Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Recommended Practices For the Thomas Immortality Project

1. Celibacy—This is a prerequisite for all spiritual development. From an Immortal viewpoint, the sexual energies must be allowed to rise from the base of the spine to the top of the head. If this energy is released via ejaculation, then it cannot be used to allow for youthing or rejuvenation. In my case, it took 6 months and about 40 failures before I achieved sexual mastery. So it may take the seeker some time in order to be whole. I would suggest that the seeker pray to God for strength. Please be clear: If you engage in ejaculation, you cannot be an Immortal. 

2. Fast From the World—This means to be connected to God and God alone; thus, one will limit his interactions with humans. Besides using a public computer for about 3 hours a week, I do not use a computer or access the internet. Also, I do not own a television set or have an Apple phone. I do read the local newspapers in which I spend about 3 hours per week in order to have a general sense of what is happening. Fasting from the world also means you have organized your life so that you do not have a job in which you engage with humans on a daily basis. In sum, the process of becoming an Immortal means one develops a relationship with God and God alone.

3. Meditation for 1 hour per day—If the seeker is just starting out, then 10 minutes of focusing on his breath is great! Then work from there and add 5 additional minutes of practice per week until you get up to 60 minutes. Also, note that 2-3 times a week I use marijuana as an aid to access a higher dimension which I combine with marijuana use. Essentially, this “higher dimension” is an energy center just above your head. When you are at this level, you will not be able to report on anything as there is a sense of boundlessness; this makes sense since without the brain there is not receiver which will allow you to record any information. Side note: People who claim to have out-of-body experiences, to have near-death experiences, or have contacted higher dimensional beings are probably deceived. Thus, while activating this energy center outside the brain is necessary in order to detach from the ego brain and then be re-centered in the body, I would not engage in any other practice which would  have my consciousness leave my body. 

4. Activating Jesus’ sayings to the Immortal Frequency—This is the cornerstone of the Thomas Immortal Project: Because Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas were recorded by his brother, Judas, after his Resurrection, they are already vibrate at the Immortal Frequency and thus by activating them before reading them aloud, the seeker will be united with the Immortal energies of Jesus. Note that it is only through Jesus one can be an Immortal as only his words are life! Also, note that one must be whole and centered in the body for the activation to work. Please see my previous post:  Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” for additional insights. 

5. Returning to your core self—This is shifting one’s awareness from the ego brain with its incessant chatter to your core self. Note that the center of your core self is located below the breastbone (connected to the rib cage) and this is your true self. The false self was created when your parents forced you to be submit to their will; in fairness, the creation of the ego was probably an evolution development which allowed for social structures to exist. In any case, nearly all humans have their sense of awareness trapped in their brain. Note that when one is in the ego brain there is no free will as it controls you. Any idea that you have free will at this level is an illusion. Please see: Healing The Split: Becoming One Again by Returning To Your Core Self

6. Purification—This is the healing of traumas, feelings of being unworthy, self-hate, and memories of the past which cause guilt, shame, regret, and so forth. The goal is to be Holy even as God is Holy. Every morning I activate a light bandage which I wrap around the body and ask for God’s Love to flow through my being, allowing for healing. This takes about 20 seconds a day and is a highly recommended daily practice. 

7. Strengthening the Immortal Will—This is living one’s life with the single-minded goal of being a Physical Immortal. A great practice includes doing 50 pushups, 100 sit ups, and using weights on a regular basis. Try to do one new thing a day. Challenge yourself! Note that as one lives from his core self and has activated his transpersonal self the Immortal Will takes a life of its own and will help direct your life. Also, note that the Immortal Will works with The Spirit of Truth in guiding you to be an Immortal.

8. Wisdom—This is seeing things from a long-term view and considers the context of a situation. I would always error on the side of showing mercy than punishing someone who has fucked up. Of course, mercy has its limits and those who show no willingness to address the issues at hand may need to be dealt with accordingly. Along with Wisdom, one will want to cultivate other higher-order activations: Truth, Courage, Mercy, Faith, Honor, and Will. This is why the study of Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas is helpful: Jesus’ sayings include all the necessary activations to achieve wisdom. Of course, one must seek wisdom and when one fucks up admit the error and then try to learn to do better in the future.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Healing The Split: Becoming One Again by Returning To Your Core Self

On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you are two, what will you do?”  ----Jesus, Saying 11, The Gospel According To Thomas. 

