Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Readers: I Am On Vacation Until January 9, 2018—Merry Christmas Everyone!

Dear Readers:

The year 2017 has been a blessed year. I am deeply grateful to each reader who has taken time to read my posts. This will be my last post of the year as I am on vacation until January 9, 2018. Merry Christmas and have a joyous New Year!

The Solution To A 2,000 Year-Old Puzzle

Jesus in the beginning of the Gospel According To Thomas offers a challenge to the reader: “Whoever discovers the correct interpretation of these sayings will not taste death” (Saying 1). Some proposed solutions:

 1. Jesus’ life means nothing—only his death brings salvation.

This is the solution given by Paul. It contends that a careful examination of Jesus’ words and then following the wisdom contained in them is a waste of time; the only thing that matters is Jesus’ death: “For if many died through one man’s trepass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift in the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many” (Roman 5: 15).

Paul’s position says followers of Jesus need just accept his death as a sacrifice and you will be saved. No need to actually follow anything Jesus commanded like “If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the Father” (Gospel According To Thomas, saying 27).

Historically, Paul’s position became the second proposed solution:

 2.  Come to Church on Sunday (even though Jesus commanded in Saying 27 above to keep the Sabbath which is Saturday—we need not obey God), and ritually participate in Jesus’ death each week through:

Drinking Wine= Jesus’s blood being shed

Wafer= Jesus’ body which died

and you will be saved.

The Roman Catholics are direct representatives of Satan. Their celebration of Jesus’ death each week is demonic. Apparently, for the Catholics, Jesus having been murdered once is not good enough; each week all believers reenact his murder! There is a reason the “Black Mass” is called “Black.” So we have the Black Mass and priests in black robes threatening the poor sinners with eternal torment if they skip a Sunday Mass or fail to give 10% of their earnings to the church. Clearly, this proposed solution will not work.

 3.  It’s All Spiritual.

 This is a common response, but it neglects the context in which the puzzle was given: Jesus was a Jew.
Example: He obeyed the Sabbath. This is confirmed by what his brother James did after Jesus resurrection: James started a Jesus movement in Jerusalem and the first followers of Jesus met on the Sabbath—on Saturday. If Jesus had meant for his followers to meet on Sunday, he would have instructed his brother to do so. It follows that Jesus was a Jew. Moreover, since Jews do not believe in an afterlife such as Heaven or Hell (the early church fathers used these concepts and put them in the documents which became the New Testament), Jesus, as a Jew, could not and did not believe in the concept of an afterlife. If there is no afterlife, then the eternal life to which Jesus refers must be in the present life.

So although “It’s all spiritual” position is common (probably 99% of people would give some version of this reply) it is clearly is not a solution to the puzzle.

4. On February 22, 2016 the solution to the 2,000-year old puzzle “Whoever discovers the correct interpretation of these sayings will not taste death,” was given: Jesus meant exactly what he said: Follow me as a truth seeker, discover my wisdom, know yourself, invite my Spirit to unite with your Spirit, and you will live forever in physical form.

Additional Resources:

1) Forgeries In the New Testament --This post gives a brief overview of how the Roman Catholics invented much of what Christians call the "New Testament."

2) Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” --This post presents an original model: The Gospel According To Thomas are the recorded words of Jesus after his Resurrection.

3) 17 of My Favorite Posts On the Thomas Immortality Project --This post gives the reader who would like to live forever some pointers to assist him in this goal. A great overview of the message shared on the Thomas Immortality Project.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Spiritual Transformations to Construct an Immortal Body

Jesus saw infants being nursed. He said to his disciples: “Those babies being nursed are like those who enter the Kingdom. They said to him: “Then will we enter the Kingdom as children?”
Jesus said to them: “When you make the two into one and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside and above like the below, make the male and female into a single one so that the male will not be male and the female will not be female, and when you make eyes instead of an eye and a hand instead of a hand and a foot instead of a foot, a face instead of a face, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.
--Jesus, Saying 22, The Gospel According To Thomas

1.     Saying 22 of The Gospel According To Thomas is a roadmap to eternal life: By spiritual transformations the seeker constructs an Immortal Body. So if you like you can consider this saying and the rest of Thomas as being a set of pointers to his followers on how to be an Immortal.

2.    The first step is become a child again. The Holy Vow is said aloud the first thing upon waking up each morning is a step in this direction: “Father: I give you everything—my life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” The Holy Vow is your direct connection to God! It’s your daily surrender to God asking only for His strength to do His will each day.

