Monday, July 31, 2017

Enlightenment: Seeing Life as a Computer Program

1 . Enlightenment is the seeing that at the Ego level—the default position of human beings—all actions and reactions to them are part of a computer-like program. This is called the matrix. See:

2. The best experimental data for this claim are presentiment studies in which the body involuntarily reacts to stimuli without conscious awareness and before they occur. 

Example: Many controlled studies have subjects hooked up to fMIR brain scans. Then images are shown to the subject. The subject looks at each image, say for 10 seconds. Then every 1 in 20 images is one which the brain will strongly react to such as a “disturbing” image or erotica. Now here’s the interesting twist: Before a disturbing image is shown the brain will react several seconds beforehand as though it is preparing itself to see the upcoming image. In other words, the brain knows what will be shown before it sees it.

3. The research studies which support the above claim are robust. We are talking of evidence of the order of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 -1 or 10^27 -1. This can be found via meta-analysis when the various studies are combined. Two sources include:

a. [PDF]Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous - Daryl Bem. These are 8 research studies which confirm the above claim.

b. Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary ...This is a link to one of several of Dean Radin's texts in which he lays out the case for ESP.

4. The level of confidence that the brain knows about events before they happen can be considered an experimental fact. Thus, I will assume that this claim is true.

5. The only way the brain can know what will happen in the future is for it to be tied to a larger program in which the events have already happened. In other words: All events are predestined!

6. Enlightenment is the seeing of events as the result of a computer program. By “seeing” I mean a right-brain intuitive insight: “Ah, yes, I see everything was predestined before the world began.”  

7. Once one is opened to the possibility that all events are the result of a computer program, then the real work begins: To embody this perception. This means every time you react to an event, you respond: “That was just part of a program.” 

Example: Trump is elected; “Yes, that was predestined.” The holocaust in which 6 million Jews were murdered. “Yes, that was part of the program.” You win the lottery worth $10 million; “Yes, this was preordained from the beginning.” 

8. By the example above, the goal of one who wishes to be Enlightened is to keep seeing all events, whether they be reports in the media, personal events such as purchasing a new home, or emotional reactions such as reports of a suicide bomber in the Middle East killing 200 people, as part of a play. In truth, these events are meaningless. The purpose of the events: a) To keep you separated from the Living One: The Living Father, and b) For alien beings to extract psychic energy from your life force.

9. In my experience, it will take at least a year of constant “reaction—seeing through the play” responses for there to be clear seeing. One day you find out your dog has died. You react with grief. Then you remind yourself, “That was just predestined to occur at this time.” The next day you find out that your wife has just left with the milkman and in her departing note she says “good riddance” to you. This time you respond with laughter of insight: “Oh, yes, this is just part of the play.” This constant reaction-detachment is a necessary stage in Enlightenment.

10. As one detaches from the events and one’s reactions to events, one day you might wake up and see that life is a completely rigged game. The moment you see this you become free from the program!

11. The above point gives insight into a paradox: The moment you see you are part of a program, you no longer are. While the events of the play will no doubt continue to hold great interest for awhile, you will start to lose your intense reactions as you see they are meaningless.

12. A second paradox: Not to react is to react. Here we see that even though you realize everything is rigged, you still have to respond to events. So if the body develops some kind of pain, you will want to respond by finding out its cause. In extreme cases, you might go see a doctor to get his opinion. Before crossing the street, it’s still a good idea to look both ways. Failure to adequately respond means there will be consequences to them.

13. If one likes science, then one will see that events usually follow rules. Thus, Newton’s Law of Motion will still work; excessive intake of calories will result in weight gain; polluting the atmosphere will result in global warming. So in the play, the rule of “cause-and-effect” will still appear to apply. Only now you see that it’s all part of God’s play.

