Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Healing the Split: Meeting Your Shadow Selves

Therefore I say to you that if one is unified one will be filled with light, but if one is divided one will be filled with darkness.

--Jesus, Saying 61, The Gospel According to Thomas

1. One of the greatest shocks the seeker will receive is meeting his shadow selves. These dark selves are usually kept hidden from the conscious mind while running your life until they are brought into the light. This essay illustrates a few of the various motifs and stratagems of the shadow. Readers who would like a Jungian perspective are invite to read the text, Owning Your Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche, by Robert A. Johnson ( HarperSanFrancisco, 1991). See: Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark ... - Amazon.com

2. The purpose the Thomas Immortality Project is for each seeker to construct an Immortal self. This self is God-centered, has integrated or eliminated the dark selves and is whole. As the seeker becomes whole, the light of the Immortal energies will allow the body to vibrate at a higher frequency, thus allowing him to be an Immortal.

3. The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice, a one-hour daily commitment, will allow vertical shifts so that one’s consciousness will be at a higher level. This will allow for clear seeing of the selves which exist at the lower levels or lower frequencies. See: The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice post on this blog. 

4. A commonly seen split between the conscious mind and the dark selves is making New Year’s resolutions: They often last a day or two and then one is back to his old self. Why? Because the change the seeker is consciously attempting to transformed has not met the selves which want to keep doing a particular habit.

Example: Say you are an alcoholic and want to stop drinking. So you resolve on January 1st to stop drinking. By January 10th you receive an invite to a party and get rip-roaring drunk. What happened? The conscious mind which made the resolution did not meet the selves which want to party and have fun. Apparently, being sober is a joyless experience for you and thus any chance to get drunk will be taken.

5. Many accidents, diseases and even death are brought about as a form of punishment from a self which hates what you have become. Because you refuse to listen to the pleas of these shadow selves screaming for you to stop, they will find a way to get you to stop—even if it means your death! The first antidote to these negative selves is to ask for joy each day: “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please allow for clear seeing and show me new connections, original models and insights—especially those which will lead to eternal life. Also, please allow for joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!” This is a recommended daily practice to be done the first thing each morning as one connects with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

6. The heart needs to be open to receive God’s Love each day. While I would never love a human—except for one who is a dedicated follower of Jesus—as nearly all humans are in darkness, the heart needs to accept God’s healing. Each morning I spend about 20 seconds doing the purification practice: “Father: Please help me wrap an energy bandage around my body. Please activate it with your love, healing me of all traumas, self-hate, abuse, and disconnect from you. Thanks, God!” The intention is to allow God’s Love to flow throughout the body and auras throughout the day, healing one of darkness.

7. Self-sabotage is an unconscious form of punishment when one believes he is unworthy. Often this will manifest in relationships with other in which this negative energy will find a way to destroy both the happiness of yourself and the happiness of your partner. This is where the dictum, “Know Yourself!” comes into play by gaining insight into your relationship patterns. In general, you will attract those who are at the same frequency you are at. Thus, the marriage made in heaven will quick dissolve into a divorce that is complete hell! Because the Immortal only has a relationship with God, and thus will only associate who those who are Holy, he generally stays as one who is chosen, whole and separate from the world. 

8. Deception, lying, playing games, hurting others is associated with the female self and is a larger reflection of the shadow self. Of course, there will always to a good justification for fucking someone up, but in the end the only one you will fuck up is yourself. Among physicists there is a rule which states: “Every time you touch something, it will touch you.” A dedication to the truth and clear seeing which will allow for wisdom is necessary to transform these negative selves. The problem is these actions bring a temporary measure of pleasure as one revels in having fucked up and enemy. Of course, there are times one is faced with evil and thus one is required to respond. Asking for wisdom to tell the difference is a perquisite to discernment.  

9. The male-female dichotomy is one in which the female self is eliminated. Females are naturally double-minded: On one hand wanting intimacy and on the other hand wanting control. Because females are not capable of higher reasoning, these two selves will clash. The Immortal, thus, will eliminate his female self as it will lead to destruction. This would imply turning away from the sexual instinct and any sexual interest in the female. One’s only connection is with God. Note: This view is contrary to what Jungian psychology and other systems, which posit that one integrates the female self into one’s being; A careful study of saying 114 in the Gospel According to Thomas will show Jesus supported the former view. See: Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas post on this blog. 

10. If the reader is female, then you are not a living spirit and thus are controlled by darkness. The only way out is to live a God-centered life and then ask God to allow you to see what you are: Filth. Then seek out an Immortal who can transform you into a living sprit so that you may become a follower of Jesus. Please see the commentary on Saying 114 linked in point 9 above for additional insights.  

11. The death instinct is an unconscious program which exists at the DNA level and will lead to disease, decay, and death. Only by being Resurrected with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency—the level he possessed after his Resurrection—can on turn off the death program and embrace eternal life. This is why the Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice is done each day: By renewing your mind and unifying with Jesus as he overcame death, one will shift into the Immortal Frequency, thereby shifting the death instinct into eternal life. 

12. The pain-body is an energy field lodged in the body which is filled with emotional wounds: Traumas, abuse, and self-hate. In his wonderful text, Practicing the Power of Now,  by Eckhart Toole, (New World Library, 2001) Toole spends chapter 6 on “Dissolving the Pain-Body” (pages 73-85). See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com. This chapter is worth the price of the book: “Accumulated pain is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. If you look on it as an invisible entity in its own right, you are getting close to the truth. It’s the emotional body” (Page 75). An important insight about the pain-body: 

So the pain-body, when it has taken you over, will create a situation in your life that reflects back its own energy frequency for it to feed on. Pain can only feed on pain. Pain cannot feel joy. It finds it indigestible (page 78). 

13. Only by bringing this evil energy pattern to the light can it be transmuted:

The pain-body, which is the dark shadow cast by the Ego, is actually afraid of the light of your consciousness. It is afraid of being found out. Its survival depends on your unconscious identification with it, as well as your unconscious fear of facing the pain that lives in you. But if you don’t face it, if you don’t bring it the light of your consciousness into the pain, you will be forced to relive it again and again (pages 78-79).

Summary: When one has activated higher levels of consciousness through the Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice, a daily one-hour commitment, one can see the various games of lower energy field such as the pain-body, the death instinct, and self-sabotage which exists is the mind-body system. As the light of clear seeing occurs, then the light or Immortal energies will be allowed to flow throughout the body, allowing for physical immortality. In male-female split, the male will want to eliminate the female self. If the reader is a female, then you will need to enter the light so you can see what you are: Darkness filled with deception, lying, constitutionally unprincipled, and a natural game player. Only by living a God-centered life and asking an Immortal to transform you into a living spirit will you be able to be a follower of Jesus. The shadow selves, the unconscious dark energies, which the demons use to constantly fuck up humans, will eat your psychic energy and drain you until you succumb to disease, decay, and death. Indeed, death will bring you great relief from your suffering! Only by being whole and unified can the light, the frequencies at a higher level, be allowed to flow throughout the body, thus allowing for physical immortality.

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