Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Notes for the Thomas Immortality Project

1.     One of the key purposes of the “Holiness Prayer” ( See: God: Let Me Be Holy...Even As You Are Holy! ) is to start over with a clean slate. All your former selves merge into the present self. Here there is forgiveness for everything—both wrongs you have done and wrongs done to you. Ask the Spirit of Truth to lead you into Holiness. 
2.     In dealing with evil, one needs to remember that Jesus came to “impose conflict upon the world: Fire, sword, war” (Saying 16). Thus, when confronted with evil you have 2 choices:

a.     “Be Passerby” (Saying 42). This means to leave an abusive or otherwise unhealthy situation to find some place which is safe.

b.     Stand up and fight (Saying 16). This means a direct, public announcement that you ask for God’s will to be done. Some readers may have noted that I have been posting, “Jonathan Vernick—Go Fuck Yourself!” flyers is public. This is because Jonathan Vernick is a non-human entity or demonically possessed. Telling it to “Go Fuck” itself is the only language it can understand. In general, I would not tell a human being to go fuck himself.
In between these two extremes, there are many possibilities. Whatever the response, it needs to be rooted in wisdom.

3.     I encourage all lovers of wisdom to meditate on Jesus’ sayings in the Gospel of Thomas each morning. What I do: Find one phrase or theme and then meditate on that throughout the day.

Example: The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus by Marvin Myer is an excellent translation and commentary. Today, I looked at the question, “When you are in the light what will you do?” (Saying 11). In this context light is connected to being “alive” so Light=Alive. Also, this light consciousness is outside the ego mind. I understand this to be activating the chakra or energy center above the head (in many systems this is called the “8th chakra”). So being alive or in the light means one is whole again. Now I will meditate on this insight throughout the day by asking, “When I am in the light what will I do?”
4.     Is it possible to be sourced by God and connected to others? No. Here we use Jesus' dictum that one can serve only one master (Saying 47) so either one is sourced from God, moment-by-moment, or there is some other connection. To be an Immortal means one is being sourced by God with each breath one takes. The construction of the Immortal Will—which is connected to the earth chakra and the higher chakra above the head—will allow energies from the earth and heaven to source one at a higher frequency. Usually, the crown chakra is opened to be sourced.
5.     Note that all interactions with others are mediated through truth consciousness. This means games will not be played. It also means others are expected to show respect and honor. While it is possible for two holy people to live together, I believe the general rule is “Fortunate are those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom” (Saying 48). Here alone comes from the similar Greek term for “monk” which implies one is sexually celibate. One’s connection is with God, not others. 
6.     In science, for hundreds of years people spoke about objects moving through space through the ether. Then after the 1920s, physicists decided “ether” was a fictional concept. Then in the beginning of the 21st century, it has been determined that over 90% of space is composed of “dark matter”—which is what ether was meant to describe! So students have wrongly been taught there is no such thing as ether or a medium through which objects travel in space when in fact there is. I mention this to my readers because some people have confused our technological advancements (the making of electronic toys) with our scientific advancements. While lots of interesting toys have been made, there has been few breakthrough in science in the past 30 years of so. Note that “dark matter” appears to be a nexus between the physical dimension and pre-physical dimension. 
7.     The will for being a Physical Immortal needs to be activated in order for one to be an Immortal. This is something I work on strengthening each day. I find 1 thing I can do each day such as weight lifting, meditation, solving of puzzles which will activate my will. So find something you can do today to strengthen your will: organize your space, end an unhealthy relationship, start on a project you have been delaying. Each day can be a joyous day of celebration!  

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Immortal Prayer

This essay completes our coverage of the morning prayer said aloud to God. The first two parts, The Holy Vow-- See: Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow. and the Holiness Prayer--See: God: Let Me Be Holy...Even As You Are Holy!  have been given. Now we conclude with the Immortal Prayer.

1. “Father, Thank you for allowing me to be alive. Thank you for every breath I take. Each moment let be sourced by you at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Please let me be resurrected with Jesus so that I am a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, God!”

2..The first sentence begins with praise to God. The very fact that you are alive is because of God’s love for you. Here we are grateful for the gift of life!