14.  How to live in a world where everyone expects you to respond to events as though they are real? My solution: I follow Jesus’ injunctions: “If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the Kingdom…Those who are alone and chosen will find the Kingdom” (sayings 27, 49, The Gospel According to Thomas). In other words, while I remain in the world, I am no longer part of the world. Thus, there are some weeks in which I avoid all contact with humans. So even though I live in a big city like San Francisco, I avoid all social contact, including conversations with humans, avoiding screens such as televisions or Apple phones and so forth.

15.    Once one has seen through the world and knows that it is dead, then one is ready to turn to spiritual matters. In the spiritual marketplace there are thousands of offers from meditation to religions to various systems of healing and the like. For my money, the only thing worthwhile is physical immortality. Otherwise, one lives, say, 70 years and then dies. Then what? Nothing. It’s all meaningless. As much as you would like to think otherwise, few people will care about your passing. And those who might will themselves shortly be dead. The players who continue in the play will give little thought about you.

16. How to be an Immortal? First you will need to be Enlightened. If you think there is free will on the part of the actors in this play, then you will be constantly upset. Detachment from this world of play is the first step in becoming an Immortal. It’s okay to react to the news of a passing love one as both the event and your reaction were both preordained before the world began.

17.  To be an Immortal one will form a relationship with the Spirit of Truth. This Holy Spirit can lead the seeker to eternal life if he asks. The first step: Become Jesus’ Twin. This means your will and Jesus’ will are merged. At some point, you will not know if you reacted or Jesus reacted. Be clear: If you are part of the world and invested in various outcomes of the players, then when you die that’s it. There is no life after death. Note that there are metaphysical schools which claim that if you shift your consciousness during this life, then you will be reincarnated. Maybe. But is this you or just some essence which used your consciousness? Personally, I take little stock in any afterlife claims. The wisest course is to assume that after you die there is nothing.

Conclusion: Enlightenment is a required step before becoming an Immortal. Enlightenment is seeing that the events of this world, including one’s reactions to them are rigged. Everything is predestined to occur exactly as it happened when it happened. Paradoxically, once you can detach from the play, one is free from the program! Invite the Spirit of Truth to lead you into insights about the program. Make it a goal to merge Jesus’ will with your will so that you are twins. The goal is eternal life in this body on planet earth, right here, right now. May each reader accept Jesus’ invitation and you will not taste death ( saying 1, The Gospel According to Thomas).

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Some Activations and Insights For Immortals

1. Activation: “I ask that my will to be activated at the Immortal Youthing Frequency, allowing me to be an Immortal right here, right now.” This activation is the first which will need to be done. I continue to do it each day as the will can always be strengthened. I use the term “Immortal Youthing Frequency” to denote that this is a shift in the aging code at the DNA level.  Also, this activation means one has a single goal: To be an Immortal—there can be no other.

2. For an activation to be effective it must be turned into a thought form. This is a structure which has been created by intention. Once the thought form has been constructed, then one can activate it by intention. Generally, there needs to be a concentrated attention to the activation over a sufficiently long period of time.  In the above activation, I would guess that a period of one year of daily meditation will be required; of course, the time needed will be proportional to the intensity of the intention.

3. Mantra: “Immortal Youthing Is Now!” This is a repeated phrase which through its repetition will bypass the conscious mind and be implanted in the subconscious mind. I use it during marijuana meditation.

4. Please note that it is through a personal relationship with Jesus that the Immortal Frequency is activated. This is the point of Jesus’ Resurrection: For mankind to be able to reconnect with the Living One so that they will not taste death. See previous post: Becoming Yeshua’s Twin .  Also, when the Spirit of Truth is activated the Holy Spirit can guide one to eternal life. See: A Relationship with the Spirit of Truth: A First Step to Eternal Life

5. During my meditation I include activating the chakras. These include:

a. The Transpersonal Self which is located outside the brain. This is connected to the Higher Will and will distance one from the Ego and other “mind stuff.” Some systems call this the 8th chakra.

