Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Staying Permanently Connected to the Vibrating Body: The Key To Being an Immortal

1. Physical Immortality occurs as the body and Spirit unite as one. This transformation means a shift from the ego brain to the body. No amount of thinking will connect you to God: The God Connection = Body’s Animating Energy.  So the Immortal has shifted his focus from the brain to the Spirit. Note that the Bindu Chakra will be activated as this God Connection occurs. See: Bindu Chakra - Yoga in Daily Life and Images for bindu chakra.

2. Jesus is the animating energy, the fire, which wakes up the body. His Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Truth, is activated in the heart of each follower. As Jesus said, “Whoever is near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom” (Saying 82, The Gospel According To Thomas).


3. To Activate this Spirit-Body Connection I have a morning prayers which are said aloud and which connects me to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit:

a) “Father—I give you everything: My life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This is the Holy Vow which is said the first thing upon waking up each morning. It is your direct connection with God!


b) “Yeshua—Your words are life! May your sayings vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, allowing all who call upon your name to be saved. Thanks, Yeshua!” This prayer is said before my study of Jesus’ sayings in the Gospel According To Thomas. Note: Jesus' birth name is "Yeshua" in Aramaic.


c) “Holy Spirt of Truth—Please come into my heart and show me insights, original models and connections which will lead to eternal life. Also, help me make corrections when I am in error. Keep me safe and protected and allow for some joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!” This is the third prayer said aloud each morning and will connect you to God’s Spirit.


4. The straightforward way to stay connected to the body is through consciously connected breathing. This method is taught in Michael Brown’s course, The Presence Process, and will lead to purification. While simple to describe, it is difficult to do for 20 minute periods. It merely involves connecting the in breath to the out breath without stopping. When in public this is done with the mouth open so that one receives extra oxygen to the brain. Also, if one gulps air during one’s meditation practice, this will help stimulate the pineal gland. See: The Presence Process: A Healing Journey Into Present ... - Amazon.com.


5. Disconnect from the world and stay connected to God and God alone—This is a radical shift in which one has organized one’s life so that one does not have to deal with other people. With this goal in mind, you will be able to find ways to live independently with minimal contact with humans. I once took a seminar, “Your money or your life,” in which the speaker laid out various strategies in how one can live without working. Bluntly speaking: If you have a job which requires you to constantly interact with human beings, then you are fucked!  See: Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your ... - Amazon.com.


6. If the dear reader’s goal is stay connected to God and God alone, then he can start where he is. One day you might recycle your television, computer and apple phone. The next day you might move to a city where no one knows you and start over with a new relationship with God. Ask God for His help in staying connected to Him.


7. Feeling the body to vibrate during the day is a sign that you are on the path to becoming an Immortal. Throughout the day I take 2-3 minutes “mini-meditation sessions” in which I connect my awareness to my body’s animating energy. Readers are invited to study my book review of The Power of Now and see the meditation practices recommended on pages 60-65 of the text. Please note that it took me about a year in order to feel my inner body and so it might take you a few months in order for the body to wake up.  See: Book Review: Practicing The Power Of Now and study points 6 and 7.


8. The role of marijuana in becoming an Immortal is an interesting one: Somehow you need to shift your awareness from your ego brain to the body. To do this, one will need to activate the 8th chakra which is located outside the brain. By God’s design, marijuana will allow work with one’s intention when it is aligned with God’s Will. The insightful reader will immediately see: Marijuana=Intention at the Spiritual Level. Because Jesus is the animating energy in everything (Saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas), one is using marijuana in order to access Jesus. I do not know if this activation can occur without using marijuana.


9. Before going into public I ask for my guardian angles to protect me: “Holy Spirit of Truth—Please allow my guardian angles to create a white light surrounding my body which will protect me from all harm. Anyone who intends harm will have this negativity returned to him seven-fold. Thanks, Holy Spirit!” This white-light protection takes a few seconds and it is said as I walk out the door. Because there are psychic vampires which eat other people’s life force, one will want to be protected from harm. This will also protect your from physical harm.


