Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Some Activations and Insights For Immortals

1. Activation: “I ask that my will to be activated at the Immortal Youthing Frequency, allowing me to be an Immortal right here, right now.” This activation is the first which will need to be done. I continue to do it each day as the will can always be strengthened. I use the term “Immortal Youthing Frequency” to denote that this is a shift in the aging code at the DNA level.  Also, this activation means one has a single goal: To be an Immortal—there can be no other.

2. For an activation to be effective it must be turned into a thought form. This is a structure which has been created by intention. Once the thought form has been constructed, then one can activate it by intention. Generally, there needs to be a concentrated attention to the activation over a sufficiently long period of time.  In the above activation, I would guess that a period of one year of daily meditation will be required; of course, the time needed will be proportional to the intensity of the intention.

3. Mantra: “Immortal Youthing Is Now!” This is a repeated phrase which through its repetition will bypass the conscious mind and be implanted in the subconscious mind. I use it during marijuana meditation.

4. Please note that it is through a personal relationship with Jesus that the Immortal Frequency is activated. This is the point of Jesus’ Resurrection: For mankind to be able to reconnect with the Living One so that they will not taste death. See previous post: Becoming Yeshua’s Twin .  Also, when the Spirit of Truth is activated the Holy Spirit can guide one to eternal life. See: A Relationship with the Spirit of Truth: A First Step to Eternal Life

5. During my meditation I include activating the chakras. These include:

a. The Transpersonal Self which is located outside the brain. This is connected to the Higher Will and will distance one from the Ego and other “mind stuff.” Some systems call this the 8th chakra.

b. The Chi or Qi chakra connected to the belly button, about 2 inches inside. One might image a long straw connected to the belly button and then extending outside the body. One breaths in Chi and then allows it to circulated on the out breath. This is used in Zen and is called the ‘hara” region. See: The Hara: Seat of Enlightenment - Oasis Reiki Dojo

c. The heart or 4th chakra is an energy center connected to the physical heart. This is needed to make sure one remains compassionate and merciful. In wisdom, there is always a tension between opposites: The male self and the female self; the need to make sound judgments and the need to be compassionate; the need to be peaceful and the need to respond forcefully when required. 

d. The 6th chakra located between the eyebrows. This will allow for insight and creativity. It is also a gateway to the psychic dimension which will allow one to understand higher dimensions. See: Trust Your Intuition With the Sixth Chakra | The Chopra Center

6. The healing of traumas through God’s Love will be necessary for many. Note that actions at the Ego level—the default level for humans--- are controlled by a program which allows aliens beings to live off of human beings’ life force. The creation of traumas are a powerful way to these demonic beings to be fed. The goal is to turn off the story-telling function and thus dismantle the Ego. Before this is done, however, abuse which often manifests itself in traumas will be needed to be healed. One might ask that God’s Love to vibrate in an energy light bandage and for His Love to heal this tear in one’s aura. See: [PDF][PDF] Download Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing ... - Google Sites.

7.  In a passing political note: With the chaos in the Trump Administration the Russians strategists no doubt are looking at a preemptive nuclear attack on the USA. The idea is they can “blackmail” or otherwise make Donald Trump an offer he cannot refuse: We will make you a peacemaker after we have nuked, say, 10 major American cities; otherwise, we will reveal documents which will reveal your treasonous actions which allowed you to be President of the USA.  I strongly encourage the American people to wake up to this strong possibility and impeach or otherwise charge Trump with treason before it is too late. Of course, if one is a Russian game theorist, then he will want to recommend this option to Mr. Putin.  

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