Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A Message Of Christmas Hope For John C. and My Readers: Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Note to Readers: This is my last post of this year. God Willing, my next post will be January 8, 2019.

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life! As we look toward the month of January, named after the two-faced god Janus, we look at the past week with gratitude for Living Father’s blessings, deep connections with the Living Father and for insights into the play. On the other face, we look to 2019 with great expectations that the new year will allow us to continue to grow in God’s Grace.

I hope every reader of this blog has a joyous and God-centered Christmas. Below I give an excerpt from a letter I recently received from a seeker of eternal life.  Below the letter I give my response. Remember: Jesus is the reason for the season! 

Excerpt from a letter from John C:

 i want to know how to be immortal too if u r, kindly I ask for this information if indeed u know, i found your website interesting and have read some if your posts, i feel as if the kingdom of God can be entered in this life

 Dear John C:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life! What a joy to know that many are hearing about the original teaching of Jesus : Physical Immortality is available right here, right now on planet earth as there is no conscious existence after death.

In order to be a Physical Immortal you will want to start your morning devotion with 4 activations:

Activation # 1: Before saying this activation aloud, place your right hand on a physical copy of The Gospel According To Thomas you are reading. Intend for Jesus’ words to vibrate at the Immortal frequency. Note that Jesus' name is "Yeshua."  See: Jesus vs. Yeshua? - ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry.

“Yeshua: May your sayings in this copy of The Gospel According To Thomas be activated at the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, Yeshua!”

Activation # 2: In this second activation we activate the vocal cords at the Immortal frequency.

“Yeshua: Please let my vocal cords vibrate at the Immortal frequency as I read your sayings aloud. Thanks, Yeshua!”

Activation # 3: In the third activation we ask to be both physically and spiritually Resurrected with Jesus at the Immortal frequency:

“Yeshua: As I read your sayings aloud may my consciousness be united with you at the Physical Immortal frequency. Thanks, Yehsua!”

Activation # 4: “Yeshua: Please let my body vibrate at the Immortal youthing frequency allowing for the construction of an Immortal body. Thanks, Yeshua!”

These 4 activations will lead to eternal life as you spend 15-20 minutes each morning activating them and then reading the sayings of Jesus in Thomas aloud. I recommend you begin your study at the beginning:

“These are the secret words which the Living Jesus spoke and Judas the twin wrote.”---Prologue

“And he said: ‘Whoever finds the explanation of these words will not taste death.”—Saying 1

“Jesus said, ‘Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will marvel and he will rule over the All.’”—Saying 2

In this introduction to Thomas Jesus gives the reader the promise of eternal life if he finds the ‘explanation of these words.’ And what is the secret insight Jesus wanted his followers to obtain?

My sayings when spoken aloud for the purpose of gaining eternal life will allow the vocal cords to vibrate at the Immortal frequency, thus allowing for Physical Immortality.

In other words, the startling insight is this: The words of Jesus, some of which were spoken in Aramaic and others were likely to have been spoken in Greek, are the Resurrected sayings of the Living Jesus. When these sayings are spoken in English with the intent to speak them at the frequency they were originally spoken, they will allow for the speaker’s vocal cords to vibrate at the Immortal frequency.

So, John C.  I encourage you and my readers to give it a try for a week: Practice the 4 activations above and then read a saying of Jesus aloud. Picture in your mind’s eye being united with Jesus as he Resurrected from the dead.

A short catechism which Jesus gave to his followers would be a great saying to activate at the Immortal frequency:

“If they say to you: ‘Where did you come from?’ say to them ‘We came from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself.

“ If they say to you: ‘Who are you?’ say to them: ‘We are the Sons of the Living Father and we are his elect.’”

“If they say to you: ‘What is the proof of the Father in you?’ say to them: ‘Movement and rest.’”

Saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas.

As you practice activating Jesus’ sayings at the Immortal frequency your consciousness will shift to the Light: A Transpersonal Point about 3 feet above your head and is part of a circle of awareness. Thus, your center will shift from the brain to above the brain. In this space, there will be silence as there is the brain cannot not communicate with this transpersonal point; however, when your consciousness shifts back to the brain, to the 6th chakra or the third eye (this is located between your eyebrows) you will receive higher insights and in time Wisdom. See Lee Bladon's diagram # 1 at : PDF] The True-Self, the False-Self and the Ego - Esoteric Science . 