Summary: Being an Immortal is living from the Living One. Your natural state as a child was one of being Immortal. Once your became self-conscious, sadly, you lost your God Connection. Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas are designed to reconnected you to the Living Father. This connection is through the body as the body unites with the Spirit. May each reader keep seeking until he finds!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Questions To Ponder

1. Who am I?

This question forms the beginning of any inquiry. What you are is awareness. This awareness or presence is trapped in the brain filled with “mind stuff” such as the recall of memories, stories, and internal dialogue. To shift your presence from the brain, one will want to detach from the mind stuff. The awareness which sees your internal dialogues is called the “watcher.” It is what you are: God stuff. So one’s awareness or consciousness connects one to God since it is made of God. To experience this connection one will need to leave the ego brain and activate the 8th chakra which is located outside the brain. 

2. Is there life after death?

This is a key question each person will answer through how he lives his life. Based upon the fact that you are presence which is separate from your body and your brain there are two leading hypotheses about what happens after one dies:

 a. This awareness or consciousness is part of God and since God is immortal, then so are you.

b. This awareness is part of God and when you die this returns to God and that is the end of you.

In my view, the latter hypothesis stated in part ‘b’ is correct. Part of the problem with the first conjecture is how an disembodied energy can form any images and have any awareness of what is happening. After all, presence is formless and is more akin to water in the sense that it will merge with whatever container which is available. From both cautionary principles and by Occam Razor (“among competing hypotheses choose the most elegant”), I believe assuming there is no conscious existence after life is a wise one. From looking at the arguments put forth for after life (e.g., “Near-death experiences”) I estimate that there is a 5% chance that this position is correct. The naturalistic claim that death is the end of life appears to be correct. Thus, I would be very fearful about staking my very life on believing there is life after death as if you are wrong, then you are dead.


 3. What is the purpose of my life?

The answer to this question will determine your life’s work. Given that you are “God stuff,” it would logically follow the only purpose to life to be connected to God. Praise is the greatest form of worship. Praise God for every breath you take! Praise God for the gift of life. Praise God!

 4. How should I treat other people?

Given the insight that you are connected to God and nearly everyone in the world is controlled by the mind stuff which is the product of the Ego brain, there is no connection between you and other people. Ideally, one would interact with human beings through “truth consciousness” which is a dedication to the truth. Thus, one will honor the truth by seeking wisdom. Wisdom will tell you it is almost always best to avoid human beings when possible. Humans are divided into multiple sub-personalities, entities, and various implants such as traumas. Fundamentally, humans are insane. They are in darkness. Thus, the best way to treat other people is to avoid them whenever possible; when one is force to interact with a human, one will come in peace. Note Jesus commanded us to hate our father, to hate our mother, to hate our sisters and to hate our brothers (Saying 55, The Gospel According To Thomas). This is excellent advice as human beings are dead.


5. How can I be saved?

Salvation is right here, right now, on planet earth. The Kingdom of God is here! Salvation comes through a moment-by-moment connection with the Living Father. This God connection will be strengthen as you stay connected to the body’s animating energy and can feel this animating energy as it vibrates in your body.


6. Why does God allow mankind to suffer?

To suffer is to be disconnected from God and to be connected to people. Indeed, people are hell and thus when people know they are going to die they often are relieved as the pain and suffering connected to dealing with humans is unimaginable! When one suffers, this is an invitation to come home. Become a child again. Stay connected to God and God alone. By not associating or dealing with humans, all suffering will then cease.


