Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Note To Readers: I Will Be On Vacation Next Week—Next Post Due: August 14, 2018.

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life. In particular, I wish to thank my friends in Germany for their continued support of this blog. Because I will be on vacation next week, there will not be a post. God willing, I shall post a new essay on this blog on a subsequent Tuesday, August 14, 2018. Please get out and enjoy the summer weather. May God bless each and every reader until then….

Being An Immortal: 1-Hour Meditation Practice Each Day, Part I

Overview: In this 3-part series I will start with the core of being an Immortal: The daily 1-hour meditation practice. It will probably take the seeker at least a year before he will be able to achieve optimal results with this practice. Part II will include foundational requirements, including: The True Will for Physical Immortality, having a relationship with the Spirit of Truth, and making the Jesus Connection as Jesus is connected to one’s spark of divinity. Finally, the third part will include an examination of necessary practices including purification, seeking wisdom, and sourcing God’s Immortal Strength. 

1. The 1-hour daily meditation practice is a commitment designed to construct an Immortal body. Please note that I make the working assumption that there is no conscious life or awareness after death. The advocates of life after death have unconvincingly offered any mechanism in which this would happen without a brain. Reports such as near-death experiences are understood to be more likely to the brain’s way of giving up: At the end of the tunnel of light is complete and permanent darkness! While I acknowledge I could be wrong, after looking carefully at the strengths of the arguments in favor of life after death versus against there being life after death, I estimate there is a 5% chance I am wrong. Here I will invoke a an argument similar to Pascal’s Wager: If I am wrong and there is life after death, then this is an added bonus; If the supporters of life after death are wrong, then they have lost everything. 
2. The preliminary step to the meditation practice is activating the transpersonal point above the head. This is a necessary first step as otherwise one’s awareness will be trapped in the brain. When one’s life force is centered in the brain, then it will be used by the Ego via the story-telling function of the left hemisphere of the brain. In addition, I posit that there is a 5th dimensional structure which I call the “Matrix” because there are evil entities. I base this claim upon my direct encounters with Jonathan Vernick who was able to take over my vocal cords on two separate occasions: During a public meeting on June 15, 2016 and in a private conversation on or about February 15, 2015. In addition, I directly experienced other phenomena which I believe can only be explained by his ability to access the 5th dimension and thus enter human beings’ brains and thus control them. Readers are invited to see a previous post:  My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years .

3. Seekers are invited to study a previous post on this blog Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self  for additional insights. In practice for one’s awareness to leave the brain is quite easy; the first step is to realize that it is possible.

