Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sabbath Sermon: "Eternal Life--Putting First Things First"

The following Sabbath Sermon was composed under the inspiration of The Spirit of Truth on March 24, 2016. The citation is from The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus by Marvin Meyer.

Jesus said, “Fortunate is the person who has worked hard and found life” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 58). The central message of Jesus:

a. Eternal Life—Physical Immortality is available now! The evolution of consciousness is transforming life forms to an immortal frequency.

b. To be an immortal—like Jesus—an individual must accept this as a possibility and work towards this goal.

c. The Spirit of Truth will guide seekers in their quest for eternal life—just ask!

The problem with the human condition is the cycle of birthà death. When it is seen that this cycle can be creatively transformed into birthàrebirth, then immortal life can begin. Other than seeking physical immortality, union with God, what is the point of life? At any moment you may die and then you are no more. There is no life after death. Today is the day of salvation!

Readers are invited to pose some questions: What if I knew I could life forever—how would I live my life? What might I do differently? Am I willing to give up everything for everlasting life?

As those in Christendom go about preparing for Resurrection Sunday, they might wonder if they, too, can be Resurrected—NOW! Easter could be transformed into a true Christian Celebration: the joyous union of oneness with God!

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