Again, thank you John C.  for your interest in eternal life. Please make a point to spend each morning in reading the sayings of Jesus aloud so that you will not taste death.  

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Evidence The Gospel According To Thomas Is An Authentic Sayings Book, Part II

Overview: In last week’s post I showed that at least 50 sayings in Thomas are authentic, gave evidence that there is a high probability that Coptic translation is a word-for-word copy of an original Greek translation. Please see Evidence Showing The Gospel According To Thomas Is an Authentic Sayings Book, Part I.  In part II I delve in the sayings themselves and show that they give an historically accurate picture of  the original Jesus movement and thus are authentic sayings of Jesus.
I.     In saying 12 of Thomas Jesus gives his brother, James, the leadership position for the original followers of Jesus: “The disciples said to Jesus: ‘We know that thou wilt go away from us. Who will be great over us?’ Jesus said, ‘Wherever you have come, you will go to James the Righteous for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.”
A.    Historically, James did lead the original followers of Jesus in Jerusalem from 30 A.D. until his death, 62 A.D. 
Source: Zealot by Reza Aslan, Random House, New York, 2013. Please see chapter 15, “The Just One,” pages 197-212. Also, note that on page 200 Mr. Aslan cites saying 12 in Thomas and gives its historical context.  See: ZEALOT: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth: Reza Aslan ... for a preview of this text. 

B.    In one of the earliest Christian documents, I Corinthians, written circa 50 A.D. (within 20 years of Jesus’ Resurrection) James is identified as one of the 500 eyewitnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection (see chapter 15).
C.     The Jesus movement ended in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem as noted in the Zealot, page 212:
“With the destruction of Jerusalem, the connection between the assemblies scattered across the Diaspora and the mother assembly rooted in the City of God was permanently severed and with it the last physical link between the Christian community and Jesus the Jew. Jesus the Zealot. Jesus of Nazareth.”

D.    The Jesus movement was restored on February 22, 2016 with the launching of The Thomas Immortality Project. See: Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945”  a post on this blog.

1.     The original followers of Jesus were all Jews and were led by his brother, James, an eyewitness to Jesus’ Resurrection.
2.     In saying 12 of Thomas Jesus gives James the leadership position in the Jesus movement.
3.     From points 1 and 2 above, I believe it is reasonable to claim that saying 12 was part of the original Greek manuscript and thus is what Jesus said after his Resurrection.
4.     The Jesus movement ended in 70 A.D. and was restored on February 22, 2016.
II.     The prologue to Thomas states “These are the secret words which the Living Jesus spoke and Judas, who is also called Thomas, wrote down” –Greek Translation. I cite the Greek texts here because they make it clear that the composer of Thomas is Judas, his brother. See Mark 6:3 for an early citation to Judas.
A.    There are historical records showing that two of Judas’s grandsons were leaders in the original Jesus movement (30 A.D. to 70 A.D.). 
Sources: Zealot, page 202 and page 270. Also, see James, Brother of Jesus, by Pierre-Antoine Bernheim, London, SCM press, pages 216-217.
B.     The term “Thomas” means twin in Coptic and thus a literal reading of the prologue would be: “Judas, the twin.”
C.    The disciple of Jesus, Thomas, had nothing to do with the recording of Jesus’ words. The title “The Gospel According To Thomas” was given at the end of the sayings book and it might be a sort of inside joke in that followers of Jesus were all called “Thomas” as they were his twin.
D.  The prologue claims to have recorded the Resurrected sayings and the term “Living Jesus” is understood to mean the Risen Jesus.
1.   Jesus' brother, Judas, recorded his sayings given to his followers after his Resurrection.
2.  There are historical documents showing that Judas grandsons held leadership positions in the original Jesus movement.
3.     From points 1 and 2 above I believe it is reasonable to claim that the prologue represents an authentic saying in Thomas. The context does not make it clear if Jesus spoke these words or if his brother, Judas, wrote them as a way of introduction.

