Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Readers: My Next Post Is Due May 14, 2019

Dear Readers:

Continuing my pattern of taking care of bills the first Tuesday of each month, there will not be a post next week; however, God willing, there will be a post May 14, 2019.

Sketch of how to be a Physical Immortal:

The goal is for the body’s frequency to be raised above waking consciousness. Note one’s waking consciousness is in the 14-35 cycles per second. I would guess we want to increase this to the 60 cycles per second.

The only way I know to greatly increase the frequency of the body’s animating energy is through activating the Transpersonal Point, or Transpersonal chakras located above the brain. In general, these Transpersonal energies are from 6 inches above the head to 3 feet above the head and one chakra connected to the earth’s energies above 1 foot below.

Be clear that shifting from being aware of things, a subject-object dual consciousness to being animating energy is the key step. One’s animating energy is located in the belly region and I will usually activate the Hara—which is located about 1.5 inches below the belly button or navel. When in waking consciousness the goal is for there to be silence in the brain.

Once I have centered my awareness in the Hara, then I will activate the Transpersonal point about 3 feet above my head. Then I construct a light pole which goes from the crown of my head to the heavens—to God—and then down through my body to the Hara and then connect to the earth. This is making the Heaven-Earth or Father-Mother connection.

Note that when the light pole is about 3 feet above the head a vortex will be activated which will greatly increase in the body’s frequency. Also, note that the crown chakra is opened for the Light to enter the brain.

A second practice is activated the feet with the earth’s electro-magnetic energies and then intend for these energies to activate the base of the spine and then rise up the spine to the crown chakra.

Resurrecting with Jesus comes about by becoming his Twin and being the animating energy. The point: when Jesus resurrected from the dead he constructed the template for all to follow when they mystically united with him. In other words, by being Jesus’ Twin one’s vibrational energy will be activated at the Immortal frequency. To reach this level, however, one will need to enter the Light Consciousness to constructing a light pole as described above.

As one meditates each day, the goal is to hear loud piercing sounds in the ears and for the body to vibrate at a high frequency. In my practice I have found using marijuana to be a useful aid in allowing this high frequency.

Purifying the body of traumas, demons, dark energies, self-hate, spiritual blindness and demonic influences is a key step. The goal is to be united as one. Thus, one’s center will be all as one’s consciousness as dual awareness is dissolved.

Inviting the Holy Spirit of Truth to guide one to eternal life—Physical Immortality—is a key step as the seeker is asking for God’s Spirit to guide his life.  Also, one will invite one’s guardian angels and Archangel Michael and his legion of angels for white-light protection.

The seeker of Physical Immortality is one-pointed.  If you have any other distractions such as relationships with human beings, making money, working at a job, wasting time on the social media or using the internet, watching television, and the like, then it’s unlikely you are one-pointed. Please note that when I stopped interacting with human beings, my life quickly became one of peace.

As far as diet goes, I have no recommendations. What I do is eat lightly which might be a chicken salad without any dressing. For some good cheer, I will get a bottle of red wine. To the degree possible, I avoid any product which contains sugar, soy, and excessive salt. Again, if the seeker does well with other diets such as going Vegan, then this is great. In general, it’s not what goes into one’s mouth that is harmful, but instead what comes out of one’s mouth.

Conclusion: This short essay is a meant as an introduction for one who is interested in being a Physical Immortal. A key saying in The Gospel According To Thomas is 111: “He who is Living from the Living one will not taste death.” I understand this to be saying that one is united with Jesus at the Resurrection frequency which for our purposes is identical to the Physical Immortality frequency. While I spend a few hours each day walking and exercising, reading the newspaper (usually 2-3 days a week), doing puzzles (20-30 minutes a day in order to challenge the brain), most of the waking time is spent on spiritual practices. In fact, my life is my spiritual practice! My energy level is high and the goal is for an Immortal current in the spine to be activated, thus allowing for rejuvenation of the body.

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