Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Checklists For Immortals: 15-Second Activations, Part II

Please see last week’s post  Checklist For Immortals, Part I: Morning Devotion  for the first part of the checklist for Immortals.

The following activations or affirmations are designed to be done quickly each day. I usually take about 15 seconds on each activation. The power behind them is to have them as part of a daily checklist and to do them daily. Five minutes in the morning is sufficient to do all of them. Also, they can be used throughout the day as the Spirit leads. As always: Be creative and create your own checklist which will lead to eternal life!

1. True Will For Physical Immortality:
a) “Father: Please strengthen my will this day. Thanks, God!”

b) “Father: Please activate the true will for Physical Immortality. Thanks, God!”

c) “Father: Please activate the base of my spine, allowing for the true will for Physical Immortality. Thanks, God!” 

The first activations focus on the physical and spiritual will. Note that these activations are said aloud the first thing each morning. One might pair these activations with a 10-minute morning exercise program including a couple of Hatha Yoga postures to strengthen the spine, pushups, sit ups, and using weights.

2. Staying centered and activating the Transpersonal Self:
a) “Right here, right now, I center my awareness in my core self, thereby turning off the story-telling function of the left brain. Thanks, God!”

This activation is necessary to shift one’s consciousness from the Ego brain to being centered in one’s core. The Core Self, located just under the breastbone and ribcage is who you are: Awareness or Presence. In the 7-chakra model this is associated or located with the solar plexus. 
b) “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please come into my Core Self and guide my life today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!”

This activation is designed to allow God’s Spirit to guide you, thereby allowing you to be connected to God throughout the day.

c) “Right here, right now, I ask for my Transpersonal Self which is located just above my head to be activated, thereby allowing me to be connected to the Living Father throughout the day. Thanks, God!”

The Transpersonal Self is always activated along with the Core Self since they are part of one unit: The Transpersonal Self, located about 6 inches above the head, allows one to disconnect from the Ego brain and thus be connected to God while the Core Self is one’s awareness which is connected to the body. See: The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science.

3. Activating the Immortal energies of the earth to rise up the spine to the crown chakra.

“Right here, right now, I activate the soles of my feet with the Immortal energies of the earth. I ask these Immortal energies to activate the base of my spine at the Immortal Frequency. Then I allow these Immortal energies to rise up my spine through my neck chakra, the Bindu Chakra, and to the Crown Chakra. Thanks, God!”

Readers are invited to see: The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II , a post on this blog.

This morning activate will allow one to stay grounded and thus connected to the earth. As the Immortal energies of the earth rise up they will activate the base of the spine, thus activating the true will for Physical Immortality. As the earth’s currents rise up through the spine they will activate the Bindu Chakra (the place on the top of the head where you comb your hair) and then to the crown of the head. This activation is essential for Physical Immortality as we connect the Mother’s energies from below with the Father’s energies from above. See: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About

4. Asking for Wisdom:
“Father: Please open my Crown Chakra, thus allowing for Wisdom. Please guide my life this day. Thanks God!”
Wisdom is the highest virtue a man can have. It is acquired by asking for God’s view of things and listening to His Wisdom. See: Crown Chakra - Alchemy Realm and Kundalini Rising, Part 7: The Crown Chakra - Fractal Enlightenment.

5. Asking for clear seeing:

“Father: Please open my 6th charka, thereby allowing for clear seeing today. Thanks, God!”

Note that Wisdom depends upon clear seeing. This will include discernment so that one can see what is important and what is not; to know when one’s Honor is at stake and to know when it’s best to let things go; to know when it is necessary to stand up to evil and when one allows evil because to do anything would cause you to do evil (“two wrongs do not make a right”). Also, there is an openness to reassess one’s previous positions and acknowledge that they were wrong. In most cases, one might be partly right or things have changed and thus one responds to the situation accordingly. Please note that the 6th chakra is located at the center of the head and is associated with the activation of the pineal gland. See: Clear Your Third Eye Chakra, Expand Your Spiritual Sight

6. One-word Activations: The following are one-word activations which can be done throughout the day. They are intended as a quick reminded of the various actions.
a) “Joy”—This is allowing one’s awareness to stay connected to the body’s animating energies. When one’s awareness is connected to the body it is called “presence.” Note that your natural state of being is one of joy. The way to feel joy is to disconnect from the Ego brain and re-center one’s awareness to the body. An insightful reader will see that we are activating the higher will or spiritual will in order to allow for this activation to occur. 