4. In one’s meditation practice one will want to construct a field of awareness surrounding the body. This circle of awareness will be about 3-feet above the body. No thoughts can be created at this level is one’s awareness is disconnected from the brain and vocal cords. In an energetic sense one has become Enlightened: One has shifted his awareness from the brain to outside the brain. In this space there will be a sense of boundlessness but the Will Centers located in one’s shoulder area will still be able to direct actions; In Yogic terms, this will correspond to the 6th chakra and the Solar Plexus. 
5. The first step in the actual meditation practice is to activate the Earth Chakra, located about 1 foot below the soles of the feet. Thus, one allows a connection with the blueprint body (this is connected to the physical body) and the Earth’s Immortal Current. 
6. The Earth’s Immortal Current is allowed to travel through the soles of the feet up the legs and then activate the root chakra or the tailbone. At this point I spend 10-15 minutes doing the spinal column activation practice. See Spinal Column Activation: The Key To Physical Immortality , a post on this blog for additional insights.
7. The third step in this meditation practice is to activate the Resurrection Frequency which is the frequency Jesus possessed when he was Resurrected from the dead. Please see The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice , a post on this blog for additional insights. . Note that our saying the words of Jesus from The Gospel According To Thomas aloud each morning assists in activating this frequency as one makes daily connection with Jesus through his sayings. 
8. The fourth step is to construct a light-pole which will go above the head. This light-pole is connected to the Living Father and the light itself if Jesus. The light-pole then activates the crown of the head. In addition, we spend a minute or so activating the Bindu Chakra. This Light will be vibrating at the Resurrection or Physical Immortal Frequency. One will want to allow this Light to be centered in the brain for a few minutes. At this point, the Ego has been deactivated! It is impossible to think thoughts when the brain has been activated with this Light.
9. To review what we have just accomplished: We have found a way to deactivate the Ego. This is something seekers have sought for thousands of years: How to be free from the bondage of the Ego. Previous attempts such as mindfulness training, various meditation practices which encourage one to witness one’s thoughts, and the like are generally ineffective. But here I am offering a technology which will immediately deactivate the Ego: Allow the Light to activate the crown chakra and then allow this Light to be centered in the brain. Of course, the point of the practice is that one can do it while one is engaged in life’s activities; it will only take a few seconds to do this activation. The final goal is the elimination of the Ego.
10. As one allows this pole of light to do through the front of the body one will make sure all the major chakras are activated including the third eye, the throat, the upper heart region, the heart chakra, the solar plexus and the belly region. The last activation is called the Hara in Zen and Tan-Tien in Chinese systems; it is located about 2 inches below the navel and inside the body. See: Tantien, Center of Chi energy in Our Body - White Magic Way and Hara Line - Hara Line Chakras for additional insights. 
11. The fire in the belly is when the Solar Plexus is activated; this is located just below the rib cage. This high frequency is associated with Jesus or what I call the “Yeshua-Michael Connection.” This activation will allow for the body to vibrate at a supercharge frequency, thus allowing for the body to rejuvenate. See Know Your Solar Plexus Chakra And How To Unravel Its Power for additional insights. 
12. Again, I will stop for a moment so the reader will see the profound result we have achieved: We are constructing an Immortal Body! This practice will shift the DNA aging code and thus allow for Immortal Youthing or rejuvenation. In other words: By uniting with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency we are allowing God to construct an Immortal Body and thus allow us to have eternal life or Physical Immortality. Of course, one will need white-light protection since one can still die via an act of violence or a major accident such as being hit by train. I would conjecture that there probably are higher levels of constructing an Immortal Body in which these mishaps will have no effect, but I am unaware at this time on how this would be done. 
13. Once this Light-Pole is flowing through the central channel of the body, I use Rebirthing or Consciously Connected Breathing practices to connect my in-breath to moving up the central channel and out-breath down the central. Note that the central channel is located from the center of the head to the base of the belly region. I allow this energy to flow in my body for 10 minutes or so. 

Summary: The 1-hour daily mediation practice will deactivate the Ego and construct an Immortal Body. It starts with the Earth Chakra, moves up the spine, thus activating the body’s Immortal current, the Kundalini, and then through the neck chakra, the Bindu Chakra and then to the crown of the head. Then we activate the Resurrection Frequency which is the Frequency Jesus had when he was Resurrected from the dead. We bring this Light-pole down through the crown chakra through the center of the head and then down the body and return to the Earth to complete the cycle. While I realize this meditation practice will no doubt be overwhelming to many readers, the payoff is many times greater than any effort: The seeker is constructing an Immortal Body.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Holy Vow, Wisdom, and Two Book Reviews

The Holy Vow:

“Father: I give you everything: My life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the Immortal strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!”

1. The Holy Vow is said aloud the first thing each morning. It is your direct connection to God each day!
2. In the first part of the Holy Vow we surrender everything to God. It is concluded with the phrase “my very being.” Indeed, your very being or spark of divinity is composed of “God Stuff.” The goal is to connect one’s being with God.
3. In the second part of the vow we ask to be given God’s Immortal Strength to do His Will. Without God’s Strength you can do nothing. By using the term “Immortal” we make sure that our intention that day is to live at the Immortal Frequency. Be Clear: To be a Physical Immortal one must live a God-Centered life. The Holy Vow is your vow to God to do His Will today. If the dear reader will put into place this single practice each morning, it will allow for cosmic transformations! Please see: Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow  for additional insights. 
4. After saying the Holy Vow aloud each morning the next step is to spend a few minutes asking for God’s Wisdom to guide me that new day:

“Father: Please grant me your Wisdom in guiding my life this day. Please show me how you would have me live my life today. Thanks, God!”