3. The second sentence continues our praise to God. The breath contains within it God’s life force or what the Chinese call, “Qi,” and the Hindus call “Prana.” As one inhales one brings in the good gifts of the universe and as one exhales one lets go to God. 

4. The third sentence contains the phrase “each moment let me be sourced by you.” This is the key! The goal is to be in tune with the infinite. Connected to the source. Also, note the phrase “each moment.” All there is is the eternal now. From fourth dimension, we have time-space which are intrinsically linked. Because the universe is expanding, every moment needs both the location in space and the time at a point in order to be uniquely identified (these are from fixed reference points as Albert Einstein pointed out). Indeed, one “cannot cross the same river twice.” Each moment there can be an allowing of God’s Spirit to move as it wills in your life.

5. Gospel of Thomas students might meditate on Jesus’ words in Saying 61: “I am he who comes into being from Him who is always the same. Some of the things of my Father have been given to me.” Jesus’ power came into being by being sourced by God. This “God Connection” happens moment by moment.

6. The third sentence continue with the phrase “Physical Immortal Frequency.” This sourcing comes about by opening the crown chakra. This higher consciousness contains wisdom. To be clear: We are talking about  physical Immortality as there is no conscious existence after death. 

7. The Immortal Prayer and the meditation practice of ingesting small amounts of marijuana and then laying down and intending the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency are connected. As has been pointed out, using marijuana can be dangerous. That’s why I recommend small amounts such as a couple of puffs per day or 10 mg of edibles. Many will question why marijuana is necessary. Answer: Somehow we have to get you out of the ego brain and see it as an artificial construct. To reach this level would probably call for 30 years of a dedicated meditation practice. I do not believe people in the West are capable of this. 

8. The next-to-last sentence asks that we be “resurrected with Jesus so that I am a Physical Immortal.” Please see a previous post for additional insights: Resurrecting With Jesus—Now! 

9. Finally, the phrase “right here, right now”: This is the messianic secret which was revealed to the world on February 22, 2016 with the launching of the Thomas Immortality Project: Resurrection with Jesus occurs right here, right now on planet earth (see Saying 51). Also, see: Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” .

10.  The completed prayer:

“Father, I give you everything. My life, heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day.

Father, have mercy upon me. Forgive me for all wrongs I have done to you, to others and myself. Please remove all evil, traumas, and demonic influences. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy!

Father, thank you for allowing me to be alive. Thank you for every breath I take. Each moment let be sourced by you at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Please let me be resurrected with Jesus so that I am a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, God!”

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas”

This essay introduces an original insight to solve a vexing problem: The Gospel of Thomas  reveals two beings whose consciousness are different, call them J’ and J’’:


  1. The Jesus who believed he was the agent used by the Father to usher in the Kingdom of God in his earthly lifetime.
  2. The Jesus who had mystical insights about higher realms of existence which could be accessed through gnosis.

The startling proposed solution to reconcile the two beings called, “Jesus”: The first Jesus is the pre-resurrected one who incorrectly believed God’s Kingdom on earth would be brought about in his lifetime while the second Jesus is the Resurrected Jesus who now knows who he is: God Incarnate or “God manifested in the flesh.” I call this insight the “messianic secret.” I strongly encourage Thomas scholars and other New Testament scholars to consider this original hypothesis as it will be a goldmine for a doctorate thesis. 

1. The first Jesus is the one most New Testament scholars accept: Jesus was a Jew from Galilee who was well-versed in the Jewish law, but wanted his followers to keep the Spirit of God’s law as well so that one combines “Spirit and Truth” in worship. Also, this Jesus preached the Kingdom of God is at hand:


  1. “Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the earth. But they do not know that I came to case dissention upon the earth: fire, sword, war” (Saying 16).
  2. “The disciples said to Jesus: “Tell us what the kingdom of heaven is like” (Saying 20).
  3. “The Kingdom of the Father is like…” (Saying 76).

The stark reality is Jesus was wrong. Why? Because these sayings were at the level of one who, while inspired by God, had not reached the Immortal Consciousness or the Resurrected Frequency. Thus many of the sayings in Thomas are concerned with the earthly plane of existence. 