b) “Matrix”—This is a quick reminder that this present world is controlled by Satan or a 5th dimensional program with which all Egos are connected. There is no free will at this level as the program feeds thoughts to the left side of the brain, thereby activating various parts of the brain, which will cause thoughts to occur, which in turn will cause one to take certain actions. Because you apparently had the thought, this means they must be ones which you created. When interacting with another human being, the program will control the thoughts and actions of both players, allowing them to play various games which will allow for various payoffs. The purpose of the program is for Satan to eat your psychic energy, thereby causing distress, disease, decay, and finally death. Also, note that demons will lodge in one’s life fabric when a trauma occurs, thereby allowing the demons to eat your life energy every time you recall the traumatic event. See: Enlightenment: Seeing Life as a Computer Program , a post on this blog. 

c) “Wisdom, Discernment, Courage, Mercy, Faith, Honor, Truth, Will”:
 These one-word activations are various virtues one might like to have. I invite the reader to create his own list and activate them throughout the day. 
Summary: The 15-second activations are designed to be done quickly and every day. All of them can be done in under 5 minutes each morning. The purpose of these activations is to lead one to eternal life or Physical Immortality, right here, right now on planet earth.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Checklist For Immortals, Part I: Morning Devotion

In the next three essays I will detailed the practices recommended on the Thomas Immortality Project. I use these daily checklists by placing them on the wall in the kitchen and it only takes a few seconds each day to date the list and check the activations off. Note: I usually do this immediately after saying the Holy Vow aloud and while the morning coffee is brewing. Please note: This checklist is meant as a guide and thus I would strongly encourage you to develop your own lists; moreover, every month I add, delete, merge and otherwise transform the lists. So be creative and find out what works for you!

I. Morning Devotion:

A. The Holy Vow—This is said aloud the first thing upon waking up each morning:
“Father: I give you everything—my life, my heart, my mind, my soul, my very being. Please give me your strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” 
The Holy Vow is your direct connection to God each day!

B. Immortal Connection:
“Father:  Thank you for the gift of life! Thank you for each breath I take! Thank you for each step I take! Moment-by-moment please let me be permanently connected to you at the Immortal Consciousness. Thanks, God!”
This second prayer to God is praising Him for the gift of life! The goal is to stay permanently connected to God throughout the day. Please note this assumes one has or is working on opening the crown chakra (located at the top of the head). 

C. Union with Jesus:
“Yeshua: Let me drink from your mouth so that I can be you. Please show me the hidden things you would have me see. Thanks, Yeshua!”
This prayer comes from saying 108 in The Gospel According to Thomas: “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he and what is hidden will be revealed to him.” Note that Yeshua is Jesus’ birth name and is what his followers call him by. 

D. Activating Jesus’ Words:
“Yeshua: Your words are Life! May your sayings vibrate at the Resurrection Frequency allowing me to be united with you as a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua!”
I say this prayer immediately before reading sayings from The Gospel According to Thomas aloud.

E. Union with the Holy Spirit of Truth:

“Holy Spirit of Truth: Please come into my being and direct my life this day. Show me original insights, models, new and old connections especially those which will lead to eternal life, Physical Immortality. Also, please help me make corrections when I am in error. Keep my safe and protected and let there be joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!”

This prayer is an invitation for God’s Spirit to guide your life this day. It also seeks protection, and joy.

II. Study of Jesus’ words in The Gospel According To Thomas.
a. Read aloud sayings after activating Jesus words as discussed above. The seeker can say one saying aloud or a group of sayings.
b. Reflect upon the meaning, asking the Holy Spirit of Truth to guide you. This takes about 15 minutes and I will sometimes use commentaries to see what various scholars have said about the saying. Moreover, the seeker will be able to reflect upon Jesus’ sayings throughout the day.

III. Resources for the Study of Jesus’ Words:
The Gospel According To Thomas, by A. Guillaumont,  et. al. See: The Gospel according to Thomas: Henri Charles Puech ... - Amazon.com

This is the original text translated from Coptic to English in 1959. It is a word-for-word translation and thus is highly recommended to any serious follower of Jesus. While the language is a bit stilted and there are a few translations errors (which were corrected in 1973) it is a translation, not a paraphrase. 