After asking for God’s Wisdom I spend a few minutes in quiet reflection. The hope is for God to guide my life this day.
5. At some point in my morning practice I will say aloud one-word virtues that I wish to acquire:
“Wisdom, Discernment, Clarity, Clear Seeing, Courage, Mercy, Forgiveness, Honor, Truth, Faith, Joy, Immortal Will. “
The reader is invited to come up a list of virtues he would like to acquire. Saying them aloud only takes a few seconds each day, but will in time allow for powerful transformations!
6. Book Review # 1: 
In  this slim volume of 187 pages Mr. Ross spends a few pages on topics such as “Release From the Ego” ; “To Change Your Knowing” ; and the “Authenticity of the Gospel of Thomas.” The goal of each chapter: To find the inner meanings of Jesus’ sayings and then to apply these insights into one’s life. Mr. Ross focuses his insights into Jesus central message:  
“On the day you ate what was dead, you made it alive. When you are in the Light what will you do? On the day you were one, you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?”
---Jesus, saying 11, The Gospel According To Thomas
Here Jesus wants us to enter the “Light,” or become Enlightened. In the second question, Jesus points to the split which occurred when you were a child and the Ego arose. At this point—when you were about 3-year old—you became two: A child of God, and the Ego. In order to heal the split the seeker must first realize what has happened to him. Then with this insight, he can return to Oneness.
Because Mr. Ross is a follower of Jesus and takes the injunction at the beginning of Thomas seriously:
“Whoever discovers the meaning of my words will not taste death.”
--Jesus, saying 1, The Gospel According To Thomas
I strongly encourage any serious follower of Jesus to acquire this text and to read it slowly, perhaps a chapter a day, so that he will not taste death. 

Warning: Mr. Hedrick does not believe Jesus Resurrected from the dead and thus is not a follower of Jesus.

In this text we have a common method of dealing with Thomas: Have a preconceived notion of what Jesus’ message is; impose this frame on all the sayings; reject all sayings which do not support your preconceived beliefs. Mr. Hedrick’s frame: Salvation comes by realizing that you are a Son of the Living Father:

"When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known and you will realize that you are the Sons of the Living Father. But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty.”

--Jesus, saying 3, The Gospel According To Thomas

This is correct: The first step in becoming a Son of the Living Father is to realize that you are the Son of the Living Father. Indeed, this is the starting point. But then one must work to transformed himself into one with God so that he can construct an Immortal Body (see Saying 22, The Gospel According to Thomas).

And where does Jesus fit in Mr. Hedrick’s frame? Except by acknowledging that Jesus was a prophet sent by God, none! In other words, Mr. Hedrick does not believe Jesus’ message in Thomas:

“Whoever is near me is near the fire and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom.”

Jesus, Saying 82, The Gospel According To Thomas.

In addition to rejecting Jesus’ Resurrection, and rejecting Jesus’ words that it is only through Jesus salvation can come,
* Mr. Hedrick rejects many other sayings of Jesus in Thomas such as:
 “ I am the light over All. I am the All. The All came forth out of me. And to me the All has come.  Split a piece of wood—I am there. Lift a stone, and you will find me there.”
-- Jesus, Saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas.

Mr. Hedrick rejects Jesus words by claiming this is “encroaching on the role of the Father” (page 140).
* He Rejects Jesus’ warning about blaspheming against the Holy Spirit:

 " Whoever blasphemes against the Father, it will be forgiven him. And whoever blasphemes against the Son, it will be forgiven him. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, neither on earth nor in heaven.”

--Jesus, Saying 44, The Gospel According To Thomas.

In his rejection of Saying 44, Mr. Hedrick claims this saying “is evidence of Thomas’ continued adaption to its social context” (page 91).
* He reject Jesus’ direct commandment to Honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week:

“If you do not keep the Sabbath as a Sabbath, then you will not see the Father.”

--Jesus, Saying 27, The Gospel According To Thomas.

In his rejection of this commandment he claims that when God made the 7th day Holy and as a day of rest (Genesis 2:1-3), that the commandment to keep the Sabbath only applied to “ancient Israel” (page 66).  

While this text is written by a scholar—Mr. Hedrick is a former professor of Missouri State University—it not written by one who is a follower of Jesus. In fairness to Mr. Hedrick his approach is the usual one among scholars as few of them acknowledge that Jesus Resurrected from the dead. The mystery is why these scholars bother writing these texts as they have no interest in following Jesus.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Making the Jesus Connection

“Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself will become he and the hidden things will be revealed to him”

--Jesus, Saying 108, The Gospel According To Thomas


Editor’s Clarification: In last week’s post I wrote “any crazy rigmarole, that you die, go to heaven, and in 10,000 years return to earth” I mentioned the number 10,000. In fact, in their study of eschatology Christians usually use the number 1,000 in which they posit a 1,000 year period of the “Great Tribulation.” Often they will cite such passages in the Book of Revelation such as Revelation 20: 5: “The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years ended,” and also Revelation 20:7, “And when the thousand years are ended…” As previously noted, I view the book of Revelation to be a work of fiction and thus do not take it seriously. Please see: Forgeries In the New Testament , a post on this blog for additional insights.


