Monday, July 17, 2017

Becoming Yeshua’s Twin

“Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person….” --Yeshua, The Gospel According to Thomas, Saying 108.

1. Here we see the open secret: By Union with Yeshua (Jesus’ Aramaic name) the will of the seeker merges with the will of Yeshua as they become twins. The goal is to be unite at the Resurrection frequency which for human beings is Physical Immortality. 

2. A simple prayer might help: “Yeshua: Please come into my heart. Let my will be your will. Let me be resurrected with you as an Immortal—right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua!” This prayer is part of my morning devotion as I combine it with the study of Yeshua’s words in Thomas. Daily practice gets results!

3. Turning off the story-telling function of the brain is a necessary step in uniting with Yeshua. Essentially, this means to stop the brain from talking to itself so that there is quiet. Note how the various levels of reality intercept :

a) Events E1, E2, …EN occur as part of a computer-like program.

b) Separate from the actions are the stories or interpretations or feelings which may arise is a reaction to say an event E1. The brain knows in advance what will occur and the Ego will construct a rationale and thus invent a story or will otherwise “cause” the event to occur.

c) From the evaluation or reaction to an event there will be a payoff or “stroke.” This is the life force which is extracted by the programmers via the Ego. This life force is sourced by God or Consciousness and has various frequencies depending upon what the thing is being sourced. So a bird’s consciousness would not operate in a human being’s consciousness since they are at different frequencies.


Example: Say at 6:03 P.M. it has been programmed for you to die in a car accident. Then the thought to travel in your car say at 5:55 P.M. might arise. Then the Ego will receive the urge to text your boss about an upcoming meeting. Then you look up and you are dead. The programmers will be able to extract a lot of psychic energy from this perceived event by taking parts of the life force from your colleagues at work, say, and then converting this into grief over your recent death. Upon your death that is the end of you since you could not exist outside your brain if you have been controlled by the Ego; note this includes 99%+ of humans who are controlled by the Ego. [Side note: There are some metaphysical schools which believe that if you transform your consciousness before death that upon your death you will continue to exist. This remains an open question.]


4. The reason I know my model is correct has to do with the many ESP experiments or what researchers call Phi.

An example of this claim: In 2011, Daryle Bem of Cornell University reported on 9 Phi studies and reported that 8/9 had statistically significant results, showing that ESP exists. In one study, Professor Bem had subjects hooked up to fMIR monitors to record their brain responses to stimuli. In the studies it became clear:  It appeared as though the brain knew in advance what was going to be shown. See: [PDF]Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous - Daryl Bem

5. How can we explain these findings in which the law of cause and effect is reversed? The future effect appears to have caused the event to happen. This make no rational sense to a naturalistic view of reality. But the computer model as outlined above explains this: The actions were determined independently of the response to the action. The brain knows what the future event will be and so prepares to react before the event has occurred. This follows since two levels of reality are working independently but are synchronized to appear to operating in a linear fashion. Because there are literally 100s of studies, such as the Ganzfeld research studies, we know that ESP does exist and thus the consensus view of reality is incomplete.

6.  The seeing through of the play is called Enlightenment. The very fact that the reader is reading these words is an opening to Enlightenment. It’s the clear seeing that events and our reaction to events are both controlled at a higher level. The purpose of the program is to keep human beings separate from God. When human beings collectively see through the play, they will come to see that when living in a natural state, one can have an opening to higher frequencies of consciousness. For this shift to occur the seeker will become Yeshua’s Twin. It is through being united with Jesus that one will achieve eternal life! Indeed, the only way to gain your life is to lose it…

Short Book Review: The text, Jesus' Twin: A Dialogue with The Gospel of Thomas, by James W. Heisig, is an insightful commentary on the 114 saying in Thomas. Here is an exert for saying 108: "A transfer of identities is taking place that transforms both the speaker of the secret words and the one in whom they come to light. Like two mirrors facing another, anything that stands in the light between them belongs to both and makes them belong to one another so that the giver and receiver, given and received, image and imaged become indistinguishable. The very structure of language distinguishing subject from object is broken down..." (pages 144-145). See: Jesus' Twin: A Dialogue with the Gospel of Thomas: James W. Heisig .

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