3.     The second transformation is to become one again. This is the healing of the split in which you became two when your awareness became trapped in the Ego brain when self-consciousness arose when you were about 3 years old. The process of re-centering your awareness to your core self includes:

a)     Activate an energy center just above your head to allow your awareness to shift from the brain to outside the brain.  In some systems this is called the “watcher” or the 8th chakra. You probably will need to use marijuana to activate this energy center.

b)    Activate the Immortal Will. This is the will to live forever in physical form. As a child you knew you would live forever. Regain the faith of a child and be open to this possibility.

c)     The core self of one’s being is located under the breastbone and this will be your new center.

d)    In your core you will want to purify it through God’s Love, healing all negativity such as guilt, shame, self-hate and so forth.

See my previous post:  

4. The third transformation is making the “inner like the outer and the outer like the inner.”  This would mean one’s public presentation is the same as one’s private self. Note that I advise avoiding all unnecessary contact with humans so that you will avoid darkness and also so that you will not be force to play games. I have found that when I do not talk to people, do not make eye contact with them, do not engage them in any way and if I wish them “peace” that my life is great! It is only when I have to engage humans that problems immediately arise.

5. The fourth transformation is the elimination of the male and female part of you. The goal is to create a new self in which one honors wisdom.

a)     If the reader is male, then he is in a great position to become an Immortal if he starts by not engaging females; i.e., avoids any form of sexual activity. This means any action which leads to ejaculation as the sexual energy is needed in order to become an Immortal.

b)    If the reader is male, there is a possibility that a female self has emerged. You will want to eliminate it. Fundamentally, the female self wants to be punished and thrives on punishment; thus, it will unconsciously fuck up in order to be punished. Obviously, the female self which represents self-destruction and death needs to be eliminated.

6.  The Meat Grinder activation To Eliminate the Female Self:

“ Right here, right now I am sending the self in me which needs punishment to be ground up in a grinder (this can be a coffee grinder, blender, or meat grinder). This grinder will grind the female self so that it is no more. Thanks!”

The meat grinder activation can also be used to grind up any evil entity which may be inside of you. You can also send your enemies to the meat grinder. If you listen, you will start to hear the screams of these evil entities as cry out in pain! In my practice, I have found that the evil entity will usually reappear after it has been ground up; just keep doing it every time you are aware of this entity.  After 50 times or so of having been completely destroyed, the evil entity will leave you. Note: This activation is also great to use if you have parents who abused you: Just send them to the meat grinder! (Side note: I am speaking in spiritual terms and do not mean that you literally grind your parents in a meat grinder.)

7. Once the seeker of Immortality has unified himself through spiritual practices, then he is ready to construct an Immortal Body. As Jesus said in Saying 22: “When you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, a face in place of a face, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.”

8. During one’s daily meditation practice one will focus on rejuvenating the body. This is a permanent practice which is why meditation for an hour a day is a recommended practice of the Thomas Immortal Project.  Some suggestions:

a) While laying down in a darken room I connect my in and out breaths. This is done in a rapid manner in order to increase my body’s frequency. I continue this for about 10 minutes.

b. While laying down I center myself in my core self. This automatically connects me to my transpersonal self and to the body animating energy. The goal is to feel the subtle energies of the body. In time, your body will start to vibrate. These are great signs that your body is starting to become like a child again as it wakes up from being held at bay by the Ego brain.

c. I repeat a one-word mantra such as “Youthing” or “Immortal” in order to activate this intention.

d. Then I see my eyes being replaced with new eyes; my ears replaced with new ears; my foot replaced with a new foot; my face replaced with a new face. In essence, I am uniting with Jesus’ body at the Resurrection Frequency. This is the construction of the Immortal Body.

e. I will focus on one transformation such as my eyes and ask for perfect vision. Visualize yourself with perfect vision. Also, see your entire body becoming younger and healthier each day.

f. The Bindu Chakra which is locate at the top of your head will be activated. See:
Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About .

9. One additional idea ideas on meditating:

One important part of meditation is to oscillate between “focusing and defocusing." This means to focus by spending a few minutes intending a certain activation, say improved eyesight, and then defocusing by relaxing for a few minutes and just be aware of the body’s sensations. 

