Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Death Instinct and Other Terms Used On This Blog

Below are some terms which have been referenced on the Thomas Immortality Project blog directly or indirectly. What I hope you might do is find a term that’s interesting to you and google it. It’s a fun way to learn new facts.

1. Death Instinct—This may be termed the “anti-life” instinct. Based up a universal law (which I just made up): For every given thing, there is an anti-thing.  So there is life. But there is also anti-life. Sigmund Freud used the Greek term, Thanatos, for what is the “death instinct.”  What to do about this spiritual construct? It must be transformed and probably eliminated from one’s being in order to have eternal life. See: Death Instinct - world, body, life, time, person, human, Life and Death

2. Kundalini—This is the Dynamic Ground rising from the base of the spinal column to the top of the head. Males who do not ejaculate can allow the Kundalini to rise. See: Chakra Experiences in the Awakening Process — The Kundalini Guide

3. Dynamic Ground—This term comes from Michael Washburn’s text, The Ego & The Dynamic Ground. See:  Amazon.com: The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal ... In brief: In males the Dynamic Ground is almost always diverted to the balls where it will eventually will be released in the life energy of males, sperm. This means that a male who ejaculates cannot be an Immortal since the energy used in masturbation is used up and there is none to rise to the top of the head. Please see previous term, Kundalini. In any case, to shift one’s consciousness from the Ego to the Dynamic Ground (the Spirit of God), Professor Washburn’s thesis is to be open and be prepared for the “dark night of the soul.”

4. 9-Chakra System—This consists of the 7 energy centers associated with the body, the Earth Chakra (beneath one’s feet) and the 9th chakra just above the head. As the Kundlini rises from the base of the spine to the top of the head it can go two places simultaneously: a) Outside the head—this is the 9th chakra and b) through the pineal gland to the 6th chakra (which is located between the eyebrowns). See:  feedback. Report another imagePlease report the offensive image. CancelDone

5. Transpersonal Self—As the Kundalini rises to the top of the head, there is a possibility that a divine spark may occur and the chakra outside the head is activated. In some systems this is called the “Witness.” This divine spark will allow one to detached from the Ego brain. Going one step further, when the Ego has dissolved itself (this occurs when it is seen to be an artificial construct), one is Enlightened. At this point, things just happen as they happen; Since there is no Ego, there is no self-direction of the brain (which really was an illusion). See: Joy's Way, A Map for the Transformational Journey: An Introduction to ...

6. The Eternal Now or the Tao—This is a state of consciousness in which the Transpersonal Self has been activated. In this state of being, one gives up and allows God’s Spirit to move as it wishes. The less you do, the better!

7. Alien-Ego Hypothesis—This hypothesis claims the Ego is being controlled by dark forces. This dark energy is a parasite which thrives on its host, the human being. Note that Satan must allow a some life force in so that it can eat. The amount of life force allowed is a matter of conjecture; some have claimed it’s 50%-50% with a balance of “good vs. evil.” While this sounds nice, I believe it’s more like 10%-90% with the majority of high-intensity emotions (like, say, outrage) dominating while pro-life forces such as love, joy, and contentment are allowed to occur from time to time. Supporting arguments for the “Alien-Ego” hypothesis include:

a. Fetishes—these are independent psychic energies which in males used the balls in order to stimulate an erection and then masturbation. These dark energies usually use negative stories which the brain has concocted and usually involves harm to others. The great danger: These creatures stay alive as long as you continue to masturbate to it; then it will fuck you up in real life by taking over at key moments and making you do something stupid. 

b. Sub-personalities—these are classified into two groups:

1. Brain-centered—In this case, there is just sub-vocalization of various parts of the brain; apparently, these voices are talking to each other or is attempting to get the ego to listen it. 

2. Alien—These are voices which come from outside the brain. Carl Jung wrote a book which he kept from the public until his death about an alien being which spoke directly to him. Amazon.com: The Red Book: A Reader's Edition (Philemon ...). In this “red book” Jung illuminates the interaction between himself and the alien being, Philemon. See: Philemon Foundation | Who is Philemon? - Translating and Editing the ....

3. Self-Harm—This is when a person intentionally harms himself. Classically, this is considered part of the “superego” in the triad model of Freud. An excellent text which details the perverse extent Satan will go to get human beings to harm themselves is given in the text, Man Against Himself.  See: Amazon.com: Man Against Himself (9780156565141): Karl Menninger ...

4. Demonic Possession—This is an example in which dark energies have completely taken over the human being. Although there are exceptions, one has usually invited this dark energy into one’s being. Excellent resources come from People of the Lie,  People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil: M. Scott Peck ... and Amazon.com: Glimpses of the Devil: A Psychiatrist's Personal ...

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