Level 1. Absolute—The absolute truth is all events are the direct expression of Consciousness. This means human beings are divine puppets. There is no free will. The ego mind is just an illusion constructed on top of the brain to create the belief that ‘I’ am in control. Readers are invited to visit www.theopensecret.com for additional insights.
Level 2. Human meaning—At this level, events happen and meaning is given to them. Life is a journey and we are going to achieve x, y, and z. It’s all nonsense, of course. All thoughts, feelings, urges, and insights are the expression of Consciousness. At the survival level, the primitive parts of the brain will be activated and thus be in control while the Ego pretends to be in charge. Readers are invited to read anything by Alan Watts, the San Francisco Zen teacher from the 1960’s.
Level 3. Cause-and-Effect—At this level events appear to follow laws. “If an object is thrown from a given height, then (neglecting air resistance) the object will accelerate through time as it falls to the earth” is an example of such a law. Thus, the universe appears to be some kind of mathematical construct. The reader is invited to study Isaac Newton’s Principia as the quintessential text based upon this level.
Level 4. Enlightenment---Enlightenment is the seeing that level 1 = level 2= level 3. The stunning realization is this: All events are the expression of infinite intelligences and thus follow certain rules and yet our very thoughts and urges are fed to us by Consciousness. The seeing of this implies one has activated the transpersonal energies outside the brain. This is my original insight and thus there is no outside authority to cite.
Level 5: Transpersonal— At this level, one’s individual consciousness is located outside the head and above the head. Here one can see that all events are just occurring without any intention or cause or effect as long as the consciousness is centered in the brain. It is at the transpersonal level that Physical Immortality exists. This is the message of Jesus of the Gospel of Thomas. Here higher energy patterns of the universe activate the higher brain and crown chakra in order to allow various gadgets to be activated by intention. Also, note that the transpersonal self uses various gadgets in the brain such as the prefrontal cortex for planning as spiritual development can only occur through the existence of the physical body.
Level 6: Multiple Universes—At this level, we reach the limits of human consciousness at this point in their evolution. It appears as though there are an infinite number of universes coexisting and penetrating each other. My own intuition is there are 1000’s of different systems which act independently but through some filtering device which assures they play a part which coheres with the whole (but may be in conflict with other subpersonalities). An example would be the healing of a wound after an injury; the body’s own intelligence does this without any conscious awareness. Probably there is some sort of balancing device which allows “controlled chaos” to play so there is creativity within changing structures. This insight implies that God or Consciousness is evolving through time!
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