7. What is the open secret?  

The open secret is that at some point the end of the world will occur. It does not take a social scientist to realize that the way things are going are unsustainable; thus, the vast majority of people on this planet will be eliminated. I recently spoke with a Rabbi, R. David Temple, at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) near Sproul Hall. He gave me a handout with various numerical calculations which showed that the end of the world will be on October 1, 2018. Note this is the year 5779 in the Hebrew calendar and October is the 7th month in the Jewish system. The Rabbi claimed that the first destruction of Jerusalem occurred in 70 A.D. and that 70 years after the re-establishment of Israel will be the end. Note that modern-day Israel was founded on May 14, 1948 and 70 years after this is May 14, 2018.  While this appears to be more speculative than proof, the Rabbi’s analysis does point to a larger awareness that this present system will not hold for much longer. See: Update Your Calendars for October 1st, 2018 - Patheos.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Book Review: Practicing The Power Of Now

1. Eckhart Tolle’s text, Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises, is a slender 142-page volume filled with practices which can lead the reader into Enlightenment. In this book review, I give some of the highlights: See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com.

 2. In the first chapter, “Being and Enlightenment,” Tolle elucidates what Enlightenment is: For one’s awareness to be centered in the body, not the brain. The first step is to listen to the voices in your head. These are the product of the Ego and will keep you in darkness.

3. A key practice is given on page 25: “If you have difficulty feeling your emotions, start by focusing your attention on the inner field of the body. Feel the body from within.” By connecting with the body, the mind stuff starts to loosen.

4. Chapter two, “The Origin of Fear,” shows that fear is largely a mind-created phantom. By disengaging from the story, one is free to be present. The idea here is we can shift into being at peace by focusing on the breath and by letting the thoughts float by.

5. To pick a bone with Tolle: There is no such that as “now.” Note for there to be a now implies a linear time in which there is a past and a future.  Packed into these terms are a host of unstated claims such as the past determines the present; time travel is not possible; mind projections into the “past” and to the “future” prove these projection exist. In any case, the term “now” is a slippery one and probably best avoided. Instead of saying the “Power of Now,” I prefer “The Power of connecting your awareness to God by being in touch with the body.” This is what Tolle means by “now” in his text: merging one’s presence or awareness with the body’s animating energy.

6. Since the body is animating energy which is being sourced by God, one can access God or Being by centering one’s awareness in the body. This is the key insight the Immortal will want to get from this text. When I meditate I feel my body vibrating at a higher frequency and hear sounds in the brain. By merging my awareness with the body and the sounds, then, I am activating a higher frequency level in the body.

7. In his third chapter, “Entering The Now,” Tolle offers practices on how to focus one’s attention on the body: “Observe the rhythm of your breathing; feel the air flowing in and out, feel the life energy inside your body. Allow everything to be, within and without. Allow the ‘isness’ of all things. Move deeply in the now” (page 40).

8. The reader needs to understand that these practices require hard work. The goal is to meditate for 1 hour per day. Start with 10 minutes by focusing on the breath and work from there.

9. As one awakens there will be “gaps” in which the “timeless state of consciousness” emerges and the nonsense of the endless chatter of ego brain ceases; when this occurs one will have left the ego brain for a few seconds and then returned to the brain’s awareness to report on the “gap.”  Tolle writes:
“When every cell of your body is so present that is feels vibrant with life, and when you can feel that life every moment as the joy of Being, then it can be said you are free from time. It represents the most profound transformation of consciousness that you can image” (page 45).

10. In chapter 5, “Beauty arises in the stillness of your presence,” Tolle gives two practices which will help wake up the body.

Practice 1: Connect with the Inner Body: “Can you feel the subtle energy field that pervades the entire body and gives vibrant life to every organ and cell? Can you feel it simultaneously in all parts of the body as a single field of energy?” (Page 60.)

Practice 2: Going Deeply Into the Body, pages 61-64. This practice will show the reader how he can shift his awareness with an awakened body. As Tolle writes: “The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body—to feel it at all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. The more consciousness you direct to your inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes, much like a light that grows brighter as you turn up the dimmer switch and so increase the flow of electricity. At this high energy level, negativity cannot affect you anymore, and you tend to attract new circumstances that reflect this higher frequency” (pages 64-65).

Note: These two practices are fundamental for the Immortal and thus I recommend any reader interested in being an Immortal to obtain this text.