1)  The core self or the core of you is located at the bottom of the breastbone (which is connected to the rib cage) and below it. It is who you are. It is the immortal part of your being which returns to God upon your death or if it is activated beforehand, you can become an Immortal. It is not connected to your vocal cords and thus it cannot talk as various parts of the brain will do all day long with its endless chatter. The core self was taken over by the Ego brain about the 3 years of age and thus you became two: a) Your core self and b) The Ego. The goal is to re-center yourself into your core. See: Diagram 1 on The true-Self, the false-self and the ego - Esoteric Science


2)    So to become one again, this core will be the focal point from which you operate. In other words, you will become unified or whole as your awareness is centered. Note that when you are centered here the Ego has been turned off.


3)    There are six activations which you will want your core to be connected to:

 a)     The Immortal Will—The Immortal Will is your higher self and is located just above the top of the brain. It is your transpersonal self. This will is connected to God and will be activated as you surrender your will to God. One will work to strengthen the will by challenging yourself to do one new thing per day. The goal is to have a one-pointed goal to be a Physical Immortal.  Where does the strong will for eternal life come from? I do not know. I would guess that this seed was implanted before the person was born, perhaps in the womb (See Jeremiah 1:5). But there must be a fire in the belly to want to be an Immortal in order to be an Immortal. 

 i)  Side note: Only the Elect will be able to activate the transpersonal self. But, paradoxically, if the reader attempts to do so this is proof that he is at least one of the chosen (the chosen are given a chance to be one of the elect). So consider yourself one of the Elect if you are reading this post and are willing to investigate this. According to Jesus, the elect number one in a thousand and two in ten thousand (Saying 23, The Gospel According To Thomas). Thus, I would estimate that out of 8 billion people in the world there are no more than 100 people who are the elect.

b)    The second step is to invite Jesus to be connected to your core: “Yeshua—Please come into my core being and be me. Take over my life. Thanks, Yeshua!” This is said every morning before reading Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas.

c)   Wisdom is the third activation and it is associated with the transpersonal self. Wisdom will help you see things from a more long-term view instead of just what you can get in the immediate moment. As one cultivate wisdom other higher-order qualities will also be activated: Truth, Courage, Faith, Mercy, Honor and Will. To activate wisdom one can invite the Holy Spirit of Truth into your heart: “Holy Spirit of Truth—Please guide my path this day, allowing for new insights, original connections, and clear seeing. Keep me safe and protected and allow some joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!” This is said every morning as I invite the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit into my life. 

d)    Clear Seeing is the 6th chakra and will allow one to see what’s going on. In most case, I am wrong about my initial assessment of a situation and thus will need to keep looking until I get a better picture of what’s going on. This by way, is why solving a 2-3 chess puzzles a day is great: Because one is often wrong and then he has to figure out why.

e)     Deactivating the Ego and re-centering one’s awareness or presence in the core. This is what a meditation practice is about. Because you have spent all your life controlled by the Ego and all of its nonsense, it will take a lot of work to remember to stay centered. I meditate for 1 hour a day and shifting from thinking thoughts to a non-verbal awareness is one of the goals of meditation. 

4)    While initially all these activations may seem complex, it is like riding a bicycle: One puts on training wheels and before you know it riding a bike becomes second nature. So do what you can each day and soon these activations will become habits. 

5)    When I am alone staying centered in my core self is easy: I just breathe into core and it stays activated. When I use my brain for activities such as reading I shift my awareness from my core to the brain. In this case, I will decode the words and then translate its meaning to me. When I complete my brain activity I shift back to the core and stay centered. 

6)    Being in public is a whole different matter as one is coordinating several functions at once: Motor coordination, visual processing, threat assessments, and spatial awareness. Usually, I shift my awareness to the back of my head as I activate the word “peace.” In addition, I always do a white light activation in which I ask the Holy Spirit of Truth to work with my guardian angels in protection me from both physical and psychic harms. Also, I find it is helpful if I gulp in air through my mouth when I am walking outside so I have extra oxygen. Because I avoid all unnecessary contact with humans, I do not have to deal with darkness and this helps me to stay centered.


