Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Marijuana Meditation Practice For Eternal Life

Note to Readers: It appears as though my rent checks will be accept by Baker Places and thus the former situation has resolved itself. I am reposting a popular post which investigators into Physical Immortality might want to consider: Is it possible that working with cannabis in a spiritual sense one can activate higher frequencies? And higher frequencies means the body vibrates at a supercharged frequency. The goal is rejuvenation of the body. While I am not certain, I believe that the approach is highly effective at making transformations in the body-spirit-soul connection.

It is an open question whether using marijuana is necessary in order to be an Immortal. I would contend, however, that when combined with other practices it is sufficient. This essay will explore this question.

1. Marijuana is a plant. It appears to have co-evolved with human beings over the millennia. It appears as though marijuana, when is activated through intent, can  allow one to transform structures. 

2. My practice is to consume 220 mg of THC over a 10-day period. This averages out to 22 mg per day. My preference is to use chocolate brownies or other edibles. One large brownie will contain about 220 mg THC. Also, I use products which contain CBD, a psychoactive substance in marijuana. 

3. I combine the intake of marijuana with concentrated meditation. The focus is on the body. This means thoughts or various stories are redirected to focusing on the body. I use two positions: Sitting in a chair or laying down. Both can be useful. The goal is to concentrate for 1 hour per day.

4. I use the powerful transformational effects of marijuana with the practices recommended by Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas. [Side note: I use the term “Yeshua,” Jesus’ Aramaic name when I interact with him.] If you like, you can consider Thomas to be a workbook for being a Physical Immortal

5. What practices in Thomas should a would-be Immortal do? I will give some guidelines, but I believe each person will need to seek out for himself. The first step is to shift one’s consciousness to the “eternal now” and away from the ego. A book which I have found useful in this regard is Practicing The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com). This slender volume of 142-pages gives dozens of pointers which might help the seeker shift from the ego brain.

6. The key is to be clear about the intent and allow the marijuana to help you. Usually, I will say the intention aloud as part of a morning devotion. 
Example: Say I have suffered traumas as a result of abuse. Then I will activate an energy light bandage: “I ask that this light bandage be filled with God’s Love. May it heal the following trauma: -----------------.” Marijuana will work with this intent to activate the healing.

7. Usually, I will combine meditation with consciously-connected breathing. This practice is powerful in its own right as one immediately shifts from the ego brain to the body within 2-3 minutes. The practice is easy: Connect the in-breath with the out-breath without pausing. Continue to connect inhalation to exhalation. 

8. In my practice, I will intend for my body to vibrate at the Immortal Youthing Frequency. Here we have the template by Jesus when he was Resurrected: Jesus became the Living Jesus—the Immortal Christ—by which eternal life is obtained.

9. To the extent possible, I focus my intention on the body during meditation. Once the intention of “Immortal Youthing” is set, I let it go. Note that through a daily practice one’s will is strengthen. Thus, if one is not serious about being an Immortal, then he is unlikely to perform this daily practice. Are there other means by which one might become an Immortal? Perhaps. I cannot speak to them, but I will say this: Any practice which keeps one in the Ego is unlikely to work. Thus, affirmations, diet, and exercise, say, will not shift the aging code by themselves.

10. By studying the wisdom of Jesus we can know what practices to implement. Below are two practices which will aid the seeker in his quest for eternal life.

a) Shift from being two—an Ego combined with God’s awareness—to being one again. In this consciousness, one is a child again as God’s Spirit is allowed to move as it will. Please study sayings 11, 22, 48, 61, and 106 for insights. Essentially, this means shutting off the story function of the brain and having a quiet brain. When thoughts cease, then there is an opening to clear seeing.

b) Males will need to be celibate and thus not ejaculate or masturbate. Jesus is quite clear about this matter in sayings 4, 49, and 75. Some translators have translated saying 49 to read: “Blessed are those who are celibate and chosen for you will find the Kingdom” (See April DeConnick’s text The Original Gospel of Thomas in Translation: With a ... - Amazon.com). Sadly, Jesus was not as politically correct as the vast majority of Christians are today who reject Jesus’ words in saying 114: “Look, I shall guide her (Mary) so that she may become a Living Spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter heaven’s kingdom.” Thus, since females are not a Living Spirit, they will need an Immortal to guide them into becoming one. 

11. With a daily practice of marijuana, the aging code will shift. There needs to be a single-minded devotion to being an Immortal for this to happen. A great first step is to honor God’s Holy Day—the 7th day of the week—Saturday by “ keeping the Sabbath as a Sabbath” (saying 27).

12. Summary: I have outlined my practice of using marijuana with the intent of being an Immortal. The seeker will need to find his own way as each person is different. May each reader follow Jesus and you will not taste death.

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