11. In an insightful suggestion on inducing creativity, Tolle recommends that as one brainstorms an idea, that one shifts one’s attention to the body for a few minutes and then return to mind with some fresh energy. I have used this idea and it is quite useful (see page 68.)

12. “Dissolving the Pain-body” is the topic of chapter 6 in which the reader is given insights on how to deal with traumas which have lodged in the body. Note that nearly everyone who has had the misfortunate of attending a public school in the USA has been repeatedly traumatized and verbally assaulted for 12 years. Why females are forced to attend these zoo-like institutions is unfathomable. In any case, Tolle writes: “This accumulated pain is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. If you look on it as an invisible entity in its own right, you are getting quite close to the truth. It’s the emotional pain-body.”

13. Illumination=Transformation. This equation summarizes Tolle’s insight into dissolving the traumas in the body: By merging one's awareness with the pain, one will transform it! This is quite an amazing insight as the natural tendency is to run away from pain. Yet, only by allowing your presence to unite with the pain can transformations occur. Tolle writes: “The pain-body is an energy field, almost like an entity, that has temporarily lodged in your inner space. It is life energy that has been trapped, energy that is no longer flowing” (page 84).

14. Theological aside: Jesus is the light and the animating energy in all things as Jesus noted, “Spilt a piece of wood—I am there. Lift a stone, and you will find me” (Saying 77, The Gospel According to Thomas). In the same saying Jesus says, “I am the light  that is over all. I am the all. The all came forth out of me.” So we would be on solid grounds to refer to the animating energy in the body as being Jesus. Note that the practices recommended on the Thomas Immortality Project are designed to allow the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. While the actual activation of this higher frequency occurs during meditation, the fuel for the fire is Jesus.

Summary: Practicing the Power of Now is workbook-like text filled with dozens of practices to guide the reader into Enlightenment. I view the practices as being very helpful and thus I would strongly recommend the seeker of Immortality to obtain this text.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10 Great Qualities For an Immortal To Have

1. Concentration—It is not possible to be an Immortal without the ability to focus one’s attention on a single task for a sufficient length of time. This quality is connected to will and one of the purposes of meditation is to help one develop a strong will.

Practice: Meditation—This is a daily practice for 1 hour. I will often combine ingesting marijuana with meditation. Note that God gave this plant to mankind in order for him to be able to activate light consciousness. Light consciousness is achieved by re-centering your awareness from your ego brain to activating the 8th chakra which is located outside the brain. You cannot not enter the light consciousness on your own since you are trapped by the Ego and worse you do not know that you are trapped! But with the aid of marijuana your awareness can leave the ego and thus be set free. 

2. Visualization—It is necessary to be able to see what you are saying or what you are reading; otherwise, you will be at a loss. In general, people can handle 7 things in their working memory at a time and after that they get lost. But if you can create a picture you can keep track of 100s of things simultaneously.


Practice: I use Charles Herton’s text, Forcing Chess Moves, which is filled with 100s of chess puzzles. I do 1-2 puzzles per day (or so) without a chessboard. I spend 10 minutes trying to solve the problem and then I study the solution. Variations which go beyond 6 moves tend to be fuzzy. Also, while I usually find the key moves, I usually missed one line in a variation; this gives me a chance to see what I missed and more importantly why I missed the line. 

3. Will—This quality determines how strong your drive is to accomplish a task. Weak-willed people are worthless as they are incapable of keeping their word and thus are not honorable. Thus, I encourage the seeker to work on strengthening his will each day.

Practice: A great work out program is to do 50 pushups, 100 sit ups and lift some bar bells. I combine this with walking to a grocery store which is a good 40 minute walk from my house and thus I automatically walk over 1 hour per day. Note that I use walking as a form of meditation. Start where ever you are and work from there.

4. Clear Seeing—This quality is necessary to be an Immortal as otherwise you will be in darkness. What you are is awareness. This acts similar to water in the sense that it will meld with whatever object which exists and in whatever space in which it exists. Strongly connected to clear seeing is will as it is through intention or will which an act is performed. Thus, while it takes a strong will and good intentions to achieve something worthwhile, one must also be sure that one’s actions are optimal. Indeed, “The road to Hell is filled with good intentions.”