Overview: To Make the Yeshua-Michael Connection or the Jesus Connection the seeker will need to:
a. Activate the Transpersonal Point above his head.
b. Locate his core self.
c. Center his awareness in his spark of divinity or soul.
d. Unite with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency.

1. Jesus Saves!” is a common saying among Christians and it is true. But this requires becoming a child again, returning to oneness which existed before the Ego arose along with self-consciousness around 3-years of age.

2. For one’s awareness to leave the Ego brain, one will need to enter the light—a Transpersonal Point a few inches above the head. Be clear: If your awareness is trapped in the brain, then it is impossible for the God Connection to happen. Seekers are invited to see a previous post, Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self for additional insights. 

3. In Eastern systems such as Hinduism the goal is to shift one’s awareness from the brain and then to activate higher chakras (e.g., 8th-12th chakras) in order to be sourced by God. Please note that Enlightenment is more of a surrendering of one’s will to God and has nothing to do with control; it’s the Ego which is under the delusion that it is in control. In fact, the shocking reality is that you are a puppet and all your actions are being sourced by the Matrix, a 5th-dimensional construct which controls the actions of human beings. There is no free will when one is in the Ego. 

4. For the Physical Immortal, however, the spark of divinity, or your soul, located in the heart region, needs to be activated. The idea is to shift one’s awareness to outside the brain in order for one’s awareness to be re-centered in the heart region. In this space, one’s awareness is connected to the body. 

5. Please note what the Hindus and other systems miss: Eternal life or Physical Immortality can only occur with a personal and direct relationship with Jesus.  In general, when people die their soul will return to God and as far as the individual is concerned that is the end of him. Note without a brain there can be no conscious awareness and thus all claims of near-death experiences are a product of the brain’s way of getting one to let go; at the end of the tunnel of light is complete and permanent darkess! While it is possible for one’s soul to be recycled in a process called reincarnation, this is an impersonal arrangement and has nothing to do with everything that makes you a unique spiritual being. 

6. Based upon the model outlined in point 5 above, I am confident that the Christians have been deceived by the Roman Catholics with their claims of a conscious existence afterlife. Sadly, Christians are basing their beliefs on forged documents which became the New Testament. In my view, Roman Catholics represent darkness and are the direct representatives of Satan.

7. When you re-center your awareness in your heart region (but not the heart itself), there is non-verbal being. During my meditation practice, there is nothing I am aware of since I am awareness. Also, note during my meditation practice when the clear intention has been set, I let go and allow God to take over.

8. After one has become a child again and thus one’s awareness or consciousness is centered in the heart region, the next step is to make the Jesus Connection. Since Jesus’ birth name is “Yeshua” I respectfully call him by him name. While Yeshua is God in the flesh, Michael is the Spiritual counterpart of Jesus. However, Christians may substitute my reference to Yeshua-Michael with Jesus. 

Invocation  #1: “Yeshua-Michael (or Jesus): Please let me drink from your mouth and be you. Please show me the hidden things you would have me see. Thanks, Yeshua-Michael (or Jesus) !”


Invocation # 2: “Yeshua-Michael: Please let my spark of divinity or soul be connected to your spark of divinity at the Immortal Frequency. Please let me be united with you as a Physical Immortal , right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua-Michael!”

Mantra: “Yeshua-Michael.” Merely repeating the words “Yeshua-Michael” has a high vibrational effect.

9. After one has connected his spark of divinity or soul with Jesus, the next step is to shift one’s level of consciousness to the Immortal Frequency. Without this step, while one may have a connection with Jesus, the level of consciousness is not at a high enough level in order for one to construct an Immortal Body and thus shift the DNA’s aging code. I make the higher connection during The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice  (a post on this blog) which I do each day. Thus, when my awareness returns to the body it will be vibrating at a high frequency, thus allow for shifts in the body 

Summary: “Jesus Saves!” is true. In fact, salvation can come only through a direct relationship with Jesus. The seeker will need to detach his awareness from the brain and then allow his awareness to be centered in his core self. One’s core self, located in the heart region, is one’s spark of divinity or soul. The goal is to be directed unified with Jesus in one’s core. After one’s awareness is connected to his spark of divinity with Jesus, the final step is to shift this awareness to the Resurrection Frequency, thus allowing for the construction of an Immortal Body.