b. The Chi or Qi chakra connected to the belly button, about 2 inches inside. One might image a long straw connected to the belly button and then extending outside the body. One breaths in Chi and then allows it to circulated on the out breath. This is used in Zen and is called the ‘hara” region. See: The Hara: Seat of Enlightenment - Oasis Reiki Dojo

c. The heart or 4th chakra is an energy center connected to the physical heart. This is needed to make sure one remains compassionate and merciful. In wisdom, there is always a tension between opposites: The male self and the female self; the need to make sound judgments and the need to be compassionate; the need to be peaceful and the need to respond forcefully when required. 

d. The 6th chakra located between the eyebrows. This will allow for insight and creativity. It is also a gateway to the psychic dimension which will allow one to understand higher dimensions. See: Trust Your Intuition With the Sixth Chakra | The Chopra Center

6. The healing of traumas through God’s Love will be necessary for many. Note that actions at the Ego level—the default level for humans--- are controlled by a program which allows aliens beings to live off of human beings’ life force. The creation of traumas are a powerful way to these demonic beings to be fed. The goal is to turn off the story-telling function and thus dismantle the Ego. Before this is done, however, abuse which often manifests itself in traumas will be needed to be healed. One might ask that God’s Love to vibrate in an energy light bandage and for His Love to heal this tear in one’s aura. See: [PDF][PDF] Download Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing ... - Google Sites.

7.  In a passing political note: With the chaos in the Trump Administration the Russians strategists no doubt are looking at a preemptive nuclear attack on the USA. The idea is they can “blackmail” or otherwise make Donald Trump an offer he cannot refuse: We will make you a peacemaker after we have nuked, say, 10 major American cities; otherwise, we will reveal documents which will reveal your treasonous actions which allowed you to be President of the USA.  I strongly encourage the American people to wake up to this strong possibility and impeach or otherwise charge Trump with treason before it is too late. Of course, if one is a Russian game theorist, then he will want to recommend this option to Mr. Putin.  

Monday, July 17, 2017

Becoming Yeshua’s Twin

“Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person….” --Yeshua, The Gospel According to Thomas, Saying 108.

1. Here we see the open secret: By Union with Yeshua (Jesus’ Aramaic name) the will of the seeker merges with the will of Yeshua as they become twins. The goal is to be unite at the Resurrection frequency which for human beings is Physical Immortality. 

2. A simple prayer might help: “Yeshua: Please come into my heart. Let my will be your will. Let me be resurrected with you as an Immortal—right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua!” This prayer is part of my morning devotion as I combine it with the study of Yeshua’s words in Thomas. Daily practice gets results!

3. Turning off the story-telling function of the brain is a necessary step in uniting with Yeshua. Essentially, this means to stop the brain from talking to itself so that there is quiet. Note how the various levels of reality intercept :

a) Events E1, E2, …EN occur as part of a computer-like program.

b) Separate from the actions are the stories or interpretations or feelings which may arise is a reaction to say an event E1. The brain knows in advance what will occur and the Ego will construct a rationale and thus invent a story or will otherwise “cause” the event to occur.

c) From the evaluation or reaction to an event there will be a payoff or “stroke.” This is the life force which is extracted by the programmers via the Ego. This life force is sourced by God or Consciousness and has various frequencies depending upon what the thing is being sourced. So a bird’s consciousness would not operate in a human being’s consciousness since they are at different frequencies.


Example: Say at 6:03 P.M. it has been programmed for you to die in a car accident. Then the thought to travel in your car say at 5:55 P.M. might arise. Then the Ego will receive the urge to text your boss about an upcoming meeting. Then you look up and you are dead. The programmers will be able to extract a lot of psychic energy from this perceived event by taking parts of the life force from your colleagues at work, say, and then converting this into grief over your recent death. Upon your death that is the end of you since you could not exist outside your brain if you have been controlled by the Ego; note this includes 99%+ of humans who are controlled by the Ego. [Side note: There are some metaphysical schools which believe that if you transform your consciousness before death that upon your death you will continue to exist. This remains an open question.]