Practice: I connect to clear seeing by activating the 6th chakra and also by asking the Holy Spirit of Truth to be activated in my being each day. I will often try to see what is in front of my face while shaving and this is a great time to ask for the Holy Spirit of Truth to lead you throughout the day with new insights, original models, and various connections. 

5. Allowing God’s Love to flow—This is a practice as much as a quality, but I include this here because it is through God’s Love that one may love. Please note: I would not love other people, except someone who is a dedicated follower of Jesus. Anyone in the world is controlled by Satan and thus I would not love them. By God’s Love, healing of traumas and pain in the body can be transmuted.

Practice: Each morning I activate an energy bandage which I wrap around my entire body. I ask God to fill this light bandage with His Love and for this bandage to be activated day and night, thus allowing for healing. Prayer: “Father, right here, right now, I ask you to help me wrap this energy bandage around my body. Please fill this bandage with your Love, healing self-hate, traumas, implants, and all negativity. Let your love flow throughout my body day and night. Thanks, God!”


6. Centered in the body—This is shifting one’s awareness from the brain with its endless conversations with itself to the awareness in the body. As one connects one’s awareness or presence to the body, the body will wake up! With some practice, you will start to feel the body’s animating energy; this energy is God. It is your “God Connection.” Thus, being an Immortal is centering one’s attention of the body while intending for it to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency.


Practice: This is done throughout the day, but I use my 1 hour meditation practice each day to focus on the body. All thoughts, memories, or mind stuff is redirected to the body. This will take intense effort as the mind is like a wild horse: It will run every which a way when you try to catch it. As you connect with the body’s animating energy, you allow your presence to merge so that your awareness and the body’s animating energy are as one. The is the secret of being Immortal.


7. Gratitude—This is praising God for all of His wonderful blessings! I practice this while taking a shower as this is a great time to sing praises to God for the gift of life.

Practice: “Father, Thank you for the gift of life! Thank you for every breath I take. Please let me praise you in physical form on this planet forever. Thanks, God!”  I do this practice while showering and helps me get by physically and spiritually clean.


8. Honor—This is a higher-ordered quality which can only be fully activated when the 8th chakra is activated. This is your connection to your Higher Self. One needs a strong will in order to be honorable. An honorable person will keep his word and thus is trustworthy. There needs to be clear seeing, however, to determine if the situation is one which should just be ignored or if it is one in which core principles are at stake.

Example: Say you are offered a job which pays twice your present salary. But the company is well-known in the industry as cheating clients out of their life savings. As an honorable man you would not want to be near darkness and thus will reject the job offer. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his very own soul?


9. Honoring the Truth—This is an advanced high-ordered quality. It combines two qualities: Honor and Truth. To honor the truth is to keeping making corrections until a clear path merges. To see truth, the 6th chakra and clear seeing will be activated (see quality 4 above). Note that what other people think is of no importance in this matter.

Example: Honoring the Truth is the insight that 1 data point can overthrow everything! (See what Jesus has to say about this in Saying 67 of the Gospel According to  Thomas). Thus, I know that demons exist because I have encountered Jonathan Vernick and discovered that many of his activities originate from the 5th dimension. Vernick has Satan-like powers which includes entering people’s minds with the intention of controlling them, controlling people’s voices, and implanting thoughts. Since I have seen him operate a dozen times or so I have no doubt my interpretation is correct. Once one sees that demons are real, then to honor the truth one is forced to ask: How is Vernick able to enter people’s minds and control them? This is only possible if all minds are connected to an energy grid or a matrix. While the reader of a rational mindset will find my claims lacking in proof, I can only offer him my word of honor that they are accurate.  


10. Wisdom—This is the highest of qualities to acquire. It’s a balance between going too far to the left or too far to the fight; it’s walking the tightrope in which the unity of opposites emerge. The study of Jesus’ words in the Gospel According to Thomas will be helpful in acquiring wisdom.