2. The second Jesus represents the “secret sayings” which were recorded after his resurrection: “These are the secret words that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down” (Prologue of the Gospel of Thomas). Note that the “living” Jesus is the resurrected Jesus. At this point, Jesus is ready to share his deeper mysteries to his followers: “Many times you have desired to hear these words, these that I am speaking to you…There will be days when you will seek me, and you will not find me” (Saying 38). Here Jesus is now ready to reveal the deeper mysteries which he shares will those who are worthy (Saying 61). 

3. The Resurrected or Living Jesus then knows who he is: A Child of the Living Father. His body has become an Immortal one. Thus, he shares some insights which might help the seeker find: 

a. In Saying 50, the followers of Jesus are told to respond to others who inquiry about them: “If they say to you, ‘where did you come from?’ then say to them, ‘We came from the light, the place where light came into existence by itself…”

b. In Saying 77, Jesus now knows he is God: “I am the light that is over all. I am the All…Spilt a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me there.”

c. In Saying 83, we have a mystical insight into the light of the Father: “Images are visible to people but the light within them is hidden in the image of the Father’s Light. He will be disclosed, but his image is hidden by his light.”

4. Which Jesus is the Real Jesus? Both. On the earthly level, human beings need to treat others with honesty and respect (Saying 6), heal the sick (Saying 14), keep God’s Holy Day—the 7th day of the week (saying 27); on the resurrected plane, Jesus is still being manifested in the physical body, but now knows he is the Messiah, the one chosen to share the hidden secrets of the Living Father.  And what was this secret? You can be Immortals as I am, right here, right now by being Resurrected with me (Saying 51). 

5. It was not until February 22, 2016 that this secret was revealed to the world: The Thomas Immortal Project is being used by God to share the Resurrected Jesus’ message—Physical Immortality, the Kingdom of God is here! The first step is to realize that you are being sourced by God. Even those who have so defiled God that they have blasphemed the Holy Spirit are still subject to God, even if they have given their life over to Satan (Saying 44). Thus, I extend the invitation to each reader: Study the sayings of Jesus and follow his commandments so that you might have eternal life (saying 19): “If you become followers of me and listen to my words…you will not taste death.” 

Other Notes:

6. The text, Psychic Vampires: Protection From Energy Predators and Parasites, by Joe H. Slate (See Amazon.com: Psychic Vampires: Protection from Energy Predators ...) is a popular introduction into the world of darkness. Here we find that energy vampires can steal your energy as can be seen via Kirlian Photography of the auras. They do this by intention and are able to drain the energy of others so that they are infused with the other people’s life energy. Apparently, these kinds of attacks are common and experienced vampires can control others by taking away other people’s psychic energy. If this is the case, then where does free will exist? This text supports the “Alien-Ego” Hypothesis which is a cornerstone of the Thomas Immortality Project: There appears to be dark energies which control mankind in order for them to eat your energy. I realize this hypothesis is scary but as truth seekers we must have courage!

7. The way out of this diabolical plot is by affirming the “Holy Prayer” each morning: “Father, have mercy upon me. Forgive me for all harms I have done to you, others, and myself. Please remove and protect me from all evil, traumas and demonic influences. Let me be Holy even as you as Holy! Thanks, God!” This said aloud and will activate the protection from psychic attacks. For additional insights, please see my previous post God: Let Me Be Holy...Even As You Are Holy!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

God: Let Me Be Holy...Even As You Are Holy!

In our last post, Resurrecting With Jesus—Now!, we started with the goal: Physical Immortality through resurrecting with Jesus. Working backwards, we constructed the Immortal Will. In this post, we shall go backwards one step still, and offer some insights on the purification process. This is the means by which one is in right standing before God. It is starting over with a clean slate. The removal of traumas. The focus on the uplifting. Asking for God’s mercy. As one becomes pure one can become Holy even as God is Holy.

1.    The Holiness Prayer: “Father, have mercy upon me! Please forgive me for all wrongs I have done to you, others, and myself. Please remove all evil, traumas, and demonic influences. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy! Thanks, God!” 

2.    With the Holiness Prayer, we begin the purification process. The purpose is to be whole. Note that the purification process is an ongoing one and will be continued as long as necessary. It can be done with other processes such as constructing the Immortal Will and Resurrecting with Jesus. 