4. The reason I know my model is correct has to do with the many ESP experiments or what researchers call Phi.

An example of this claim: In 2011, Daryle Bem of Cornell University reported on 9 Phi studies and reported that 8/9 had statistically significant results, showing that ESP exists. In one study, Professor Bem had subjects hooked up to fMIR monitors to record their brain responses to stimuli. In the studies it became clear:  It appeared as though the brain knew in advance what was going to be shown. See: [PDF]Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous - Daryl Bem

5. How can we explain these findings in which the law of cause and effect is reversed? The future effect appears to have caused the event to happen. This make no rational sense to a naturalistic view of reality. But the computer model as outlined above explains this: The actions were determined independently of the response to the action. The brain knows what the future event will be and so prepares to react before the event has occurred. This follows since two levels of reality are working independently but are synchronized to appear to operating in a linear fashion. Because there are literally 100s of studies, such as the Ganzfeld research studies, we know that ESP does exist and thus the consensus view of reality is incomplete.

6.  The seeing through of the play is called Enlightenment. The very fact that the reader is reading these words is an opening to Enlightenment. It’s the clear seeing that events and our reaction to events are both controlled at a higher level. The purpose of the program is to keep human beings separate from God. When human beings collectively see through the play, they will come to see that when living in a natural state, one can have an opening to higher frequencies of consciousness. For this shift to occur the seeker will become Yeshua’s Twin. It is through being united with Jesus that one will achieve eternal life! Indeed, the only way to gain your life is to lose it…

Short Book Review: The text, Jesus' Twin: A Dialogue with The Gospel of Thomas, by James W. Heisig, is an insightful commentary on the 114 saying in Thomas. Here is an exert for saying 108: "A transfer of identities is taking place that transforms both the speaker of the secret words and the one in whom they come to light. Like two mirrors facing another, anything that stands in the light between them belongs to both and makes them belong to one another so that the giver and receiver, given and received, image and imaged become indistinguishable. The very structure of language distinguishing subject from object is broken down..." (pages 144-145). See: Jesus' Twin: A Dialogue with the Gospel of Thomas: James W. Heisig .

Monday, July 10, 2017

A Relationship with the Spirit of Truth: A First Step to Eternal Life

1)    Prayer: “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please come into my heart. Guide my path to eternal life—physical immortality—right here, right now. Thanks Spirit of Truth.”

 2)    The above prayer is one which I say every day as part of my morning devotions. It can be considered the first step and the last step in becoming an Immortal. By developing a relationship with the Spirit of Truth one is dedicated to the truth. The truth is this: Physical Immortality is possible and this is the open secret Jesus shared with his disciples after his Resurrection. If viewed in the right light, the Gospel According to Thomas can be considered as a guidebook which will lead the seeker to eternal life. This is the promise given at the beginning: “Whoever discovers the correct interpretation of these sayings will not taste death” (saying 1). The seeker is invited to study saying 85 in which Jesus indicated that had Adam been worthy he would not have tasted death. The death here is a physical death, implying that had Adam been worthy he would have continued to live. In other words, mankind was meant to live on planet earth in physical form forever.

3)  The relationship with the Spirit of Truth is one of corrections. I am often wrong or otherwise mistaken. The goal is to see the hidden and gain more insight which will lead to what truth is valuable for you. Note the Spirit of Truth will work with each person where they are. The key is to keep seeking until you find.

4)  Note that the Holy Spirit of Truth will allow for peace. When there is peace in one’s being, there is room for joy. Combining meditation with the above prayer is a great practice!

Conclusion: A first step to eternal life is to invite the Spirit of Truth into your heart. This is the Spirit which Jesus will impart to any seeker who asks. This Spirit will lead to peace, and then joy: Every moment is a glorious moment to commune with the Living One!