Summary: Healing the split, returning to your core self is a fundamental practice in becoming an Immortal. It is a shift from the Ego brain with its constant chatter to your true self. It is located at the bottom of the breastbone and just behind. As your awareness is centered in your core, you will want this to be the focus of all other activations: The Immortal Will, Becoming Jesus, the Transpersonal Self, Wisdom, Clear Seeing. Practices include morning prayers, the study of Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas, and 1 hour of meditation per day. The goal is for there to be complete silence in the brain as you stop all internal dialogues. In time, staying centered in the core will be natural and on this day when you were two, you became one again!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Resurrecting With Jesus Today

His disciples said to him, “When will the resurrection of the dead take place, and when will the new world come?”

He said to them, “That resurrection which you are awaiting has already come, but you do not recognize it”----Jesus, Saying 51, The Gospel According To Thomas.


1. Resurrecting with Jesus is happening  now as one unites one’s animating body with the Immortal energies of Jesus. So the Immortal shifts his attention from the brain to the body. This can happen as the 8th chakra—located above your head—is activated.

2. Note that resurrecting with Jesus is an ongoing process which is renewed each day. A great morning prayer: “Yeshua—Your words are Life! May your sayings vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, allowing all who call upon your name to be saved. Thanks, Yeshua!” After saying this prayer aloud, I then study the Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas.

3. The study of Jesus’ saying in The Gospel According To Thomas will assist in raising your body’s frequency. Note the sayings were recorded by his brother, Judas, after Jesus’ Resurrection. Also, please note that we have two different representations of Jesus  in Thomas: The first Jesus is the pre-resurrected, one whose words of wisdom match the original sayings of Jesus in Q. Note that Q is the source material for the synoptic Gospels while the Roman Catholics later invented many sayings which they falsely attributed to Jesus. This is why the following of Jesus does not have any used for the New Testament. The second Jesus is the Resurrected Jesus and represent secret sayings given to an elite group of followers. It is unclear if any of them every achieved the Holy Grail: Physical Immortality. These sayings give the seekers hints on how to transform himself into one with an  Immortal Body. Please see my previous post:  Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas”  for additional insights. 

 4. Because Jesus spoke the sayings in The Gospel According to  Thomas at the Immortal Frequency, all the seeker needs to do is to activate his words to this frequency. This is why the follower of Jesus will want to study Jesus’ sayings: The bubbling spring of the waters of Life flow through his words.

5. A great way to integrate Jesus’ sayings into your heart is to find a phase on which you would like to meditate.

Example: “During the days when you ate what was dead you made it alive. When you are in the light what will you do?” ---Jesus, Saying 11, The Gospel According To Thomas.  

Here we might ask: “When I am in the light what will I do?” ; “What is the light?”;  “How do I arrive in the light?”

So throughout the day I might mediate on the question: “When I am in the light what will I do?”

6. In spiritual terms what I see happening in becoming an Immortal: The body and Spirit unite as one. This means there is a shift in consciousness from the ego brain to belly region. To achieve this one will need to first shift one’s awareness from the ego brain top of the brain. This will activate the Bindu Chakra, allowing for physical rejuvenation. Also, the region inside the belly button is activated by imaging a long straw connecting from inside the belly button to outside the body; breathe in Chi or Qi and then allow these energies to flow in the body. I spend about 5 minutes during my meditation practice for these two activations. See:  Tantien, Center of Chi energy in Our Body - White Magic Way and What is Bindu Chakra? - Definition from Yogapedia

 7. Candidates for Immortality are males who are the elect and are alone ( Saying 49, The Gospel According To Thomas). Note that the Coptic term used here is synonymous with “monk” which implies being celibate. This would mean not engaging in any sexual activity of any kind. This will allow the sexual energies to flow throughout the body instead of being discharged via ejaculation. To avoid any paradoxes about who the elect are: If you want to follow Jesus and the message on the Thomas Immortality Project resonates with you, then you are one of the elect; just ask for guidance on what you need to do in order to be saved. On the other hand, if you reject Jesus’ words, the only words which will lead to eternal life, then you are not one of the elect. 