III. In saying 27 Jesus says: “If you fast not from the world, you will not find the Kingdom; if you keep not the Sabbath as a Sabbath you will not see the Father.” Note this saying is in both the Greek and Coptic texts.
A.   Historically, the original followers of Jesus were all Jews and thus they kept the Sabbath.
B.     Jesus commandment to honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week, is what a leader of Jews would say.
C.    The Roman Catholics changed God’s Holy Day under the authority of the Pope at The Council of Laodicea (363-364).
D.    Christians who have these meetings on Sunday are in direct defiance to God and thus they will not see the Father.
1.   In saying 27 Jesus issues the commandment to honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week (see Genesis 2: 1-3 in which God made the 7th day Holy).
2.    The original followers of Jesus were all Jews and the historical records indicate that they did keep the Sabbath.
3.     Based on points 1 and 2, I believe it is reasonable to claim that saying 27 is an authentic saying of Jesus.  

IV. In saying 77 Jesus says: “I am the light that is above them all, I am the All, the All came forth from me the All attained to me. Split a piece of wood, I am there. Lift up a stone and you will find me there.” This saying is found in both the Greek and Coptic texts.
A.    This saying parallels the introduction to the Gospel According To John:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God and all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made” –John 1: 1-3.
B.     This saying is consistent with what the Resurrected Jesus taught: That He is God. Please see Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas”, a post on this blog.
1: Saying 77 in Thomas is consistent with the teachings of Jesus in The Gospel According To John and thus has historical support for the claim that it was an  original saying of Jesus.
2.   Saying 77 is found in both the Greek texts and the Coptic text.
3.     Based on points 1 and 2, I believe it is reasonable to claim that saying 77 is an authentic saying of Jesus.
Summary: In this essay I examined the prologue to Thomas, and sayings 12, 27, and 77. Based upon historical records and documents I show that it is likely that these 4 sayings are authentic sayings of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Readers: I am on a Holiday Schedule and thus the next post due is December 11, 2018.

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life. As the year 2018 winds down, I intend to follow the following schedule, God willing:

December 4, 2018—No post.

December 11, 2018—Post.

December 18, 2018—Post.

December 25, 2018—Christmas Day—No post.

January 1, 2019—New Year’s Day—No Post.

January 8, 2019—Return to weekly postings every Tuesday.
May God continue to bless all my readers and thank you for your support this past year!


Evidence Showing The Gospel According To Thomas Is an Authentic Sayings Book, Part I

Editor's clarifications on January 8, 2019 : I updated the statistical argument used in Part I D.

 Note: I will leave these clarification up for a week or so and then take them down.

I. Greek papyri of Thomas found by British explorers Grenfell and Hunt in 1897 and 1903.

A. Collectively, 21 sayings match up with the Coptic text found in 1945: Prologue, 1-7, 24, 26-33, 36-39, and 77.

B. All 21 sayings in the Greek texts match up with the Coptic text.

C. Scholars have given a terminus ante quem of the Greek texts to be 140 A.D.

 Source: The Gospel According To Thomas, by A. Guillaumont, et al, 1959, Brill, Page vi. See: The Gospel According to Thomas: Coptic Text Established and ...

D. The Greek sayings were part of three different texts and the probability of the Coptic text being a copy of an original Greek text is:2x [114x113x112x111x110x109x 108] + 114x 113x 112= 4.1476035e+14  or about 4.2 trillion to 1 against the order in the Coptic text being randomly chosen. Please A Statistical Argument Showing the Coptic Gospel According To Thomas Is a Word-For-Word Copy of an Original Greek Text , a post on this blog


1.There existed an original copy of Thomas written in Greek written before 140 A.D.
B. It is highly probable that the Coptic text is a word-for-word copy of the Greek texts of Thomas.

II. Fifty of the sayings in Thomas were also recorded in Matthew and Luke. Two Examples:
A. “If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit,” saying 34 in Thomas matches up with Matthew 15:14 and Luke 6:39.
B. “The speck which is in your brother’s eye you see, but the log which is in your own eye, you do not see,” saying 26 in Thomas matches up with Matthew 7:35 and Luke 6:41-42.

III. Two-source hypothesis: Matthew and Luke used a sayings gospel “Q” (German for Quelle, meaning “Source”).
A. The gospels of Matthew and Luke used both Mark and Q as their sources.
B. Matthew and Luke have 272 verses in common which are not in Mark.
C. 640 of the 654 verses in Mark are found in both Matthew and Luke. Note: I have excluded Mark 16: 9-20 in the above count as these verses are not in the earliest manuscript.

