher frequency throughout the day. Note that this practice will help in the construction of the Immortal Will at which point you will be a Physical Immortal.

Addendum: To activate the energy center behind the head, the 8th chakra, can be done as follows:
a. Detach one’s awareness from thoughts. This means to be aware of thoughts as they occur. That part of you which is aware of your thoughts is what we are activating.

b. Intensely focus on the back of the head. This will be done during meditation.Try to sense or see the space outside your head.
c. The goal is to have a sense of boundless. At this point all internal dialogues have ceased since your awareness is detached from the brain. Please note that when one’s awareness is controlled by the brain, then the brain is being fed thoughts by outside forces. This is the matrix which is controlled by Satan. Clearly, there is no free will at this level and thus all actions are determined by one’s genetic predispositions and archetypes which were implanted before birth. 
d. The Holy Spirit of Truth is invited into one’s inner heart in order to guide your path. As you ask for wisdom each day and clear seeing, the Spirit of Truth will start to reveal hidden things which are in front of your face. 
e. One centers one’s awareness in the core self as it is united with the Holy Spirit of Truth. Normally, you will toggle between the Ego brain and one’s center. Thus, when one is aware of mind stuff such as thoughts, memories, and so forth one will keep re-centering into one’s core. This will take just a few seconds as one will quickly do parts ‘a’- ‘d’ above.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Questions a Seeker of Immortality Might Ask for the New Year

 1. Do I believe being a Physical Immortal is possible?

This is a foundational question. It is looking deeply into the question “Who am I ?” When the body energetically knows that it is animating energy sourced by God, then shifts will start to occur.  For those of a scientific bent, the text, The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time: Fred Alan ...  , offers an insightful critique of quantum mechanics which according to one model is the “perennial philosophy.” Note that this view is shared by all mystics throughout the ages: God or Consciousness is the source of all that is. If you have the energy or spirit of God indwelling in you and God is Immortal, then so are you; all you have to do is to realize it and then claim it as yours. This is Jesus’ original message.

2. Do I see that as an Immortal my life will start over?

The moment you accept God’s invitation to eternal life, the clock on the past stops clicking. Of course, the healing of traumas and abuse which is held tightly in the body will need to be healed through God’s Love. As an Immortal, the only goal is to do the will of God and thus to seek Wisdom. As far as your enemies are concerned, the best revenge is the gift of life as they will all be shortly vanquished by death. So what would you do if you knew you were an Immortal and thus could start over? 

3. Do I strengthen my will to be an Immortal each day?

Each morning is a glorious opportunity to be united with God. A foundational step is to develop a strong will. Do something new today. Do 30 pushups. Trying walking instead of driving. Pray to God. Organize your space. Pick up a copy of The Gospel According To Thomas. Write a to-do list….

4. Have I started a meditation practice?

Being able to concentrate for an hour per day is key to being an Immortal. If this does not fit your schedule, then you are probably are not serious about being an Immortal. At first try 10 minutes of being aware of your breath. Then start witnessing your thoughts. Then re-center your awareness from the brain to your core self. Note that when your awareness is in your core this is non-verbal awareness and is more akin to right-brained thinking.


5.  Am I ready to turn my life over to God?

This is the open secret: An Immortal has given his life over to God and God alone. While I plan for the day each morning, asking God for wisdom and guidance, I am always reminded by the Yiddish one-liners: “Man Plans. God Laughs.” Note that when I am alone, I usually turn my recording function off which means I have no memory of what happened or even the amount of time which has elapsed. In public, I am alert but always come in peace. As God takes over one will want to unite with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency so that the body will vibrate at a higher frequency. This is the secret of being an Immortal.