Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Intense Concentration on the Immortal Sounds

Stripped of its metaphysical constructs becoming an Immortal is straightforward:

  1. Ingest cannabis with THC levels of 50/gm. 
  2. Lay down and intensely concentrate.
  3. Within half an hour the cannabis will start having its effects on the body and brain. 
  4. Repeat the mantra “Immortal” mentally to intend for the marijuana to cause shifts in the body.
  5. The brain will hear background sounds. These sounds will vibrate at the Immortal frequency when asked.
  6. Connect your awareness or presence with the Immortal sounds in the brain.


The key step is 6: Connect your awareness with the sounds in the brain. Note that these sounds are being asked in step 5 to vibrate at the Immortal frequency. There will be a natural resistance for one’s awareness for be one with these sounds; this is where an strong will comes into play. The goal is to concentrate for 1 hour per day.

The challenging part in the 6-step outline is step 5: During your meditation practice intensely focus on the sounds and intend for them to be raised to the Immortal frequency.

Note that in order to concentrate as a daily practice one will be developing an Immortal Will. This is the will which God will grant to every seeker who asks.  The trick is to ask. My Holy Vow to God which I say each morning as I wake up : “Father, I give you everything. My life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please activate my Immortal Will and keep my Immortal Will activated throughout this day. Thanks, God!”

So all the practices such as constructing the Immortal Will, saying the Holy Vow, meditation, and so forth are all connected. The goal is eternal life: “Blessed is the man who has worked hard and found life!” –Jesus, Saying 58, The Gospel According to Thomas

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