Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Where Have You Come From? From the Light!

In the Gospel of Thomas, saying 50, we have a remarkable catechism in which Jesus tells his followers how to answer various questions which might be posed to them:

Who are you?  

We are the children of the Living Father.

Where did you come from? 

We came from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself.

What is the evidence of God within you?

It is movement and it is rest.

The second answer is quite interesting--we came from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself. This appears to refer to the spiritual light which the seeker has entered. Here is the place of self-generating light. 

This answers the schoolboy's question: "Who made God?" Answer: This is a category mistake, a kind of fallacy in which one mixes things of a different type as though they were the same. In this case, while mankind is finite and limited, God is infinite and unbounded. Any question which would assume what is true in the finite must be true in the infinite is an error in thinking. In fact, because God is infinite, the rules of causality or the laws of cause-and-effect do not apply to God as they might to a human being. So who made God? Because God is infinite and exists simultaneously in many dimensions at once, God is self-generating and thus nothing made God.

The Immortal unites with the Living Father through union with the resurrected Jesus. This higher level of being or immortal consciousness is activated as the consciousness shifts from brain-centered consciousness (the default mode for human beings) to God-centered consciousness. This implies that the transpersonal consciousness which is outside the brain has been activated. This shift will activate all the other chakras connected to the body along with a strong connection to the heart chakra.

My approach to shifting to the immortal consciousness is the direct path: Just do it! Being an Immortal is a one-step process: Activate the light consciousness--the place where light came into being by itself! 

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