3.    The first part of the prayer, invites God’s mercy. This is your only chance. It is only because of His love that you are even alive. Give praise to God! 

4.   The second sentence asks for forgiveness. While I understand that there is no free will at the ego level, it is still necessary to act as if you were responsible because in this way we can create new structures or archetypes which will allow you to be clean. Please note this prayer is to God and I would not ask a human being for forgiveness as this opens up oneself to possible attacks from those who would use your words against you. When there is true forgiveness, the prior events are not recalled anymore and thus they are let go.  

5.  The third sentence asks for evil, traumas, and demonic influences to be removed from your being. Those who know about auras will know that these parasites will lodge in the aura, often turning it dark, and thus will require spiritual assistance. See: How To Read Auras: What Does Your Aura Color Mean? | Spirit of Ma'at.  Because the cause of the problem is an intra-psychic (between the various sub-personalities in your being) and inter-psychic (between you and outside entities), the medical community will be of no use; only in the most drastic case, would I recommend seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist as they are ill-equipped to handle evil.  Readers are invited to see my previous post, "Yes, Mommy, Please Fuck Me Up Some More!" for additional insights. 

6.    Because your connections with others will often mean your disconnection from God, you will need to eliminate the vast majority of relationships. “ Whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be a follower of me, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters and bear the cross of I do, is not worthy of me”---Jesus, Saying 55, Gospel of Thomas. This command means the follower of Jesus will eliminate all ties to his parents and other family members. I would write each of them a handwritten letter explaining that you are a follower of Jesus and thus cannot talk or see them ever again. Wish your parents well and move on. If your connection to your parents are deep, then you will have to find a way out for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his very own soul? Also, note if you are in any unholy relationship with others, you will need to follow Jesus and end it.

7.    The last part of the prayer asks for a heart opening. Here we humbly ask God to make us Holy even as He is Holy! Ask the Spirit of Truth to show you the next step in your journey to holiness. It may be cleaning your personal space as “cleanliness is next to holiness.” It may mean finding new relationships. Or it may mean taking all screens such as televisions, computers, and apple phones to the nearest recycling center (or otherwise dispose of them). Whatever God prompts you to do, do it--Now! 

8.    A requirement necessary to enter God’s Holiness is to honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week. This means Saturday is a day of rest from the world and a focus on God. Rent a motel room for the day if you need to get away from the chaos of other people. This is a great day to meditate, ingest some marijuana, pray, and organize your life!

9.    The Holiness Connection is started each day through the Holy Vow: “Father, I give you everything—my life, my heart, my soul, my mind—my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This is said aloud the first thing each morning. Then invite the Spirit of Truth to guide you into God’s Holiness. A few minutes meditating on Jesus’ words in the Gospel of Thomas will be of major benefit in your quest for holiness. Then work on the purification process. This is a daily practice. As there is a Holiness Connection with God, one will be in right standing with God!

Other Notes:

10. Over the weekend, I took a college course, “Origins of Life,” by Professor Robert M. Hazen. See:  Origins of Life | The Great Courses. A key insight is that life require 3 things to exist:

a) a metabolic system,

b) reproduction,

c) evolution.

The difficulty for origin of life researchers is the “complexity problem.” In a nutshell: Logically, life must have started with some kind of reproduction of itself (via the double-helix DNA and transport systems such as RNA). But this sophisticated reproduction system requires a metabolic system. The metabolic system is a quite involved as it requires a means to input energy into the system and then use the energy to transport to various sites (ATP) and then dispose of the waste. Both systems must be operating in order for either to work. But the metabolic system and the reproduction system are fairly independent of each other and there is no working model which shows how these two could be fitted together separately since both are necessary for either to work. How to solve this problem?

11.  While origin of life researchers have not been able to solve this “chicken-and-egg” conundrum, I will propose the obvious Deus Ex Machina solution: At the foundational level, physical processes will have to go outside the system in order to give it the necessary first steps. By definition, God is the First Cause or if you like, the “causeless cause.” So I am taking a deist position and saying there had to be original watchmaker. But I go a step farther: Natural Law is a man-made construct which does work extremely well in most cases and is a good working hypothesis. However, there are many cases in which natural law will be violated such as Jesus being resurrection from the dead.