Monday, July 10, 2017

A Relationship with the Spirit of Truth: A First Step to Eternal Life

1)    Prayer: “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please come into my heart. Guide my path to eternal life—physical immortality—right here, right now. Thanks Spirit of Truth.”

 2)    The above prayer is one which I say every day as part of my morning devotions. It can be considered the first step and the last step in becoming an Immortal. By developing a relationship with the Spirit of Truth one is dedicated to the truth. The truth is this: Physical Immortality is possible and this is the open secret Jesus shared with his disciples after his Resurrection. If viewed in the right light, the Gospel According to Thomas can be considered as a guidebook which will lead the seeker to eternal life. This is the promise given at the beginning: “Whoever discovers the correct interpretation of these sayings will not taste death” (saying 1). The seeker is invited to study saying 85 in which Jesus indicated that had Adam been worthy he would not have tasted death. The death here is a physical death, implying that had Adam been worthy he would have continued to live. In other words, mankind was meant to live on planet earth in physical form forever.

3)  The relationship with the Spirit of Truth is one of corrections. I am often wrong or otherwise mistaken. The goal is to see the hidden and gain more insight which will lead to what truth is valuable for you. Note the Spirit of Truth will work with each person where they are. The key is to keep seeking until you find.

4)  Note that the Holy Spirit of Truth will allow for peace. When there is peace in one’s being, there is room for joy. Combining meditation with the above prayer is a great practice!

Conclusion: A first step to eternal life is to invite the Spirit of Truth into your heart. This is the Spirit which Jesus will impart to any seeker who asks. This Spirit will lead to peace, and then joy: Every moment is a glorious moment to commune with the Living One!

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