Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Intense Concentration On Immortal Sounds, Part II

1. In this essay, I continue an examination of the previous post, “Intense Concentration On Immortal Sounds” (see: Intense Concentration on the Immortal Sounds ). Because this practice forms the heart or core of my Immortal practice, I will review and elucidate various elements.

2. Before I began the concentration practice I invite the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to assist me:
a. The Holy Vow is said the first thing every morning upon waking up: “Father, I give you everything—my life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please activate your Immortal Will in my being today, allowing me to be a physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, God!” One of the several purposes of The Holy Vow is to activate God’s Immortal Will into one’s life. Seekers of physical Immortality will want to consider this as a daily practice.
b. Yeshua—Your words are life! May they vibrate at the Immortal Youthing Frequency, allowing me to be resurrected with you as an Immortal. May your will be my will and my will be your will as we are twins. Thanks, Yeshua!” Note that “Yeshua” is Jesus’ Aramaic name and when calling upon him I like to call him by his name. See: Jesus vs. Yeshua? - ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry. I say this prayer before my morning study of The Gospel According to Thomas. 

c. “Holy Spirit of Truth—Please enter into my being and guide my path to eternal life, Physical Immortality. Show me any insights, original models, connections or other ideas which might be helpful. Also, help me make any corrections when I am in error. Keep me safe and protected and allow some joy today. Thanks Holy Spirit of Truth!” This is the third prayer said each morning. In all, they ask for a relationship with the three members of the Trinity. Of course, all there is is God; the Son is just God manifested in the flesh (see Saying 28) while the Holy Spirit is God’s presence animating each person. See: Energy Consciousness - Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity

3. Before the concentration practice you might want to do some Hatha Yoga to strengthen the spine. Also, some pushups and sit ups might be helpful.

4. The actual practice starts with ingesting marijuana. I use edibles with THC levels of 50/mg. Usually, I eat chocolate brownies as chocolate has a synergistic effect on the brain. Note that as of January 1, 2018 cannabis will be legal in California.

5. After ingesting the cannabis, I lay down in a darkened space where it is quiet. I close my eyes and focus on my body. As the cannabis is activated I concentrate on hearing sounds in my brain. An affirmation such as “Let these sounds vibration at the Immortal Frequency, right here, right now!” might be helpful. 

6. When I hear sounds,which have I activated to the Immortal Youthing Frequency, I then merge my awareness with this sounds. This is done by intention by merging your awareness or presence with the sounds. This will require intense concentration and focus. All thoughts and stoires are redirected in uniting with the Immortal Sounds. 

7. The concentration practice is done every day. It can be done before taking a nap or before going to sleep. Sometimes I will concentrate in a chair. The goal is to concentrate for 1 hour per day. Seekers might start with 10 minutes and progress to an hour.

8. In addition to using marijuana, one might experiment with other tools:

* Caffeine and dark chocolate will have a synergistic effect with the cannabis and thus may enhance your experience. Usually, I drink coffee and eat German or Swiss made 90% dark chocolate bars.

 * Crystals and a Buddhist wand are also sometimes used. For me, these products seem to offer some high level energy at the beginning and then after a month of use or so tends to lessen. Still, the seeker is invited to investigate this the goal is to awaken the body and brain to higher frequencies. A wand can be purchased at and I have found that it does provide a light frequency which is helpful. See: Vajra - Wikipedia

* Applying a pressure point to the belly button is a useful activation. I use a ball point pen to go inside the navel and focus on breathing  in and out of the navel. I imagine a kind of ethereal umbillica cord extending from inside the navel and extending to outside the body. With each in breath, take in Immortal energies; with each out breath, allow this energy or chi/qi to flow throughout the body. I like to do this for 10 minutes during my meditation practice. See:

9. Males who are seeking Immortality will need to avoid ejaculation, masturbation, or other sexual activity. One’s life energy needs to flow throughout the body and not be discharged. See: Glory of Brahmacharya - The Divine Life Society. Females will need to seek out an Immortal who will can guide them into being a living spirit. Note that Jesus stated females are not a living spirit as males are (see Saying 114 in The Gospel According To Thomas). Also, note that Peter in the same saying stated that females are not worthy of life. 

10. Conclusion: In this second part of the “Immortal Sounds” concentration practice, I give specific suggestions the seeker of Physical Immortality might like to experiment with. The seeker will want to be committed for at least 1 year of daily concentration practice. I wish to thank my dedicated readers for their interest in eternal life as those who endure to end will know the beginning (see Saying 18).

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