B. The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus, by Marvin Myer. See: The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus: Marvin W ...

This text, like every modern copy of Thomas, is a paraphrase since all the authors think it is okay to substitute Jesus original words with politically-correct language which is “gender neutral.” The problem here is that when one reads a text, he needs the exact words so that he can understand the connotation of inferred meaning from the text.

Example: In saying 3 of The Gospel According To Thomas, Jesus says:

 “When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known and you will realize that you are the Sons of the Living Father” (emphasis mine).

 In every modern paraphrase, we have “you will realize that you are the children of the Father.”

These two statements are not saying the same thing: When one says “he is the son of John Smith” there is connoted a kind of equality between the two, albeit, the father is still above the son. In contrast, when one says, “he is the child of John Smith” there is an implied dependency such that one will not necessarily conclude that there is a kind of equality in the relationship.

The reason I recommend Mr. Myer’s text is that while it is a paraphrase, he includes an excellent survey of Thomas in his introductory remarks, has insightful footnotes, and the text concludes with an essay by Harold Bloom who gives scholarly insights into Thomas. 
C. The Gospel of Thomas Annotated and Explained by Stevan Davies. See: The Gospel of Thomas: Annotated & Explained (SkyLight Illuminations ...

Warning: Mr. Davies does not believe Jesus Resurrected from the dead and thus is not a follower of Jesus.

Please note that the above warning probably applies to every modern-day scholar as nearly all mainstream New Testament scholars deny the Resurrection of Jesus and thus there are not followers of Jesus. Thus, the reader will need to look at these scholar’s comments with a jaundiced eye.

I recommend this text because in the Forward,  Andrew Harvey, the series editor, spends several pages illuminating saying 22 of Thomas and shows why this saying is pointing to Physical Immortality as Jesus commands us to transform ourselves from two into one, for there not to be male or female, for the inside to be like the outside, so that one can construct a new body.  Also, while Mr. Davies is not a follower of Jesus, he nonetheless has many insights into the history of Thomas and at times his comments are quite insightful. 
D. The Fifth Gospel: The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age by Stephen J. Patterson. See:

This is an invaluable text for the Thomas student as Professor Patterson is the leading spokesman for Thomas scholarship. The reason to acquire this text are the essays: “Understanding the Gospel of Thomas Today,” which places Thomas in its historical context; “Nag Hammadi : The First Fifty Years” written by Professor James M. Robinson, the scholar who brought the nearly 50 ancient texts to the English-speaking world nearly 50 years ago. This paraphrase, of course, uses politically-correct language, but its footnotes are quite insightful as they offer the reader insight into the Coptic language and how terms would be translated into Greek. Moreover, a few of the paraphrases appear to be possible corrections in the original manuscript. Thus, I would recommend a serious follower of Jesus to obtain this text.
E. Jesus: Untouched by the Church: His Teachings in the Gospel of Thomas by Hugh McGregor Ross.  See:Spirituality in the Gospel of Thomas: Hugh McGregor Ross, John ...

This is a unique text in that it arranges the 114 sayings in Thomas according to the theme the saying is discussing. Thus, we have topics such as “Oneness,” “Finding the Light at the Centre,” and “The Way To the Kingdom.” I like his insights into what Jesus is saying and at times they are deep and profound. While Mr. Ross believes in an afterlife and thus thinks he will be united with Jesus after he dies, he still points to the many spiritual transformations a follower of Jesus would want to do. Thus, I recommend this text as somewhat quirky, but a joy to read as the it is written using calligraphy by John Blamires.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

How To Live a God-Centered Life: Easy as 1-2-3!

1. Activate the Transpersonal Self, located about 6 inches above the head while the Core Self in the body is activated.
2. Ask for Jesus to be centered in the Transpersonal Self while the Holy Spirit of Truth is centered in the Core Self.
3. Seek Wisdom and ask God to Activate the True Will for Physical Immortality.

1. The Transpersonal Self is an energy center located just above the brain. In some systems this is called the “Soul Star ”; the 8th chakra; the Transpersonal Chakra. See:
a) Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras - Psychic Library-- This source uses the term "Soul Star" and locates it about 6 inches above the head.
b) Understanding The 12 Chakras And What They Mean--This system uses a 12-chakra model and locates the Transpersonal Self as the 9th chakra.
c) The Transpersonal Chakras: Causal, Soul Star, Stella Gateway and ..--This system locates the Transpersonal Self as 6 inches above the head. 

