Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Notes for the Thomas Immortality Project

1.     One of the key purposes of the “Holiness Prayer” ( See: God: Let Me Be Holy...Even As You Are Holy! ) is to start over with a clean slate. All your former selves merge into the present self. Here there is forgiveness for everything—both wrongs you have done and wrongs done to you. Ask the Spirit of Truth to lead you into Holiness. 
2.     In dealing with evil, one needs to remember that Jesus came to “impose conflict upon the world: Fire, sword, war” (Saying 16). Thus, when confronted with evil you have 2 choices:

a.     “Be Passerby” (Saying 42). This means to leave an abusive or otherwise unhealthy situation to find some place which is safe.

b.     Stand up and fight (Saying 16). This means a direct, public announcement that you ask for God’s will to be done. Some readers may have noted that I have been posting, “Jonathan Vernick—Go Fuck Yourself!” flyers is public. This is because Jonathan Vernick is a non-human entity or demonically possessed. Telling it to “Go Fuck” itself is the only language it can understand. In general, I would not tell a human being to go fuck himself.
In between these two extremes, there are many possibilities. Whatever the response, it needs to be rooted in wisdom.

3.     I encourage all lovers of wisdom to meditate on Jesus’ sayings in the Gospel of Thomas each morning. What I do: Find one phrase or theme and then meditate on that throughout the day.

Example: The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus by Marvin Myer is an excellent translation and commentary. Today, I looked at the question, “When you are in the light what will you do?” (Saying 11). In this context light is connected to being “alive” so Light=Alive. Also, this light consciousness is outside the ego mind. I understand this to be activating the chakra or energy center above the head (in many systems this is called the “8th chakra”). So being alive or in the light means one is whole again. Now I will meditate on this insight throughout the day by asking, “When I am in the light what will I do?”
4.     Is it possible to be sourced by God and connected to others? No. Here we use Jesus' dictum that one can serve only one master (Saying 47) so either one is sourced from God, moment-by-moment, or there is some other connection. To be an Immortal means one is being sourced by God with each breath one takes. The construction of the Immortal Will—which is connected to the earth chakra and the higher chakra above the head—will allow energies from the earth and heaven to source one at a higher frequency. Usually, the crown chakra is opened to be sourced.
5.     Note that all interactions with others are mediated through truth consciousness. This means games will not be played. It also means others are expected to show respect and honor. While it is possible for two holy people to live together, I believe the general rule is “Fortunate are those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom” (Saying 48). Here alone comes from the similar Greek term for “monk” which implies one is sexually celibate. One’s connection is with God, not others. 
6.     In science, for hundreds of years people spoke about objects moving through space through the ether. Then after the 1920s, physicists decided “ether” was a fictional concept. Then in the beginning of the 21st century, it has been determined that over 90% of space is composed of “dark matter”—which is what ether was meant to describe! So students have wrongly been taught there is no such thing as ether or a medium through which objects travel in space when in fact there is. I mention this to my readers because some people have confused our technological advancements (the making of electronic toys) with our scientific advancements. While lots of interesting toys have been made, there has been few breakthrough in science in the past 30 years of so. Note that “dark matter” appears to be a nexus between the physical dimension and pre-physical dimension. 
7.     The will for being a Physical Immortal needs to be activated in order for one to be an Immortal. This is something I work on strengthening each day. I find 1 thing I can do each day such as weight lifting, meditation, solving of puzzles which will activate my will. So find something you can do today to strengthen your will: organize your space, end an unhealthy relationship, start on a project you have been delaying. Each day can be a joyous day of celebration!  

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