Example: “You can see the speck that in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the beam that is in your own eye. When you take the beam out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take to speck out of your brother’s eye”---Jesus, Saying 26, The Gospel According to Thomas. This is a saying which might help lead one to wisdom: Spend most of your time and energy focused on your own weaknesses. For the most part, other people’s faults are of no concern to you as most people are dead. If you are in an unholy alliance with someone, then you will need to remove yourself from that situation as soon as possible.


Summary: In this essay, I have listed 10 qualities which are great for an Immortal to have. From a foundational view, a strong will, being able to concentrate, and good visualization skills are necessary for spiritual progress. Clear seeing is the activation of the 6th chakra and is connected to the Spirit of Truth. This will allow for making better decisions each day. Taking time to praise God each day is great! Allowing God’s Love to heal you of pain is transformative. Higher-ordered qualities such as Honor, Truth, and Wisdom will be acquired as one intends them to do so. Note that being in error or making a mistake is great as this allows one to make corrections and thus get nearer to the truth.

Monday, October 2, 2017

The Radical Message of Jesus: Disconnect From the World and Reconnect With God and God Alone

1. “Whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be a follower of me, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters and bear the cross as I do is not worthy of me”---Jesus, Saying 55, The Gospel According to Thomas.

The entire message of Jesus can be summarized: Break all connections to other people and reconnect with God and God alone.  This radical message means you will nothing to do with the world. It means breaking all ties to your parents. It means to give up all relationships with your mother, your father, your friends, your work associates or any other. It means breaking all ties to the past. It means fasting from the world and having no interest in the affairs of the world.


2. “If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the Kingdom”---Jesus, Saying 27, The Gospel According to Thomas.

Fasting from the world here means complete withdrawal from the world. It means cutting the cords: Throw away all screens such as computers, cell phones, and televisions. It means to stop reading newspapers, magazines or any other written material about the events of the world. It means having no interest whatsoever in the affairs of the world.


3. “Blessed are those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the Kingdom”---Jesus, Saying 49, The Gospel According to Thomas.

Here Jesus tells us who will enter the Kingdom: Those who are alone and chosen. Alone in this context means to disengage from any sexual interest. This would mean an Immortal will separate himself from females. This would also means breaking any connections with dogs, cats, or any other animals. It means not to attend any social events where there are humans. It will means taking a vow of silence and not talk to humans. It means avoiding any unnecessary eye contact with humans. It will mean having no interest in anything humans have done, are doing, or are going to do.


4. “Buyers and merchants will not enter the places of my Father”—Jesus, Saying 64, The Gospel According to Thomas.

Here Jesus tells us to give up any interest in making money. It also means one will not have a job which will involve contact with humans. It means having no interest in becoming rich. It also means owing no property or anything of value which might connect you to humans.

5. “Whoever has come to know the world has found a corpse. And whoever has found this corpse, of him the world is not worthy”---Jesus Saying 56, The Gospel According to Thomas.

A corpse is a dead body. This is what humans are: dead. The discovery that humans are dead will lead you to permanently separate from them. There is no way to awaken a dead body; thus, any interest in saving the world is seen as impossible. Usually, the insight that humans are dead will take hundreds if not thousands of instances in which you are abused by them. Once you know what the world is, then the world is not worthy of you.

6. “His followers said to him, ‘Twenty-four prophets have spoken in Israel, and they all spoke of you.’ He said to them, ‘You have disregarded the Living One who is in your presence and spoken of the dead”---Jesus, Saying 52, The Gospel According to Thomas.

All ties to the past are broken when one connects to the Living One. There is no interest in the history of humans. There are no authority figures to follow. There are no leaders to follow. Each moment one will be connected to the Living One. The past is dead. Let the dead bury the dead.


7. “When you know yourselves, you will be known. And you will realize you are the Sons of the Living Father”---Jesus, Saying 3, The Gospel According to Thomas.