1. Q is a saying book which Matthew and Luke used to compose their gospels.
2. The Gospel According To Thomas independently have 50 sayings in common with Q.
C. Scholars agree that Q represents authentic sayings of the Pre-Resurrected Jesus.

  1. Source: Q, the Earliest Gospel by John Kloppenborg: Q, the Earliest Gospel: An Introduction to the Original Stories and ...


IV. Using the transitive axiom in logic: If A, then B; If B, then C. Conclusion: If A, then C, we can conclude:

A: Thomas has 50 sayings in common with Q.

B. The sayings in Q are authentic sayings of Jesus.

Conclusion: At least 50 of the sayings in Thomas are authentic sayings spoken by Jesus (this is out of a total of 114 sayings).


V. Ancient sources from circa 200 A.D. cite The Gospel According To Thomas.

A. There are at least 12 ancient citations of Thomas included by Clement of Alexandria, Ireaneus, Origen, Tertullian, and Augustine.

B. Two Examples:

i. “He who is near me is near the fire and He who is far from me is far from the Kingdom,” saying 82 in Thomas is cited by Origen in a homily.

Ii “His disciples said to him, twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel and they all spoke about you. “ He said to them, “You have dismissed the Living One who is before you and spoken of the dead,” saying 52 in Thomas is cited by Augustine.

1. Sayings which are recorded in Thomas were cited by at least 12 ancient sources, circa, 200 A.D.
2. The Gospel According To Thomas was a widely circulated saying text by 200 A.D.
3. Because all the citations by the ancient sources match up with the Coptic translation, we can conclude that it is highly probable that there was a single Greek text which the ancients were quoting.


Summary: We have given several lines of evidence which show that at least 50 sayings in Thomas are authentic, there is almost a certainty that the Coptic text is a word-for-word copy of a Greek copy of Thomas which was written before 140 A.D., and there are at least 12 ancient sources which cite Thomas which shows it was a widely circulated text by 200 A.D.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Readers: Next Post Due is November 27, 2018. Happy Thanskgiving!

Dear Reader:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life. Because next week will include Thanksgiving there will not be a post. Please spend a few minutes in gratitude to God for the many blessings He has wrought: The gift of life, the chance to live forever in physical form, and His powerful Love which will heal both the body and the soul. In the Spirit of sharing, I offer:

Ten of my favorite posts in 2018:

1. Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason! ---Posted on August 28, 2018. The Russian game strategists are looking at a first-strike nuclear attack on the USA.

2. State-Bound Consciousness: The Key Insight Into the Play —Posted on September 25, 2018. This essay shows that only by shifting the consciousness to higher frequencies will transformations occur.

3. What Happened When I Lost My Ego: A First-Person Account —Posted on September 11, 2018. Dissolving the Ego changed nothing except to allow greater insight into what is happening.

4. Turning From a Frog to a Prince: Rewriting the Script with God’s Love ---Posted on June 5, 2018. Life scripts determines the role each person plays and thus by being conscious of these scripts one can transform them.

5. The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice---Posted on January 16, 2018. By meditating at higher frequencies the seeker will unite with Jesus as an Immortal.

6. The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II Posted on February 27, 2018. In this essay I use a fine-tuning argument to prove the existence of God, explain what the Hayflick Limit is, and show how activating the Bindu Chakra will shift the DNA’s aging code.

7.  The Core Teachings of Jesus Leading To Eternal Life: Physical Immortality , Part II . Posted on October 30, 2018. By allowing the Father’s Light to flow evil energies such as the female self, self- hate, shame and other toxic energies can be dissolved.

8. Returning to Paradise By Being One With God.  Posted on October 2, 2018. By using a light pole one maintains a permanent connection with God, one’s body, and the earth.

9.  Checklists For Immortals: Other Practices, Part V —Posted on July 10, 2018. Here I give links to the previous four checklists and give 7 practices the Immortal will want to do.

10. Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas ---Posted on October 16, 2018. Females are an evil energy at their core and thus in an Immortal society they will be eliminated.