8. It does not appear that females have any energy centers which are not attached to their body. This would mean that they cannot activate the 8th chakra above their head because they do not have an 8th chakra. Thus, females who claim to have visions, or to talk in tongues, or to have received communication from ascended masters and the like are probably deceived. However, if the reader is female there is still hope as Immortals have the authority to transform a female into a male so she can enter the Kingdom of God (Saying 114, The Gospel According To Thomas). Thus, if there is a female who would like to become a living spirit as males are, she is invited to contact me. 

9. Imagine you are in a pool of water with Jesus.  

Jesus asks, “Who are You?”

Reply: “I am A Son of the Living Father”

Jesus asks: “Where did you come from?”

Reply: “I came from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself.”

Jesus asks: “What is the proof of God in you?”

Reply: “It is movement and it is rest.” 

Then Jesus asks: “Are you ready to be baptized into my death, burial and resurrection?”

Reply: “Yes, Yeshua.” 

Jesus then announces: “I now baptize you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Arise and walk into a new life!”

As you come out of the water, you are now Resurrected with Jesus. With joy you exclaim, “Thank you Yeshua for saving me!”

Note:  I would perform the above activation as often as the Spirit leads.


10. There is an interesting parallel between giving up conscious control to God and psychosis. While a psychotic has given up his control to his primitive brain, leaving any pretense of rationality behind, the one who gives up to God is allowing God to take over his life. Note that in both cases, the recording device is turned off. This means that I could not tell you what I said or did during these “gaps.” The first one to make this connection explicit is Tony Parsons whose insights can be received at www.theopensecret.comSurprisingly, as you lose conscious awareness everything will continue to happen as when you were recording what you were doing. But now you have become a child again as God has taken over your life. Perhaps this is what Jesus meant by saying, “Those who lose their life will gain eternal life.” Without an ego, there can be clear seeing as The Holy Spirit of Truth activates the 6th chakra. So you have exchanged spiritual insights for conscious awareness. Also, this is when deep healing will often take place.


Summary:  Resurrecting with Jesus is occurring now for all followers of Jesus. This Resurrection is both a physical and spiritual one: The body is transformed in an Immortal Body while one become one again by giving up conscious awareness to God, thus allowing His Spirit to flow as it will. One can unite with Jesus at the Immortal Frequency by activating his sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas and then reading his sayings aloud. Those who follow the Roman Catholic falsehoods about life after death will not be resurrected after their death as it will be too late. Today is the day of Salvation!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Insights for the Thomas Immortality Project Student

1. The sine qua non of the Immoral is losing conscious control. To use an analogy: The insane have given conscious control over to their ego with its incessant chatter while the Enlightened have given conscious control over to God. During meditation one wants to fall asleep as this is when deep healing occurs. To help in this process, I meditate in a darkened room while laying down. Imbibing some marijuana before meditation will assist in allowing “gaps” to occur in one’s consciousness. 

2. The meditation practice centers on body awareness. Consciously connected breathing will help center the mind. Imagine your consciousness residing in the back of your head watching you. This is where presence or your awareness resides before the life force gets trapped in the brain. This awareness is formless and has no will of its own; it can only reflect what the body and brain activate. If you like, presence is “no thing being everything.”

3. Something is missing in the model which posits that humans are presence or awareness: Will. How does anything get done? On the brain level there is the primitive brain and on top of this is prefrontal cortex which acts as the executive in charge. Except this executive part of the brain is being controlled. If you spent a few minutes considering this you would see why: One part of the brain needs to intend something to happen while another part of the brain experiences the action. Somehow these two parts of the brain are in constant communication. Of course, we immediately enter an infinite regress problem here as “Where does the part of the brain which intends an action get it intention in the first place?” At some point, you logically will be forced to leave the brain in order to explain where intentions come from. Thus, free will is an illusion. 

4. “Will” or intention apparently controls the ego. But the ego is an artificial construct which was only activated when you became self-conscious about age 3 years of age. The ego sucks up all the life energy which is then trapped in the brain and then converts this energy into recall of memories, stories, and internal dialogue. The content of the brain is meaningless. Without a doubt, it has meaning to you because your brain apparently created the thoughts which means they are important. In fact, all this mind stuff is without any intrinsic value. Note that all the time your attention is given to the brain your life force is not being allowed to flow throughout the body. This is one of the causes of aging. So by knowing what you are, God Stuff, you can start to shift your awareness from the brain to the body. 