2. Simultaneously, while activating the Transpersonal Self the Core Self or one’s center is activated. These two activations are the activation of the Self which is connected to God and the self which is connected to the body. See:
a) The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science--See Diagram 1. In my experience, this is an accurate representation as the Transpersonal Self is always activated along with the Core Self since they are part of the Self and its field of awareness. 

3. Jesus is the light connected to the Father. Thus, Jesus is invited to be part of one’s Transpersonal Self. The Holy Spirit of Truth is located in the Core Self and will guide one’s life on the physical plane. By uniting with Jesus and allowing his spirit, the Holy Spirit, to enter one's being, one will  be able to become an Immortal. Note: All the spiritual systems which include reference to the Transpersonal Self without this unification with God will lead to deception, darkness, and death. 

4. Wisdom, which can be only activated when the Transpersonal Self is activated since it is connected with the opening of the crown chakra, is sought so that one will have discernment on what is important and clear seeing. The True Will for Physical Immortality is paired with Wisdom since without a body there is no soul. The converse is not true: There can be a body without a soul. Sadly, many people have blasphemed the Holy Spirit and thus there is no hope for them as their consciousness is essentially that of a dog's level. 

5. Activating the Transpersonal Self is the first step since this is the only way to leave the Ego. The Ego is an artificial construct located in the left side of the brain and it is used by Satan in order to suck up the life force of humans. If the DNA has not be re-programmed for eternal life, then the default position will be the activation of the death instinct which will allow Satan to eat one’s life force so that there will be disease, decay, and death. Note that for many human beings death is a blessing since they no longer have to suffer. Please note that the vast majority of humans beings—99.99…%-- are controlled by their ego and thus by Satan. See:

6. To activate the Transpersonal Self, one will most likely need to ingest marijuana as God provided this herb for mankind’s connection to higher dimensions.  I have found detaching from the brain through mindfulness training, then activating the witness of one’s thoughts, then focusing intensely on the back of the head, and then being open to activating the energy center above the head will help activate the Transpersonal Self. 

7. When one is involved in the affairs of the world, then one’s awareness is centered in the Core Self, which is guided by the Holy Spirit. Depending upon the physical stimuli one, there is a quick flow from the mental center to the core self to body center (located just below the navel). When one is centered in his Core, then there is non-verbal awareness and thus the Ego with its constant chatter is turned off. 

8. Wisdom is the highest virtue a human being can seek. I see it as composed of: Discernment, Clear Seeing, Courage, Mercy, Honor, Truth, Faith, and Will. Seeking Wisdom is asking God for guidance in how to live one’s life. See:

9) The True Will for Immortality occurs as the root chakra, located at the base of the spine or tailbone is activated and the Physical Immortal energies from the earth are allowed to rise from the earth, up the spine, and then to the top of the head (the crown chakra). See: Activations For Constructing the Immortal Will  (last week's post on this blog).
10. Note that most spiritual systems, such as Buddhism, has one work on purification of the body, being aware of the ego brain, opening the heart, and so forth. Sadly, they never mention the purpose of all these recommendations: To allow the Transpersonal  Self and Core Self to be activated. In my view, all these systems are a waste of time since they assume there is some life after death such as reincarnation and in fact there is no conscious existence after one’s physical death. Any schoolboy would see why there is no conscious existence after life: Looking at a television set one can see one needs a receiver (the television set) which has to receive the waves frequency in the air which allows for the set to convert the signals into meaningful pictures. In a like fashion, without a physical brain, there can be no conscious existence since there is no receiver. Fundamentally, after one’s death there is eternal darkness or nothingness. All these stories of near-death experiences are the brain’s way of getting the person to let go and thus there one might see Mother Mary, or 19 virgins waiting for them, or perhaps a White Light surrounded by Love. All these inventions are similar to what the brain does during REM sleep in which it concocts various stories in order to activate various parts of the brain; the stories or dreams are completely meaningless unless you recall them and then you will invent some meaning. 

