Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Insights Into the Matrix and Human Beings

1. The matrix is a 5th dimensional structure which controls human beings for the purpose of taking their life energy from them. Primarily, the programmers of the structure implant thoughts into the brain which will then induce activations. These activations then use one’s life energy to cause a certain stimulus.


Example: Say the programmers want you to feel sad. Then the program will implant the thought of the death of your child. In response to this thought you might cry. As a result of this stimulus, your life force will be used in crying. This emotional response will allow the demons to eat off your psychic energy.

 2. What am I ? I am 2 things: 

a) Awareness—This is my life force or one’s consciousness. The life force is the animating energy sourced by God. When it is directed to the brain one might call it “presence” or “awareness.” In one’s natural state there is joy. This is when the life force is allow to flow freely throughout the body. Usually, the life force is trapped in the brain. The ego and super ego then derive strokes by constantly implanting thoughts.


b) Will—This is my intention and is located in the belly region. The will is able to focus the life force or awareness on a certain goal. In an Immortal, the will is controlled by the Higher Self which is located above the head. For human beings the will is controlled by the matrix via the ego brain. Thus, human beings have no free will as they are being controlled.



3. Note that I am more than just awareness and will, but these two are under some level of conscious awareness and thus I will focus on these two elements in this essay.


4. To become Enlightened, one will by intention shift one’s awareness from the ego/super ego complex in the brain to the Higher Will via the crown of the head. This means one detaches one’s awareness from the brain to outside the brain. For the Higher Will to operate in one’s being, the Holy Spirit of Truth will be invited to come into one’s heart. 


5. When the life force is allowed to flow, then the will is located in the belly region. In essence, the Higher Will allows the Holy Spirit of Truth to direct one’s life if one asks it to do so. In spiritual terms, this region is the 3rd charka and is usually called the solar plexus. See: Know Your Solar Plexus Chakra And How To Unravel Its Power.


6.  The will in the body is directed to the Higher Will (located outside the brain) by God. This activation occurs via the crown of the head where the Bindu Charka is located. At this point, you will be in the light consciousness. This activation will allow Immortal Youthing energies to flow into your brain and your body. Thus, the body will be sourced at higher frequencies, allowing for healings to occur. See: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About


7. Females are a confused mess in regards to this discussion. In general, females want to be in control of males and do so by activating the sexual instinct in males. This is an automatic response to which males have no conscious control. So a male will automatically respond to a cute 16-year old female in a bikini by wanting to fuck her. Females are able to take this response of males and use it to increase their life force. In general, females have a weak life force and thus must extract energy from other people in order to stay both mentally and physically healthy. Thus, females are psychic vampires.  


8. One can see the problem with females: They want to be in control of males but they can only do so by stealing energy from males. To be able to pull this con off they need to pretend that they are independent of males. Obviously, if males knew that females need their energy into order to survive, females would be at a disadvantage. Lesbians are those females who were exposed to high levels of testosterone in their mother’s womb and thus come out as “tom boys.” Lesbians are quite dangerous to males as they can only live by fucking males up. They want to destroy males. They are evil. 


 9.  As females age their sexual vibration (this is the psychic energy which they radiate in order to sexually attract males) weaken. At this point, they will have to find ways to steal energy from others. Usually this will include games or pastimes which are often social acceptable and is not designed to hurt others; the females just want strokes to stay healthy. If older females (around 50 years of age as they enter menopause) do not steal life force from others, then they will develop dementia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and other weakening conditions in the body. Lesbians at this age might become witches and fuck males up through magic or spells. In rare cases, lesbians will form in groups called “covens” with the intention of fucking males up. The only way to deal with a witch is to completely burn it with fire until she has been turned into ashes. 


10. From the above discussion it should be fairly obvious that an Immortal will have nothing to do with females. However, I would recommend coming in peace. In loving kindness avoid them. Any kind of hostility towards them will evoke a response by females to fuck you up. Note that females are an evil energy which is controlled by the matrix. Thus, females are being controlled by demons and thus are not responsible for their actions. In order to survive, they have to take psychic energies from others. While the traditional solution to dealing with females is to give them a bare-bottom spanking with a paddle once a week whether they need it or not, the Immortal has no time or interest in this nonsense. Thus, I avoid females completely.

11. Memories of the past are stored in the matrix under the point which is assigned to you. Memories are evoked to derive strokes. So say you fuck up in front of other people. Then you will develop a trauma or tear in your aura which will be activated each time the memory is recalled. Thus, recalling the memory will give some of your life force to the trauma which keeps it alive. Thus, the victim will be fucked up every time the memory of the event is activated.

12. The solution to dealing with traumas is as follows: 

a) One will merge his awareness with the trauma. In other words, your presence or life force has united with the trauma. This is a counterintuitive response since people normally want to run away from pain. But only by merging with it may healing occur.


 b)  Create a light energy bandage and wrap it around your body and your entire body. Ask God’s Love to be activated in this bandage, healing the trauma. This energy bandage will need to be reactivated each day. It might take a year of so for the healing to take place. 


 c) Leave the matrix. One leaves the matrix by shifting one’s consciousness from the brain to outside the brain. Then connect with the Holy Spirit of Truth. When one is in the light consciousness, one might recall an event which had caused a trauma, but will no longer cause a stimulus to occur. Once the trauma has been healed, I would use the memory for spiritual purpose such as understanding one’s life script; otherwise, memories of the past have no value. 

13. As the Immortal-to-be strengthens his will he will be able to construct the Immortal will. This will occur as one unites with Jesus as Jesus is the activating energy in all things (see Saying 77 in The Gospel According to Thomas). The Immortal Will itself is a pole-like structure rising from above the head, going through the front of the body and connected to the earth. This activation will allow for one to be source by the Living Father while staying grounded to the earth.  


14. At present, I am investigating how the matrix can be destroyed. The purpose of this blog is to expose the demons to the light so that as enough people realize they are being used by evil entities, they might be ready to leave the matrix. 


Summary: The matrix is a 5th dimensional structure created by Satan to control human beings via the ego and super ego in order to steal the life force from human beings. To become an Immortal, one will leave the matrix by directing the will (located in the solar plexus) to the crown of the head, thus activating the Bindu chakra. Thus, the High Will is activated. Also, the Holy Spirit of Truth will be invited into one’s heart. Females are psychic vampires and are best avoided. While an Immortal has the power to transform a female into a living being, almost no female would consent to this since she is in darkness. Thus, I avoid them completely. To become whole again, traumas will be healed by activating an energy bandage filled with God’s Love and by leaving the matrix. An Immortal society will be created when the matrix is destroyed.

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