5. So if your awareness is not trapped in the ego brain, then what? It is controlled by God. An insightful reader will immediately ask: “If God is everything, and the ego is something, is not the ego ‘God Stuff’?” Yes. At a higher plane of existence, all there is is oneness. So, logically, God is playing the part of both “good” and “evil.” But given that humans live in the 3rd dimension of consciousness, we are forced to pretend that the ego is real as otherwise the law of cause-and-effect will see that there are consequences. So the ego is real in the plane of form.

6. As one leaves the ego, one will want God to take over your life. A prayer might be helpful: “Father, I surrender everything to do. Please take over my life and lead my down the path of eternal life. Thanks, God!”  This prayer is surrendering everything to God. Because God is formless, He manifests in the flesh in the form of Yeshua. God’s spirit, The Spirit of Truth, will also be activated when you ask the Holy Spirit to enter your heart. 

7. In practical terms, I am saying: Give up control of your life to God. Note that as you shift from ego brain to the body’s awareness, you will start to feel subtle energies throughout your body. This is the body waking up! You are becoming a child again. As the body wakes up, one will invite Jesus to be the fire which vibrates at the Immortal Frequency. My morning prayers include: “Yeshua: Your words are Life! May your sayings vibrate at the Immortal Frequency for all who call upon your name. Thanks, Yeshua!” Note : “Yeshua” is Jesus’ birth name. After saying this prayer aloud, I study Jesus’s sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas

8. Note that I usually avoid talking about the chosen and the elect as this leads to a thicket of paradoxes. Of course, if you are a follower of Jesus, then you did not choose him; instead, he choose you. Indeed, God implanted a “God-attractor” in your being which would see that you would be dedicated to the truth and to God. In my view, 99% of humans are unregenerate beings who came into this world in darkness and they will leave this world in darkness; thus, I would not waste any time dealing with humans as they are dead. At a personal level, you could be a follower of Jesus by following Jesus.

9. When I see people who claim to follow “Jesus Christ” what do I see? They are all connected to the internet; they all watch television; they all have deep ties to other humans such as their parents; they spend much of their time interacting with non-believers; there is nothing which sets them apart from the world. In fact, they are the world! As a follower of Jesus, I have no use for these followers of Paul and his invention of “Jesus Christ.” Here’s what Paul got wrong: Resurrection is a moment-by-moment continual connection with the Living One. When one is baptized in the name of Jesus one is baptized into his death, burial, and resurrection. This baptism of the Spirit occurs now; there is no conscious existence after this life. Today is the day of Salvation! The whole point of salvation is to put on an Immortal Body which will occur as one unites with the Spirit. This can only occur when you are alive as when you are dead, you will be unable to see or do anything because you are dead.

10. Wisdom is the highest quality to seek. This can be activated as you leave the ego brain. To acquire wisdom one will need to pass through many gates: Truth, Courage, Mercy, Faith, Honor, and Will. In the process of asking for wisdom one will make many mistakes. These can be considered as learning opportunities. Note that with wisdom one considers the context of a situation; to see the context one will need to have clear seeing. Thus, I cannot give you a set of rules to follow in every situation because the context of each situation will be different. In general, I would advise on doing nothing if you are unclear about the situation.


Summary: Resurrecting with Jesus is a moment-by-moment process which is occurring now for all followers of Jesus. Followers of “Jesus Christ” are followers of Paul and thus they have no use for Jesus. Sadly, Christians have been misled about when salvation occur and thus when they die that will be the end of them. Deep healing will occur as one loses conscious control during meditation. By staying connected to the body’s vibrational energy, one will be connected to the Fire: Jesus. Ask the Spirit of Truth to lead you to eternal life.


  • Theological aside: I am confident that Jesus did not teach an afterlife because his brother, James, one of the first eyewitnesses to Jesus’ Resurrection did not teach an afterlife. Historians are clear that James started the first group of followers of Jesus which was located in Jerusalem. Note that James taught on the Sabbath—God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week—and was an orthodox Jew. Thus, it is inconceivable that as a James taught an afterlife as Jews have no such belief. While James probably did expect Jesus’ return, by 70 A.D. James had died and the temple at Jerusalem was destroyed. In any case, James did not understand Jesus’ message: The Kingdom of God is inside you and outside you. This is what “not tasting death means”: Resurrecting with Jesus now so that you will not see death.