Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Questions a Seeker of Immortality Might Ask for the New Year

 1. Do I believe being a Physical Immortal is possible?

This is a foundational question. It is looking deeply into the question “Who am I ?” When the body energetically knows that it is animating energy sourced by God, then shifts will start to occur.  For those of a scientific bent, the text, The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time: Fred Alan ...  , offers an insightful critique of quantum mechanics which according to one model is the “perennial philosophy.” Note that this view is shared by all mystics throughout the ages: God or Consciousness is the source of all that is. If you have the energy or spirit of God indwelling in you and God is Immortal, then so are you; all you have to do is to realize it and then claim it as yours. This is Jesus’ original message.

2. Do I see that as an Immortal my life will start over?

The moment you accept God’s invitation to eternal life, the clock on the past stops clicking. Of course, the healing of traumas and abuse which is held tightly in the body will need to be healed through God’s Love. As an Immortal, the only goal is to do the will of God and thus to seek Wisdom. As far as your enemies are concerned, the best revenge is the gift of life as they will all be shortly vanquished by death. So what would you do if you knew you were an Immortal and thus could start over? 

3. Do I strengthen my will to be an Immortal each day?

Each morning is a glorious opportunity to be united with God. A foundational step is to develop a strong will. Do something new today. Do 30 pushups. Trying walking instead of driving. Pray to God. Organize your space. Pick up a copy of The Gospel According To Thomas. Write a to-do list….

4. Have I started a meditation practice?

Being able to concentrate for an hour per day is key to being an Immortal. If this does not fit your schedule, then you are probably are not serious about being an Immortal. At first try 10 minutes of being aware of your breath. Then start witnessing your thoughts. Then re-center your awareness from the brain to your core self. Note that when your awareness is in your core this is non-verbal awareness and is more akin to right-brained thinking.


5.  Am I ready to turn my life over to God?

This is the open secret: An Immortal has given his life over to God and God alone. While I plan for the day each morning, asking God for wisdom and guidance, I am always reminded by the Yiddish one-liners: “Man Plans. God Laughs.” Note that when I am alone, I usually turn my recording function off which means I have no memory of what happened or even the amount of time which has elapsed. In public, I am alert but always come in peace. As God takes over one will want to unite with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency so that the body will vibrate at a higher frequency. This is the secret of being an Immortal.

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