Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Activating the Immortal Will

“Whoever in near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom” ---Jesus, Saying 82, The Gospel According to Thomas

1. There are two opposing forces in human beings: The life instinct and the death instinct. By activating the Immortal Will to the Immortal Frequency the death instinct will be deactivated. This essay offers some pointers on activating the Immortal Will.

2. When one is a child there is a sense of Immortality. There is a sense that life as it is happening is eternal. So by activating the Immortal Will one becomes a child again.

3. The Immortal Will=Yeshua

Yeshua is the fire as Saying 82 above notes. When one unites with him one is united with the fire—the will is activated to the Immortal Frequency. One of my morning prayers is: “Yeshua—Your words are life! May your name, Yeshua, vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, allowing all who call upon your name to be saved. Thanks, Yeshua!”  (Note: Yeshua is Jesus’ birthname in Aramaic.)

4. Faith is the starting point of any great achievement. In this case, the seeker of Immortality will accept the gift of faith: Physical Immortality is possible, right here, right now on planet earth. This gift will spur the seeker to keep seeking until he finds. It is through the seeking that transformations are possible. One possible activation: “Father: Please give me the faith that Physical Immortality is possible. Open my eyes to the possibility of eternal life. Thanks, God!” From the responses I have received on this blog, I can definitely state that many people lack the faith that is necessary. It will be a shock to most of my readers that the essential claims of this blog are correct. Of course, there are many gaps in my understanding which I invite the Spirit of Truth to rectify each day.  The original message of Jesus, eternal life is now and is available for all seekers was restored on February 22, 2016 on this blog. 

5. The life script, which is an unconscious program which determines one’s actions, will be rewritten. Since nearly all life scripts include death, this ensures that the person will die. Perhaps a visualization exercise in which one see himself alive and well 100 years from now will be helpful. The goal is to shift the DNA code so that the aging process is shifted.

6. Increasing one’s powers of concentration is essential to activating the Immortal Will. This is why meditation each day is vital. To concentrate on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency for 1 hour per day requires a strong will. The seeker will fast from the world and all its distractions. Intense focus on a daily basis brings transformations.

7. Strength training is an excellent practice to strengthen the will. A few minutes doing 50 pushups and 100 “old school” sit ups will be of great benefit. (“Old School” is when weights are applied to the feet and then from a laying down position one comes completely up and goes completely down.) Also, a few lifts with free weights will be helpful.

8. The Holy Vow which is said the first thing upon waking up each morning will help activate the Immortal Will: “Father—I give you everything. My life. My heart. My soul. My mind. My very being. Please strengthen my will to the Immortal level, allowing me to be a Physical Immortal this day. Thanks, God!”

9. The dreadful malady of low self-esteem will need to be confronted. I like the affirmation, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” to assist with this transformation. Note that by their construction, females have low self-esteem and thus by supporting a male she gets the psychic energy to survive. To be an Immortal, she will need to submit her will to an Immortal so that she can be a living spirit (Saying 114). Males will need to practice sexual restraint and have a dedication to honoring the Truth. 

10. The Immortal Will is associated with higher-ordered qualities.  These include: Truth, Honor, Wisdom, Courage, Faith, and the Immortal Will . They can be activated when the Higher Self outside the brain is activated. So the seeker will want to develop these higher-ordered qualities by spiritual practices which will activate them.

Summary: The will can be activated to the Immortal Frequency with intention. I have offered various suggestions which might be helpful in this quest: Connecting one’s will with Jesus, practicing concentration each day, strength training, saying The Holy Vow each morning, asking for faith and rewriting one’s life script. Seekers who are near Jesus are near the fire!

11. The latest Trump-Putin volley has Mr. Putin closing the Russian Consulate in the United States. Here is San Francisco, the consulate was ordered to be closed this past Thursday. See: In Retaliation, US Orders Russia to Close Consulate in San Francisco This was one of the few neighborhood consulates in the world as it was located in the middle of a “Green Street” which is the Marina District. In any case, this is the fourth move of an interesting international chess game. The previous move had Mr. Putin expelling 755 American diplomats from Russia.

12.  Analysis:  I posit that Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump are good friends as Mr. Putin rigged the votes in several states in order to have Trump elected. Note that the USA has a ritual in which national elections are stolen: The 1960, 2000, 2004 and 2016 were all reportedly stolen by the powers that be. Because the states oversee the national elections, they are easily corrupted and the theft of elections leaves no paper trail as today all someone needs to do is hack into a couple of states such as Ohio and Florida and win the presidency via the college electoral system. If my claim is correct, then the 5th move will be Mr. Putin’s in which he will escalate the battle by some provocation; Trump will then respond with a 6th move, continuing this international match. It will end will some kind of nuclear attack in which Trump will allow the USA to be nuked with tens of millions of Americans killed. This would imply that Trump’s persona as a right-wing extremist is false; in fact, Mr. Trump has no political views except that of expediency. Why would Trump do this? It’s impossible to say, but with his many international holdings no doubt he will be able to profit from the United States' destruction. While the above scenario is speculative, I believe that it is inform speculation and the media needs to wake up to this real possibility.

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