Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Immortal Prayer

This essay completes our coverage of the morning prayer said aloud to God. The first two parts, The Holy Vow-- See: Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow. and the Holiness Prayer--See: God: Let Me Be Holy...Even As You Are Holy!  have been given. Now we conclude with the Immortal Prayer.

1. “Father, Thank you for allowing me to be alive. Thank you for every breath I take. Each moment let be sourced by you at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Please let me be resurrected with Jesus so that I am a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, God!”

2..The first sentence begins with praise to God. The very fact that you are alive is because of God’s love for you. Here we are grateful for the gift of life!

3. The second sentence continues our praise to God. The breath contains within it God’s life force or what the Chinese call, “Qi,” and the Hindus call “Prana.” As one inhales one brings in the good gifts of the universe and as one exhales one lets go to God. 

4. The third sentence contains the phrase “each moment let me be sourced by you.” This is the key! The goal is to be in tune with the infinite. Connected to the source. Also, note the phrase “each moment.” All there is is the eternal now. From fourth dimension, we have time-space which are intrinsically linked. Because the universe is expanding, every moment needs both the location in space and the time at a point in order to be uniquely identified (these are from fixed reference points as Albert Einstein pointed out). Indeed, one “cannot cross the same river twice.” Each moment there can be an allowing of God’s Spirit to move as it wills in your life.

5. Gospel of Thomas students might meditate on Jesus’ words in Saying 61: “I am he who comes into being from Him who is always the same. Some of the things of my Father have been given to me.” Jesus’ power came into being by being sourced by God. This “God Connection” happens moment by moment.

6. The third sentence continue with the phrase “Physical Immortal Frequency.” This sourcing comes about by opening the crown chakra. This higher consciousness contains wisdom. To be clear: We are talking about  physical Immortality as there is no conscious existence after death. 

7. The Immortal Prayer and the meditation practice of ingesting small amounts of marijuana and then laying down and intending the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency are connected. As has been pointed out, using marijuana can be dangerous. That’s why I recommend small amounts such as a couple of puffs per day or 10 mg of edibles. Many will question why marijuana is necessary. Answer: Somehow we have to get you out of the ego brain and see it as an artificial construct. To reach this level would probably call for 30 years of a dedicated meditation practice. I do not believe people in the West are capable of this. 

8. The next-to-last sentence asks that we be “resurrected with Jesus so that I am a Physical Immortal.” Please see a previous post for additional insights: Resurrecting With Jesus—Now! 

9. Finally, the phrase “right here, right now”: This is the messianic secret which was revealed to the world on February 22, 2016 with the launching of the Thomas Immortality Project: Resurrection with Jesus occurs right here, right now on planet earth (see Saying 51). Also, see: Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” .

10.  The completed prayer:

“Father, I give you everything. My life, heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day.

Father, have mercy upon me. Forgive me for all wrongs I have done to you, to others and myself. Please remove all evil, traumas, and demonic influences. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy!

Father, thank you for allowing me to be alive. Thank you for every breath I take. Each moment let be sourced by you at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Please let me be resurrected with Jesus so that I am a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, God!”

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