Monday, December 12, 2016

Can Smoking Marijuana Make Me Immortal?

Yes. When the purpose of using an active substance in marijuana, cannabidiol (CBD), is for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, cannabis is very helpful. As Jesse Ventura has noted in his text, Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto, CBD is useful for numerous conditions: Parkinson’s, spinal injury, and multiple sclerosis. Please see the chart in his text on page 70 of the above text for examples of the many dozens of conditions which CBD might be helpful.

For readers of this blog the chain of causation in becoming a Physical Immortal might include:

a) Intention—this is the intention to become Immortal,


b) Immortal Will—this is the will for Immortality while eliminating the death instinct,


c) Reading Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency,


d) Activating Jesus’s words by smoking marijuana or otherwise consuming CBD.


If you like wild conjectures, then here is one: Plant life and human life coevolved as Charles Darwin noted in his observations (see: Coevolution - Wikipedia). This plant or flower will live as long as there are human beings to ingest it; if it allows for a shift in the aging code, then so much the better. Thus, it does not surprise that God would use a plant in order to return mankind to the original Garden of Eden.


My own practice:

During the morning: I say my Holy Vows aloud, invite the Spirit of Truth to be activated, ask for Jesus’ words to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, and then read passages from the Gospel of Thomas aloud. Usually, I will choose one passage per day and focus on that message for the day. This takes about 20 minutes.

During the night or evening: I use a small dosage of edibles such as chocolate brownies before resting. After the CBD has been activated, I intend for my body to vibrate at the level of Jesus’ words: The Immortal Frequency.

Truth seekers are encouraged to try different ideas out to see what works for you. From anecdotal reports, people appear to be stunned that the claims of this blog actually work. The goal is to be re-connected with God as an Immortal. “Blessed is the person who has struggled and has found life!” –Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 58.

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