The human condition appears to be one in which:
1) Human beings have 1000's of gadgets such as a speech mechanism, prefrontal cortex, immune systems, and so forth.
2) Some of these gadgets are in opposition to each other. A common example is the Superego or rules of a given culture, which is often in conflict with the Id or the primal energy of a human being. Depending how Consciousness or God plays this conflict, it can lead to suicide or the response might be laughter at the human condition.
3) Human beings are connected to each other at a 5th dimensional level. Please note this also appears to be the case with various species such as bees, ants, and cats. One of the 1000's of gadgets (independent mechanisms to fulfill a given goal) is to keep telepathic communication to a minimum and instead use verbal language. Thus, most brains have filtered this connection out of its awareness.
4) Free will or the ability to make one’s own decisions is an illusion. Because you are connected to others, there will be a balancing out of forces. So love will be balanced with hate; joy with depression; peace with war. If you are in love with someone, then this might be balanced with others who hate each other. Please note that you are being used as long as your consciousness is in your brain.
5) The solution to the human condition: The Transpersonal Self--located outside the brain--needs to be activated. The first step is to see that it is possible. Then detach from the ego brain and its constant talking to other parts of the brain. The reader will probably need to practice some form of meditation to help focus the brain.
6) The first four steps will not make you an Immortal as there have been enlightened masters who have died. In some cases, it is claimed that the dead master left the 3rd dimension to enter the 5th dimension and thus exists in some kind of light form. To be an Immortal, one needs to activate the energy or Spirit of Truth to guide you. There is no cookie cutter approach that will have a "one-size-fits-all" solution; instead, the seeker will have to search until he finds (Gospel of Thomas, Prologue and sayings 1-5).
7) In my view, I do not see how someone whose consciousness is centered in the brain--the human condition--can possibly become immortal. The encoding of the DNA ensures that the body can repair itself only so many times and then disrepair (aging) sets in. Physical Immortality is a spiritual practice and the first step is to activating the Transpersonal Self.
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