Summary: Saying 22 in The Gospel According To Thomas is a road map in making spiritual transformations in order to construct an Immortal Body. The transformations include: Becoming a child again, becoming one again by returning to your core self, unifying the inner and outer so that they are the same, and by being your natural male self without the need for sexual activity. The ‘meat grinder’ activation was recommended in order for the female self and other evil entities to be eliminated from one’s being. During one’s meditation practice one center’s himself in his core self and constructs an Immortal Body by being united with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency.  This is a daily practice and thus a one-hour daily commitment to meditating is a requirement to make any progress.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Recommended Practices For the Thomas Immortality Project

1. Celibacy—This is a prerequisite for all spiritual development. From an Immortal viewpoint, the sexual energies must be allowed to rise from the base of the spine to the top of the head. If this energy is released via ejaculation, then it cannot be used to allow for youthing or rejuvenation. In my case, it took 6 months and about 40 failures before I achieved sexual mastery. So it may take the seeker some time in order to be whole. I would suggest that the seeker pray to God for strength. Please be clear: If you engage in ejaculation, you cannot be an Immortal. 

2. Fast From the World—This means to be connected to God and God alone; thus, one will limit his interactions with humans. Besides using a public computer for about 3 hours a week, I do not use a computer or access the internet. Also, I do not own a television set or have an Apple phone. I do read the local newspapers in which I spend about 3 hours per week in order to have a general sense of what is happening. Fasting from the world also means you have organized your life so that you do not have a job in which you engage with humans on a daily basis. In sum, the process of becoming an Immortal means one develops a relationship with God and God alone.

3. Meditation for 1 hour per day—If the seeker is just starting out, then 10 minutes of focusing on his breath is great! Then work from there and add 5 additional minutes of practice per week until you get up to 60 minutes. Also, note that 2-3 times a week I use marijuana as an aid to access a higher dimension which I combine with marijuana use. Essentially, this “higher dimension” is an energy center just above your head. When you are at this level, you will not be able to report on anything as there is a sense of boundlessness; this makes sense since without the brain there is not receiver which will allow you to record any information. Side note: People who claim to have out-of-body experiences, to have near-death experiences, or have contacted higher dimensional beings are probably deceived. Thus, while activating this energy center outside the brain is necessary in order to detach from the ego brain and then be re-centered in the body, I would not engage in any other practice which would  have my consciousness leave my body. 

4. Activating Jesus’ sayings to the Immortal Frequency—This is the cornerstone of the Thomas Immortal Project: Because Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas were recorded by his brother, Judas, after his Resurrection, they are already vibrate at the Immortal Frequency and thus by activating them before reading them aloud, the seeker will be united with the Immortal energies of Jesus. Note that it is only through Jesus one can be an Immortal as only his words are life! Also, note that one must be whole and centered in the body for the activation to work. Please see my previous post:  Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” for additional insights. 

5. Returning to your core self—This is shifting one’s awareness from the ego brain with its incessant chatter to your core self. Note that the center of your core self is located below the breastbone (connected to the rib cage) and this is your true self. The false self was created when your parents forced you to be submit to their will; in fairness, the creation of the ego was probably an evolution development which allowed for social structures to exist. In any case, nearly all humans have their sense of awareness trapped in their brain. Note that when one is in the ego brain there is no free will as it controls you. Any idea that you have free will at this level is an illusion. Please see: Healing The Split: Becoming One Again by Returning To Your Core Self

6. Purification—This is the healing of traumas, feelings of being unworthy, self-hate, and memories of the past which cause guilt, shame, regret, and so forth. The goal is to be Holy even as God is Holy. Every morning I activate a light bandage which I wrap around the body and ask for God’s Love to flow through my being, allowing for healing. This takes about 20 seconds a day and is a highly recommended daily practice. 

7. Strengthening the Immortal Will—This is living one’s life with the single-minded goal of being a Physical Immortal. A great practice includes doing 50 pushups, 100 sit ups, and using weights on a regular basis. Try to do one new thing a day. Challenge yourself! Note that as one lives from his core self and has activated his transpersonal self the Immortal Will takes a life of its own and will help direct your life. Also, note that the Immortal Will works with The Spirit of Truth in guiding you to be an Immortal.

8. Wisdom—This is seeing things from a long-term view and considers the context of a situation. I would always error on the side of showing mercy than punishing someone who has fucked up. Of course, mercy has its limits and those who show no willingness to address the issues at hand may need to be dealt with accordingly. Along with Wisdom, one will want to cultivate other higher-order activations: Truth, Courage, Mercy, Faith, Honor, and Will. This is why the study of Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas is helpful: Jesus’ sayings include all the necessary activations to achieve wisdom. Of course, one must seek wisdom and when one fucks up admit the error and then try to learn to do better in the future.