11. The recommendations on the Thomas Immortal Project are part of what one might call the direct path. While I strongly recommend purification, mindfulness training, some Hatha Yoga postures, rewriting one’s life script, and so forth these process are going nowhere fast unless the goal is clear: Physical Immortality. Physical Immortality is the union the of the Father’s Light from above and the Mother’s energy from the earth below.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Activations For Constructing the Immortal Will

This essay continues the process of constructing the Immortal Will. Please review Parts I and II: See Constructing the Immortal Will, Part I and  The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II .

# 1) Activating the soles of the feet:

“Right here, right now, I connect the soles of my feet to the Immortal energies of the earth, allowing the chakras in my feet to be activated to the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, God!”

This first activation acknowledges that God created planet earth as an Immortal planet. Moreover, God designed this planet so that human beings could be one with him for all eternity as had existed with the first man, Adam. Thus, by being fully connected to the earth, we are connected with God at the Immortal Frequency. Usually, we think of this connection as the Mother-Connection with God as this planet sustains all life. 
#2) The Immortal energies in the feet rise to the tailbone or base of the spine:

“Right here, right now, I activate the Immortal energies in my feet to rise to the base of my spine, activating my tailbone at the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, God!”

This second activation takes the Immortal energies of the earth and allow these energies to rise from the feet and then activate the base of the spine at the Immortal Frequency. Note that the tailbone is the source of the life force for human beings. In Yoga Science, this is the root chakra or the first chakra. See: YOGA The 1st Chakra - Muladhara - The Coiled Serpent Goddess of ...

Side note: When we activate a chakra, we see a color, in this case red, and then visualize a wheel spinning clockwise (as viewed from above) and allow light energy to activate it. 
#3)  From the base of the spine the Immortal energies rise up the column of the spine through the neck chakras, the Bindu Chakra, and the crown of the head:

“Right here, right now, I activate the Immortal energies from my tailbone through the spine to the top of my head, activating the crown chakra at the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, God!”

The Immortal energy which rises through the spine is called the kundalini and is pictured as a coil snake at the base of the spine, ready to spring up the spine. The column of the spine is called the sushumna is Yoga Science. Note that we are connecting the Immortal energies of the earth with the Immortal energies of the God-Connection which also occurs at the crown chakra. Thus, the Mother-Connection and Father-Connection meet and connect as one. 
# 4) Connect the Immortal energies of the earth to the crown of the head:

 “Right here, right now, I activate the Immortal energies of the earth to the crown of my head. Thanks, God!”

This activation just combines the first three activations and I will often use it as a short-cut in lieu of doing them. In any case, the Physical Immortal wants to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground as he stays connected with the Living Father. Please note that Jesus said in Saying 101 of The Gospel According to Thomas: “My true Mother gave me life.” I understand that Mother-Earth is the true Mother to which Jesus is referring. 
# 5) Be Connected with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency while being connected with the Immortal energies of the earth:

 “Right here, right now, I ask the life force of Mother Earth to meet with the Father’s light energy from above at the crown of my head. Thanks, God!”

Here is the alchemical wedding of the Father-Mother energies meeting at the top of the head. The above 5-daily activations will only take a few minutes. It will keep you connected both with the Living Father and with the Mother Earth.  Please see The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice (this is a link to a post on this blog) for additional insights. 
# 6) Connect the Immortal energies at the base of the spine to the crown of the head:

"Right here, right now I allow the Immortal energies from the base of my spine to rise up to the crown of my head as I breathe in; I allow the Immortal energies at the crown of my head to return to the base of the spine as I exhale. Thanks, God!’

This final activation is more of a visualization practice and is done for a few minutes as one inhales the life force rises up the spine and then as one exhales one takes the life force from the crown and return to the base. So: Inhale=Up the Spine, Exhale=Down the spine.

Summary: The marriage of Heaven and Earth, the Father Connection with the Mother Connection, will allow for Physical Immortality. In Saying 101 of The Gospel According to Thomas, Jesus said, “My true Mother gave me life.” Thus, the follower of Jesus will want to have both the Father and Mother Connections. The first four activations are done just before the daily one-hour meditation practice. They will take a few minutes to activate. The fifth recommended activation is done during one’s meditation practice. The final recommended practice is more of a visualization practice which can be done for a few minutes during meditation so that as one inhales the life force rises up and as one exhales the energies goes down the column of the spine.