Once the seeker of Immortality has given up on the world, then he is ready to reunite with the Living Father. The first step in this reunion is to know who you are: The Son of the Living Father. You are being sourced by God’s animating energy moment-by-moment. You are spirit made flesh. You are particles made of light which has been “thickened” to create the illusion of a solid form. You are God.

8. “During the days when you ate what is dead, you made it alive. When you are in the light what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?”---Jesus, Saying 11, The Gospel According to Thomas.

To reunite with God, one must first heal the spilt which has occurred in you. When you are connected to humans you are two. When you reconnect to God and God alone, you become one again. The seeker of Immortality will reconnect with God by entering the light. This is activating your transpersonal self which is located above your head. This is the 8th chakra. It is one’s connection to the light. The only living thing which will connect you to the light is marijuana since God allowed this plant to coevolve with humans to lead them to the light consciousness. So to enter the light, one will consume what is alive—marijuana.


9. “Whoever among you becomes a child will know the Kingdom”---Jesus, Saying 46, The Gospel According to Thomas.

By becoming a child again, you will give up control of your life and turn it over to God. One will be as a baby: Completely reliant upon God for your nourishment. This is complete surrender. Any idea that you can save your life outside of being sourced by God is given up. Only by losing your life will you gain eternal life.

10. “When you strip without being ashamed and take your clothes off and put them under your feet like little children and trample on them, then you will see the Son of the Living One”---Jesus, Saying 37, The Gospel According to Thomas.

Here Jesus tells us to take our clothes off, to take off all which would hide us from our true nature. When you can be a child and strip off your clothes without being ashamed, then you will see the Living One. This means giving up any mask which will hide your true nature. It is giving up any attempt to impress others. It is standing before God in one’s natural state: Naked and as a child, ready to be reconnected with God.


11. “Whoever is living from the Living One will not see death”—Jesus, Saying 111, The Gospel According to Thomas.

Here Jesus tells us how to achieve physical Immortality: Live from the Living One. Nowhere in The Gospel According to Thomas does Jesus directly or indirectly imply there is life after death. To the contrary: “Adam came from great power and great wealth, but he was not worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have tasted death”---Jesus, Saying 85, The Gospel According to Thomas. Adam disconnected from God and chose to be connected to the female. As his punishment, he received eternal death. There is no understanding here that Adam went to hell to burn forever after his death. No, when Adam died that was the end of him, which is the case for all humans when they die. So not to see death, to live forever in physical form, one will return to the beginning: You will be sourced directly from God as Adam had been before the fall. This is returning home. It is your birthright: To live each moment in joyous union with the Living Father.

12. “His followers said to him, ‘When will the Kingdom come?’  ‘It will not come by watching for it.’ It will be said, ‘Look, here it is,’ or ‘Look, there it is.’ Rather the Kingdom is spread out upon the earth and people do not see it”---Jesus, Saying 113, The Gospel According to Thomas.

The Kingdom of God is right here, right now, on planet earth. You do not have to look anywhere else. You are already there. By returning to paradise, by returning to the God connection, one will enter the Kingdom of God.


Summary: All the nearly 500 sayings of Jesus in The Gospel According to Thomas point to a single message: Disconnect from the world and reconnect with God. This is a radical message as among Christians there is not a single one who will follow Jesus. They will follow Paul and his invention of “Christ,” however. To be a follower of Jesus means giving everything up: Connections to family, friends, to making money, to being wealthy and so on. Once the seeker of Immortality has given up on the world, he will be ready to be a child again: Living moment-by-moment from the Living One. The Kingdom of God is right here, right now, but people do not see it. At some point humans on this planet will be eliminated (see Saying 11, The Gospel According to Thomas) and then the chosen will reign over this planet (see Saying 2, The Gospel According to Thomas). If the reader would like to be one of the chosen all he needs to do is to start now: “Blessed is the man who has worked hard and has found life”---Jesus, Saying 58, The Gospel According to Thomas.