1. The purpose of the Thomas
Immortality Project is to restore God’s Kingdom on planet earth, right
here, right now. At one point mankind was sourced by the Living Father and
Physical Immortality was the norm. With the fall of mankind, came the
construction of the Ego mind. When I use the term “Ego mind” I am using the
Freudian model of Ego, Super Ego and Id. This model has held up extremely well
in the face of various research studies on the brain. With the construction of
the Ego mind, alien beings (the ‘fallen angels’) took control of human beings
as free will does not exist at this level. The control of human beings is done
via what is called the “matrix.” This controls both actions, thoughts and
feelings. Please see my previous post Enlightenment: Seeing Life as a Computer Program for additional insights.
2. I know the matrix exists because of my nearly dozen encounters with
Jonathan Vernick. In one encounter, on June 15, 2016 during a public meeting he
took over my vocal cords and caused pain to be created. I was forced to
publicly misstate a fact in order to continue my testimony. See: Baker Places Board of Director’s Meeting on June 15, 2016: Reporter’s Notes . Because Vernick’s action was
consistent with other occurrences both to me and several other people, I am
quite confident that my claim is true. For Vernick to have taken over my vocal
cords implies that he has access to the 5th dimension. Also, he has
Satan-like powers. This data point is consistent with the Matrix Model outlined
above. Somehow by intent Vernick was able to control my voice. Obviously, the
reader can see how disturbing such a claim is because it means the consensus
model of reality is incomplete.
3. Also, the alert observer will see that the body and brain knows things
that are going to happen before they occur. I have seen this many times and
there is little doubt that ESP exists. I posit 6 levels of reality with one
level being the physical plane and another level being the psycho-cognitive
level of the brain. These two levels tend to match up, but occasionally not
quite. So you can feel events are going to happen before they do; or you might see the reality on the physical plane
does not quite fit with your responses to the event. You will not see this if
you are looking for it (similar to a magician’s misdirection: It’s almost
impossible to detect unless someone tells you what to look for).
4. The key insight about the matrix: If you are controlled by the Ego mind,
then you do not have free will. If you want to have free will you, will need to
leave the matrix. This implies leaving the Ego mind. To do this the Higher Will
is activated. This structure is located outside the brain and appears to be
available only to males since only males are capable of honor.
5. In practice to get out of the matrix: There will be an intent to activate the body’s energy field, thereby
turning the Ego brain off. This is one reason I recommend daily meditation
of 1 hour: To teach the brain how to concentrate and how to turn off the
story-telling function of the brain. Of course, the reader can start with
meditation periods of 10 minutes and work from there. I believe activating the
belly region and inside the belly button itself may be a helpful practice here.
6. Ultimately,
the goal is to destroy the matrix. How? There is a metaphysical rule which
applies: When light is shined on
darkness, darkness disappears. For
the light to shine, one will need to activate the Spirit of Truth. This is the Holy Spirit that Jesus will
give to every seeker who seeks. So one will want to invite the Spirit of Truth into one’s heart and
then ask this Spirit to show you the Truth of the matrix. What I have been
shown: My overall thesis of human beings being controlled at a higher dimension
is fairly accurate; I do have the feeling that there is one or more “gaps” in
my model and some processes are missing. But the overall claim is valid.
7. What
will the world look like when the matrix is destroyed? I am not sure. Since
99.99% + of human beings are controlled by the Ego and thus by Satan, if this
sourcing ended what would happen to them? My best guess: The majority of these
individuals have likely blasphemed the Holy Spirit and thus will simply cease
to exist on the physical plane. The last time the earth was destroyed it was by
flood and there were 8 souls saved. This appears to be as good of an estimate
as any as 8 out of say, 8 billion people, will be saved. I wish there were more people interested in following Jesus, but sadly,
narrow is gate which leads to eternal life.
The purpose of the Thomas Immortality
Project is to spread the word to the chosen that this present level of
reality is about to end. It will end with the destruction of the matrix—a
computer-like structure which enslaves mankind. Those who follow Jesus and
listen to his words will be saved.
8. There
appears to be diplomatic ploys going on between Trump and Putin. Presently,
there are pretending to be enemies with Trump placing sanctions (see: Trump signs Russia sanctions bill - CNNPolitics - CNN.com) on Russian and
Putin expelling 755 diplomats (see: Putin, Responding to Sanctions, Orders U.S. to Cut Diplomatic Staff). In fact, this appears to be some international
con game when, in fact, these two are friends. This spells W-A-R! I strongly encourage supporters of the
USA take immediate action to remove Donald Trump from office before this
eventuality occurs. On the other hand, to the Russian game theorists: I
would set up some pretext for Trump to overplay his hand and for him to threaten some kind of military action;
once the threat is made public, then several major American cities can be nuked
while peace is quickly restored. While this scenario may appear to be
farfetched, I believe it is quite plausible.
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