Please see
last week’s post Checklist For Immortals, Part I: Morning Devotion for the first part of the checklist for Immortals.
following activations or affirmations are designed to be done quickly each day.
I usually take about 15 seconds on each activation. The power behind them is to
have them as part of a daily checklist and to do them daily. Five minutes in
the morning is sufficient to do all of them. Also, they can be used throughout
the day as the Spirit leads. As always:
Be creative and create your own checklist which will lead to eternal life!
1. True
Will For Physical Immortality:
a) “Father:
Please strengthen my will this day. Thanks, God!”
b) “Father:
Please activate the true will for Physical Immortality. Thanks, God!”
c) “Father:
Please activate the base of my spine, allowing for the true will for Physical
Immortality. Thanks, God!”
The first
activations focus on the physical and spiritual will. Note that these
activations are said aloud the first thing each morning. One might pair these
activations with a 10-minute morning exercise program including a couple of
Hatha Yoga postures to strengthen the spine, pushups, sit ups, and using
2. Staying
centered and activating the Transpersonal Self:
a) “Right
here, right now, I center my awareness in my core self, thereby turning off the
story-telling function of the left brain. Thanks, God!”
activation is necessary to shift one’s consciousness from the Ego brain to
being centered in one’s core. The Core Self, located just under the breastbone
and ribcage is who you are: Awareness or Presence. In the 7-chakra model this
is associated or located with the solar plexus.
b) “Holy
Spirit of Truth: Please come into my Core Self and guide my life today. Thanks,
Holy Spirit of Truth!”
activation is designed to allow God’s Spirit to guide you, thereby allowing you
to be connected to God throughout the day.
c) “Right
here, right now, I ask for my Transpersonal Self which is located just above my
head to be activated, thereby allowing me to be connected to the Living Father throughout
the day. Thanks, God!”
Transpersonal Self is always activated along with the Core Self since they are
part of one unit: The Transpersonal Self, located about 6 inches above the
head, allows one to disconnect from the Ego brain and thus be connected to God
while the Core Self is one’s awareness which is connected to the body. See: The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science.
3. Activating
the Immortal energies of the earth to rise up the spine to the crown chakra.
“Right here,
right now, I activate the soles of my feet with the Immortal energies of the
earth. I ask these Immortal energies to activate the base of my spine at the
Immortal Frequency. Then I allow these Immortal energies to rise up my spine
through my neck chakra, the Bindu Chakra, and to the Crown Chakra. Thanks,
Readers are
invited to see: The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II , a post on this blog.
This morning
activate will allow one to stay grounded and thus connected to the earth. As
the Immortal energies of the earth rise up they will activate the base of the
spine, thus activating the true will for Physical Immortality. As the earth’s
currents rise up through the spine they will activate the Bindu Chakra (the
place on the top of the head where you comb your hair) and then to the crown of
the head. This activation is essential for Physical Immortality as we connect
the Mother’s energies from below with the Father’s energies from above. See:
Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About.
4. Asking
for Wisdom:
“Father: Please open my Crown Chakra, thus allowing for Wisdom. Please
guide my life this day. Thanks God!”
Wisdom is the highest virtue a man can have. It is acquired by asking for
God’s view of things and listening to His Wisdom. See: Crown Chakra - Alchemy Realm and Kundalini Rising, Part 7: The Crown Chakra - Fractal Enlightenment.
5. Asking
for clear seeing:
Please open my 6th charka, thereby allowing for clear seeing today.
Thanks, God!”
Note that
Wisdom depends upon clear seeing. This will include discernment so that one can
see what is important and what is not; to know when one’s Honor is at stake and
to know when it’s best to let things go; to know when it is necessary to stand
up to evil and when one allows evil because to do anything would cause you to
do evil (“two wrongs do not make a right”). Also, there is an openness to
reassess one’s previous positions and acknowledge that they were wrong. In most
cases, one might be partly right or things have changed and thus one responds
to the situation accordingly. Please note that the 6th chakra is
located at the center of the head and is associated with the activation of the
pineal gland. See: Clear Your Third Eye Chakra, Expand Your Spiritual Sight.
6. One-word
Activations: The following are one-word activations which can be done
throughout the day. They are intended as a quick reminded of the various
a) “Joy”—This
is allowing one’s awareness to stay connected to the body’s animating energies.
When one’s awareness is connected to the body it is called “presence.” Note that your natural state of being is
one of joy. The way to feel joy is to disconnect from the Ego brain and
re-center one’s awareness to the body. An insightful reader will see that we
are activating the higher will or spiritual will in order to allow for this
activation to occur.
b) “Matrix”—This is a quick reminder that this present world is controlled by Satan or a 5th dimensional program with which all Egos are connected. There is no free will at this level as the program feeds thoughts to the left side of the brain, thereby activating various parts of the brain, which will cause thoughts to occur, which in turn will cause one to take certain actions. Because you apparently had the thought, this means they must be ones which you created. When interacting with another human being, the program will control the thoughts and actions of both players, allowing them to play various games which will allow for various payoffs. The purpose of the program is for Satan to eat your psychic energy, thereby causing distress, disease, decay, and finally death. Also, note that demons will lodge in one’s life fabric when a trauma occurs, thereby allowing the demons to eat your life energy every time you recall the traumatic event. See: Enlightenment: Seeing Life as a Computer Program , a post on this blog.
c) “Wisdom,
Discernment, Courage, Mercy, Faith, Honor, Truth, Will”:
These one-word activations are various virtues one might like to have. I
invite the reader to create his own list and activate them throughout the day.
Summary: The 15-second activations are designed to be done quickly and
every day. All of them can be done in under 5 minutes each morning. The purpose
of these activations is to lead one to eternal life or Physical Immortality,
right here, right now on planet earth.